Demographic Jihad by the Numbers:

Getting a Handle on the True Scope

2 June 2007 ©Yoel Natan


Author of the book Moon-o-theism


I.  Introduction

A.      Countering the Inevitable Charge of Islamophobia

      Case #1: A Pew Research Poll in 2007 Says 26% of Young Adult Muslim-Americans Support Suicide Bombing

      Case #2: Infidels Supposedly Have Nothing to Fear from Muslims, Yet Muslims Inexplicably Fear Being Takfired, That Is, Being Declared Infidels

B.      Demographic Jihad Explained

C.      Why This Study Is Important

      The Size of the Minority of Muslims and the Quality of Life Index

D.     Arriving at Accurate Demographic Snapshots and Projections

E.      The Politics of Demographic Numbers

II. Global Demographics and Projections

Countries discussed in some detail (if a country is not listed here, it likely is mentioned in passing, and can be found using the browser Search function):

Afghanistan Africa Albania Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Belize Benin Bosnia-Herzegovina & the Republika Srpska Britain (United Kingdom) Canada Chechnya China Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark East Timor Egypt Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Europe France French Guiana Germany Global Greece Greenland Guyana Horn of Africa/Somalia India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland & North Ireland (UK) Islamdom Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kosovo Lebanon Macedonia Malaysia Mexico Mideast Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Netherlands Nigeria North America Norway Oman Pakistan Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) Philippines Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore South Africa South America South Asia Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria Tajikistan Thailand Tri-Border Region, aka Triple Frontier, Trinidad & Tobago Islands Turkey Ukraine United States Western Sahara Yemen


Note: For maps and population information, see Yoel Natan’s “Christian and Muslim Demographics,” May 2007 PDF (>8MB).


III. Regional Demographics

A.      Africa

      Algeria, Benin, Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa/Somalia, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Western Sahara

B.      Europe, The Balkans & Russia

      Some Anticipate a Eurabian Civil War

      Anti-Semitism Increasingly an Islamic Phenomenon

      Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina & the Republika Srpska

      Britain (United Kingdom):

o  Radical Muslim Attitudes in the Anglosphere

   In Britain

   In the United States

   Anti-Semiticism in the UK

o  More on Muslims in the UK

      Chechnya, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland & North Ireland (UK), Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine

C. Islamdom

      The Global Jihad

      The Bloody Borders and Innards of Islamdom

D. The Mideast

      The Diminishing Population of Christians in the Mideast

      Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq


o  Judaism’s Four Holy Cities

o  Jerusalem Demographics

o  Jewish Anti-Missionaries

o  General Religious Info

o  Messianic Jews

      Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen

E. North America

      Canada, Greenland, Mexico, United States

F. South America, Central America and the Caribbean

      Summary:  Argentina, Belize, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Tri-Border Region, aka Triple Frontier, Trinidad & Tobago Islands (NE of Venezuela)

G. South Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia

      Afghanistan, Australia Tajikistan

o  Prislam in Australian Jails

      Bangladesh, China

o  The Uighur Muslims

o  The Hui Muslims

o  China’s Attempts to Criminalize Criticism of Islam Locally and Globally

o  China’s Gender Imbalance

      East Timor, Indonesia


o  The Caste System and Affirmative Action

o  Recent Violence In India Proper

o  Kashmir

o  Indian Demographic Projections

      Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand


I.  Introduction


A. Countering the Inevitable Charge of Islamophobia

Obviously, a report like the one you are reading now will elicit cries of Islamophobia from the usual suspects, those being touchy Muslims and politically correct multiculturalists. They say that any apprehensions about mass Muslim immigration constitutes Islamophobia. Also, anyone criticizing Islam or contradicting Muslim propaganda, no matter how valid their points are, is an Islamophobe. Examples of Islamophobic deeds include:

      Saying that there are only 1m or 2m Muslims in America rather than the 8m that CAIR claims because this is just an effort to “seek to block Muslim political participation.”

      Standing against the violent edicts of Shariah law…”

Undoubtedly, charges of racism will be lodged, but that is absurd since Islam and Islamists are not a race. To counter anticipated charges of Islamophobia, one can examine case history to see how ludicrous such charges:


Case #1 A Pew Research Poll in 2007 Says 26% of Young Adult Muslim-Americans Support Suicide Bombing

A May 2007 Pew Research survey of Muslims in the US revealed:

      5% of US Muslims [or 117,500 out of 2.35m Muslims] expressed favorable views of the terrorist group al-Qaida, though about a fourth [a quarter of pollees] did not express an opinion.”

      13% (305,500) of America’s 2.35m Muslims say suicide-bombings “to defend Islam” can be justified.

      26% of Muslims under 30 years old say suicide-bombings “to defend Islam” can be justified (2% often, 13% sometimes, 11% rarely). This is a particular troubling statistic because the under-30 crowd makes up the bulk of would-be Jihadists around the world.

The May 2007 Pew Research survey did not ask exactly what “to defend Islam” meant to respondants, but 53% of American-Muslims said “it has become more difficult to be a Muslim in the U.S. since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.” Also, only “26% say the U.S.-led war on terror is a sincere effort to reduce international terrorism.” In other words, many American-Muslims might perceive the War on Terrorism (WoT) as an attack on Islam that had to be defended against by suicide-bombing.

To back up the contention that many American-Muslims see the WoT as an attack on Islam that must be defended by suicide bombings, Muslims overseas seem to think this way. World Public Opinion found that most Muslims see the WoT as an attempt to “weaken and divide Islam” (Morocco 78%, Egypt 92%, Pakistan 73%, Indonesia 73%). In these same four countries, many Muslims think suicide-bombings are justified (Morocco 43%, Egypt 23%, Pakistan 19%, Indonesia 16%).

Were these survey results a big concern to American Muslims? Hardly. Muslim spokespersons said that Muslims were just like mainstream Americans. To prove this, they drew comparisons between Israeli and American support for counter-terrorism efforts and Muslims’ terrorism-sympathizing and supporting attitudes, as though these lawless and lawful attitudes were just two sides of the same coin. For example:

      Hussein Ibish, executive director of the Foundation for Arab American Leadership told Newsweek that Israeli Jews approved of killing civilians the same as Muslism do:

It’s exactly the same kind of statistic you’d get if you asked young Israelis about torture, demolition of villages, assassinations—they’d say yes because they know the Israelis have done it but loathe to say it’s wrong.

      The Columbus Dispatch talked to Ahmad Al-Akhras, a Columbus, Ohio resident and national vice chairman of CAIR, and president of the Islamic Foundation of Central Ohio. Al-Akhras “called the number small,” and said:

There is no justification in Islam for targeting civilians or supporting terrorism. Those who commit these actions are committing a sin…Muslims believe that human life is sacred and that it is protected….Americans in general might be more supportive of targeted attacks on civilians, as part of the war on terror, than U.S. Muslims. A December 2006 poll by the University of Maryland-affiliated found that 24% of Americans think bombings or other attacks intentionally aimed at civilians are ‘sometimes or often justified.’[1]

The poll that Al-Akhras refers to is dated 24 Jan 2007.

Pollsters and the media generally have no interesting in familiarizing themselves with Islam, so apologists for Islam regularly take advantage of their naiveté. Such was done in the case of the Pew and World Opinion polls mentioned above. For example:

      Al-Akhras said that there was no justificatoin for terrorism, but he wouldn’t want the media to know that Islam’s top theologians have all approved of suicide-bombings, and therefore it is natural for many Muslims in America to believe likewise:

o        The Mar 2002 issue of American Muslim magazine, published by the Muslim American Society’s (MAS), printed a fatwa endorsing suicide bombings against Israelis and said that the bombers were Jihadist martyrs approve by Allah. This fatwa was originally issued by “Faysal Mawlawi, deputy chairman of the European Council for fatwa and Research, headed by the “Theologian of Terror,” Youssef al-Qaradawi.”

o        On 6 July 2005 “a major conference of 170 Muslim scholars from 40 countries meeting in Amman, Jordan gave an opinion” that “it is not possible to declare” that “those who issue fatwas to kill innocent people in the name of Islam” are “apostates” and “not real Muslims.”

o        In 2005, “high-ranking Muslim clerics” confirmed “that those who carry out suicide bombings cannot be treated as apostates and remain Muslims.”[2]

o        In 2006 a high-ranking scholar, Dr. Mohammad Rafat Othman, of Al-Azhar seminary in Egypt stated: “Those using suicide bombing against the enemy, the land robbers, and the occupier of nations, are martyrs.”[3]

      America is “a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs and want to kill countless innocent men, women and children around the world,” as politician Fred Thompson put it in May 2007. Yet right in the midst of Americans are a significant percentage of Muslim-Americans admitting that they cheer on the suicidal maniacs. The nineteen 9/11 hijackers were essentially suicide bombers, and many Muslims rejoiced when over them. Of course, this is to be expected since Islamic doctrine splits the world into the Domain of War (Dar al-Harb) and the Domain of Islam (Dar al-Islam), and American-Muslims just happen to be living behind enemy lines in Dar al-Harb.

      The pollsters would be shocked to learn that a main reason why more polled Muslims did not approve of suicide-bombings has nothing to do with the bodycount, but whether and when it is permissible for a Muslim to kill himself in order to kill the enemy. In other words, if the pollsters had asked about non-suicidal terrorism to defend Islam, many more Muslims than the 13% would have said it was justified.

      When Al-Akhras says Islam condemns “terrorism,” he has in mind cops and robbers type criminal activity since, after all, the Koran commands Jihad until all religions are for Allah. This is why Muslims say Allah Akbar! (Allah is Great!) when committing acts of terrorism, because to them their deeds are the Jihad commanded in the Koran.

      Apologists for Islam claim that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. In fact, Muslims want the media to never use the words “Islamic terrorism” together in the same sentence. Yet polls show that the more people identify themselves as Muslim (e.g., “I’m Muslim first, American second”), the more they thought suicide-bombing was justified, as the Pew Research poll concluded:

...younger Muslims in the US are more likely than older Muslim Americans to express a strong sense of Muslim identity, and are much more likely to say that suicide bombing in the defense of Islam can be at least sometimes justified.

      When Al-Akhras says terrorism is a “sin” according to Islam, he would rather have non-Muslims not know that Allah and Muslims are all too quick to forgive the “sin” of “targeting civilians.” In other words, it is a trivial and venial sin in Islam rather than a cardinal sin, and Al-Akhras’ omitting this fact is rather sly of him. As proof of this contention:

o   The Columbus Dispatch reported that Muslims have no problem approving of this particular “sin”:

In surveys Pew conducted last year, support [for suicide-bombings] in some Muslim countries exceeded 50 percent, while it was considered justifiable by about one in four Muslims in Britain and Spain, and one in three in France.

o   One will rarely find any Muslim who would condemn or pronounce takfir (excommunication) on terrorists or terrorist groups by name (e.g., Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda, Hamas), even though the people these groups kill the most are civilians.

o   Even though Muslims overwhelmingly say they object to killing civilians, many of these same Muslims cheer on terrorist groups that do just that year after year. The poll dated 24 Jan 2007 says:

Militant Islamic Groups and Terrorism Iranians, like Americans, are concerned about terrorism and reject Osama bin Laden overwhelmingly. Iranians are considerably less concerned than Americans about al Qaeda and other Islamist militant groups, however, and majorities have positive views of Hamas and Hezbollah. Iranians overwhelmingly reject attacks intentionally aimed at civilians, including those targeting Americans. Americans concur though the percentage of Iranians who reject such attacks is somewhat higher than the percentage of Americans who do so. A modest majority of Iranians, however, make an exception for some Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians. Americans do not make such an exception for Israeli attacks on Palestinians....

o   Many Muslims think that suicide bombing is such a trivial sin that they contend that so-called Islamophobia is worse than terrorism, as Arab News reported in May 2007:

Foreign ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) yesterday expressed grave concern at the rising tide of discrimination and intolerance against Muslims, especially in Europe and North America…the foreign ministers termed Islamophobia the worst form of terrorism and called for practical steps to counter it.


Case #2: Infidels Supposedly Have Nothing to Fear from Muslims, Yet Muslims Inexplicably Fear Being Takfired, That Is, Being Declared Infidels

Muslims say that infidels have nothing to fear from Muslims, and those that fear Muslims are Islamophobes. When Muslims are confronted with polls showing just how radical Muslims are, the typical response is that this has nothing to do with Islam, but rather it is always the infidels’ fault for making life hard for Muslims somehow. For instance, when asked about the PewResearch poll in May 2007 that said 13% (or 305,500) of America’s 2.35m Muslims say suicide-bombing is justified…

Jordan Robinson, 22, a Muslim from Gahanna, said the survey shows most American Muslims are ‘mainstream’ but that it points out a need to address the grievances of young Muslims.

Infidels are supposed to be satisfied with Muslim fatwas against terrorism even though:

      A close reading shows they are shot through with weasel words, loopholes, and takkiya fibbing. Even if these fatwas were ironclad, Muslims generally do not honor any religious statements in languages other than Arabic. However, since these fatwas are merely meant for infidel consumption, they are rendered in English and never translated into Arabic.

      The highest authorities of Islam, such as at the Al-Azhar Seminary in Cairo, have already said that suicide-bombers were martyrs, and suicide-bombings were justified, so all the fatwas issued by lesser authorities in the West have no value except for fooling the infidels.

      There is no school of Islamic thought, no respected medieval or modern Islamic treatise, nor any Muslim sect, that “reject the proposition that the umma must wage war in order to establish Sharia.” This is why non-Muslim apologists for Islam like Karen Armstrong are so useful for Islamists because she provided the tome that whitewashes Islam, the tome they themselves could not write for fear of being declared heretics or apostates and then killed by takfiris. The all-too-grateful Muslim Public Affairs Council of Los Angeles gave Armstrong a media award in 1999 for biography on Muhammad.

Sunnis have long taught that Shiites are infidels, and vice versa. A takfari is one who declares Muslims to infidels, either individually or by sect. Muslims say that infidels are supposed to satisfied that they are safe from harm based on fatwas. If infidels have nothing to fear, why does it concern Sunnis at all that Shiites think of them as infidels, and vice versa?

For their mutual protection against being takfired, Sunnis and Shiites signed agreements not to declare each other infidels. The fact that Sunnis and Shiites removed themselves from harm’s way worsens the situation for the remaining infidels because now Jihadists have fewer targets to go after. The Associated Press reported in May 2007:

With sectarian divisions fueling violence in Iraq, Sunnis and Shiites in the U.S. are increasingly wary of a spillover effect. In one public example, leaders from both traditions have launched ‘Intra-faith Code of Honor’ campaigns in three cities with major Muslim populations.

So far, 20 Sunni and Shiite leaders in Southern California have signed the first such code. The document denounces ‘takfir’—the labeling of another Muslim as a nonbeliever—forbids hateful speech about revered figures and urges debates at the scholarly level, not the street level. Similar agreements are expected to be completed this month in Detroit and Washington, D.C….

Another concern is keeping virulently sectarian literature from the Middle East out of American mosques. ‘As much as we can make clear the Muslim-American identity is not a natural extension of the Middle East, the better off we’ll be,’ he said….

In the Detroit area—home to the nation’s largest concentration of Muslims—Shiites blamed Sunnis for vandalism at Shiite-affiliated mosques and businesses after the execution of Saddam Hussein, a Sunni who repressed the Shiite majority in Iraq….

At the same time, intra-faith efforts can address the graver problem of anti-Muslim sentiment, he said. Bias incidents against Muslims including harassment, violence and discrimination rose nearly one-third last year to a 12-year high, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations. ‘Shiites and Sunnis need to work together so we can face our joint challenges,’ Qazwini said.

Ihsan Bagby, an associate professor of Islamic studies at the University of Kentucky, said challenges posed by the terrorist attacks, the first Gulf War and the ongoing war in Iraq have united Sunni and Shiites in the US more than divided them. ‘There’s never really been a very strong ecumenical movement in Islamic history that has really tried to forge understanding,’ he said. ‘Maybe this is the beginning of it.’

So here’s is what can be gathered from the above report:

      Muslims know that Muslims treat infidels badly, as in terrorism, ethnic cleansing, wars, etc. So Shiites want Sunnis to think of Shiites as fellow Muslims, and vice versa. So the practice of takfir is being banned, and literature inciting sectarian violence is banned. By contrast, even after mosques are shown to have literature and sermons inciting hatred against Americans, Israelis, Russians, and others, there is no effort, and no promises are made, to rid mosques, madrasas and Muslim schools of such literature and sermons. So, it seems that regular infidels will just have to get accustomed to being shot at and blown up by organized Jihadists, freelancers, and Sudden Jihadists.

      Because Muslims know that there will hardly be any backlash over terrorism against regular infidels, regular infidels will just have to make do with hollow Muslim fatwas against terrorism. Robert Spencer wrote:

…neither the CAIR nor the MPAC website contains any announcement about any program or initiative of any kind designed to lessen support for suicide bombing and Al-Qaeda within the Muslim community in America.

By contrast, Sunnis and Shiites are well aware that with Muslims, everything is eye-for-eye, and tooth-for-tooth, so the situation in America could deteriorate quickly into tit-for-tat car bombings and suicide vest bombings like in Iraq and Pakistan. That is why there was this special effort to come to an accord between Shiites and Sunnis, and even agree to ban certain cherished literature.

      When there was a conflict between Sunni Mu’awiya and Shiite Imam Hasan in 661 AD over the caliphate, they signed a peace agreement, reportedly so as not to weaken Islam in the face of the great Byzantine threat. Today, Sunnis and Shiites would fight each other in the West if they were not vastly outnumbered by non-Muslims in the West.  Moreover, they say they must join forces to fight “the graver problem” of Islamophobia and hate crimes (see above article). Once Muslims gain ascendancy anywhere though, all such feigned comradeship will dissipate just as occurs between Sunnis and Shiites in Iran, Pakistan and Yemen.

      Protestants and Catholics fought each other during the Thirty-Years-War, and have not fought much since. By contrast, Sunnis and Shiites have been at each other’s throats ever since 680 AD. In 2007, in America, comes the very first time they have attempted any type of voluntary rapprochement. If that does not say “war-god religion,” than what does?


B. Demographic Jihad Explained

Demographic Jihad is not exactly the classic Jihad warfare as practiced by Muslims for over 1350 years. Discussion on that can be found at Jihad Watch under the Islam 101 section, and in the “Islam for Infidels” guide by Hugh Fitzgerald. Demographic Jihad is, instead, the effort to establish hegemony over a region by all methods short of a classic Jihad.

The Demographic Jihad effort can extend over a period of a century or more, and uses a long list of legal (Lawful Islamism) and illegal methods. New methods and initiatives are being implemented every month.

The legal methods of Demographic Jihad include immigration, large family sizes, conversion of the natives through evangelism (Arabic:  dawa), and a long process of quiet and not-so-quiet ethnic cleansing.

When Muslim numbers are small:

      Muslims try to align themselves with dominant groups in order to gain influence and shield Muslims against inevitable critics and against the possibility of deportation from the country.

      Muslims start suppressing free speech by charging their critics with hate-speech, racism and homophobia. This causes their critics to shy away for fear that their academic and social life or earning power will suffer. It also emboldens Muslim and non-Muslim apologists for Islam, especially those looking for prestige and those who are out for a quick buck and their fifteen minutes of fame.

      If racism and homophobia are not already actionable offenses under the law, Muslims work to enact hate-speech laws in order to prosecute critics they cannot silence in other ways.

      Muslims work to make every aspect of society and culture Sharia-compliant, from newspaper cartoons to banks.

Demographic Jihad is a frontal attack on non-Muslim culture that has developed over thousands of years. The Wall Street Journal reported that eminent scholar Bernard Lewis said:

The Islamic world, he said, was now attacking the West using two tactics:  terrorism and migration. He listed ideological fervor and demography as two of the chief strengths that the Muslim world had in its favor in its face-off against the West, but fell short of offering any prescriptions for what Europe should do to stem the flow of immigrants from North Africa, South Asia and the Middle East.[4]

The ethnic cleansing aspect of Demographic Jihad proceeds mosque by mosque, street corner by street corner, and by block, neighborhood, suburb, city, region and nation. The ethnic cleansing involves all age groups, especially the youth since they are youthful and not subject to as stringent penalties as adults.

The ethnic cleansing usually starts as name-calling, bullying, and taunting of moderate Muslims, aka hypocrites, as the Koran calls them:

Truly, if the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and those who stir up sedition in the city [Madina], desist not, We [Allah] shall certainly stir thee up against them:  Then will they not be able to stay in it as thy neighbors for any length of time (K 033:060).

After the moderate Muslims are driven from the mosque and Muslim neighborhood and the mosque is radicalized, then radical Muslims take on the infidels. Youths and adults engage in Jihad crime against non-Muslims as a form of Jihad and looting. If infidels do not get the message and leave Muslim territory, it is open season on infidels who can be murdered and otherwise terrorized until they flee.

The rate at which Demographic Jihad occurs must be low enough so that it looks like a crime wave to those uninitiated in Islam. Thus, Imams preach against terrorism in order to apply the brakes to Jihad so their denials of Jihad are still plausible to the authorities and the media who want to be fooled.

 After a neighborhood goes entirely Muslim, then it generally becomes a no-go area for infidels. Just one of the many reasons infidels don’t want to live around Muslims is they know of all the wife beating that is sanctioned by Allah (K 004:003). The police, ambulances, firefighters and city contractors who work on the city infrastructure enter no-go areas at their own risk and often require back-up units. The infidel children are beaten up and have their bikes stolen, adults are roughed up, and infidels businesses are boycotted.

Europe is already segregating on a neighborhood basis with hundreds of no-go areas in France, and many in Sweden, Norway, Germany, Londonistan, Denmark and the Netherlands. Israel has no-go areas where no Jews feel safe going. In Britain, Spiegel reports:

In Blackburn and Preston, increasing numbers of neighborhoods have become exclusively Muslim, and the growing influence of the conservative Wahhabi school of Islam is more and more apparent among women who wear black robes and cover all but their eyes.[5]

What is occurring in Europe is just a Demographic Jihad rerun of what occurred in the Mideast for the last 1350 years. Current examples of slow-motion ethnic cleansing can be seen in Kosovo (see the Kosovo section), Nazareth (see the Israel section), Bethlehem (see the Palestine section), and any other place where infidels were no longer wanted. For example:

      In Stockholm in 2005, five veiled Muslim girls, aged 17 and 18, attacked 15 elderly women in their 70s and 80s, stealing their purses. One 71-year-old was pushed down a flight of steps, and a 78-year-old woman was pushed to the ground and kicked. One woman had snow shoved in her mouth until she let go of her handbag.

      UK Home Secretary John Reid went to talk to Muslims in East London, an Islamist heckled him saying, “How dare you come to a Muslim area.” “The Bishop of London says inner London will have a Muslim majority by 2020.”

      A 76-year-old man walked into Oldham in Greater Manchester, and three Pakistani youths told him, “Get out of our area,” before brutally beating him.

“White Flight” has already been observed in Europe, with expatriates moving to Australia, Canada and elsewhere, and many Jews are making Aliya to Israel. Daniel Pipes wrote about how this type of treatment will eventually cause more Europeans to flee:

Some 5% of the E.U., or nearly 20m persons, presently identify themselves as Muslims; should current trends continue, that number will reach 10% by 2020. If non-Muslims flee the new Islamic order, as seems likely, the continent could be majority-Muslim within decades.

Muslims talk about the Demographic Jihad against Europe. For instance, Mark Steyn quoted Colonel Muammar Qaddafi who said:

There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50m Muslims of Europe [sic] will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.

Oslo’s Aftenposten reported the words of Mullah Krekar:

‘We’re the ones who will change you,’ Krekar told Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet in his first interview since an uproar broke out [in 2006] over [Danish Muhammad] cartoons deemed offensive to Muslims.

‘Just look at the development within Europe, where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes,’ Krekar said. ‘Every western woman in the EU is producing an average of 1.4 children. Every Muslim woman in the same countries is producing 3.5 children. By 2050, 30% of the population in Europe will be Muslim.’

He claimed that ‘our way of thinking... will prove more powerful than yours.’ He loosely defined ‘western thinking’ as formed by the values held by leaders of western or non-Islamic nations. Its ‘materialism, egoism and wildness’ has altered Christianity, he claimed.

Pinhas Inbari of The Jerusalem Center for Public Affair wrote about the Demographic Jihad occurring in the Holy Land:

While one cannot claim that Fatah is a religious movement, it has strong Muslim features. Its military wing is the ‘Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade,’ whose military announcements are heavily laced with Koranic verses identical to those used by Hizbullah, according to which ‘the weakest on the face of the earth’ will become strong and inherit ‘and become the imams—the rulers’ [K 028:005]. This is the verse that Fatah leader Yasser Arafat chose to cite when he first entered Gaza in 1994 after the Oslo agreements.

Later Arafat explained just how Allah was making the weak stronger, as Sylvana Foa reported:

‘The womb of the Arab woman,’ Arafat says smugly, promising ultimate victory over the Jews, ‘is my strongest weapon.’

Muslims generally are glad to help Aussies out with their population problem, as the Sunday Herald Sun reported:

A Sunday Herald Sun investigation also found clerics railing against ‘evil’ democracy, vilifying Jews and Christians and encouraging jihad and polygyny. Many CDs and DVDs there feature London sheik Abdul Raheem Green, who is on an Australian Government watch list. On one, he tells his audience to Islamize Australia through a Muslim baby boom.

‘The birth rate in the Western countries is going down. People are more interested in their careers . . . they don’t want to have babies,’ Sheik Green says in one DVD. ‘So don’t you think, Muslim brothers and sisters, we’ve got a bit of an opportunity here? They’re not having babies any more. So what if, instead, we have the babies?

‘In Canada one in three or one in four children being born is a Muslim. What does that do to the demographic shift of a Muslim population in 20 years’ time?

‘To say I’m going to have two or three children and that’s it—that’s not allowed. The way we overcome the people is through our numbers.’


B. Why This Study Is Important

This study of Muslim demographics attempts to give an idea of what the future holds for the West. People have feared that Western population implosions, combined with burgeoning Muslim multitudes in the West, might actually make some Western countries majority-Muslim. It is also feared that continual spillover of populations from Islamdom will contribute to the Muslim inundation of the West.

Many people are resigned to this fate for the West and will not lift a finger to save Western civilization because they figure the other shoe will fall after their lifetimes. They are like the Israeli king Hezekiah. When he heard the prophecy that Babylonian moon-god worshipers would one day invade Israel and make his sons eunuchs in the Babylonian court, he was glad because he thought:

Will there not be peace and security in my lifetime? (2Ki 20:18).

For various reasons that will be discussed, it is unlikely that Muslims will become a majority in any Western country for another century. However, long before Muslims become a majority in the West, if they ever do, they can become a major menace if significant numbers of the Muslim diaspora become radicalized. Hugh Fitzgerald notes that Muslims, even in small numbers in the West, already present “a permanent danger in their countries,” and

The large-scale presence of Muslims in the Lands of the Infidels has brought about a situation, for those indigenous Infidels (and also for other non-indigenous arrivals, non-Muslim immigrants [and future generations]), that is unpleasant, expensive (the costs of monitoring, the costs of security, spiraling ever upward), and physically dangerous.

In terms of monitoring Muslims, just the mere tip of the iceberg involves:

      Monitoring mosques across Europe for any sign of Islamic radicalism, as the European Commission is intent on doing starting in May 2007.

      Making sure that Islamic extremists do not try to obtain semi-truck HAZMAT (Hazardous Material) licenses, or passenger-bus or school-bus licenses.

      Keeping nuclear technology from heading to the Mideast. In 2007, a Muslim nuclear engineer working in the US for 30 years took atomic power plant building designs and software to Iran.

      In 2007, special computer-assisted security cameras “have undergone exhaustive tests in Muslim areas of London, Bradford, Luton and other Midland cities” in the UK. As noted a page ago, “The Bishop of London says inner London will have a Muslim majority by 2020.”

      Muslim-monitoring also includes outreach efforts, as the Washington Post reported:

We’re spending more money on outreach . . . so we can say:  ‘Please help us. Please look for people who are turning away from institutions to extremism. Please be our eyes and ears,’ said Philip Mudd, deputy director of the bureau’s national security branch.[6]


The Size of the Minority of Muslims and the Quality of Life Index

Just how many Muslims need there be before life becomes unpleasant? Well, that depends on just what level of unpleasantness one has in mind. Examples follow:

      1% Muslims, of Whom a Significant Number Tend to be Islamists and Jihadists, Makes Life Unpleasant:  Many people consider life in the US to be increasingly unpleasant when compared to life before 9/11, even though Muslims only make up 1% of the US population, because:

o  Every week there is news of a terror arrest, trial or conviction in the US, and every few months a Muslim commits a terrorist act big enough to make the news. Law enforcement and the media try to delay mentioning, and even downplay, the jihadist aspect of crimes so Muslim rights groups do not get huffy about profiling and racism. The pretext authorities sometimes give for not mentioning Jihad is that law enforcement does not want to provoke a backlash against Muslims. This excuse is lame since no backlash materialized even after 9/11. Even before 9/11 when there were far fewer Muslims in the US, Islamists killed dozens of Americans in America before 9/11. In 2007, the FBI finally admitted:

The trend we’re seeing is that we are uncovering more instances of people here who have been radicalized…where there is not a direct thumbprint of al-Qaida.[7]

o  Freedom of travel has been impeded, even within US borders, especially at airports. Now travelers must dispense with sharp objects that could be used in hijackings, as well as beverages that could be liquid explosives. Passengers must also take off their shoes so the shoes can be x-ray scanned.

o  One realizes that we are in a 1350-year-old war with the implacable foe of Islam, and the stakes are just as big as they were in the wars against the ideologies of fascism and Communism. This war must be won if not for us, than for future generations.

o  Freedom of speech rights are curtailed as all casual and off-hand statements about Islam must be politically correct lest one risk being labeled a racist or colleagues fear that one is calling down the ire of Muslims.

o  Authorities and civil rights groups swarm over trivial incidents where non-Muslims refuse to be Sharia-compliant, thereby super-empowering, and making the world safe and welcoming for, Islamists. For instance, in Apr 2007, as a gag joke, a middle school (i.e. 12- to 13-year old) “white student” placed a ham sandwich in a bag on the cafeteria table where Somali students were eating. The Lewiston Maine Sun Journal called it a “hate crime,” the student was suspended from school pending disciplinary action for the “hate incident,” and the police were called in to investigate. Additionally, Stephen Wessler at the Center for Prevention of Hate Violence said the act was “extraordinarily hurtful and degrading” to Muslims, and that “It’s important to respond swiftly” to the “awful” deed.

o  One sees that more and more foreign aid, foreign policy and military commitments are no longer decided upon based on national interest, but increasingly are geared to appease and contain Muslims, foreign and domestic.

o  Every infidel’s civic responsibility now is to make life as pleasant as possible for Muslims in the hope that fewer Muslims will decide to go out hunting infidels to obtain 72 virgins in the celestial garden of Janna. Whenever Muslims do take the 72-virgins option though, infidels must worry not about further Jihad, but rather about an imminent backlash against Muslims that never seems to materialize as expected. Infidels must also blame those who are skeptical about Islam really being a religion of peace for maligning Muslims, thereby driving them to terrorism in the first place. Also, infidels must accept blame for not adequately jihad-proofing society via gun-control legislation and enforcement. For instance:

§   In 1997 when Palestinian Ali Hassan Abu Kamal shot several people atop of the Empire State Building, he carried a note saying it was for revenge against the US, “France and England for using Israel as ‘an instrument’ against Palestinians.” Yet, at a news conference in 1997, City of NY mayor Rudolph Giuliani (mayor 1994–2001), “attempted to shift the focus toward gun control” by blaming the US for not being completely Jihad-proof[8] and implied that Kamal was insane. Giuliani said Kamal was a “man who had many, many enemies in his mind.” In 2007 Kamal’s daughter Linda came out to set the record straight, and said that her father was a “martyr.”

Ironically, in May 2007 when a Turk, a Jordanian, and 3 Bosnian refugees, who had lived in America for 6 to 23 years, plotted attacks on America, Pasquale D’Amuro, the FBI’s counterterrorism chief in 2002 and 2003, and CEO of Giuliani Security and Safety in New York City, said cluelessly—as though he has no familiarity with traditional Islam, Jihad doctrine, and the Koran and Hadith:

That they would come here, be welcomed and then want to attack us–that’s what people have a hard time understanding.[9]

Gun bans are misguided because mass-murderers purposely go to gun-free zones such as malls, schools and amusement parks to avoid anyone who might have a concealed weapon. Then after the police arrive at a massacre, murderers shoot themselves or commit suicide-by-cop. Gun-ban advocates create vulnerable gun-free zones. Then when these places are shot up, they argue for even wider gun-bans, as though mass murderers couldn’t evade gun-control laws, or wouldn’t resort to killing with diesel and fertilizer bombs if guns were out-of-reach. Moreover, just as would-be mass-murderers are attracted to gun-free zones, would-be dictators cannot pass up gun-free countries.

§   In 1999, Ghazi Ibrahim Abu Maizar was arrested in Brooklyn before he could carry out his terrorist attack, yet the newspapers barely mentioned that his notes indicate he was targeting Jews and Americans. His case was treated just like the earlier Kamal case just discussed, and dozens of other terrorism cases, as Daniel Pipes noted.

§   In Feb 2007 Bosnian refugee Sulejman Talovic, or Suljo Talovic, hunted and killed five infidels in a Utah shopping mall before an off-duty police officer shot him. The family buried him back in Bosnia where photos show 300 family members, locals and people from nearby towns who came on buses to attend the funeral. Why? They wanted to touch the revered jihadist’s forehead to obtain blessings from Allah, as is Muslim custom—a la the “car swarms” in Palestine each time terrorists are killed by Israelis in cars and pickups. Standing beside the color-of-Islam green headstone that sported a crescent-and-star couplet, his father blamed Utah for not being Jihad-proof. The father said this no doubt so he and the mosque would not be investigated:

The authorities are guilty for not alerting us that he bought a gun. In the US, you cannot buy cigarettes if you are under-aged, but you can buy a gun.[10]

      1% Muslims, of Whom a Significant Number Tend to be Islamists and Jihadists, Ends Golden-eras For Jews:

o  Daniel Pipes wrote that due to Muslim immigration into the US, and radicalization there, the Golden Era for US Jewry has ended. Jews now feel personal and group insecurity, and must hire guards for any sizable event just as Jews overseas have been doing for years.

o  There been many anti-semitic assaults on the persons of Jews in the US, as well as threats and harassment, and their properties have been vandalized. Moreover, there have been many terrorist plots and attacks against Jews in America in the last few decades.

      3% Muslims, of Whom a Significant Number Tend to be Islamists and Jihadists, Results in Marked Decline in Public Safety for Everyone

Baron Bodissey quotes a reader from Germany:

Here are reports of a typical day’s worth of Muslim crime in Berlin in particular, with one example from Munich. The point to keep in mind is that before the Muslims were here, this was a very safe city, and knife and gun attacks were very rare. It’s amazing to see the decline in public safety that has accompanied the Islamization of Germany. We still don’t have the problems that the Brits and the French have in their public housing complexes, but I think that’s just a question of time.

      6.25% Muslims, of Whom a Significant Number Tend to be Islamists and Jihadists, Makes Native Non-Muslims Feel Like Foreigners in Their Own Country:  Tourists often feel a certain level of personal insecurity because they are foreigners in a foreign land. In the Netherlands, every 16th person is Muslim, which adds up to 6.25%. This gives some natives there the feeling that they are tourists in their own country. Netherlands Freedom Party (PVV) PM Geert Wilders said that Islam is…

…the greatest danger threatening us…Everything we are proud of, we are selling to the devil. Former head of the Mossad Efraim Halevy says that World War III has begun. I would not use those words, but it’s true. [Wilders fears a] tsunami of Islamization in the Netherlands…Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches!

In France, between the end of 2000 and 2001, during the Intifada raging back in Palestine, Jews sustained 450 antisemitic attacks, mainly from Muslims. When they complained about their situation, they were “rudely rebuffed, charged with provocation and racism. They felt they had been abandoned by the government and left in a suddenly foreign society.”[11]

UK natives report that in the presence of so many foreigners, especially Muslims, the UK is increasingly becoming Balkanized. Many native Brits are self-identifying as English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish, and people have taken to calling themselves as “Indigenous British” to differentiate themselves from immigrants. One moderate Muslim said, “Here in Britain, native Brits squirm about Britishness, no one can define what it means.”

When natives no longer feel patriotism and nationalism, and when they do not feel at home in their own country, many emigrate to places where it is perceived there are fewer Muslims. In other words, natives will trade that “at home” feeling for the feeling of long-term safety and belonging somewhere. Several countries in Europe are already experiencing White Flight; as Muslims move in, the natives move out to the countryside or out of the country entirely. White Flight is discussed later in this study.

      10% or a “Critical Mass” of Muslims, of Whom a Significant Number Tend to be Islamists and Jihadists, Makes Life Untenable For Non-Muslims:  France is 10% Muslim and has 6.2m Muslims according to the CIA Factbook (2006). Professor Raphael Israeli, an Israeli Jewish expert on Islam said that now that France is 10% Muslim, the…

When the Muslim population gets to a critical mass you have problems. That is a general rule, so if it applies everywhere it applies in Australia….French people say they are strangers in their own country. This [10%] is a point of no return. If you are on a collision course, what can you do? You can’t put them all in prison, and anyway they are not all violent. You can’t send them all back. You are really in trouble. It’s irreversible.[12]

Haaretz reported in Apr 2007:

…the millions of Algerians, Moroccans and Tunisians who have emigrated to France in the past 50 years, reaching a critical mass that no one in France can ignore….In the past year surveys have shown that nearly half of the French secretly agree with the opinions of Jean-Marie Le Pen. Nearly half feel that the country has been stolen by the ‘non-French’ and half feel their personal security has declined because of these ‘non-French.’[13]

In Oct-Nov 2005, French Muslims rioted for eighteen days in 300 French cities, torching 10k autos and a few buses, and causing 210m Euros ($242m USD) in structural damage.[14] The International Herald Tribune commented:

…The outcome of an investigation is keenly awaited in the suburbs. If the police are exonerated, it could trigger new unrest.[15]

So not only were the police blamed for the massive riots, but in 2007 Muslims presented a long list of demands to presidential candidates, and most presidential hopefuls signed the document, essentially buying into the logic that Muslims rioted because they were underprivileged and their existence was not subsidized by the government enough. So to sum the situation up, the Muslims went on a Jihad in Oct-Nov 2005 against French police and state “oppression,” and now have obtained their loot by imposing a Jizya tax treaty on the People of the Book (K 009:029).

      In Israel, Arabs (the vast majority of whom are Muslim) are 16.5% of the total population in 2007, according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics.[16] Ha’aretz reported that many Israeli Jews have a perpetual fear of a Muslim uprising, and consider many cities in Israel to be virtual no-go zones:

      68.4% of Israeli Jews fear a civil uprising on behalf of Israeli Arabs and 63.3% say they won’t enter Arab towns in Israel, according to the results of the 2006 index of Jewish-Arab relations released on Monday.[17]

Also, Arab gays cannot congregate anywhere except in Jewish areas. This explains why many, perhaps a majority of Israelis have guns at home and carry guns occasionally when the threat of violence is up.

      10% Muslims, of Whom a Significant Number Tend to be Islamists and Jihadists, is “Ruinous” for Jews in France:  The ADL says anti-Jewish violence has “tended to originate chiefly among Muslim immigrant circles in Europe, with extreme right groups jumping on the bandwagon.” Stephen M. Steinlight wrote:

      [In 2004 CNN] reported that violent attacks on Jews in Paris come at the average rate of 12 a day….current [US] immigration policy will prove politically and existentially ruinous to the American-Jewish community, as it has for the Jews of France, and will inevitably for the Jews of Britain [The UK is 2.8% Muslim, or 1.6m], indeed, throughout Western Europe. There is particular fear about the impact on Jewish life and security…[18]

Not surprisingly, many of the 700k Jews in France are moving to the US, Israel and elsewhere. Ilana Mercer wrote:

      In Europe, what remains of a Jewry devastated by the Holocaust comes under daily assaults and threats, mostly from the 20m-strong Muslim community. American Jewry is next.[19]

      20% Muslims, of Whom a Significant Number Tend to be Islamists and Jihadists, Is Enough For Muslims to Set Up Paramilitary Groups

Any number of Muslims can set up terrorist cells and groups, but in developed countries it might take 20% before larger paramilitary groups are possible:

o  The CIA Factbook reported that Muslims are 20% in Benin. Missionaries in southern Benin report that Muslims from northern Benin were coming south to burn down their churches and schools.

o  Muslims make up 5% of the EU populace, and one study says that by 2020 the EU will be 10% Muslim.[20] People have noted that the increase in Muslim populations led to conflicts in the Balkans and Beirut (see the Kosovo and Lebanon sections). Philip Jenkins wrote:

It is quite conceivable that inter-religious violence could erupt in Europe itself; we might even imagine Muslim paramilitary groups waging religious war on French and German soil…by 2050.[21]

o  One can see it starting already. In France, they had the Oct-Nov 2005 riots in 300 cities where many buildings were burned. In Bulgaria, where nearly 1m Muslims are 12.2% of the population, four Muslims were arrested in Feb 2007 for setting up a website calling for violent Jihad to overthrow the Bulgarian state, and then impose Sharia law.

o  For more on this topic, see the Table of Contents for the section on the Eurabian Civil War.

      A “Plurality” of Muslims, of Whom a Significant Number Tend to be Islamists and Jihadists, Makes Daily Life Grim:  Daniel Pipes notes that a majority Muslim population is not needed to make life unpleasant for non-Muslims; just a plurality will do that. A plurality as used here means that Islam is the largest religion within a nation’s borders. He wrote:

Wherever Muslims form a plurality of the population, the life of non-Muslims tends to be grim. In some part, this results from the laws of Islam, which disdain and purposefully oppress the non-believer.

Terror incidents, such as 9/11 in NY, 3/11 in Madrid, 7/7 and 7/21 in London, the assassinations of Pym Fortune and Theo Van Gogh, the cartoon crisis of 2006, and the outrage over the Pope’s statement in 2006, have awakened many people up to the idea that Muslims are going to be a menace sooner rather than later. This awakening has led a few commentators and politicians to stand firm and resist Islamist demands, but most still capitulate and attempt to appease Islamists. Here are examples:

      Jens Orback, Democracy Minister in the Swedish said during a radio debate:

We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so towards us.

      Spiegel described Europe during the Cartoon crisis:

As was the case in the 1930s, when Czechoslovakia was sacrificed in the interest of peace under the Munich Agreement—a move that ultimately did nothing to prevent World War II—Europeans today also believe that an adversary, seemingly invincible due to a preference for death over life, can be mollified by good behavior, concessions and submission. All the Europeans can hope to gain in this asymmetric conflict is a temporary reprieve, a honeymoon period that could last 10, 20, or maybe even 50 years. Anyone on death row breathes a sigh of relief when his execution is postponed to some indefinite time in the future.[22]

The West needs to keep Islamists out of the West even if that means ending Muslim immigration altogether, since:

      No one has a magic decoder ring that discerns which Muslim will turn radical or which Muslims will have children or make converts who end up turning radical.

      Even more worrisome is the fact that police are finding out that even in the case of well-adjusted Muslims, the radicalization or jihadization process can be quick. Hugh Fitzgerald opined on the subject:

…those who do not take the texts seriously are not ‘moderate’ Muslims but essentially bad Muslims, unobservant Muslims, Muslims who do not really believe. And there are far fewer of these than most non-Muslims assume. They are always open to the possibility of relapse, and certainly their progeny are, so that Infidels cannot base their own security and that of their institutions on the ‘hope’ that those ‘moderate’—i.e., bad—Muslims will never change their minds, and that their children will continue in the same vein.

That is a wager that Infidels should not be asked to make:  to bet their physical safety and that of their children and grandchildren, and that of their societies on those moderates. For those Infidel societies are already in various states of confusion and disarray, and are facing all kinds of problems. Such a bet could allow them to be done in by this Total Belief-System that originated 1350 years ago as an ideology, compounded of bits and pieces, distorted or misremembered, of both Judaism and Christianity, and with an admixture of pre-Islamic Arab paganism. No. That should not be expected of us, the Infidels. We are not ready to concede or commit suicide.

The West also must support moderate Muslims leaders against Islamists in Islamdom. I’ll let history make my point:  US President Jimmy Carter did not support the Shah of Iran in 1979 and Khoemeni came to power. Now less than 30 years later Iran is threatening nuclear holocaust for Israel. Ed Koch backs up my point:

…the US alone now stands between a radical Islamic takeover of many of the world’s governments in the next 30 or more years.[23]

Of course, the West ought not just throw money at the problem since that can make the problem worse, and Muslims treat the money like Jizya tribute and protection racket money (K 009:029). For instance, the US has been giving the Jordanian, Egyptian and Palestinian governments 2b dollars per year ever since 1974; nevertheless, the vast majority of these three populaces dislike the US and Israel tend toward Islamic radicalism. Polls show that if they had representational voting, Jordanians, Egyptians and Palestinians would vote in Islamic radical governments immediately (the Palestinians did just that in 2006 by voting Hamas into power). Nevertheless, the US dares not cut off all hope of their gaining US tribute money for fear of the consequences.

Some say that the Islamists are only popular because of 9/11 and the West’s supposed war on Islam. This is a big mistake since Islamists have long been popular throughout Islamdom. The only thing that held Islamists back has been secular dictators in places like Turkey, Egypt, and Indonesia. For example, when Indonesian dictator Suharto’s power ended in 1998, Islamists started wearing headscarves, were voted into legislatures, and creeping Sharia-ization of the society began in earnest. 1998 is three years before 9/11, of course. Adnkronos International reported:

Radical tendencies however emerged at the same time as the country returned to democracy in 1998.


C. Arriving at Accurate Demographic Snapshots and Projections

The Muslim and Christian share of the world’s population is increasing at the expense of the share of other religions—there could be no other way about it, of course. This article attempts to bring data together from various sources so the reader can get the big picture.

The three main sources of statistics are:  the CIA Factbook, the 2006 State Department Religious Freedom Report, and Wikipedia. I consider the State Dept report to be most up-to-date, reliable and detailed. The CIA Factbook is unbiased, but not quite so up-to-date and detailed as the State Dept report, in my opinion. Wikipedia is a convenient source of public data.

In this study, first a global synopsis is presented and then each region is discussed in more detail.

Data on the religion of birth parents is not kept for entire countries, so columnists apply the sketchy inner city data to cover the entire country. Based on their extrapolations, alarmists say that France, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and other European countries will be majority Muslim by 2025, 2036, 2050 or 2100.

The problem with many of these projections is that minorities and immigrants tend to congregate in rundown inner cities. If populations trends from US inner city maternity wards in the 1950s and 1960s were projected outward as is being done for Muslims in Europe, people would have said that American would be majority Black by, say, 2000. Instead, the largest US minority is now Hispanic.

Columnists similarly cite how certain Muslim countries like Yemen have high birth rates and imply that this is indicative across the region, or for all of Islamdom. Then they project that Islam will isolate the West, if not overtake West, leaving the Christian superpower, America, to single-handedly protect the last vestiges of Western civilization.

But the Malthusian projections fail to take into account the fact that countries with high birth rates tend to have small populations, and such a high birthrate is unsustainable, so their population explosion will not amount to much. Moreover, when a weighted average is taken of the entire region, the CPW is elevated but not enough to swamp the entire world with Muslims.

I present the case that the Muslim population growth in the West is real and worrisome as far as personal and national security goes, but there is no danger of Muslims becoming a majority in the West or in the World for a long while. Various studies and projections back up this finding.

In order for any population growth to amount to much, it would need to span two or three generations at current birthrates, that is, past 2050. It seems that growing literacy and information on the Web about birth control will curtail growth by 2010. Already, the Muslim birthrate, while still high, is tumbling in most locations.

While Muslim growth in the West and spillover of excess population into the West from Islamdom will be a major problem, projections of the Muslims actually taking over the European Union or the West will go the way of The Yellow Peril (aka The Yellow Terror) projection.

Yellow Peril refers to how, in the 19th century, the West thought that Orientals would take over Australia and other Western countries. Then, however, Communism and birth control trimmed back population expansion so it was on par with the anemic economic growth found in Communist countries.

Accurate demographic figures are important in religious and political forums because Muslims tend to puff up their numbers in many countries in order to improve their public relations image, up their appeal to would-be converts and ecumenicists, manufacture political clout out of thin air, cajole and demand politicians given them perks, access, resources, and positions. Lately, claims about Muslims being numerous have landed Muslims candidacies in major political parties, and a few have actually been elected to national offices in the US from liberal states such as Minnesota.

Inflating Muslim numbers also leads to more taxpayer-paid chaplain positions for Muslim clergy in prisons and the military, and to imams leading prayer at the opening of sessions of legislatures. Daniel Pipes wrote: “…a larger number, even if phony, offers…enhanced access and clout.”

In addition to bringing up-to-date information on demographics, this study is meant to spur on and facilitate further demographic studies.


D. The Politics of Demographic Numbers

Demographic predictions are like global warming predictions in that exaggerated hockey-stick graph projections attract more research grants, book contracts, and media attention than graphs with straight-line projections.

It is known that the Palestinian and UN population estimates for the West Bank and Gaza have been off by hundreds of thousands in recent years. The motivation for higher population counts is:

      International aid is based on the number of Palestinians and employees. Arafat and his cronies siphoned much of that aid off, so it made sense for them to have plenty of ghost employees.

      The greater the number of Palestinians, more Israelis are inclined to compromise to make peace—sooner rather than later when Israelis will be even more outnumbered.

The real number of Muslims in the US is perhaps 2m, the number the CIA Factbook gives. Other scholarly studies put it at under 2m. The estimates that say there are 7m or 12m American Muslims are absurd since the estimated number of mosques is 1,209 in the entire US, and most of these are small buildings or storefronts. If there really were, say, 5m Muslims, that would be 4,166 Muslims per mosque, yet most mosques have an attendance of just dozens. The larger mosques tend to bring in a few hundred worshipers for Friday Prayers.

What is ironic is that the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will use self-contradictory population statistics at once:

      CAIR tells PBS listeners (and anyone else who will listen) that hate crime against Muslims is “soaring,” yet the FBI says in the US the number has dropped from a high after 9/11 from 481 and remains flat at about 150 per year. Ironically, the only soaring categories of hate crime are the Muslim-on-Muslim, Muslim-on-infidel and Muslim-on-Jew (Anti-Semitic) categories.

      CAIR reports on their Website that there are 8m Muslims, and 3k mosques, or 2,667 Muslims per mosque. CAIR “updates” the statistics, bumping up the number each time.

      In 2007, Arsalan Iftikhar, the legal director of the Council of American Islamic Relations, said that there were 8m Muslim in the US after 9/11. In the same presentation, he cited a 2006 “USA Today/Gallup poll that found 58% of those surveyed had never met a Muslim, and if they had, they did not know it.” One wonders how there could be 8m Muslims in the US ever since 9/11, and yet still in 2006 only 42% of Americans never met a Muslim![24]

A Jan 2007 unsigned editorial at Investor’s Business Daily explained the origin of one of CAIR’s inflated estimate of US Muslims, that being 8m, after the Muslim Advancement Society pushed it on the unwary public watching CNN that day. The editors wrote:

It seems the size of the Muslim population in America jumps by an additional million every other year or so. Just a couple of years ago the consensus number bandied about in the media was 7m. Before 9/11 it was 6m.

Politicians in Washington are intimidated by the figure. They believe it. But it’s an inflated estimate fabricated by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), something that the media could easily refute if they dared—simply by deconstructing CAIR’s unscientific methodology.

While the number of Muslims is growing thanks to higher birthrates and immigration, it’s nowhere near CAIR’s claim. Even the most generous independent estimate puts it at half that size, or 4m. Finding reliable data for Muslims in America is hard because the Census Bureau does not survey creed. So CAIR, which has an agenda to Islamize America, has overfilled the vacuum.

To come up with its own figure, it hired a ‘respected scholar’ by the name of Ihsan Bagby to lead its ‘study.’ But Bagby not only lacks independence—he’s a CAIR board member—he’s not even a trained demographer. Worse, he admits the number he arrived at is a ‘guesstimation.’ Here’s how Bagby came up with his estimate of number of Muslims in America:

1.       With help from CAIR researchers, Bagby called the nation’s 1,209 mosques and interviewed 416 of them, asking them how many people were involved in their mosque in any way. The average response was 1,625, which is probably high, given that two imams claimed 50k when the nation’s largest mosque — Dar al-Hijrah in the D.C. suburbs — has only about 3k.

2.       Bagby then multiplied that fuzzy participation figure by the 1,209 mosques and came up with 2m ‘mosqued Muslims.’

3.       Next, he multiplied that sum by a magical factor of three to capture Muslims who might not participate in mosque activities, and arrived at the original 6m guesstimate for the size of the Muslim population in America.

….CAIR then took the liberty of bumping up the Muslim count to 7m. Now—presto—it’s at 8m, and climbing. But it’s the Wahhabi lobby’s big lie. CAIR and other militant Muslim groups use it to intimidate politicians, corporations and media to change policy.

[So far the words of the Investor’s Business Daily.]

Evidently, CAIR’s counting methodology is used by Muslims around the globe:

      The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) claimed there are 10m Muslim in America.

      The Community of Islamic Organizations in Italy (UCOII) says it has ties to “240 mosques in the country” and the UCOII represents 800k out of the 1.1m Muslims in Italy. That works out to 3,333 Muslims per mosque!

      Spiegel reported “A spokesman for Coordination Council of Muslims in Germany (KRM), Ayyub Axel Köhler, says his group represents a full 85% of German ‘mosque associations,’” but some say the actual number is only 10% or maybe 33% of Germany’s 3.3m Muslims.[25]

      The Arab-American Institute run by James Zogby claims there are 3.5m Arab-Americans, though government census data says there are fewer than 1m.

Once CAIR exaggerates the number of US Muslims by three or four times, CAIR gives this mostly phantom army a voice by conducting unscientific surveys designed to elicit a pro-Islamic and pro-Palestinian response.

CAIR also threatens corporations such as Boeing and Nike with Muslim boycotts, and has led email= and letter-writing campaigns against politicians, talk-radio celebrities, newspaper cartoonists and editors. Of course, these threats are more palpable if CAIR claims there are 8m Muslims in the US rather than just 2m because people cave in to CAIR so as not to offend that many Muslims.

CAIR is not the only beneficiary of its exaggerated estimates of Muslim Americans since there are many organizations claiming to represent Muslim- and Arab-Americans, e.g. the MSA, MAS, the ISNA for starters.

The fact that these inflated estimates make Arab- and Muslim-Americans overly influential given their true number would be bad enough, but the reality is that CAIR and similar organizations mostly represent foreign Islamist interests who have a lot of petrodollars. Many of these interest groups were founded and are funded by foreigners, or by Muslims who “just got off the boat” and were not integrated into American life in the slightest. For instance:

      The Muslim American Society (MAS) collected only $87,299 in membership dues according to their IRS Form 990 for 2004, which makes one wonder who exactly funds most of their activities, and who they really represent.

      The Muslim Student Association on many US college campuses was founded and funded by Saudi Wahhabists, and is linked to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

      Palestinians who came to America founded CAIR. CAIR has board members with connections to terrorists and terror-related crime. CAIR uses the same tactics that Khoemeini supporters used against the Shah of Iran, that the PLO uses against Israel, and that the KLA used against Serbia, i.e., terrorists complain of human rights abuses and the powers that be sympathize with them and bestow on them what they cannot gain through terrorism—land and power. CAIR is “on the case” whenever a spiteful thing is said about Islam, even when it is dubious, hearsay, or an anonymous blog comment that could have even been left by anyone, even CAIR. By contrast, myriad imams give hateful sermons for decades and Jihadists swim like fish among the Muslim community, yet CAIR and nearly all Muslims say not a peep about it until they are asked to comment when terrorism occurs, or a TV exposé exposes Muslim hate.

CAIR is known for having Mideast benefactors, particularly from the United Arab Emirate (UAE) and Dubai. In 2002, Mideast donors bought a 1m USD building for CAIR headquarters. In 2006, a UAE endowment would allow CAIR to build a $24m 7-story headquarters, have a $3m annual operating budget, and run a $50m publicity campaign over a number of years. CAIR’s IRS Form 990 for 2005 showed only 2,615 members whose dues totaled $65,377. When one compares how much foreigners give CAIR versus how little Americans give CAIR, it would seem that CAIR should be required to register as a foreign lobbying firm under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. At least they should be required to show congressional representatives they meet how few members they have. As it is, the Mideast oil-sheiks, and Jihadist organizations like Hamas, control CAIR and have the same political clout as the 8m American-Muslims that CAIR claims to represent—three quarters of whom don’t even exist.

      The same holds true in Italy as it does in America. The UCOII mentioned above, the organization that claims to represent 800k Muslim-Italians, has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. Recently it refused to sign a statement that condemned terrorism and recognized the Italian constitution and Israel’s right to exist. So the Muslim Brotherhood has the same lobbying power in Italy, thanks to the UCOII, as 800k Muslim-Italians!

As we’ve seen, CAIR puts the words of Mideast sheiks and Jihadist organizations into the mouths of mostly non-existent American Muslims. The nationally known polling firm Zogby International does something similar, albeit with even more credibility and subtlety.

John and James Zogby are of Lebanese Maronite heritage, and their family has been in the US for over a century.[26] John is the founder and CEO of Zogby, and James is a Senior Analyst. James also runs the American Arab Institute (AAI), lobbies Republicans for Arab causes and gets US tax money sent to the Mideast, but is most active in the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is known for not being as pro-Israel as Republicans are. In a clear show of their bias, in 2002 James Zogby and the AAI backed an unsuccessful candidate who ran against a pro-Israel congressional candidate from Alabama.

In 2002 the Zogby brothers presented the results of a 10-country poll that interpreted Muslims feelings toward the US. The Zogbies are known for their many polls of US Muslims and of Muslim countries on what they think of Israel and the US, the US President, and US foreign policy. The Muslims they poll invariably parrot the anti-American, anti-Israel propaganda they hear in the mosque.

In 2007, James Zogby wrote an article for Gulf News railing against “flame-throwers like Sean Hannity, Don Imus and Glenn Beck” who would inform the public about Islamists. James Zogby particularly did not like Glenn Beck who repeats the statistic that 10% of Muslims are Islamists. James is wrong though, for if anything, polls show that number is low!

Ever since 9/11, Daniel Pipes pegged the percent of Islamists among Muslims at 10% to 15%, but polls show that the younger Muslim generation is decidedly more radical than the older, so the 10% to 15% estimate probably is low. For instance, UK’s Policy Exchange’s poll in 2007 showed that 40% of 16-to-24-year-old UK Muslims prefer Sharia law, compared to only 17% of UK Muslims over 55. Anyway, for a Senior Analyst at a polling company to dismiss this 10% figure, without offering any evidence why, is troubling.

Stephen Schwartz wrote that Saudi Prince Alaweed ibn Talal gave 300k dollars to James Zogby’s Arab-American Institute. Both John and James Zogby are on record as making many anti-Israel and pro-Muslims statements and criticizing American foreign policy. Often they do so in the guise of interpreting poll results. The pronouncements of the Arab-American Institute are especially insidious because the divide between Arab-Christians and Arab-Muslims on some issues is papered over.

Since James Zogby claims there are 3.5m Arab-Americans, rather than the less than 1m that actually exist, his anti-Israeli poll results may get more than three times the hearing in Washington than they otherwise would.

So we can see the connection between the bogus demographic surveys and polling surveys. CAIR, among others, creates a mostly phantom army of Muslims, and then gives this army an Islamist voice. The Zogby brothers do the same, and Zogby polls do generate headlines and drive news, especially on slow news days, or when an election race is close.

Why Muslims push certain absurd demographic estimates is that certain estimates of the total number of Muslims are more politically useful than others, for instance:

      The intimidation factor is greater when one claims to be a quarter rather than a fifth of the world’s population. For instance, during the 2005 Cartoon crisis an imam at Mekka prayed that mockers of the prophet would be punished for offending 1.5b Muslims.

      Some say that the religion of 1.5b people cannot be criticized since how could so many people believe in something intrinsically bad. An answer to that is three-fifths of the world’s population was under the thumb of atheistic Communism a short while ago, and just as Communism was intrinsically flawed and compulsory so is Islam—even more so.

      Infidels will even admit the numbers intimidate them into whitewashing Islam. Best-selling author on Islam, Dinesh D’Souza, said in several contexts:

So we have to be careful about simply describing a religion of 1b people as ‘violent.’ This would be tactically imprudent even if it were true…

So D’Souza and others like him want to keep everyone in the dark about the nature of Islam because telling Muslims what Islam is all about radicalizes them. They also usually add that the Bible has violent passages similar to the Koran. If that is true, when skeptics point out the violent passages of the Bible, why are not Christians as easily radicalized as Muslims? Unfortunately, D’Souza tactic of “letting sleeping dogs lie” is a formula for civilizational suicide that only makes sense if one thinks lives are not worth saving, and there’s nothing about non-Islamic civilization worth saving.

      Muslim organizations often issue veiled and not-so-veiled threats of terrorism and mob violence if, say, the police or security guards do not stop:  1) arresting terrorists, 2) conducting threat profiling at airports, 3) investigating Islamic charities, etc. Their chorus refrain is that Islam is a religion of peace, but if they are harassed enough, Muslims will commit acts of terrorism. Of course, if one says the population of Muslims is three times as large as it is, these veiled threat are taken as being three times as serious.

      In Russia the imams insist that there are 19m Muslims rather than just the 9m there are, so they demand a special governmental Muslim Affairs office. When the government proposed that public schools teach about Russian Orthodoxy in a multicultural class, a Muslim leader responded:

‘If this one-sided decision to teach the culture of one religion will be accepted, you [the Russian Education Ministry] will have laid a bomb for the decade ahead, and conflict is inevitable,’ said Gainutdin in a letter to the Education Ministry.

Western Resistance notes the Gainutdin’s hypocrisy in that public schools in Russia’s Muslim areas serve only halal food and follow Muslim practice more or less strictly. Of course, even in the West, public schools, prisons, factories, universities (like at George Mason U), airports, and such are turned into mosques in that even when space is at a premium, there are rooms set aside as wudu washrooms, prayer rooms, cultural study centers, and even mosques. Muslim students also monopolize the restrooms several times per day to do their “wudu in the bathroom,” washing their hands, face and even feet in the sinks in preparation for their five daily prayers. In one university in Australia, La Trobe, a separate washing room was built and only Muslims had the secret push-button combination. In UK prisons starting in 2006, toilets that happened to be facing Mekka were turned to the perpendicular. In an Ireland college, new toilets are built so as not to face Mekka.

      The number of Muslims in the US is between 1.8m and 2.35m, according Daniel Pipes,Pew Research, and others. But Muslims have claimed that their total is 6m to 8m, seemingly to persuade politicians they can deliver more votes than the 5.3m Jews, even in states like Florida that are known for having Jewish voting blocs. The hope is that the politicians would become pro-Arab, abandon their pro-Israel stance, soften anti-terrorism laws, end police threat profiling, and otherwise do Muslims’ bidding. Lately, US Muslims have been claiming that the winner in any close election won on account of the Muslim swing vote. Since that Muslim vote was delivered by Muslim leaders, politicians therefore owe Muslims for the victory.[27]

      The phony estimates of the number of US Muslims have bought Muslims access to the highest corridors of power, and bought the ears of many politicians. While US Republicans gave Muslims unprecedented access to the White House before and after 9/11, in 2006 at least one Muslim US Democratic candidate on the national level was elected. In early 2007 the DNC (Democratic National Committee) had a radical imam, Husham Al-Husainy, a Shiite from Dearborn, Michigan, give the invocation at one of its meetings. Also in 2007, CAIR was was ok’d to meet in the Capital Building.

      The number of US Muslims was upped perhaps so Sunnis could say that Shiites and other Islamic splinter groups are just a tiny minority of Muslims.

      Exaggerated guestimates of eight, nine or ten million US Muslims have lead journalists to repeat doubtful assertions such as “Islam is the second largest religion in America,” and “the fastest growing religion in the US.” Journalists also opine that “Islam is a religion of peace” based in part on these false numbers because only a few Muslims out of so many millions turns out to be a terrorist. What would they think if they realized Islamic terrorists are arrested every week almost and there are less than 2m Muslims in the US. Moreover, what the journalists do not realize is that the real Jihad has not yet begun in earnest in the West because of the Principle of Necessity (Arabic: Darura). Cyril Glassé wrote:

An important precondition of jihad is a reasonable prospect of success, failing which jihad should not be undertaken.[28]

Once Muslims are in sufficient number in the West, jihadists and terrorists will come out of the woodwork, so to speak.

      In 2007, Russians proposed building an Orthodox Church as a memorial to the 333 Beslan schoolchildren and parents who died there, Reuters reported:

But one of Russia’s leading Muslim clerics has accused the Orthodox church of trying to hijack a national tragedy by building a memorial that he said would exclude the more than 20m Muslims who live in the country…“We need a monument on this site that symbolises a national tragedy, without any religious undertones, where everyone can come and shed their tears.”

Since no Muslim died except the dozen or so hostage takers, one would suspect that many Muslims would come to Beslan to rejoice over the Jihadists’ deed just as they did in Bosnia over the body of the Jihadist Sulejman Talovic in 2007. Even in the US, Muslim religious sentiments are considered when memorial sites are designed to commemorate the dead of terrorist attacks. The Flight 93 memorial in Pennsylvania was originally called the Crescent of Embrace, and looked like a crescent, and also the 9/11 Memorial in Arizona is a crescent, no doubt about it. It seems that the designers don’t want to offend the 8+m Muslims that CAIR says are in America, even though the real figure is maybe 2m.

      While I don’t have examples of Canadian Muslims exaggerating their numbers, it is worth noting that their main concern seems to be influencing foreign policy against Israel. In 2007 the Canadian-Islamic Congress and the Canadian Arab Federation “are threatening to campaign against the Conservative government in the next federal election because of it what is says is a continued pro-Israeli stand.”[29]


II. Global Demographics and Projections

One can retrieve historic data and projections for any region or country up to 2050 from the UN Population Database. In 2007, the world has 6.5b people, but by 2050 the world population is expected to grow by 38.5%, or by 2.5b, and hit the 9.2b mark.

There are 1.2b Muslims:  15%, or 180m, are Shia, and 1.02b, or 85%, are Sunni. ZeeNews reported:  “Worldwide around 6m Muslims a year convert to Christianity.”

There are 2b Christians, but not necessarily practicing Christians. As far as membership goes, 1.098b are Catholic, 70m are Anglican, 150m are Orthodox, and 375m are Protestant. The total of non-Catholic Christians are 595m, or 54% of Christianity. Spiegel reports:

The Catholic Church is likely to diminish in strength. While it will remain the most powerful denomination, it is growing more slowly than the global population, and losing many of its members to Protestant and independent churches in Latin America and elsewhere. Catholics still account for 17% of the world’s population, but that share is expected to shrink to 12% by 2035.[30]

The influence on world events that the Catholic Church has is less than its billion-membership roll would suggest:

      Nearly half, or 450m Catholics, live in relatively poor and remote Latin America. They are largely beholden to Marxist Liberation Theology, and so are at odds with Rome. The Latinos who moved to the US and propped up the Catholic Church there, have also imbibed Liberation theology and socialism, and are not as beholden to the Vatican as one might think.

      In Europe, 224.5m (or 45.4%) are Roman Catholic. Europe’s population is graying and thinning, and ever since WWII, Europe has tamed its global interventionist policies.

      Only 325.5m of the billion Catholics living outside of Europe or Latin America.

      Globally, Pentecostalism is reducing the number of Catholics every day.

The global average for abortions is one per woman per lifetime. There are 46m abortions per year globally, or 126k per day. 78% of abortions occur in developing countries, and 22% in developed countries. 22% of 210m pregnancies that occur yearly end in abortion.

The CIA Factbook puts the each religion’s share of the world population as:

Christians 33.03% (of which Roman Catholics 17.33%, Protestants 5.8%, Orthodox 3.42%, Anglicans 1.23%), Muslims 20.12%, Hindus 13.34%, Buddhists 5.89%, Sikhs 0.39%, Jews 0.23%, other religions 12.61%, non-religious 12.03%, atheists 2.36% (2004 est.)

Whether a country might soon become majority-Muslim depends heavily on the country’s birthrate and immigration patterns. The CIA Factbook lists the birthrate as births-per-thousand, and the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in terms of Children Per Woman (CPW). See the CIA Factbook glossary.

Birthrates can be found in the CIA Factbook’s country-by-country section, or listed in different tables of the Rank-Order section:  1) births-per-thousand ordered by country name, 2) countries ranked by births-per-thousand, 3) CPW ordered by country name, and 4) countries ranked by CPW.

Wikipedia has plugged the CIA Factbook’s births-per-thousand info in this data table, and tied it to this map:  small large. Wikipedia has also plugged in the CIA’s Children per Woman info into this data table, and tied it to this map:  small large.

In the short term, a population may grow or shrink regardless of how high or low the CPW rate is. The reason is that if there was a prior elevated CPW, there are plenty of women in the childbearing range, but a prior low CPW means there are fewer women in the childbearing range. Brian Nichiporuk says this lag phenomenon is called population momentum.[31]

Brian Nichiporuk states that the Middle East and North Africa have an average fertility rate of about 3.7 children per woman, and about “35% of the population in this region is under the age of 15.” In “South Central Asia, the fertility rate is a little lower, but not by much.” Western Europe’s fertility is 1.6 on average, and “only 17% of the population there is under 15.” In Latin America, the rates are a little higher than in Western Europe. Saudi Arabia and Yemen’s birthrate has dropped to about five children per woman, Egypt’s rate is three, and Iran and Turkey are both below 3, and Indonesia is at 2.7. “We are starting to see across-the-board decreases in fertility rates, even in the high fertility countries…..Kazakhstan’s fertility rate is already low.[32]

While the Mideast and Africa have a CPW of 3.7, the average for the EU in 2006 is 1.47 Children Per Woman (CPW).

Todd Johnson, Director for the Center of Global Christianity stated:

The global percentage of Christians has been about 33% for the last one hundred years. At the same time, the global ethnic background of Christians has changed significantly, transforming the profile of the typical Christian: 81% of Christians were white Europeans in 1900. Today this is less than 45% and continues to decline.[33]

Brian Nichiporuk stated in 2005 that:

Since about 1800, the proportion of the world’s population that is Christian and/or Muslim has grown from around 40% combined to around 60%.

Johnson’s and Nichiporuk’s statements (above) taken together show that Christianity experienced its greatest overall growth in the 1800s, and Islam experienced its greatest growth in the 1900s.

Brian Nichiporuk stated in 2005 that:

The 1.2 billion Muslims have a growth rate of 2.1% per year. If one figures that 80% of Muslim growth is due to births and 20% from conversions, 22 or 23% of the world would be Muslim in 2025, and a quarter would be Muslim in 2050.[34]

Jenkins wrote that in 2007, the world is 33% Christian and 21% Muslim. Jenkins wrote that by 2050 the world will be 22.6% Muslim and 34% Christian, which means Christian and Muslim share of the population will each grow about a percentage point.[35] This means that in 2050 the non-Abrahamic religions will share about the same percentage of the world’s population as today.

By contrast with Jenkins, Samuel Huntington wrote in The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1997) that already in 2025 Muslims would outnumber Christians. He said that Muslims would be 30% of the population and Christians only 25%:

In the long run, Muhammad wins out…The percentage of Christians in the world peaked at about 30% in the 1980s, leveled off, is now declining, and will probably approximate about 25% of the world’s population by 2025. As a result of their extremely high rates of population growth…the proportion of Muslims in the world will continue to increase dramatically, amounting to 20% of the world’s population about the turn of the century [2000], surpassing the number of Christians some years later, and probably accounting for about 30% of the world’s population by 2025 (pp. 65-66).

Other writers follow Huntington on this point. Ioannis Michaletos wrote:

In 1960, the percentage of Muslims worldwide was around 13% while in 2001 it reached just above 20%. If the trends continue -- all thing equal -- in 2050 around 35% of world’s population will be Muslim, by far the largest percentage in Islam’s history.[36]

Philip Jenkins notes that Huntington for some unknown reason did not factor in the rapid growth of many Christian populations, especially in Africa. Jenkins therefore disputes Huntington’s numbers, and wrote:

But far from Islam being the world’s largest population by 2020 or so, as Huntington suggests, Christianity will still have a massive lead, and will maintain its position into the foreseeable future. By 2050, there should still be about three Christians for every two Muslims worldwide. Some 34% of the world’s people will then be Christian, roughly what the figure was at the height of the European world hegemony in 1900.[37]

In 2007, Spiegel reprinted a World Christian Trends forecast that Islam would do better than just keep pace with Christianity between 2000 and 2025, but would not narrow the gap much in terms of relative size between 2025 and 2050:[38]

      In 2000 there are 1.8 times as many Christians as Muslims:  1.747b Christians, 962m Muslims, 686m Hindus, 323m Buddhists, 13.2m Jews

      In 2025 there would be 1.4 times as many Christians as Muslims:  2.6b Christians, 1.8b Muslims, et al

      In 2050 there would be 1.39 times as many Christians as Muslims:  In 2050:  3.052b Christians, 2.2b Muslim, 2.229b Hindus, 425m Buddhists, 16.7m Jews

According to the above figures, Christianity will grow 175% between 2000 and 2050, or 1.5% per year, and Islam will grow by 229% between 2000 and 2050, or 2.6% per year.

Spiegel notes:

Around the world, Islam is attracting more converts than any other religion, despite its own internal divisions. The majority of Muslim societies are located in less developed regions, where large families remain the rule. Islam is nevertheless unlikely to become the globe's biggest religion in the foreseeable future. In 1970, a seventh of the Earth’s population was Muslim; today Muslims make up one-fifth.[39]

Spiegel is right, I think, and the truth lies somewhere in between Huntington and Jenkins’ projections:

      First, conversions to Christianity likely will not keep up the current pace which probably is necessary to fulfill Jenkins’ predictions, since Christians will simply run out of willing Animist candidates in Africa within a decade or so. However, Christianity is on the upswing in former Communist countries and in China. In the West trends such as greater church attendance point to a Christian renaissance,[40] which trend is driven in part by Christian immigrants to places such as the UK and Holland, and partly by the newly awakened fear of losing one’s nation and culture to the rising tide of Muslims, as Christian Today reported:

‘It seems to me that there is in the UK at the moment a higher level of interest in Christianity, prompted by the national debate about multiculturalism and an increased awareness that many of our fellow citizens feel passionately about another religion - Islam,’ said Jill Kirby, a policy analyst at the Centre for Policy Studies, a conservative-leaning research group. People want to be reassured, she said, and they want to identify more closely with their own religious norms and traditions.[41]

Also, the Roe Effect grindstone means that each subsequent generation is more religious and less influenced by godless secular humanism and other non-Biblical theories.

      Second, Spengler wrote that Muslim birthrates are dropping most everywhere (“The Demographics of Radical Islam,” Asia Times, 23 Aug 2005). Some mostly-Muslim countries have surprising low birthrates according to the (CIA Factbook (2006)Algeria (1.89 children born/woman); Tunisia (1.74); Turkey (1.92). However, Muslim birthrates are generally three or more times as high as birthrates in the West.

      Third, the birthrate for Muslim immigrants in the West is dropping, but for now is still twice as high as birthrates in the West. David Coleman wrote:

Muslim and African fertility remains elevated although mostly declining:  among Turks and Moroccans everywhere, and among Algerians in France (a TFR [Total Fertility Rate] of 3.2 in 1998/99; Legros 2003). In Britain in 2001, the total fertility of women born in Pakistan and Bangladesh was 4.7 and 3.9 respectively (ONS 2004a). Increased inflows of unacculturated populations may conserve or even drive up fertility rates, as among African populations in Sweden and Britain. In the latter, the total fertility of women born in Somalia was about 5 around 2000.[42]

      Fourth, legislation restricting immigration reduces the birthrate of immigrants because successful applicants tend to be older. For instance, Denmark’s Aliens (Consolidation) Act 2002 stated that mail-order or “marital import” spouses had to be at least 24 years old, and more conditions were placed on asylum seekers and other immigrants. Because of the Aliens Act and other factors, a 2004 population forecast had put non-Danes as being 15.3% of the population by 2080, but in 2006 the figure was halved to just fewer than 8% of the total population. The birthrate of immigrants had been clocked at 4 children per woman, but in recent years it dropped to 2.4.[43] Still, this is higher than the birthrate of 1.74 children per woman for ethnic Danes, which is below the generally accepted replacement rate of 2.1 (CIA Factbook 2006).

How much a country restricts Muslim immigration is largely conditioned on how the inhabitants view Islam. If they are stubbornly ignorant about Islam and Islamists, they receive an “education by murder,” as Daniel Pipes phrased it.

How many would require an education by murder before they “get” it? About 66% of Americans and 85% of Brits, it would seem from these poll results:

      March 2006 Washington Post-ABC News Poll, which reported that 33% of Americans believe Islam condones violence against non-Muslims (up from 14% in 2002).

      The BBC conducted a poll in 2007 it found that only a minority of people believe conflict between the West and Islam is inevitable:  France (23%), Germany (39%), UK (15%), India (24%), Indonesia (51%), Italy (14%), Kenya (35%), Lebanon (26%), Nigeria (37%), Turkey (29%), US (31%).[44]

The BBC poll above leads one to ask: “Exactly what are we experiencing now if this is not conflict?” Muslims will answer that this is terrorism unconnected to Islam, and is not Jihad. My reply is:  What?! The dreaded Jihad hasn’t even started yet?! The West is really in trouble since if the terrorism carried out by a fringe group is this bad, infidels will find it insufferable when more Muslims back real Jihad.

The 2005 US State Dept Country Report on Terrorism stated there were 11k terror attacks, killing 14,600 people. 40 people died per day from 30 acts of terrorism, on average. 300 suicide bombings took 10 lives on average, and the 10,700 non-suicide-bombings took one life per attack on average. 30% of the terrorists incidents occurred in Iraq, but 55% of the fatalities were in Iraq, or 8,300 people. 56 Americans were killed by terrorist attacks, all but 9 in Iraq.

The Muslim birthrate will likely continue to drop and so will not come close to fulfilling the Malthusian predictions of Samuel Huntington, Bernard Lewis, Mark Steyn (author of America Alone (2006)), Bruce Bawer (author of While Europe Slept (2006)), and Oriana Fallaci:

      Steyn wrote, for example:

…every Continental under the age of 40 – okay, make that 60, if not 75 – is all but guaranteed to end his days living in an Islamified Eurabia. That being so, why not have some gleeful sport along the road to servitude?

            Steyn also wrote that much of the Western world….

…will not survive the twenty-first century, and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most European countries.

      Fallaci evidently believed in the straight-line projections for the European population implosion and for Muslim growth in the West. She said, “Europe becomes more and more a province of Islam, a colony of Islam.” Robert Spencer wrote:

Fallaci said that Europeans–French, Dutch, Germans, English, Italians–are about to reach the status of the Comanches, Cherokees, and Sioux:  ‘We will end up on their reservation.’ She noted that some Muslim spokesmen, confident of their imminent supremacy, already refer to non-Muslim Europeans as ‘indigenous people’ or ‘aboriginals.’[45]

If the Malthusian population predictions fail, then prophecies contingent on them fail, too. For instance, if Muslim numbers do not grow as anticipated in France, it would be harder for them to ramp up their current “permanent intifada” arsons (e.g. car burnings) and riots to the level of a “Eurabian civil war,” a phrase coined by, or at least popularized by, Mark Steyn.[46]

Altogether, Muslims are 5% of the EU populace, and one study says that by 2020 the EU will be 10% Muslim.[47] Daniel Pipes reckons that only by 2017 will the future course of Europe become clear, that is, if the increased number of Muslims materializes as expected, one should be better able to tell in 2017 whether Europe will be Islamized or suffer quasi-civil wars.

I am not alone in disbelieving in any immanent Muslim takeover of Europe, Russia, India and elsewhere. Critics of Mark Steyn’s thesis note that his demographic predictions are as unsourced as they are unbelievable, and his dystopian thesis stands or falls on these Malthusian predictions.

Critics of Mark Steyn include Francis Fukuyama, Johann Hari, Jonathan Pearce at SamizData, Adam at The Crossed Pond, commentators at Wikipedia, Andrew Moravcsik at Newsweek, to name a few. Here are examples of predictions I’ll be critiquing later in the study.

      How could 15m Muslims in the EU, in less than a century, become a majority when in 2006 the EU is 700m strong?

      How could 3m Muslims in Germany become the majority by 2046 when there are 82.5m Germans?

      How could 5 to 6m Muslims in France become the majority by 2025 or 2030 when there are 62.3m Frenchmen as of 2006?

      How could 146.8m Muslims in India outnumber Hindus by 2050 when there are 881.75m Hindus as of 2006?

      How could 9m Muslims become the majority in Russia by 2030 or 2040 when there are 143m Russians?

Each of the above predictions is discussed more in the section on that country (see the Table of Contents).

Another example is the Netherlander blogger Kleinverzet who wrote that he/she will be moving to the US if the Islamification of Europe continues apace, but does not think that will be necessary. Kleinverzet posted on 11 Jan 2007 wrote:

Which is not to say that Freund (and Steyn) write complete hogwash. Though I disagree the whole thing is all but a done deal, their writing does serve us with a strong warning what we stand to lose (ourselves) if we do not pay attention. A warning that must be heeded.

The projections are based on the rate that a relatively small group doubles. In America, the land of sects and sex, many religious groups have claimed to be “the fastest growing” religion, only to fade into obscurity some time afterward. If someone starts a new religion and gains one convert, that’s 100% growth unmatched by any other denomination! Yet it is hard to keep up 100% growth.

The reason for so many false predictions of the future, from climate change to demographics, is the same reason that pyramid schemes only work for so long. The rate of growth may look good on paper, but in practice is it unsustainable. For instance, a group can grow 1% or 2% per year for a while, but before long each percent growth involves adding thousands or millions of people. If the projected growth were graphed by percentile, it would look like a straight line, but if the absolute numbers were graphed, the line would curve up and look like a hockey stick.

Much Muslim natural growth in the West and immigration into the West is based on abusing the good will of the natives, and sapping the dole and utilizing free healthcare. Only so many people can do that before the good will and the resources are dried up, especially since the UK is experiencing an obesity epidemic, and “Britain’s 1.6m Muslims are twice as likely to report poor health and disability.”[48] For instance, when Israel cut back on child allowances in 2003, Muslim population growth was curtailed immediately (see the Israel section below).

The projections of big Muslim growth seem to be based mainly on extrapolations from too small a sample, that being Muslims in inner cities, or more specifically, the maternity wards. This sketchy data is then extrapolated to cover the nation, then the region and entire EU. The studies with larger samples show much more modest Muslim growth.

The near-term demographic future is problematic from a Christian’s perspective. Of course, one is always optimistic about the long term. Evangelism might stall in Africa if, after the Animists are mostly converted to Christianity, Muslims harden against the Gospel.

So Jenkin’s relatively rosy predictions of the future may not reach full fruition either. Spengler (mentioned above) will likely prove to be the most prescient of the soothsayers. If so, then Islam will make gains on Christianity, but long before Islam achieves parity with Christianity, Islam’s growth will be cut by birth control and education, and by competition with other religions.

The Western world will likely further restrict Muslim immigration once it becomes widely apparent that:

      Muslims have a high incarceration rate. In France, “Muslims make up some 70% of a total of 60,775 prisoners.” In the Netherlands, so many inmates are Muslim that a compass is painted on jail cell ceilings so Muslims know where Mekka is.

      Islam is more than a religion, but for many Muslims tends to be a regressive totalitarian political system that is readily passed down from father to son, mother to daughter, and handed off to converts (or reverts). Thus, just as Communists were barred from immigrating to the West—even those Communists who persecuted, so Muslims must be restricted whether or not they are refugees or asylum seekers for the sake of the safety and well-being of non-Muslims. Daniel Pipes says that all non-Muslims “face ‘true dangers’ as the number of Muslims increases.”[49]

      A substantial minority of Muslims is susceptible to radicalization in a short period.

      70% or better of Muslims in the Mideast sympathize with the goals of terrorism and would support the imposition of Sharia law in their own countries.

      There is no litmus test that tells who is a moderate and who a radical, or who will become radicalized, and who will join organized terrorism or engage in freelance terrorism.

      Once Muslims are established in a country, the West cannot very effectively counter radical Islam with the quick fix of deportation—a tool hardly used as it is.

Surprisingly few Western countries have so many Muslims that they will have a Muslim majority by 2100. Quick projections can be made by assuming non-Muslims have a slowly dwindling population, and that the Muslim population might double every twenty years, a 3.5% increase per year. Alternatively, one could assume it doubles every 30 years, a 1.5% increase per year, or one could assume it doubles every 70 years, a 1% increase per year.

In France, India, the Balkans, Sub-Saharan Africa and in Suriname in South American, Muslim growth will likely be largely checked by the fact that:  1) infidels are increasingly informed about the origin and nature of Islam, 2) Christian evangelism, 3) a dropping birthrate among Muslims, 4) restrictions on immigration, 5) a possible rebound in Western birthrates due to incentives and growing religiosity, and 6) Non-Muslims ceding parcels of land to Muslim states and erecting fences so that the demographic Jihad is contained.

Someone might say that giving in to Jihad encourages more Jihad. That is true, but it is also true that the fence discourages Jihad, so the stick more than canceled out the carrot. Thus, Israel, India and other places have found that illegal immigration and cross-border Jihad was reduced overall after hi-tech fences were erected. So the principle applies with demographic Jihad:  “Fooled me one, shame on you; fooled me twice, shame on me.” Just write-off the loss, as they say in the accounting world, and learn the lesson:  stop throwing good money after bad.

The problems the West will increasingly see as Muslim populations rise in the West and in Islamdom are the ones we see budding now. It is possible, but doubtful that Muslims will become a majority and then vote in Sharia law, as was explained above. Nevertheless, as the Muslim diaspora in Europe grows, one can expect:

      More riots like those that affected 300 French cities in 2005.

      More terrorism acts like the 3/3 Madrid bombings in 2004 and the 7/7 London bombings in 2005. For example, in Dec 2006, police feared an attack on the channel tunnel, aka Chunnel.

      More freelance terrorists who come down with what Pipes calls Sudden Jihad Syndrome. A Muslim with SJS often is a lone wolf and stages an attack by himself. There is even a freelance Jihadist manual by Al-Hakaymah titled “Guide for Individual Jihad.” SJS Jihadists may be “clean skins,” i.e., “people [who] feel alienated but have not come to the attention of the authorities.”

      More terrorism planned and funded in Europe but carried out elsewhere.

The problems that we see now are the Islamization of the West via politically-correct accommodation to Muslim, often coerced by Islamist front groups such as CAIR, MPAC and MCB (Islamist Watch). This is sometimes called Stealth Sharia, meaning that everything becomes so Sharia-compliant it is as though Sharia law has been implemented without a fight or a vote.

Another problem we already see that will increase over time is terrorism. Islamists are inventing or perfecting new ways of committing terrorism, and quickly spreading these ideas globally over the internet, the latest ideas being shoe bombs and liquid bombs. Islamists are producing more seductive propaganda to motivate Jihadists, and they have launched campaigns to gain sympathy in the West, especially on campuses. Islamists living in the West who are intent on terrorism can travel most anywhere no questions asked.

As the Muslim population increases, so will legal and illegal immigration. Businesses and farmers tend to lobby for open borders, a liberal immigration policy, or at least plentiful workers permits and temporary visas. There are plenty of unguarded borders and smugglers are equipped with better boats and vehicles, and hikers can use GPS.

Certain countries need to fear Jihadists for extra reasons. If they are seen as being invaders, such as the Coalition in Iraq or Russians in Chechnya, they face increased risk of attack. Another reason is irredentism, i.e.:  Once Islamic, Always Islamic. For now irredentist Muslims are focused on Israel and al-Andalusia[50], but at some point they may start talking about getting back south-central Europe (e.g., Ukraine, Bulgaria), the Balkans, and the Islands of the Mediterranean. After that, they might agitate about areas that were briefly conquered or raided but not long occupied.

Finally, global warming needs to be addressed. The warm winter of 2006/7 is the first time that many people took global warming seriously, probably because it was a warm winter and it was the first year that scientists started moderating their claims because they found their predictions had been exaggerated. Here is a fact and a projection:

      Average annual rainfall globally has increased by up to 10 per cent during the 20th century because warming has increased evaporation.”

      Due to the melting of the ice caps and thermal expansion of seawater, the oceans may rise by “89 centimeters, or 35 inches, in 2030.”

Rising ocean levels means low-lying coastal areas, especially river deltas, and islands may go underwater if seawalls are not built. If they don’t go underwater, they will still be more susceptible to brackish groundwater intrusion, storm surges and tsunamis.

Atolls and islands are especially affected because the plains are generally low-lying while the steeper parts are uninhabitable. In tsunami drills, much of the inhabited parts of the island must be vacated while people wait out the danger in the hills. Among the areas to be affected most potentially would be:

      Manhattan and many other coastal cities around the world, some already protected by elaborate sea walls like Amsterdam and New Orleans

      Large inhabited coastal areas from Egypt to Bangladesh

      2k of Indonesia’s 17k islands would disappear, but they are mostly uninhabited already

      Island countries around the world like Saint Lucia, Fiji and the Bahamas would disappear under the waves.

      India has already lost some inhabited islands (Lohachara, Ghoramara) in the Bay of Bengal.

      Some Vanuatu islands have been evacuated as a precaution.

      Carteret Islands off Papua New Guinea may be the next populated islands to disappear.


III. Regional Demographics


A.     Africa

Africa is also discussed in the Islamdom section.

Africa has been hit with about every plague known to humanity, except for diseases of the rich nations like the obesity epidemic. Africans do not all have cars and drive-through restaurants where they serve high-fat, high-sugar, fiber-free food yet. The AIDS epidemic may abate somewhat if circumcision becomes the norm in Africa since studies say “circumcision reduces men’s chances of catching HIV by up to 60%.” Between 1990 and 2002, 140m more Africans live in extreme poverty.

Hardly 1% of Africa (10m persons) was Christian around 1900, but Christianity has grown in leaps and bounds since then,[51] gaining on Islam and some say surpassing Islam in numbers. Brian Nichiporuk stated in 2005:

…between 1900 and 2000 the number of Christians in Africa went from 10m to around 360m. I believe that is quantitatively the largest religious change of any kind that has ever occurred. We are dealing with quite dramatic things.[52]

African census takers of religious adherents have a problem not found elsewhere, which is that the total number of people in many African country is derived from guestimates. This problem complicates producing a breakdown by numbers of religious adherents. As a result of the confusion, some say there are more Christians than Muslims, and some say the opposite:

      Some have said that there were more Christians than Muslims already in the 1960s, while others claim that Africa is still a “Muslim continent.” Philip Jenkins wrote in 2002:

Sometime in the 1960s, another historic landmark occurred, when Christians first outnumbered Muslims in Africa.[53]

      Spiegel said there are 390m Christians, “almost half of the continent’s entire population.” Since there are many Animists, Hindus, and adherents of other religions in Africa, saying that “almost half” of Africans are Christians implies there are more Christians than Muslims. Incidentally, the World Evangelization Center for the Study of Global Christianity gave a similar figure for the number of Christians, that being 389m.[54]

      Wikipedia put the number of Muslims are 402m, which it says is 45.4% of Africa’s population. In contrast to what Spiegel says above, this Wiki statistic implies there are more Muslims than Christians.

      World Christian News put the number of Christians in Africa at 335m.[55] Such a low figure suggests there are more Muslims than Christians.

If one takes the high estimate for number of Muslims and the low estimate for Christians, one can conclude that Muslims still outnumber Christians by 13m to 67m in 2006. The same data could also be interpreted as:  Muslims got behind in numbers in the 1960s, but then a surge in births pushed Islam ahead of Christianity in 2000. This is entirely possible is one considers that monagamy is the norm in Christian Africa but polygyny is the norm in Islamic Africa in the Sahar and Saharan regions. The NY Times reported on Mali, the country south of Algeria and north of the Ivory Coast:

…polygyny is lawful and widespread, especially from West African countries like Mali, where demographic surveys show that 43% of women are in polygynous marriages. [56]

Muslims are continually emigrating and evangelizing everywhere, especially south of the Sahara and the Sub-Saharan Sahel zone into areas populated mainly by Christians and Animists. At the same time, Christians are evangelizing northward into Muslim areas, even beyond the Sahel zone.

Some of these North-South conflicts affect the Western security more than others, for example, Niger has large uranium deposits, and Nigeria has a large and growing population, and a lot of oil. Examples of the North Muslim-South Christian conflicts include:

      Since 2001, 12 northern Nigerian states have implemented Sharia law to some extent. Muslims are causing problems in central and southern Nigeria.

      Benin is contiguous to, and west of, Nigeria, and like Nigeria its Muslim are concentrated in the north and “as far south as Djougou and even into traditionally Yoruba areas.” After Muslims torched a church and a large missionary training school at the end of 2006 and 2007, BosNewsLife reported:

Missionaries said however they fear that radical Muslims, who ‘subjugated North African countries under Islamic law,’ are rapidly moving southward ‘in their quest to convert the entire African continent.’ In a statement obtained by BosNewsLife, Christ Power Ministries leader Claude Sossa suggested he had experienced ‘the devastating effect’ of the apparent Islamic infiltration of his country, ‘as 30% of  Benin’s population is now Muslim,’ at least 10% higher than previous estimates [i.e. 20% Muslim] by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

            The US State Dept said a 2002 census put the number of Muslims at 24.4%.

      In NE Kenya, Muslims are the majority in an otherwise Christian-majority country, but Muslims are starting to cause problems and make terrorist threats in central and southern Kenya. Al-Qaeda has carried out a few terrorist acts in Kenya, too, such as trying to blow up an Israeli jetliner, and blowing up the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, killing 200+.

In North Africa, the Arab Muslims who first invaded in the 7th century suppress the majority Black Berbers. Fjordman wrote:

The proportion of Berbers is not officially known but independent sources say they represent the majority of the population. The total population of Berbers in the world is estimated at 25m, mainly concentrated in Algeria, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Tunisia.

In 2007 Qaddafi denied the existance of the Sunni-Shiite split, and also that there was a people called the Berbers, saying that both ideas were non-Muslim plots to divide Muslims. Of course, this is just the North African manifestation of Arab cultural imperialism that is exercised globally through the medium of Islam, as Hugh Fitzgerald points out. Another example of Arab imperialism is: in Apr 2007 news came that the Moroccan government had a list of approved names—all Arabic and none Christian or Berber. The Moroccan government even demands that Moroccans living in Europe choose only the approved names, or else face problems if they ever visit or return to Morocco.

The encroachment of sand dunes and desertification are an increasing problem in Mauritania, Mali, Niger and the southern edges of Libya, Algeria and Egypt. In Mauritania the dunes move 3km to 4km per year and swallow towns and cities.

Increasing surface temperature from global warming are blamed, but also the local populace uses up the scraggly shrubs and brush that would otherwise act as a barrier to the drifting sand. It is illegal to cut down the scrubs in Mauritania, so people cart it off by donkey under the cover of darkness. “Israel is the only nation that has more forest cover than 100 years ago, according to the Jewish National Fund.”

Algeria: In Apr 2007 when a bomb killed 23 in Algeria, MSNBC reported:

Algeria’s insurgency broke out in 1992, after the army canceled legislative [1991] elections that an Islamic party appeared set to win. Since then, violence related to the insurgency has left an estimated 200k dead — civilians, soldiers and Islamic fighters — according to the government. Algeria’s military led a crackdown on militants hiding out in the country’s brush and mountains, while the government tried to reconcile the nation with several amnesty offers to militants willing to turn in their weapons….

Large-scale violence died down in the late 1990s, but skirmishes have surged in recent months as an al-Qaida affiliate carried out a deadly and carefully planned series of bomb attacks. Several targeted foreign workers.[57]

Islamists have been bombing and shooting people in Algieria ever since the French colonialists left, but right up to 2007 most “attacks were not made public because the government had no interest in doing so.” As of Jan 2007 though, the attacks are too large and coordinated to suspress their publication. In Jan 2007, the Algerian Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) became Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb. Saïd Saadi, the opposition politician in Algiers, said of the new development:

It is as if Bin Laden has stationed his people on an aircraft carrier off your [Europe’s] coastline.

BeninThe situation in Benin was mentioned a few paragraphs above.[58]

Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast):  There are 18m inhabitants, of which 5m are African immigrants from surrounding countries and countries in the region. They came because Ivory Coast has a promising economy in West Africa. Of the 5m immigrants, 50k are French, and 30k are Lebanese. Of the 5m African immigrants, 20% (1m) are Christian, 70% (3.5m) are Muslim, and 10% (500k) are Other.

The CPW is 4.5. According to the 2006 US State Dept, of the 18m inhabitants, 35-40% (6.7m) are Christian, 35% (6.7m) are Muslim, and 25-30% are Animists.

Like Benin, Nigeria and a few other African countries along the same latitude, the Muslim population is concentrated in the north, and the Christian population is in the south. In some cases this is because European settlers and missionaries landed on the south coast, while Muslims worked their way down from the Sahara.

The Christians and Animists concentrated in the south tend to speak Bete, and are referred to as ethnic Betes. Muslims concentrated in the north speak Dioula (or Dyula). Naturally, Christians and Muslims support different political parties.

So far there has not been a major Muslim-Christian civil war in the Ivory Coast, but there have been plenty of riots and clashes in recent years usually sparked by electoral irregularities and power politics that are typical of the third world. In addition, there have been rebels and roaming death squads. France’s military has played a role in restoring order.

Eritrea: After the colonial powers left, Eritrea was in a federation with Ethiopia. In 1961 two main groups of rebels waged campaigns for independence. ELF was dominated by Muslims and was supported by Arabs, and EPLF was dominated by Marxists and gained the support of the Eritrean diaspora. The US supported Ethiopia’s imperial government. By 1991, Eritrea was independent of Ethiopia, but in 1998, they battled each other shortly.

 Eritrea is 50-50 Christian/Muslim by some estimates, while others say 52% Christian, 48% Sunni Muslim. Ever since 2002, Protestants, Pentecostals and others are fined and jailed for “trying ‘to start a new religion’” other than the four official religions:  Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran and Muslim. In May 2007, 2k are in jail and some are tortured merely for belonging to the wrong faith. In 2007, Eritrea banned female circumcision.

Ethiopia: Ethiopia had 5m people in 1900, 64m in 2007, and a projected 145m in 2050. 8m are receiving international food aid in 2007. Wikipedia notes:

According to the most recent 1994 National Census, Christians make up 61% of the country’s population, Muslims 33%, and adherents of traditional faiths 5%.

However, other sources such as the CIA World Factbook shows Muslims between 45-50% and Christians at 35-40%. Spiegel reported that “Some 40% of the 68m Ethiopians are Orthodox Christians,” and “45% of Ethiopians” are Muslim.

Spiegel reported that the Orthodox Church in Ethiopia has so many holidays, that people are prevented from working nearly every other day.

The Orthodox calendar lists more than 150 holidays and 180 days of fasting, on which Christians are banned from working and limited to one meal. Holidays for Muslims - some 45% of Ethiopians - eat even further into the working week. And the Sabbath is still celebrated in rural areas—a relic of the Salomonic dynasty which ruled Ethiopia from the 13th century and adopted numerous Jewish customs.

The clergy in Addis Ababa, the country’s capital since the end of the 19th century, may be slowly losing its authority, but the priests in the highlands enforce the holidays with an iron fist. Punishment inexorably follows any failure to comply. Not to mention the prospect of ending up in hell.

Moreover, the church still defines the calendar. The Ethiopian year has 12 months lasting 30 days, each plus five or six additional days. The patriarchy refuses to countenance change. The government has sought to adopt the modern Western calendar on several occasions, only to be stymied by the clergy. In practice, the separation of church and state has yet to be implemented.

Christianity is also responsible for another phenomenon in Ethiopia:  racial arrogance. Viewing their faith as superior to Africa’s natural religions, Orthodox Christians regard themselves as a chosen people. In their minds, the portrayal - in the illustrations of the sacred books - of lighter-skinned people as the rulers of the Promised Land and the blacks as their servants is evidence of God’s will.[59]

Open Doors International reported:

In September [2006], violence erupted between Muslims and followers of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church during an Orthodox celebration in Oromia state, southwestern Ethiopia. The initial stone throwing escalated to the murdering of Christians and Muslims, the burning of buildings, forceful conversions to Islam and the displacement of 2k people. Christians from an Islamic background are often fiercely persecuted by family members.

WWII-era Italian fascists strengthened the Islamist cause in the just-mentioned Oromia state, as Wikipedia notes:

The present town was developed on the Awetu River by Italian colonialists in the 1930s. At that time, with the goal of weakening the native Ethiopian Church, the Italians intended to make Jimma an important center of Islamic learning, and founded an academy to teach fiqh.

Jimma is now “a Muslim dominated area where local authorities are almost exclusively Muslim.” reported that an evangelist Tedase walked by a mosque on Merkado Street in Jimma. Muslims pulled him inside and beat him to death. Jimma is a town SE of the capital Addis Ababa, which is in the geographical center of Ethiopia. Jimma is in the Oromia state, the just-mentioned state where mobs raged in Sep 2006.

Tedase is not the only non-Muslim known to have been dragged into and beaten in a Mosque. There are many such incidents, but one for which there is a picture is that of Bangladeshi Hindu Vimal Patak. Incidentally, beating are not the only way to lose one’s life in a mosque. Here are two examples:

      Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain, wrote in Innocents Abroad (1869), chapter 9:

Had Blucher [a non-Muslim] succeeded in entering the place [mosque], he would no doubt have been chased through the town and stoned; and the time has been, and not many years ago, either, when a Christian would have been most ruthlessly slaughtered if captured in a mosque.

      In Apr 2007 an Egyptian Muslims was sentenced to death for taking Koran into the Wudu washrooms of a Saudi mosque.

Christianity Today says about Ethiopia in 2007:

There has been growing concern over the mounting influence of Muslim militants in Ethiopia.

Mission Network News reported that on 5 Jan 2007:

Ajja Delge was killed by an unknown person in the town of Kofele [in central Ethiopia]. Voice of the Martyrs-Canada (VOMC) reports he was hit on the head with a metal iron, and his body was found in a nearby jungle the following day. Family members believe he was killed by Muslims. Since the Kofele area is dominated by Muslims, local Christians believe it is unlikely that the police will conduct a proper investigation into Delge’s murder.

Then, on January 8, Muslims burned the homes of three Christian families in Begge, Western Ethiopia. Tareku Meres, Jemal Tasesa and Tamene Gemechu and their families are currently taking shelter at a local Gospel church. At last report, police have taken little action in either case.

For the past three months, ten Christian youths have also been living in a church building in Begge after fleeing from their homes. They were chased from their homes after their families threatened to execute them for converting from Islam.

Assaults are so numerous as to be on a daily basis. However, at other times, it's more severe. VOMC reports an incident of that nature that took place last summer in Begge.

On June 28, 2006, the home of an evangelist named Tareku from the village of Begge was destroyed and the building where almost seventy new believers gathered for worship was also burned down.

Notice from the above paragraphs that not even central and western Ethiopia are not safe from Muslim attacks even though they are farther away from the all-Muslim Horn of Africa. The triangle of land in eastern Ethiopia bordered on two sides by Somalia is called Ogaden. It is ethnically Somalian and mostly Muslim. Ogaden is especially dangerous because not only do rebels operate their, but Jihadists come from adjacent Somalia to help their fellow Jihadists.

Spiegel reports that Somali madrassa students in Yemen are being sent as missionaries to the eastern Ogaden area of Ethiopia. Also, Yemen’s madrasa students became Jihadists in Afghanistan after 9/11, and “Even today, Iman graduates are surfacing as ‘foreign fighters’ in Iraq.” The Jawa Report notes:

A Yemeni newspaper recently counted 1283 jihaddists who made the trek to Iraq, mostly in 2006. Some estimates are as high as 2000.

The Yemen madrasas are using the same tactic against Ethiopia as Islamists used in Afghanistan and such. Spiegel reports:

In addition to attacking the rebels, the North [Yemen] built [between 1967 and 1990] dozens of Islamic madrasahs, creating an ideological bulwark against the secular South [Yemen]. The projects were largely funded by Saudi patrons, who had launched similar education drives elsewhere in the early 1990s - in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia, Nigeria, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The Islam that they spread was the purist doctrine that originated with Sunni preacher Mohammed ibn Abd al-Wahhab during the 18th century, and has become the state religion in Saudi Arabia today. His followers, called Wahhabis by outsiders, now generally describe themselves as Salafis. Together with their other Muslim brothers, they form the vanguard of modern Islamic fundamentalism, and increasingly dictate the curricula of private religious seminaries in Morocco, Bangladesh and Yemen….

Ahmed Omar [a Samoli] will not become a fullyfledged hafiz. The verses aside, his spoken Arabic is still halting, even after two years of university courses. Yet for students like him, theological training is secondary. While Yemeni nationals study exegesis of the Koran and Islamic jurisprudence for seven years, foreigners complete only a four-year crash course at the university. The aim is to dispatch them to the front lines as quickly as possible, as prayer leaders, men of faith. It's all about dawa, missionary work. And about politics. For Ahmed Omar and the other Somalis, the destination is Ogadan, a Christian [sic—actually it’s mostly Muslim] part of Ethiopia which is claimed by Muslims in neighboring Somalia.[60]

In a story that might be related to the above account, 30k Samolis have made their way from Samoliaa to Yemeni refugee camps since Jan 2006. Perhaps they were Jihadists fleeing the US-backed force that retook Samolia. One wonders if some of those will end up in madrasas in Yemen.

In Apr 2007, the Associated Press reported on separatism and terrorism in Ogadan:

Gunmen raided a Chinese-run oil field near the Somali border on Tuesday, killing 65 Ethiopians and nine Chinese workers, an official of the Chinese company said. An ethnic Somali rebel group claimed responsibility for the attack.

Seven Chinese workers were kidnapped in the morning attack at the oil installation in a disputed region of eastern Ethiopia, said Xu Shuang, the general manager of Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau.

China has increased its presence in Africa in recent years in a hunt for oil and other natural resources to feed its rapidly growing economy. Its forays into areas considered politically unstable, however, has exposed Chinese workers to attacks.

The Ogaden National Liberation Front said in a statement sent to the Associated Press they had launched ‘military operations against units of the Ethiopian armed forces guarding an oil exploration site,’ in the east of the country.

The rebel group, which is fighting a low-level insurgency with the aim of creating an independent state for ethnic Somalis, warned last year that any investment in the Ogaden area that also benefited the Ethiopian government ‘would not be tolerated.’

Somalia lost control of the region in a war in 1977. The rebel group also has been fighting Ethiopian troops inside Somalia, where Ethiopia has been backing the government in crushing an Islamic movement and re-establishing control over the country.[61]

Horn of Africa/Somalia:  Somalia is 99% Muslim. The Horn of Africa is Muslim where dialects of the Somali and Oromo language groups are spoken, while Ethiopia has historically been Christian and speaks two Semitic languages:  Amharic and Tigrinya. Eritrea and Ethiopia have been at war in the recent past, and Eritrea speaks Arabic. Kenya is adjacent to the Horn of Africa, and Kenya speaks dialects of the Niger-Congo group.

Between 1991 and Feb 2007, 47ocean vessels have been hijacked in open waters off the coast of Somalia by pirates,” i.e., seafaring Jihadists.

In 2006, the Islamic Courts Union expanded to include most of Somalia, driving out warlords who operated ever since the last government functioned in 1991. In late 2006, US-trained Ethiopian forces overthrew the Islamic government of Somalia with the help of US Special Forces and warplanes. The main reason for the intervention was Islamists threatened to expand their jihad against neighboring states.

In 2006, Siad Barre, the Islamist leader, pressed irredentist claims on Greater Somalia, formerly the Sultanate of Adel (or Adal) last function in 1542. Disputed territories include:

      The Djibouti—seemingly the whole small country is claimed. Djibouti is nearly 100% Muslim.

      Ogaden, a large eastern province of Ethiopia that is ethnically Somali and mostly Muslim. Over all, about half of Ethiopians are Muslims (see the Ethiopia section for more info).

      Kenya’s Northeast Province, which is one of eight Kenyan provinces. This particular province may be majority Muslim, but over all 90% of Kenyans are non-Muslims.

Related links:  Siad Barre claimed one of the five points in the star of the Somali flag represented the “unredeemed” territories in Kenya’s North East province, Ogaden and Djibouti.

      Map and info on Djibouti (north of Somalia) (CIA Factbook)

      Info on Sultanate of Adel (or Adal) that operated until 1542 (

Even though the Somalis started instituting Sharia law with its draconian punishments such as killing converts from Islam and adulterers, and threatened to start a regional war to create Greater Somalia, some Muslim groups like CAIR, and even the BBC news outlet, opined that the Islamic Courts Union, aka the Somalia Taliban, takeover was a positive thing and a stabilizing force.

In 2007, Islamic insurgents began to operate against the new US- and Ethiopia-backed Somali government. In Mar 2007 they burned 5 corpses of soldiers and dragged them through town while shouting Allah Akbar!, as is Jihadi custom. In Mar 2007, 1k people were killed in clashes between the government and insurgents. Mogadishu used to have 1m residents, but 400k to 666k have left the capital city on the east coast of Somalia. In Apr 2007, insurgents clashed with US- and Ethiopia-backed Somali government troops leaving 381 dead and 565 wounded.

Morocco:  Morocco is 98.7% Muslim, 1.1% Christian, and 0.2% Jewish. The CIA Factbook reads:

Morocco’s long struggle for independence from France ended in 1956. The internationalized city of Tangier was turned over to the new country that same year. Morocco virtually annexed Western Sahara during the late 1970s, but final resolution on the status of the territory remains unresolved. Gradual political reforms in the 1990s resulted in the establishment of a bicameral legislature in 1997. Parliamentary elections were held for the second time in September 2002 and municipal elections were held in September 2003….

 Morocco claims and administers Western Sahara whose sovereignty remains unresolved - UN-administered cease-fire has remained in effect since September 1991, but attempts to hold a referendum have failed and parties thus far have rejected all brokered proposals; Polisario, Algeria, and European supporters agree to the latest US-brokered UN proposals for limited temporary autonomy for 4-5 years followed by a referendum on independence, but Morocco’s final response is pending; Morocco protests Spain’s control over the coastal enclaves of Ceuta, Melilla, and Penon de Velez de la Gomera, the islands of Penon de Alhucemas and Islas Chafarinas, and surrounding waters; Morocco also rejected Spain's unilateral designation of a median line from the Canary Islands in 2002 to set limits to undersea resource exploration and refugee interdiction, but agreed in 2003 to discuss a comprehensive maritime delimitation; Morocco serves as the primary launching area of illegal migration into Spain from North Africa.

Nigeria:  Nigeria will have 289m people by 2050. In 2006, Nigeria has 128m people, 50% of whom are Muslim. Muslims mostly reside in the north. Nigeria is 40% Christians and 10% Animist, and Christians and Animists are found mainly in the south.

Northern Nigeria is Muslim and speaks dialects of the Chadic language group, while southern Nigeria is mainly Christian and speaks dialects of the Niger-Congo group. PBS’s Frontline notes:

The most populous and politically influential ethnic groups include the Hausa-Fulani, 29%; Yoruba, 21%; Igbo (also "Ibo"), 18%; Ijaw, 10%; Kanuri, 4%; Ibibio, 3.5%; and Tiv, 2.5%….

Nigeria’s religions tend to parallel ethnic identification. Hausa-Fulani people in the north are predominantly Muslim, the Igbo in the east are often Catholic, and the Yoruba in the west are animist, Christian or Muslim. Individuals sometimes mix the religions, for example, combining tenets of Christianity with local customs….

Kano, a 1k-year-old northern trade center, is West Africa’s oldest city. Its Central Mosque attracts as many as 50k worshippers at a time…Twelve out of 36 Nigerian states are currently under Sharia, Islamic law. Sharia is not new to Nigeria. Islamic penal codes were enforced until 1960, when punishments such as amputations and floggings were outlawed.

Due to Islamist activity and Muslim-Christian clashes, many Christians have left Muslim areas in the Muslim north and moved into Christian areas of Nigeria. Between 1999 when military rule ended and 2004, 50k died and 800k were Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), some in the Niger River delta region in the dispute over oil revenue sharing, but mostly from Christian-Muslims sectarian violence in the north. Other reports put the figure for deaths between 1999 and Mar 2007 at the lesser number of 15k.

Since 2004 sectarian violence has continued, not quite as intensely, but severe nonetheless:

      In Feb 2005, the predominantly Christian village of Demsa, Adamawa in northern Nigeria was attacked. According to Compass Direct, 36 Christians were killed and their property destroyed. About 3k survivors fled to a neighboring state.

      For the fourth time in five years, the Conquerors Chapel of the World of Faith Ministries in Kaduna, Nigeria, was destroyed by fire on 10 Apr 2005. The attacks began after Sharia law was introduced in Kaduna State in 2000.

      In Feb 2006 in the northern Sharia state of Bauchi, Muslims went on a rampage when word got out that “a Christian teacher in a secondary school had tried to confiscate a Koran from a student who was reading it during class.” In other words, his unclean infidel hands touched the Koran.

      In Feb 2006, 16 Nigerians died during the Danish Muhammad Cartoon Riots, and 30 Nigerian churches were burned.[62] On 21 Feb 2006, the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria wrote during the cartoon conflict:

We have for a long time now watched helplessly the killing, maiming and destruction of Christians and their property by Muslim fanatics and fundamentalists at the slightest or no provocation at all.[63]

      Two Christian female students from the Ahmadu Bello University in Kaduna State, Nigeria went missing after they were severely beaten by seven Muslim women in their own dormitory on 18 Mar 2006. The two students, Joy and Priscilla, were preparing to bathe when the seven students, veiled in Islamic robes, attacked them. They were harassed, intimidated flogged and left unconscious. Compass Direct reports that the two were taken to the university clinic and have not been seen since.

      On 28 Jun 2006 a Muslim mob in the town of Izom in the Nigerian state of Niger first overwhelmed police, then clubbed a woman to death for participating in street evangelism.

      In Mar 2007, Nigerian pastors in the northern states of Sokoto and Nasarawa were blocked from building churches. Also, Muslims have used their old trick of building a mosque next to a church and then confiscating the church property in order to expand the mosque holdings.

      In Mar 2007, a Christian mother reported seeing her abducted son in Muslim home, but Muslims would not let the child go whom they probably converted to Islam by force. In Mar 2007, a Christian teacher in the northern Sharia state of

      In Mar 2007, a woman Christian teacher in a state school was beaten in the NE Sharia state of Gombe. Gombe has 2m residents, half Christian and half Muslim, even though it is in the N of Nigeria where Muslims are prevalent. Canadian Free Press reported:

Christianah Oluwatoyin Oluwasesin was supervising an all-girl class while they were taking an Islamic Religious Knowledge examination, a routine job by any teacher's standards the world over. In accordance to school procedure, the homeroom teacher collected papers, books and bags before the exam papers were passed around. She left them in front of the class for pupils to retrieve later. One of the girls responded by starting to cry and was soon telling her classmates that there had been a copy of the Quran in her bag left in front of the classroom. The girl claimed that because Christianah was a Christian, she had desecrated the Quran by touching it. The students began to chant in unison, Allahu Akbar (‘God is Great’). These school age girls then beat, stoned and clubbed Christiania to death where she stood. The deed done, the girls then dragged her corpse outside of the school building and burned it.

Compass Direct reported that in response to the above incident, Muslims burned a church and threaten to burn 15 more. Muslims have rioted and burned churches in the area previously.

      In Apr 2007, a group called the Taliban killed 13 policemen in Kano. The same group killed people in Yobe in Sep 2004, and in Borno in Jun 2005, all places in northern Nigeria.

Christians and Animists are found mostly in the south where the gas and oil is. Erich Marquardt wrote:

Nigeria is Africa’s most populated country and is the fifth largest supplier of crude oil to the US. When pumping at full capacity, it produces an output of approximately 2.5m barrels per day, making it the world’s eighth-largest oil exporter. Its gas resources are just as extensive, with proven natural gas reserves at 184 trillion cubic feet, giving Nigeria the seventh-largest gas reserves worldwide. 95% of the country’s export earnings, accounting for 40% of its GDP [Gross Domestic Product], come from the oil and gas trade.

Some Americans are aware that some crude oil comes from Nigeria, and that an insurgency group threatens this supply. They have the impression that this insurgency is more humane than would be expected if it were Islamist-based, despite some massacres. Their impression is correct since the NDPVF and MEND are ethnic Ijaw mostly, and the Ijaw tribe is 99% Christian and 1% Muslim. Erich Marquardt wrote:

Out of Nigeria’s 137m people, the Ijaw number approximately 14m, making them the country’s fourth-largest ethnic group. They live primarily in the Niger Delta region. The Ijaw are generally Catholic Christians, although they incorporate traditional tribal religious practices into their beliefs.

After gaining independence from colonialist rule in 1960, there was a Muslim military coup in 1966. Military dictators from the Muslim north ruled Nigeria until 1979, and then again from 1983 to 1999, except for a few weeks in 1993.

Between 1967 and 1970, the region long known as Biafra, located in SE Nigeria, including the Niger River delta region, declared independence. When Biafra did not receive enough international support, it folded. According to Hugh Fitzgerald, in the Ahaiara Declaration of 1969, “Colonel Ojukwu correctly described” the Nigerian war on Biafra as a “jihad” against the Ibo (Igbo) tribal. The Biafra-Nigerian War, aka the Nigerian Civil War, cost many people their lives from starvation and disease since Biafra was starved into submission. The estimates of deaths range from 1+m to 2m to 3m.

The main motivation of the NDPVF and MEND is not separatism despite the history of Biafra, but a fairer distribution of the oil and gas profits, especially to the Ijaw tribe since they live where much of the oil and gas are siphoned away. Some oil and gas is found offshore. Most Nigerians live on 1 USD per day.

Another major demand of NDPVF and MEND is that Nigeria releases two of its leaders. One Ijaw leader, Alhaji Dokubo of the NDPVF, was a Christian who converted to Islam. He was arrested in 2006.[64]

In 2006 when crude hit $70 per barrel, the insurgency and gas stealing (bunkering) peaked, cutting production from 2.5m to 2m barrels per day. The government does not do more against the insurgency since corruption limits the amount of money available for the army, a familiar refrain around the world, especially in the Philippines. Also, a bigger conflict might cause oil production to cease altogether.

The names Niger Delta People’s Volunteer Force (NDPVF) and Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) can confuse people into thinking that they are located in the nation Niger, which is N of Nigeria. However, the Niger in their names refers to the River Niger that flows into the sea in Nigeria. Also, someone might think it odd that 14m Ijaw Africans can live on a river delta. The Niger Delta though is an uncommon inland delta, not sediment piled up offshore, so one can think of it as an inland jungle on flat land with many streams and lakes.

South Africa79% of South Africans are black, of whom 80% are Christian. 9.6% of South Africans are white, of whom 87% are Christian and 1.4% are Jewish. 8.9% are Colored (i.e. mixed-race), of whom 87% are Christian, and 7.4% are Muslim. 2.5% are Indian or Asian, of whom 47.3% are Hindu, 24.6 are Muslim, and 24.4 are Christan, and 3.7% are Other.

Most Christians in South Africa are Protestant, with only 7.1% Catholic. Most Muslims in South Africa are either Indian/Asian or Colored, and most are Sunni, but some are Shiite. Surprisingly, only 8.2% speak English as their native language. 21.5% of adults in 2003 were HIV-positive, or 5.3m. In 2003, 370k died.

There have been several Islamic terrorist groups in South Africa carrying out terrorist acts the last several decades. Before Aparteid ended in the early 1990s, they fought against Apartied allied with Blacks. After Apartied, they have been vigilantes against criminals and drug trafficking. The murder, robbery and rape rates are sky-high in South Africa. The Qibla group is Shiite and Iranian-backed, while the Call to Islam and People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD) are both Sunni. The rhetoric of these groups are anti-government, anti-Israel and anti-US, as one would expect.

Sudan:  Christians are just 5% of the Sudanese population 41.2m, or about 2m.

Black Christians and Animists in southern Sudan speak dialects of the Nilo-Saharan group, and Arab northern Nigeria speaks Arabic.

In 2007, the Sudanese capital Khartoum has 121 priests ministering to 900k.[65]

In Sudan the Arab (or Arabized) Muslims have since July 2003 been ethnically cleansing the region of Darfur where Black Muslims live, just as they did to the 9m Animists and 2m Christians of southern Sudan since the 1950s. Darfur is in central-west Sudan.

The ethnic cleansings in Darfur and in South Sudan are of genocidal proportions:

      From July 2003 and early 2007, between 200k and 450k Sudanese have been killed in Darfur and 2.5m displaced, but the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) says the number is 1.8m displaced, of which 200k are refugees in eastern Chad. Arab militias in Chad harass these refugees, and in early 2007, the UN said they were in danger of being slaughtered by Chad Arab militias who emulate Sudanese Arab militias. In Apr 2007, 25 Sudanese janjaweed militiamen were killed as they arsoned two villages, killing 45 people and leaving 6k to 8k homeless. Also in Apr 2007, 30k Black Dadjo tribesmen in Chad were displaced by Arab militias

      The First and Second Sudanese Civil Wars raged between north Muslim Sudan and south Animist and Christian Sudan, for all but ten years between 1956 and 2005. 1956 is the year Sudan obtained independence from colonialist powers. More than 2m died and 4m were displaced, but another estimate says 2m died and 5m were displaced.

      In the 1990s, the Khartoum government of Sudan supported the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a weird Christian sect that seeks to impose the Ten Commandments as the law of the land. The LRA operated in southern Sudan and northern Uganda against the Ugandan army, and the LRA still has not disbanded—at least as of 2006.

In 2005, the Muslim north and Christian south came up with a power-sharing agreement, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). A referendum on independence for south Sudan is scheduled for 2011.

Sudan has some parallels to Saudi Arabia. Sudan relies on the revenue from oil that is mainly found in the south where Animists and Christian predominate while much of Saudi Arabia’s oil is found in Shiite areas on the Persian Gulf. In southern Sudan, the oil drilling companies are owned by China, India and Malaysia. They produce 330k barrels in southern Sudan per day, but northern Sudan keeps most of the profits that according to the CPA of 2005, are supposed to be split 50/50.

Sudan’s situation is also similar to Saddam-era Iraq in that Arab Sunnis relied on oil revenue mostly found in Shiite and Kurdish areas. Just as Saddam move Arabs into the areas with oil and otherwise Arabized the Kurds, so Sudan tries to move Arabs into Christian and Black Muslim areas where the oil is, that being in southern Sudan and Darfur in the west, respectively.

The CPA of 2005 is an example of a ruse used by Muslim government makes peace in order to lessen international pressure, but then delegates the war to volunteer Islamic militias. Arafat did the same when PA security forces did not fight Israel due to international pressure, but then paid the salaries of Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Brigade and other militiamen. Arafat said repeatedly that the Hudaybiyatreaty brokered by Muhammad inspired Arafat’s strategy.

Just Arafat did not reign in militias, but in fact encouraged them to fight Israel, so the Sudanese militias, such as the Janjawid, are not reigned in by the Khartoum government, but continue to attack more moderate Muslims and Christians in the south when they are not attacking in Darfur. In 2006 “militia armies clashed with forces linked to the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in the southerly town of Malakal, leaving more than 300 people dead.” Christians and Animists staff the SPLA.

Jihad usually proceeds against the most exploitable people. After Muhammad brokered the Hudaybiya treaty with the Mekkans who were too strong at the time, he conquered small Jewish settlements and consolidated his strength until he could overwhelm Mekka. The Hudaybiya treaty precedent is why the Khartoum government made a quasi-peace with the Christian south in 2005, and then continued their attacks against Darfur.

Arab Sudanese object to the Darfur Muslim’s race, creed and dress, or at least the Janjawid militia is using these objections as pretexts for their attacks on Darfur. The Black Darfurs have a milder form of Islam, and wear traditional colorful African garb rather than the earth-tones common in Islamdom.

Ostensibly, the Jihad against the black Muslims in Darfur is a civil war to suppress the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), two groups that want more representation in the Sudanese parliament. The civil war fiction is meant as a fig leaf for ethnic cleansing and genocide. Spiegel reported:

Although both groups [SLA & JEM] are fighting for more rights for blacks in western Sudan, the members of JEM are also devout Muslims, many having been active in Islamist parties in the past.

Since 2003, the world has taken note of how Arab militias with Khartoum government-supplied weapons have been ethnic cleansing Darfur. Their genocide employs the more traditional tools of Jihad used along the frontiers of Islam, the same techniques used ever since battling the Byzantines. These are mass-murder, rape, and forcing boys into slavery, and girls and women into sex slavery, and taking ransoms on some. In 2007,  102 black slaves were freed from Arab masters. The result is that the Arab territory expands at the expense of Black Muslims.

It is worth noting here that Muhammad approved of his men raping infidel captives without practicing coitus interruptus, [66] allowed Muslims to have an unlimited number of sex-slaves (K 004:023-024, 092; 023:005; 033:050; 070:030), and allowed Muslims to pimp their slaves (K 024:033). Not surprisingly, therefore, Muslim immigrants in the West are known for their high rates of rape and gang rape of infidel women whom they might consider captives in the Koranic sense.

The extent to which Muslims engage in the sex-slave trade is not known, but Bedouins in Israel and the Sinai are known for smuggling eastern European women, mainly, into Israel to work at brothels. At any one time, 3k foreign women ply the trade in Israel. Christianity Today reported:

It is estimated 27m slaves still exist in the world today. An estimated 800k people are trafficked across international borders each year, with approximately 50% of all victims being children.

A high rate of Muslims raping infidels (among other crimes related to Jihad and dhimmitude) occurs everywhere in Islamdom, not just in the West. In Feb 2007, four Israeli Arab Muslims were convicted of gang-raping Israeli Jewish women, and when caught they said they did it was revenge against the Israeli army operations.

Crimes involved veils and niqabs, and women’s’ full-body coverings occur frequently. Muslim men will wear women’s full-body coverings to rob stores, escape the police, and escape the country since border guards rarely ask persons dressed in such coverings to remove their veils temporarily. Even Muslim women gangs will take advantage of the veil to commit crimes (see the Sweden section, below).

In Apr 2007, UK’s Times Online reported that Sudan painted its planes and helicopters white and used UN stencil markers in order to fool Darfur residents into not running away as they were being bombed and strafed. The planes also ferried arms to the janjawid militia and did reconnaissance.

Western Sahara: Western Sahara is nearly 100% Muslim. The CIA Factbook reads:

Morocco virtually annexed the northern two-thirds of Western Sahara (formerly Spanish Sahara) in 1976, and the rest of the territory in 1979, following Mauritania’s withdrawal. A guerrilla war with the Polisario Front contesting Rabat's sovereignty ended in a 1991 UN-brokered cease-fire; a UN-organized referendum on final status has been repeatedly postponed…. Morocco claims and administers Western Sahara, whose sovereignty remains unresolved; UN-administered cease-fire has remained in effect since Sep 1991, administered by the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), but attempts to hold a referendum have failed and parties thus far have rejected all brokered proposals; several states have extended diplomatic relations to the ‘Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic’ represented by the Polisario Front in exile in Algeria, while others recognize Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara; most of the approximately 102k Sahrawi refugees are sheltered in camps in Tindouf, Algeria.


B. Europe, The Balkans & Russia

The developed regions of the world will maintain their 1.2b populations until 2050, but only because 2.2m immigrants will arrive from the undeveloped world each year. In Europe, only UK, France and Spain will have rising populations, but the other European countries including Russia will have falling populations:  Belarus -28.2%, Bulgaria -35.2%, France +10.7%, Germany -10%, Italy -7%, Latvia –22.4%, Poland -20%, Romania -25.7%, Russia –24.3%, Spain +4.8%, UK +15% (from 60m to 69m), Ukraine -33%

Before taking up the Demographic case of each country in detail, a several pertinent topics are discussed (or at least links are provided):  1) the EU, 2) NATO, 3) Kyoto, 4) the population implosion of native Europeans, and 5) the population explosion of Muslim immigrants are discussed.

The European Union is primarily an economic union that relies on NATO and the US to meet its regional and global security needs. At some point, individual European countries may enter into trans-Atlantic free trade agreements with the US, or the EU may have free trade between super-national trade blocs representing continents.

In 2005, the EU spent 193b Euros, or 255b USD, on defense, roughly half of what the US spends on defense every year, not counting the extra expense of having soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Since each EU country has its own military, there is much reduplication so the EU has few troops and equipment left over for global force projection.

Lately, in the EU there is massive immigration from E to W Europe, as Spiegel reported:

The Labor Ministry in Warsaw estimates that 2m out of a total of 38m Polish citizens are currently seeking their fortunes outside their home country. Ireland alone is home to 196k Polish workers. More than 60k Latvians and tens of thousands of Lithuanians have also turned their backs on the Baltic in search of opportunities for a better life they couldn’t find at home. It’s a mass migration on a minor scale.

Those leaving Eastern Europe belong to the most economically important layers of society. Most of the immigrants are younger than 35, and one-fourth have completed their higher education. They want more money, a nicer apartment, to establish a career faster, better daycare and schools for their children, good universities and well-equipped hospitals. One consequence is that both Poland with its 14% unemployment rate and Slovakia, where the rate is 13.3%, now suffer from a lack of qualified workers….

Conservative estimates suggest that 200k Bulgarians will make their way to Western Europe during the coming years. EU regulations allow them to live and work wherever they want, now that Sofia has become a member state…

The situation in the public sector is worse. Even the miserable wages of Western nurses are attractive to trained nurses from Eastern Europe. And doctors can easily earn 10 times more than they do back home.[67]

NATO is the US and European defense alliance. NATO is expected to expand in the next few years to include Albania, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia and Ukraine. One would suspect that at this rate, NATO and EU might have contiguous borders soon. NATO cooperates with Israel as a partner, but there has only been talk of Israel becoming a full-fledge NATO member.

Germany, the UK, Japan, Russia and other Eurasian countries are the biggest proponents of the Kyoto climate change treaty that entails cutting back CO2 emissions to early 1990s levels. Why 1990s levels? Because:

      Europe’s economies did not grow as fast as other countries economies since 1990, meaning Europe hardly has to cut back atall. East Germany’s economy along with all the former communist nations’ economies contracted after the USSR broke up. Thus, Europe just needs to over-regulate and micro-manage some energy-intensive industries until they flee to offshore locations to meet their CO2 emission reduction goals.

      European countries and Russia tend to have birthrates well below the replacement rate of 2.1. Thus, their graying, retiring and shrinking populations will naturally use less fossil fuel. Meanwhile, these pro-Kyoto countries want the US, China India and the rest of the world to cut back on emissions at the same rate even though they have growing populations and growing economies.

      Individual proponents of Global Warming, from scientists to politicians and former politicians, are positioning themselves to profit off Global Warming. For instance, Al Gore came out with the movie and book An Inconvenient Truth, and declared that the Global Warming debate was finished. Later is was discovered that Al Gore had stock in a company that sells carbon offsets, mainly to the rich in order to ease their guilty conscience.

It is theorized that the same company would serve as a carbon offset trading firm between industries and nations if Kyoto ever kicked in—meaning Al Gore would pocket the profits on the massive fees it would charge clients—similar to how the military-industro-complex works.

      Kyoto proponent nations plan to have spare carbon credits that they can sell to other nations as carbon offsets. Kyoto proponent nations also plan to penalize non-Kyoto treaty signing nations, thereby enriching themselves based on the credits and fines. In other words, the developing nations will be paying for the healthcare and retirements of socialist developed nations. For instance, World Politics Watch reported:

The Protocol requires that Russia’s greenhouse gas emissions be reduced by some 17.4% by 2012, as compared to 1990 levels. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union already brought with it an emissions reduction of some 30%, Russia is in the comfortable position of not having to place any particular restrictions on its currently booming economy. According to the estimate of the German Institute for Economic Research, the country could, moreover, earn up to $20 billion through the sale of emission rights.[68]

Lately, more Climate Change scientists have begun to doubt their hockey-stick projections, and now think that the earth will warm up more than a degree or two. Also, they say melting polar ice and thermal expansion of the oceans will only result in 17 inches of ocean water.

Many scientists think that the earth overall may be more habitable for man and beast if it were slightly warmer, as it was during the Medieval Warming Period. Finally, many scientists says the sun entered its cooler phase of its multi-decadal cyclical period in 1990 and will reach its solar minimum in 2040, so the degree of warming the earth has had recently will be reversed starting in 2022 or 2027. Their main proof is that other planets and their moons with atmospheres are also undergoing global warming. For instance, Mars recently lost its polar icecap that was made of frozen carbon dioxide mainly.

The Kyoto Treaty is set to expire in 2012. One can predict that Kyoto II will only be a shadow of Kyoto I because already the downgraded warnings about warming has led to non-enforcement—even as EU countries miss their targeted reductions, or even increase C02 emissions. Of course, every so often, as in 2007, they renew their intentions but there is little follow-thru on the order it would take to meet emissions reduction targets, especially since reducing CO2 emission is so costly. Also, in 2007 China surpassed the US in CO2 emissions, so the US is no longer the whipping boy.

Few countries have even taken the first obvious steps of conserving energy and putting wind farms on top of every hill. No countries have banned, say, gas-guzzlers in favor of hybrids vehicles, incandescent light bulbs in favor of swirl fluorescents, CRTs and plasma screens in favor of LCD TVs and PC monitors, outdoor lamps without light sensors, and 2- and 4-slot toasters without individual-slot operation. Also, no country has banned mid- to upper-latitude immigration because multiculturalism trumps environmental concerns, as Dick Field wrote:

Every immigrant from a tropical or semi-tropical climate such as the Caribbean, Central and South America, Africa, the Indian Sub Continent, Hong Kong, southern China, South East Asia, the Burmese/Malay peninsula, the Philippine archipelago and the Middle East requires huge additional amounts of carbon based energy to survive in North American and European climates. This additional consumption of fossil based energy creates huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other chemicals and hence, atmospheric pollution.

In climates where not much more than a tee shirt and shorts plus minimal housing is needed to stay warm, dry and alive, little consumption of energy is required. However, in cold climates such as Europe, Canada, Russia and most of the US, the additional consumption of energy for synthetic and natural fibre winter clothing, heated housing, gasoline and diesel powered transportation is enormous.

The northern latitudes are where most hydrocarbons are burnt. Spiegel reported:

Mankind burns up to 10m tons of crude oil a day, 12.5m tons of hard coal and 7.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas.

Spiegel elsewhere reported:

The average Bangladeshi produces just 178 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year -- a mere drop in the bucket compared to the 21 tons per capita released annually by Americans.

That Climate Change is becoming less of a concern to many is good news because politicians have been using Kyoto as an excuse for ducking a more pressing and uglier issue, that being the population implosion and the Demographic Jihad.

Due to Europe’s declining birthrate and social system that guarantees generous pensions, full and free healthcare and early retirement, those trying to enter the workforce or in the workforce are squeezed, as well as the employers. The workers and the employers must foot the bill for the socialistic system where the number of beneficiaries increases every year.

Under such a strain, European firms cannot be very competitive in the global economy, so job creation is slow. Many cannot find jobs, even those who are well educated, the jobs that are available often pay less then in previous decades in terms of buying power, and the housing is expensive.

That is a cursory description of the situation in France, Germany, Italy and other countries, but a few countries such as Spain and Ireland have never had it so good as today. Perhaps this too is passing and they will join the club of misery as the wheel of demography spins.

Some politicians and pundits have noted that the younger generation resists any changes in the system because they want the same benefits as their parents. It seems true there is a love-hate relationship with socialism, and those who have good jobs and job security, and refer to themselves as “job owners,” are quite content with the system. However, it seems that what the younger generation was really objecting to was reforming the system only for the young without commensurate cuts of benefits and protections for older workers and retirees. In other words, the politicians wanted to have two Europes:  a capitalistic Europe for the young that supported a socialistic Europe for older workers.

That just-described melding of a capitalistic system with a socialistic system would be rather like what is in place in America. The 20% or so of people with pensions live out a socialistic existence with all medical expenses met by their former employers or the government while the 80% of Americans without pensions live in a capitalistic system that supports the 20% in the socialistic system. Also, in America, younger people will by law only receive retirement benefits later, i.e., instead of at 63 or 65 years of age, it will be 67 and 70. In other words, it’s a pyramid scheme where 80% form the capitalistic base that supports the 20% of socialistic beneficiaries who cap the pyramid.

Wikipedia has entries on Islam for many countries, including countries in Europe, for example:  France, Italy and Europe. Here is an interesting Wikipedia map of dominant religions in Europe and part of Mideast.

Estimates of the number of Muslims in Europe varies greatly mainly because census data does not include religion, some estimates include the Balkans and all EU states while some do not, and because some surveys count all Turks, Algerians and Pakistanis and others as being Muslim even though many do not self-identify as Muslim.

No one is disputing the fact that Muslims have increased their numbers greatly in Europe due to an elevated birth rate and immigration (legal and otherwise) since 1970 without many people taking any notice until after 9/11. For instance:

      Muslims in “Switzerland has grown from 16k to 310k during the past four decades.”[69]

      In Germany, there are about 1m Muslims in 2006 “compared to 56k at the beginning of the 1980s.”[70]

The problem is that surveys and studies diverge greatly on the estimates of numbers of Muslims in the EU, as well as the projected numbers of Muslims in 2025, 2050 and 2100. For instance, note below how the Eurostat study says the EU is 15.7% Muslim in 2007, while the CIA and NIC says the number of Muslims is nearer to 3%:

      There are 14.3m Muslims in the EU, which is 3.12% of the 460.8m EU citizens, according to the CIA Factbook.

      The European Union agency Eurostat in Luxembourg polled 27k in 2007 and found that about a quarter of the EU populace is only nominally religious, and 25.4 are non-religious. Also, 49.5% are Catholic, 15.7% Muslim, 12.7% Protestant, 8.6% Orthodox, 0.4% Jews.[71]

      The Zentral-Institut Islam-Archiv-Deutschland says there are 53.7m Muslims in Europe in 2007, or 7.9% of 680m. In the EU, 15.9m are Muslim, or about 3.2% of 494.7m EU citizens. There are 25m Muslims in Russia and 5.9m in the European part of Turkey. Of EU citizens, 224.5m (45.4%) are Roman Catholic, 115m (23.25%) are atheist, 57.8m (11.7%) are protestant, 39m are Orthodox (7.9%), 15.9m (3.2%) are Muslim, 1.5m (0.3%) are Jewish, and 41m (8.3%) are Other.

      The NIC, the US federal government’s National Intelligence Council, says there are 20m Muslims in Europe, and Muslims would double to 40m by 2025.[72] In other words, Muslims are 2.86% of Europe’s 700m-population in 2006, and would be 5.71% of the population by 2025.

While I am not able to resolve or explain the differences between the estimates and projections, for the purposes of this study, I will assume that the CIA and NIC estimates are more accurate. Incidentally, in 2007 Philip Jenkens agrees and says in the third book of his population trilogy (God’s Continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe’s Religious Crisis) that by 2050 there will only be 30m Muslims in Europe. Consequently, Jenkins only sees a “soft Islamization” of Europe rather than a takeover of Europe.

One study says there will be 628m Europeans in 2050, down from the 700m there are today. Another study says there will be 653m in 2050. Most estimates on Europe’s population assume that 72+m Turks will not become EU members by 2025 or even 2050. If Turkey did join the EU, that would give the total number of EU residents a boost, and the number of EU Muslims an immediate boost of 9.3%, to about 12% or 12.5%.

The small discrepancies between the number of Muslims in the EU and Europe in the above studies may have resulted because:

      It is all within the margin error given that the studies are based more on estimates than hard data.

      Not all European countries are members of the EU.

      The EU has been enlarging incrementally since the breakup of the USSR, so data on the EU becomes dated each time another country joins the EU.

One study says that Muslims are 5% of the EU populace in 2006, and that by 2020 the EU will be 10% Muslim.[73] However, the 5% Muslim figure seems high given that the CIA said Muslims were only 3.12% of EU’s population in 2006, and the NIC said only 2.86%. So if Muslims are supposed to double in number by 2020, then by the NIC and CIA numbers, they would only be between 5.72 to 6.24% of EU’s population.

The majority of native Europeans have few children, if any, and they are getting beyond the childbearing years. In 2006 native Europeans have a birthrate of 1.47 Children Per Woman (CPW), well below the replacement rate of 2.1 CPW. To use another yardstick, Europeans average 10 babies for every 1k citizens per year, with the UK average being 12 newborns, “while in France and Germany the average is 9.” Average life expectancy in Europe is 79. By comparison, Israel average 24 babies per 1k Israelis, and the life expectancy is 80.

Michael Freund reported on a 2006 International Journal of Andrology study:

At the bottom of the list are Spain, Italy and Greece, where birthrates hover around just 1.3 per couple, leading some forecasters to suggest, for example, that Italy’s population could shrink by one-third by the middle of the century. Others, such as Germany’s 1.37 CPW, the UK’s 1.74 and Sweden’s 1.75, aren’t all much better.[74]

The just-described study found that the birthrate has been below replacement levels in many EU states since 1982. The study also concluded that since 2003 more people have died than were born in the EU as a whole. This phenomenon of negative natural growth had already started in Germany, Bulgaria and Hungary in 1990, and spread to twelve other countries by 2002. Bulgaria is an interesting population implosion case, since there are near 1m Muslims who make up 12.2% of the population.

The sub-replacement birthrate in the 1980s came after a century of declining birthrates. The big decline of the birthrate is explained for the most part by American demographer Warren Thompson’s Demographic Transition theory, devised in 1929. The birthrate drops as the population moves from a rural-agrarian to an urban-manufacturing to an urban-information and services economy. While society need not try to reverse the trends to go back to urban-agrarian birthrates, it needs to reverse the subreplacement rate unless society wants to go extinct, and suffer in the process.

Worthy of note is the processes driving down the birthrate in Europe are at work in America too, although it is harder to see because there are really two Americas:  white and black America and the Hispanic America. The white and black America is in the same boat as Europeans with a subreplacment birth rate, and the Hispanic America will take a generation before the same economic pressures bring them to the same point.

In both Europe and America, the taxation rate on the majority of the population is too high. In Europe, the taxation is real taxation, but in America, the taxation takes the form of a low minimum wage that depresses wages across the board.

In the 1960s, the US minimum wage in today’s dollars was over 10 or 11 USD per hour, but since then the minimum wage has been nearly halved. Even then, the rich and socialistic unions and their workers hoarded wealth. Now in 2007 there are clearly two Americas:  Many are homeless, the poor go without amenities and are lucky to get even substandard healthcare, and the middleclass is fearful of becoming indigent overnight due to potential health problems or being laid off or fired. Meanwhile, many of the rich, who are no longer just a tiny minority, have Darwinian attitudes, have humungous houses and live high on the hog, and are one prayer away from being charged by God with a damnable sin (Deu 15:09; Mat 19:24). Anyway, the homeless all ought to all receive medals, for it is the money not spent on the homeless that has made America strong militarily, and the land of opportunity for many.

Employers argue that a lower minimum wage increases employment. It does in the short-term, but it also has the side effect of depressing the birthrate to subreplacement levels. Also, employees cannot improve their hirability because they cannot afford to take technical classes, at least without massive government assistance which is hard to come by. As a result, nowadays employers are complaining of two things:  not having enough workers, and not having enough qualified workers. This, of course, is all their own doing.

There are many variables involved with fertility. The worldwide Baby Boom was credited to soldiers returning from service, for example. Another big factor is the decline of church attendance. Previously, marriageable partners could readily be found in church, but church attendance has declined to unbelievably (pun intended) low levels. Internet dating services are costly and poor alternative, because church is what shaped and rehabilitated many people and made them marriageable, but the internet has no such salutary effect on daters, and probably has a deleterious effect.

Another factor that might explain the drop in fertility is music preferences. From the 1950s on, pop music became increasingly anarchic, and not suitable for relationship building. However, in the 1990s country music became more hip and involved more dancing at local bars in the US.

In the 1970s, synthesizer music, later dubbed Techno music, became popular in Europe and Japan. It is mean to mimic machines and hence has no soul or emotion to it, just artificial intelligence. Many would agree that this music is incapable of producing any romantic feelings in its hearers, and is, if anything, anti-romantic. Unsurprisingly, there is a direct relationship between the popularity of Techno music and a low fertility rate.

Muslims, by contrast to Westerners, tend to be younger and have four children per women on average, though the Muslim birthrate is dropping across the globe. Wikipedia’s article on Developed Nation’s Population Decline reports:

Many European countries, including France, Italy and Poland, have offered some combination of bonuses and monthly payments to families.

Wikipedia quotes the NY Times on parental incentives:

President Vladimir V. Putin directed Parliament on Wednesday to adopt a 10-year program to stop the sharp decline in Russia’s population, principally by offering financial incentives and subsidies to encourage women to have children…Australia offers a $4,100 bonus for every baby plus additional fortnightly payments, a free immunization scheme and recently proposed to pay all child care costs for women who want to work. Many European countries, including France, Italy and Poland, have offered some combination of bonuses and monthly payments to families. Some Japanese localities, facing significant population loss, are offering economic incentives. Yamatsuri, a town of 7k just north of Tokyo, offers parents $4,600 for the birth of a child and $460 a year for 10 years. Singapore has a particularly lavish plan:  $3k for the first child, $9k in cash and savings for the second; and up to $18k each for the third and fourth.

The birth dearth on the part of native Europeans and the fact that Muslim families are larger on average leads to the ponderous question of:  why? There are so many variables involved that one can say it is systemic. It is, however, well known that secular people have fewer children than religious folk who read the Bible where it says children are a blessing from God, and God tells Adam and Eve to reproduce and multiply.

Oskari Juurikkala wrote that the main reason that couples are childlessness or only have one child is children are not seen as having much worth, or as being a luxury that few can afford.[75] There are a number measures countries can take to end the birth dearth. First, one could increase the minimum wage so more people can improve their situation enough to have a family rather than living hand-to-mouth from cradle-to-grave. Second, one could make children worth something by taking certain steps, of which here are a few examples:

      The more people have children, the more people will feel that not having children is abnormal. One way to go about this is to restrict abortion. Poland and Ireland have always restricted abortion. A few years ago Russia restricted the availability of abortions to stem its population implosion. At the same time some regions in Russia offered incentives for growing families such as houses and vehicles. Portugal and several other Catholic-majority countries outside of Europe have always restricted abortion, so only Catholic countries in Europe are experiencing sub-replacement rate birthrates. When more families have children, this reduces class disparities and tension. The way it is now, couples with several children are often financially broke and are in a lower class than those couples without children or few children. Why? Simply because couples without children have more disposable income and spend it loosely, thereby driving up the price of everything that families need—from homes, to food, to education.

      Tax monies should not go to Planned Parenthood that makes a lot of money off abortion procedures, and other similar walk-in pregnancy counseling centers that push abortion. Nor should the taxpayer have to subsidize organizations whose philosophy involves eugenics, population control, or sex selection. Many birth defects such as cleft palette are correctable, but some pregnancy counseling centers will advise abortion even though abortion has many potential side effects such as infertility. These same centers would hardly sympathize with a country’s population implosion concerns, or a couple’s future fertility, since many people think that the earth can only sustain 2b people as it is. Moreover, they figure a gender imbalance will lead to a lower population if many people cannot find a spouse.

      Countries could ensure that people with children would receive better healthcare owing to the fact that they have more dependants who need them around and healthy. This is not unprecedented. For instance, people with healthier lifestyles receive a higher priority for organ transplants. It was proposed first in 2006 in the UK that those with manifestly bad lifestyles (smoking, alcoholic, drug abusers, etc) would receive less priority when it came to health treatment unless they mended their ways. Then in 2007, it was proposed that a UK doctor could tell a person to lose weight or quit smoking before they were eligible for an operation. In Israel a person who wants an elective operation might have to wait a year or more.

      Countries could lower the eligibility age for retirement for parents so they could collect on social security and medical care payments sooner. This is not unprecedented either. In the US people could retire and collect social security when they were 63. However, the program became more expensive as benefits were added such as prescription coverage, and as the worker-retiree ratio plummeted. So now the system is tiered and depending on when a person was born, he gains eligibility when he reaches age 67 or 70.

      Parents could be guaranteed benefits first. In the unlikely case of a 1930s Depression-era like economic meltdown, parents would be covered first and best.

      In the US it was found that replacing pensions with portable 401k retirement accounts allowed women to take off time for having children. In order to be vested in a pension plan, one had to work at the same company for six or twenty years, depending on company policy. One could only retire with benefits after 20 or 30 years. Men and women alike risked losing everything if they did not work the minimum time required to be vested in the pension plan. 401k plans are portable, so this allows women to leave one company, raise a family, and return to work, often at a different company, while retaining retirement benefits.

      The government could subsidize match-making/dating websites that make public records available free before the first date. Moreover, the government could subsidize adoption sites. Some Blacks in the US say that adoption is not a good option and they must opt for abortion because people are slow to adopt Black children with disabilities. However, if the Website went global, people in countries with socialized medicine could adopt babies of any race from anywhere without facing financial ruin at the hands of hospitals. Moreover, when every baby is wanted for adoption a hundred times over, every baby will manifestly be a wanted child.

Muslim communities flourish with the help of European and Israeli socialism. In the US, by contrast, there is only a social safety net that is not designed to support large families mostly on dole, but it has been scammed, of course. In several cities in Europe a quarter to half of babies are Muslim, the most common boy and girl names are Muhammad (or Mohammed) and Sara.

Another problem for Europe, but especially for all the countries and islands on the Mediterranean, is the growing number of Muslims in Africa and Asia who may attempt to immigrate into Europe through various channels. This is similar to how 200m Muslims are just a boat ride away from sparsely populated Australia. Ioannis Michaletos wrote about Europe’s situation today verses the 1970s:

In the 50’s the population of Greece was 7m people, while the one of Turkey was 21m, a 1:3 analogy. Nowadays Greece encompasses 11.1m citizens and Turkey 70m. Therefore the analogy is 1:7 and that may explain to an extent the roots of the current Greek-Turkish rivalry and brinkmanship.

Continuing in the early 70’s the Maghrib states of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt had a population of 70m. In the same period the Mediterranean European states, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece, were populated in total by 160m people. Today the numbers are 150m for North Africa and 180m for Southern Europe.

The trajectory for the year 2050 will be 250m for North Africa and just 150m for Southern Europe. In essence, a population gap in Mediterranean Europe will be in stark contrast with an incredible increase in states just a few nautical miles from their shores. [76]


Some Anticipate a Eurabian Civil War

While European countries are unlikely to become majority Muslim for another century, many Europeans cities likely will become majority Muslim by say 2025. “White Flight,” which is already occurring in 2007, hastens the process.

White Flight is where native Europeans practice avoidance behavior when it comes to Muslims “problems” and terrorism, that is, the natives flee the cities where Muslim immigrants congregate, and move out to the suburbs, exurbs, market towns and countryside. Some even pack their bags and leave the country to go to the US, Australia and sundry locations where life is perceived to be more pleasant.

White Flight has begun because people are starting to heed Bernard Lewis’ warning about Europe going Islamic by 2100. The trickle of those leaving Europe is becoming a stream, but not a river yet. It is hard to get exact numbers due to scant reporting, and only the nationality but not religion is registered. Nevertheless, Brussels Journal blog has some stats on people fleeing Sweden, Germany, Holland and Britain.

Gunnar Heinsohn of Germany thinks that White Flight will become a major problem for Europe before 2030 since the Muslim “youth bulge” will surround Europe and be in Europe:

When 15 to 24-year-olds make up 20 per cent or more of the population, a society shows a ‘youth bulge,’ in the words of Gary Fuller, director of population studies at the University of Hawaii.

When 15-29 year-olds make up more than 30 per cent of a society, argues Heinsohn, who’s a social scientist at the University of Bremen, violence is practically inevitable….

Of the 27 biggest youth-bulge nations today, 13 are Muslim. A decade from now, Islamic countries will make up a quarter of the world’s population. Maybe this is what the late Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi meant when he spoke of ‘the century of Islam.’

What does this mean for America? Demographically speaking, Washington can hardly afford to be involved in a two-front war. Facing a manpower shortage, Heinsohn predicts that a future America will leave its fortress only if its security is directly threatened.

The Islamic youth bulge worldwide won’t start to shrink until 2015. Against such demographic threats, America and Canada are the only geographic entities even theoretically capable of shielding themselves. The very thought of trying to do so would be anathema in most of Europe.

Heinsohn contends that by 2030 many of Europe’s more savvy non-Muslim youth will have already left for sanctuary in the US.[77]

As was quoted near the start of the study, Jens Orback, Democracy Minister in the Swedish said during a radio debate:

We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so towards us.

So it is not surprising to read in The Local, an English language Swedish newspaper, that:

      Sweden’s emigration level jumped 18% in one year—between 2005 and 2006. 44,908 people, mostly Swedes, but a few Finns, Danes and Norwegians, emigrated in 2006. This nearly broke the record set in 1892 when 45,504 left.

      Meanwhile, 15,320 Swedes returned to Sweden along with 80,430 foreigners, of which 17,501 were from Muslim-majority countries:  Afghanistan (1,669), Iran (2,008) Iraq (10,850) and Somalia (2,974).

      When one adds up the numbers, there was a net loss of up to 29,588 ethnic Swedes while Muslim gained about 17,501 for their community.

Terrorism in subways and trains and other attacks on infidels have already begun and is bound to escalate, resulting in the de facto ethnic cleansing of neighborhoods, if not entire towns and cities. One can tell a city is going Muslim when the number one boy’s name is Muhammad and the number two name is Mohammed, i.e., a variant spelling.

A few cities to watch are London, Paris, Berlin, Oslo in Norway, Malmo in Sweden, and Amsterdam, Antwerp, Brussels, Leuven, Mechelen, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht, all in the Netherlands. Amsterdam and Rotterdam are on track to be Muslim-majority as soon as 2015.

Bernard Lewis predicted in 2004 that “…Europe will be Islamic by the end of the century,” meaning by 2100 AD.[78] Lewis presumably means by Europe the Western part from Germany to Italy, the part never behind the Iron Curtain. If 72m Turks joined the EU, “Muslims could account for 1 in 5 Europeans by 2050,” “Europeans” here meaning the entire expanded EU.[79]

That Europe and Russia seem slated for Islamic-related turmoil means that people are already trickling out of Europe with this in mind, and this may become a stream at some point in the future.

Investors may also be contemplating emerging demographics when making investments that require long-term profitability to be feasible, or when purchasing long-lived products that need parts and servicing such as trains, planes, ships, pipelines, power plants and satellites. Perhaps this explains some of Airbus’ woes starting in 2006 and Galileo GPS satellite woes in 2007.

Philip Jenkins stated in 2005:

I have an image in my mind from Lebanon. I don’t know how many of you remember some of the images of that war but some of them were so much from a science-fiction fantasy. The key battle in Beirut in 1976 was the battle of the Holiday Inn, and you have the battles of the hotels, when Shiite militias finally put enough cannon in the Ramada to take out the Holiday Inn. Sometimes I wonder if something like that might be a face of civil conflict in Europe. However, I would be most alarmed not where you necessarily have a growing population or a shrinking population, but where a growing poor population meets a shrinking rich population. That to me would seem to be a Lebanon in the making.[80]


Anti-Semitism Increasingly an Islamic Phenomenon

Philip Jenkins stated in 2005:

If you want to understand just how dramatic the youth collapse is in Europe, think about this:  why has Europe in the last 10 or 20 years not produced mass anti-immigrant movements, mass paramilitary forces or violent militias directed against immigration? The answer is that the sort of teenagers and young adults who would be expected to form those groups—the skinhead militias—aren’t there….

There aren’t as many skinheads around Europe as in the 60s and 70s it seems, but there still are plenty of skinhead gangs around the world as evidenced by their demonstrations, their graffiti, and more than occasional violence in places as varied as Canada, Spain, Boise, Idaho, and even in Israel.

Lately the Neo-Nazis have been intimidating and attacking foreigners in European cities like Berlin, Wiesbaden, and in Moscow, Kiev, St. Petersburg, and in Russia’s far eastern quarter. The attacks often lead crippling disabilities, if not death, and the victims are often Jewish, or Black immigrants. The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism in Tel Aviv summarizes the trends in Europe as of 2006:

A total of 324 violent incidents was registered in Europe, higher than in other regions of the world. The highest number of anti-Semitic acts committed in the UK in the last 20 years was registered. The statistics in France and Belgium also show an increase in anti-Semitism. Germany remained steady but high, holding the record for desecrating cemeteries and Holocaust-memorial monuments.

Haaretz reported:

In 2006, incidents of harassment at schools and Jewish community centers also doubled from 2005. The number of synagogues desecrated also rose by a third. The countries with the greatest rise in anti-Semitism were Great Britain, Australia, France and Canada. In Great Britain, the number of violent anti-Semitic incidents was highest in the past 20 years, as more than 100 Jews were assaulted. The number of violent incidents in France rose by 45% and doubled in Canada.[81]

Jerusalem Post reported:

The breakdown of anti-Semitic incidents worldwide is heavily tilted toward Western Europe, which witnessed 54% of them, followed by North America - whose Jewish population is over five times the size of Western Europe's - with just 17% and the former Soviet Union with 13%.

Britain, with 136 "major violent incidents," saw a 20-year high in 2006. France, with 97 such incidents, witnessed a 45% increase and the French-speaking regions of Canada saw a doubling of violent attacks over a year earlier.

Asked if the high numbers of attacks in France, Britain and the FSU weren't simply due to the relatively large Jewish communities there, Stauber said the attacks had increased over the years in each country, and that attacks now tended to target people rather than Jewish buildings or graves.

According to the report, desecration of graves accounted for 53% of the incidents in 1999 (60 recorded attacks). Even though such attacks rose by 50% by 2006, their share of total attacks shrank to 16% of the total in 2006, while attacks on people - usually in the street - grew to 47% of the total.[82]

Polltakers have noticed a sharp drop in traditional and racial anti-Semitic attitudes among Germans in recent years.[83] If one wants to count sympathizing with Palestinians more than Israel (Palestinianization) as being anti-Semitic, then there is more anti-Semitism in Europe than ever, especially on campuses and in the press. After all, Bat Ye’or doesn’t call Europe Eurabia for nothing.

Racism and anti-Semitism is common in soccer stadiums around the EU, especially in Germany. Soccer stadiums are rife with fan violence, and racist taunts of Black and Jewish players mainly, and incidents outside the stadiums, too.

While anti-Semitism is decreasing and is latent among native Europeans generally, the ruling elite has finally been mugged by the reality that Islamism is linked to visceral Koran and Hadith-based anti-Semitism. In 2003 the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia found that the majority of the anti-Semitic attacks against Jews and Jewish cemeteries were by Muslims. Haaretz reported that in 2006:

A report released by the British parliament indicated that Islamist and radical leftist sources were responsible for the heightened anti-Semitism in the United Kingdom. A German study pointed to the widespread use of anti-Semitic slurs in schools, particularly by Muslim students.[84]

The Jewish Agency noted in their report on anti-Semitism in 2006:

The threat faced by the Jewish Diaspora from the global jihad movement was also highlighted, as was a statement by al-Qaeda’s number two Ayman al-Zawahri, who said:  ‘The strongest way of helping our Muslim brothers is to stroke the interests of the Jews and those who cooperate with them.’

The Jerusalem Post reported:

In France, Russia, Austria, Germany and Scandinavia there were sharp rises in anti-Semitic incidents while in Britain the number of incidents remained steady at 312….France, which has Europe's largest Muslim community at about 6m, led the world with the highest number of anti-Semitic incidents. There were 360 incidents of violence, property damage, desecration of sites, invective inscriptions or propaganda leveled against France's Jews in 2006, a 20% rise compared to 2005. Bagneux, Paris was the scene of one of two anti-Semitic murders recorded by the forum. In January 2006 Ilan Halimi was kidnapped, tortured for three weeks and left to die by a group of African Muslims calling themselves the Barbarians. According to reports in the media, including The New York Times, residents of the predominantly Muslim Parisian neighborhood knew of the kidnapping and torture, but did not notify the police….‘Muslim populations are growing in Europe and so is anti-Semitism,’ said Bielski…[85] reported:  “…being in Jewish in France meant “encountering anti-Semitism frequently.” In Apr 2007, a poll of 980 Jews revealed:

12% of French Jews polled said that they had personally suffered anti-Semitism over the last several months.”

That Muslim youth are perpetrating most of the anti-Semitic acts in Europe even though they are minority there is explained by the fact that there is an increasingly number of Muslim youths in Europe coming from large families that roam the neighborhoods and are raised on the anti-Semitic Koran. By contrast, since 1982 native European women have only had one-point-something Children per Women, which is well below the replacement rate. Naturally, “momma’s boys” are less likely to roam the neighborhoods, spray paint anti-Semitic graffiti, and insult and beat up Jews.

Albania:  Albania is located right above Greece. 2.2m out of 3.1m Albanians are Sunni Muslim, or 70%. Another estimate says there are 3.5m Albanians. 20% are Albanian Orthodox and 10% are Roman Catholic. Many of the world’s 44m Romani (Gypsies) are nomadic and live in the Balkans, including in Albania.

The Washington Post reported on the current situation in 2007:

Christian missionaries and Muslim imams have arrived in large numbers, hoping to attract new followers among the population of 3.5m. Libya, Egypt, Malaysia and other Muslim countries have paid for hundreds of Albanians to study religion in their countries and return here to teach. Many of Albania’s top religious leaders come from abroad—one Catholic archbishop is Italian, another is a former New Yorker, and the head of the Orthodox Church is Greek.

Austria339k out of 8.2m Austrians are Muslim, or 4.1%. The Zentral-Institut Islam-Archiv-Deutschland says there are 350k Muslims in Austria in 2007.

UK’s Prospect magazine reported in 2006:  assuming there would be 20k immigrants per year (not all Muslim), Muslims would constitute “between 14 and 26 per cent of the population in 2050.” The Population Council reported that 8.1m Austrians would be reduced to 6.3m without immigration by 2050. Foreigners would constitute 28% by 2050 at current levels of immigration, but not all these are Muslim.

AzerbaijanSpiegel reports that ethnic Armenians in a highlands province called Nagorno-Karabakh broke away from Azerbaijan after the Soviet Union dissolved. Armenia helped the insurgents, and in 2006 Armenian troops occupy an eighth of Azerbaijani territory. The conflict claimed 30k lives and displaced 1m people.

Belgium:  400k out of 10.3m Belgians are Muslim, 4%. “A majority of Belgium’s Muslims are of Moroccan or Turkish origin; many others are from Albania.”[86] news reported:

The total number of circumcised women in Belgium is estimated at 2,745.  The total number of young women under 14 that run a great risk of genital mutilation is 534.  In Antwerp the number is 409 women and 90 young girls.  The data is from Ghent researcher Els Leye and was published as part of a day against female genital mutilation.

Most circumcised women come from Ghana (343), Congo (331) and Guinea (240).  The numbers are almost certainly underestimated because they do not include asylum seekers and illegal immigrants

At least 2m women are circumcised yearly around the world, mostly in Africa.  Female circumcision occurs more and more in Belgium, in kitchens and back rooms.  Female circumcision is punishable by up to 7 years in prison.  No legal process was started on that count till today.

Islam in Europe wrote that when Moroccans first came to Belgium, it was thought that marriage to Moroccans back in the old country would decrease overtime, but the exact opposite occurred. In 1979 41.4% of marriages were to partners living in Morocco, and in 2003 it was 65.4%. “A Belgian study from 1999 shows that about 25% of Turkish and Moroccan women married under coercion.”

Due to new restrictions, “The amount of asylum requests in 2006 is an all time low since 1990,” 10,207 asylum seekers were in Belgium in 2006, and 11,725 were expelled or turned away. 3,291 asylum seekers were given permanent residence and 2,101 temporary residency.

In 2000, the Quick Citizenship Act was passed. “Citizenship is available after seven years.”[87] The Quick Citizenship Act creates “337,904 ‘new Belgians’ – an average of 4,277 per month.” Belgium allows its immigrants to vote so anti-immigration parties like Vlaams Belang are at a disadvantage. Paul Belien wrote:

Belgium is an artificial country, consisting of 6m Dutch-speaking Flemings and 4m French-speaking Walloons. The Francophile Belgian authorities reckon that foreigners will not feel much loyalty to Flanders because most of them speak French. Brussels, which used to be Dutch-speaking, has become a French-speaking enclave in Flanders.

Today, 589 of the 661 elected local councilors in Brussels are French-speaking. 170 of the 661 Brussels councilors are ‘new Belgians’ or foreigners. Most of them are Muslims. 168 of the 170 foreign councilors are registered as Francophone. Foreigners make up 28.5% of the French-speaking and 3% of the Dutch-speaking councilors.[88]

Catholics and French speakers are generally fonder of Muslims than Protestants, perhaps due to their long proximity and Vatican II’s Nostra Aetate declaration of 1965 where Catholics are instructed to “esteem” Muslims. It also seems that French-speaking Catholics in Belgium and Quebec, Canada, favor Francophone immigration in order to increase their representation in otherwise English-Protestant countries.

Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska: As a result of the Dayton Accords in 1995, Bosnia-Herzegovina is split into three entities: the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (FBiH), the autonomous Republika Srpska (RS), and the tiny Brčko District (BD). Despite the word Republic, RS is not an independent nation, at least in 2007. The FBiH has 51% of the landmass and 34% of the population. The RS has 49% of the landmass and 66% of the population.

In 2005, RS has 1.41m people, of whom 1.25m (88.4%) are Serbs, 150k (10.7%) are Bosniaks, and 13k (0.9%) are Croats. Another estimate says that in 2007, RS has 1.4m Christian Serbs.

According to 2000 data from the CIA World Factbook, FBiH has 4m inhabitants: 48% (1.92m) Bosniak, 37.1% (1.5m) Serb, 14.3% (572k) Croat, 0.6% (24k) Other. The BBC estimated in Dec 2005 that 1.5m or 40% of the 3.8m Bosnians were Muslim. Wikipedia notes:

90% of Bosniaks are Muslim, 95% of Croats are Catholic, while 93% of Serbs are Orthodox Christians…. Nearly half the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina is estimated to be Muslim, with Sunni Muslims constituting the largest single religious group. The second largest group, Serb Orthodox Christians, account for an estimated 37%, while Roman Catholics, the third largest group, account for a further 15%.

 The CPW is only 1.22, well below the replacement rate. If Muslims have more children than Christians, Bosnia-Herzegovina could very well go majority Muslim even as its overall population shrinks, the same scenario that some envision for Europe in the next century.

The Balkan wars between 1992 and 1995 followed upon the breakup of Yugoslavia. The Bosnian war of 1992-1995 should not be confused with the bombing of Serbia in 1999 that related to Kosovo, a territory of Serbia. Bosnia is policed by the EUFOR (EU Force) and Kosovo is policed by KFOR (NATO Kosovo Force).

Between between 1992 and 1995, 100k to 200k Serbs, Croats, and Muslims lost their lives. Whatever the exact number, it seems that two-thirds of the dead were Muslims. Another 1.8m were displaced. The Dayton Peace Accords marked the end of the Bosnian war in 1995, as Spiegel reports:

The Bosnians attribute this failure mainly to what they call the ‘Curse of Dayton.’ Under the terms of the 1995 [Dayton] Peace Accords, the country was divided into two entities, the Bosnian-Croat Federation and the Serb Republika Srpska [R.S. is not an independent country as the word Republic suggests]. The latter turned into an Achilles’ heel when it came to forming a shared state. While the Bosnian Muslims prefer a central government, the Serbs insist on their right to limited autonomy. The Croats, for their part, feel dominated in their forced alliance with the Muslims.[89]

Bosnia is becoming more ethnically divided, as Spiegel reports:

Teachers still use an Apartheid-like system in more than 50 Bosnia schools, where Serb, Croat and Bosnian Muslim students are kept carefully separated….According to the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), 1m of the roughly 2.2m Bosnian refugees have returned home. But what these statistics do not reveal is the fact that of those who returned and were given back their former homes, 80% promptly sold them and resettled in those areas in which their own respective ethnic group is in the majority.[90]

Bosnian Serb Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said Saudis have built 1k mosques in Bosnia between 1995 and 2007, and 30% of Bosnians approve of, or are involved in, the Wahhabi movement.

In May 2007, PM Dodik said that the US was pressuring him to integrate the autonomous region of Republika Srpska (RS) into Bosnia-Herzegovina (FBiH). Dodik says 99% of Christians Serbs want an independent state of Srpska, and only Bosnian Muslims want RS and FBiH unified into one country with one capital.

PM Dodik seems correct when he says that FBiH is a Muslim entity despite the fact that estimates put the FBiH at 40% Muslim, because:

      The population estimates for the FBiH may already have the autonomous Republic of Srpska added in.

      Croats, an ethnic group that is mostly Catholic with some Orthodox, say they feel dominated by the Muslims in the FBiH federation that they feel was forced on them during the 1995 Dayton Accords.

      The president of the FBiH, Sulejman Tihic, is a Muslim.

      “Under the current arrangement, the Bosnian Serbs have 22 members of the federal parliament, and the Bosnian Muslims have 24 members.”

Shaul Shay said:

In the eyes of the radical Islamic circles, the establishment of an independent Islamic territory including Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania along the Adriatic Coast, is one of the most prominent achievements of Islam since the siege of Vienna in 1683. Islamic penetration into Europe through the Balkans is one of the main achievements of Islam in the twentieth century.[91]

In Apr 2007, 367 former foreign fighters from Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan and Russia lost their Bosnian citizenship. They came to Bosnia during the early 1990s. The BBC reported:

Many of these were Muslims who had fought in Afghanistan and saw the war in Bosnia as an attack on Islam that carried the tacit approval of the international community.

When the fighting ended, many stayed, married Bosnian women and settled down, often following a more devout form of Islam than was traditional in the Balkans.

This form of Islam has since spread, and with it tensions with both local Muslim communities and non-Muslims.

Bosnia and Kosovo are known for being centers of Islamic terrorism, and where Al-Qaeda became a truly global phenomenon. Explosives used in the Madrid March 2004 and London July 2007 bombings were said to have come from the Balkans. Moreover, Muslims hailing from Bosnia, or their children, have already been involved in terrorism outside of the Balkans:

      Khalid Sheikh Muhammad (the mastermind of 9/11) and two of the 9/11 hijacker pilots were veterans of the Bosnian jihad.” Another report says, “Five of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were trained in Bosnian Muslim al Qaeda camps.”

      In Feb 2007 18-year-old Bosnian refugee Sulejman Talovic, or Suljo Talovic, hunted and killed five infidels in a Utah shopping mall before an off-duty police officer shot him. The family buried him back in Bosnia with a headstone the color-of-Islam green that sported a crescent-and-star couplet. Photos show 300 family members, locals and people from nearby towns who came on buses to attend the funeral. Why? They wanted to touch the revered jihadist’s forehead to obtain blessings from Allah, as is Muslim custom—a la the “car swarms” in Palestine after terrorists are killed by Israelis in cars and pickups.

      Agron Abdullahu was a sniper in Kosovo, and he was one of four Albanian Muslims from Kosovo arrested along with a Turk and a Palestinian from Jordan, for plotting an attack on Fort Dix, New Jersey, US soldiers in May 2007. Albanian Serdar Tatar applied to become a policeman and join the US Army because he wanted to kill soldiers from theinside.” Another plotter, Albanian Eljvir Duka, said:

When someone [i.e., America] attacks your religion, your way of life, then you go jihad (holy war).

      On 16 May 2007 in Italy, three Albanians hijacked a bus and later set it on fire before fleeing police at the scene. Two police cadets received knife wounds during the incident.

What is ironic is the FBI and the media, especially the St. Lake Tribune, thought Talovic shooting mentioned above had nothing to do with Jihad and Islam, but rather had to do with Talovic’s tragic family history and troubled youth. Yet within a few months there were at least two other terrorism incidents in the West involving 8 young Albanian men, likely all from Kosovo. Could it be just a coincidence that all these Albanians (1 in Salt Lake City, 4 in New Jersey, and 3 in Italy), went nuts and turned to terrorism all around the same time? This just goes to show just how naïve the Salt Lake Tribune staff writers are about Islam to quickly dismiss concerns about a Jihad connection.

In May 2007, World Politics Watch reported that Wahhabism is on the rise in Bosnia. 3k Wahhabists attended a funeral in the NE Bosnian town of Tuzla for a leader, Jusuf Barcic, who died in a car wreck. In Feb 2007 Barcic made the news:

An episode in February caused a particular stir. Jusuf Barcic and a group of his followers wanted to enter the venerable Careva mosque in downtown Sarajevo, in order to perform the Wahhabi prayer rites. For the first time in the over 500-year history of the mosque, the Imam had to lock the doors. Only the arrival of the police could prevent clashes between Barcic's followers and followers of the indigenous Bosnian form of Islam. Already last year, there had been a massive brawl in the town of Kalesija after the Wahhabis occupied the local mosque there and chased off the Imam.

Such incidents remain relatively isolated. But the Islamists are increasingly brazen about their presence. In Sarajevo, for instance, one sees more and more people who respect the fundamentalists' prescripts: men with shaved heads and long beards wearing shin-length pants and women covered from head to foot in long black robes. Wahhabi "vice squads" have already been known sometimes to beat young couples whose public displays of affection violate the Wahhabis' strict moral code. According to a recent survey conducted by Prism Research, nearly 70% of the 2m Bosnian Muslims reject Wahhabi doctrine. 13%, however, subscribe to it….

Although the majority of Bosnian Muslims are secular in orientation, there have always been fundamentalist currents with political influence among the Bosnian intelligentsia. Alija Izetbegovic, the first Bosnian President following the 1992 declaration of Bosnian independence, is a case in point. Izetbegovic openly expressed sympathy for Islamist doctrine, even if he did not adopt it as the basis for his policies….[92]


Britain (United Kingdom):  The CPW rate is 1.66. “190k abortions take place in England and Wales annually.” UK’s population is 60.6m. Jews are 0.5%, or 303k. Christians are 71.6%, or 43.4m, according to the CIA Factbook. However, the organization Tearfund polled 7k adults in 2007 and extrapolated that only 53%, or 26.2m, of adults claimed to be Christian. The same survey Tearfund 2007 survey found that:

      7.6m, or 10% of adults attend church each month in the UK.

      12.6m, or 25% of adults attended church at least once per year.

      3m, or 6% of adults, “would consider attending if they were given the right invitation.”

According to Peter Brierley of Christian Research, of Britain’s 500k Methodists, only 6%, or 30k, are regulars at church

1.6m British are Muslim, or 2.8%. A 2001 census put the number of Muslims at 1.591m, or 2.7% of the population at the time.

UK’s social services does not keep track of polygynous families, but they estimate the number is about 1k. This number seem implausibly low, especially since they admit they don’t track it, there are 1.6m Muslims in the UK, and by comparison, in France there are an estimated 20k polygynous families.

Spiegel reported:

In Blackburn and Preston, increasing numbers of neighborhoods have become exclusively Muslim, and the growing influence of the conservative Wahhabi school of Islam is more and more apparent among women who wear black robes and cover all but their eyes.

In Blackburn, the constituency of Jack Straw, the leader of the House of Commons, there are 30k Muslims among a population of 80k. But in a telltale sign for the future, the number of children 10 years and younger is evenly divided between Christian and Muslim.

It is those demographics, and the visibility of Blackburn’s 40 mosques alongside the ancient Christian church spires, that frightened the mosque opponents in Clitheroe.[93]

Spiegel reported that in the town of Clitheroe, population 14,500, there were 300 Muslim. In the town’s Anglican church, Sunday attendance was 90, the average attendee’s age was 75, there was one Sunday school pupil, baptisms are rare and there are just 7 weddings per year.[94]

50% of Muslims in the UK were born there, yet “There are just 330 Muslims in the entire [UK] Armed Forces”[95] that numbers 180k. Since Muslims are 2.8% of UK’s population, there ought to be 5,040 Muslims in UK’s military, or more than 15 times as many Muslims in the military than there are now.

Some might say Muslims are under-represented in the military because Muslims do not feel welcome in the military, but in several countries with all-volunteer armies, Muslims are vastly under-represented. Besides, there were few Muslims in the military even before 9/11 when most everyone was ignorant about Islam, or assumed it was a religion of peace.

The real reason for there being few Muslims in certain militaries is if the military is not seen as benefiting Islam, Muslims want nothing to do with it, as several human interest stories have borne out. Muslim neighbors are often critical of Muslim parents who have son or daughters in the military.

This Muslim sentiment against military nearly turned deadly in Feb 2007 when 25 of UK’s 330 Muslim soldiers were on a hit list of so-called collaborators and traitors to Islam that UK Islamists wanted to behead on videotape.[96] Al-Qaeda stated that Muslim soldiers were the preferred targets, but any UK soldier would do. Upon hearing of the arrests, an imam said Muslims were angry, that the UK government was like the Nazi state, and that Muslims in the UK were like Jews just before WWII.

It helps to compare the UK to the US sometimes. In the US military there are only 3,386 Muslims out of 2,685,713 troops when there ought to be 17,905 Muslims, or 5.28 times as many Muslims in the military, so as to be proportionate to the US population. Moreover, entrance into the US military allows for accelerated US citizenship, so where exactly are all the 96+k Muslims who immigrate each year? To be fair, one must note that there are only 1.22m Christians in the military, or 45.4% of the military, even though 78% of Americans are at least nominally Christian.

Some Muslims say the real number of Muslims in the military is 10k, but many Muslims are afraid to indicate that they are Muslim. However, this under-reporting is more than offset by the fact that some soldiers claim to be Jewish and Muslim in order to receive per diem food money ostensibly for Kosher or Halal food, and to avoid waiting in cafeteria lines at set times.

Unsurprisingly, Ibrahim Hooper of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said that the US military is just like the FBI and other US government agencies in that:

There is a general reluctance to join because Muslims think there is bias against them and career prospects are limited.[97]

CAIR of course is in the grievance and victimology industry, so Ibrahim conveniently forgets to mention that:

      Knowing that there are only a few thousand Muslims in the US military makes the not infrequent news about Pentagon Jihadis especially troubling. There have been numerous incidents of murder, espionage and desertion become especially poignant. Moreover, it is documented that ex-service members have lent their military expertise and know-how to terrorist groups, and committed acts of terrorism after leaving the service. One of the DC Snipers, the dynamic duo who killed at least a dozen while living in their “Batmobile” in 2002, was an ex-US Army sergeant. Moreover, Islamist-buster Rusty Shackleford of the JawaReport notes that a UK Islamic Website has manuals with chapters entitled:

Chapter 7:  The Virtues of Killing a Non-Believer for the Sake of Allah:

Allah says "...So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks..."

Chapter 8:  The Virtue of an Individual or a Small Group Immersing Themselves Within a Large Army of Non-believers in Search of Martyrdom and Causing Damage to the Enemy.

      US Muslim leaders preach against joining the military, as the New York Times reported:

The 77-year-old Nation of Islam once enjoyed a near monopoly over interpreting Islam for black Americans, using the faith as a vehicle to promote black separatism….Mr. Farrakhan also urged young black Americans not to join the military. ‘I am telling you brother and sister that will be the worst mistake you make to join the military today…’

      The Muslim community is not fond of the infidel military, and radicals preach against it. Abu Izzadeen said on a video two years before the 2007 plot to behead UK Muslim soldiers:

Whoever allies himself with the Kaffirs (non-believers) against the believers - he is one of them. He who joins the British Army, the American Army, he is a mortal kaffir and his only hukum (punishment) is for his head to be removed. Indeed, whoever changes his deen (Muslim code of life); kill him.

      Many Muslims imbibe conspiracy theories and see the government and military as the enemies of Islam and so would never join any such outlet.

      The military relaxes some rules for Muslims so they can continue Islamic observances, and waves away normal precautions when it comes to assigning Muslims to sensitive security posts.

There is a real reason though that Muslim career prospects would hit a glass ceiling in the military and government. That reason is higher-up jobs in government usually require security clearances and background checks where they look at your friends and neighbors in the past. Since 80% of mosques in the US are radical, 10% to 15% of Muslims are Islamists, and many US Muslims meet with foreigners from unfriendly states, many Muslims would have a hard time getting a security clearance. That and similar reasons are why Muslims do not even bother trying to make a career in government or the military.

Many Muslims in the UK do not value being British nor appreciate how Britain has bent over backwards to accommodate them. One of a thousand example is how church bells are not allowed to peal in many communities except on Sunday morning, but in some locations the mosque loudspeakers blares the call to prayer five times per day.

Supposedly, moderate mosques are exposed by secret tapings to be hotbeds of Islamism, and poll after poll show that significant numbers of Muslims hold many unpleasant attitudes towards their Western hosts.

Mosque fights are a sign of a radical mosque. Radical Muslims everywhere don’t take a vote or go to court when an imam wants to take a mosque over from another imam. The imams and their followers fight it out right in mosques and sometimes outside mosques, often with sticks and other potentially lethal weapons:

      In Apr 2007, 200 UK Muslims fought over a mosque in the Uxbridge area of Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire. It was the second such incident in two years!

      In May 2007, the New Zealand Herald reported:

Sheikh Mohammed Swaiti, the Imam of the Yarralumla Mosque, was issued with a court restraining order late on Monday following a brawl at Friday prayers last week when his supporters attacked rivals seeking to replace him with another cleric.[98]

      In Feb 2007 in Bosnia, “An episode in February caused a particular stir. Jusuf Barcic and a group of his followers wanted to enter the venerable Careva mosque in downtown Sarajevo, in order to perform the Wahhabi prayer rites. For the first time in the over 500-year history of the mosque, the Imam had to lock the doors. Only the arrival of the police could prevent clashes between Barcic's followers and followers of the indigenous Bosnian form of Islam. Already last year, there had been a massive brawl in the town of Kalesija after the Wahhabis occupied the local mosque there and chased off the Imam.[99]

      Mosque fights are dealt with in the Ingredient 14 (Irredentist Turf Wars) section of Moon-o-theism (2006), volume 1 (online), by Yoel Natan, but here is an excerpt:

In 2005, Ehsan Masood, a Muslim, noted that the ‘overwhelming majority’ of UK Muslims are Sunni and ‘Britain has about a thousand mosques,’ yet ‘punch-ups [fist-fights] are all too common between different factions and the charity commission has a growing file of problem cases.’[100]

      The Jerusalem Post reported in May 2007 mosque fights in Gaza:

According to sources close to the two parties, several mosques in the West Bank and Gaza Strip witnessed fistfights and screaming matches over the past few days between Hamas and Fatah supporters.

The same preachers who until recently were attacking Israel, the Jews and the ‘Crusaders’ in the US and Europe, have now shifted their anger toward PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah faction.

According to PA security sources, some of the Hamas-affiliated preachers exploited Friday prayers to call for the killing of Fatah political leaders and security commanders. In many cases, worshipers walked out of the mosques in protest against what they described as ‘incitement.’ The sources claimed that Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal was kicked out of a mosque near Damascus after worshipers held him responsible for the internecine fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Fatah spokesmen accused Hamas of exploiting the mosques to launch a wave of incitement against their leaders.

‘This is not the first time Hamas has used the mosques to call for killing Palestinians,’ said Jamal Nazzal, a Fatah representative in the West Bank. ‘We must put an end to the incitement in the mosques.’

Fatah officials are particularly enraged by the harsh rhetoric that many preachers have begun using when referring to the Hamas-Fatah clashes. These preachers are calling the PA security forces the ‘Lahad Army,’ a reference to the former pro-Israel South Lebanon Army headed by Gen. Antoine Lahad.

The preachers have also been denouncing Abbas and his top aides in Fatah as a bunch of corrupt infidels who are conspiring with the US and Israel against Islam.

The tension reached its peak on Friday, when thousands of worshipers stormed out of mosques after the preachers launched scathing attacks on Fatah.

In the town of Deir el-Balah in the southern Gaza Strip, preacher Maher Huli was forced to run away from a local mosque after being attacked by dozens of worshipers.

Huli enraged many mosque-goers after declaring that all the PA and Fatah members who were killed in the clashes with Hamas would ‘end up in hell.’ He also claimed that Fatah and Israel had been jointly bombing the Hamas-controlled Islamic University in Gaza City.

Hamas militiamen who rushed to the scene assaulted a number of worshipers and fired into the air to disperse the angry crowd.

A similar incident occurred in another mosque in the town, where preacher Ahmed Nakla was also forced to flee the mosque after being attacked by worshipers. In his sermon, Nakla had called for killing members of the PA security forces under the pretext that they were implementing a ‘Zionist-American plot to eliminate Hamas.’

The worst incident took place in the Beersheva Mosque in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City, where at least five people were wounded in a melee that erupted after the preacher accused Fatah leaders of high treason.

Witnesses quoted the Hamas preacher as saying that some of the Fatah leaders were ‘not even fit to serve as shoe shiners.’ The remarks were directed especially against Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Azzam and PA National Security Adviser Muhammad Dahlan.

As a sign that politicians are grasping how radical mosques have becoming, the Associated Press reported:

EU Commission’s plans to map out mosques on the continent to identify imams who preach radical Islam that raises the threat of homegrown terrorism. The project, to be finished by the fall, will focus on the roles of imams, their training, their ability to speak in the local language and their source of funding, EU Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner Franco Frattini told a news conference. Italian Interior Minister Guiliano Amato said Europe had ample experience with the ‘misuse of mosques, which instead of being places of worship are used for other ends.’ ‘This is bringing about a situation that involves all of our countries and involves the possibility of attacks and developing of networks that use one country to prepare an attack in another,’ Amato said, after a meeting in Venice of interior ministers and security officials from six European countries and the US.


Radical Muslim Attitudes in the Anglosphere


In Britain

As one reads the following poll results, keep in mind that 50% of Muslims in the UK were born there. Some Muslims have been in the UK since the 1900s, and most are second and third generation. Even though most Muslims in the UK did not just come of the boat yesterday, they generally do not self-identify as being British, and in fact see the native Britons as “the other” and even the enemy.

Daniel Pipes reproduced several polls in “More Survey Research from a British Islamist Hell,” of which here is a sample:

      36% (576k) agree that modern British values are a threat to the Islamic way of life.

      7% (112k) think of myself first as a Briton, rather than as a Muslim.

      81% (1.3m) think of myself first as a Muslim, rather than as a Briton.

      77% (1.23m) think there is a growing sense of Islamic identity among British Muslims.

      75% (1.2m) were sympathetic to the French youths who rioted in late 2005.

      40% (640k) favor Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.

      78% (1.25m) favor punishing the people who published the Danish cartoons

      68% (1.1m) favor arresting and prosecuting British people who insult Islam.

Due to Islamic radicalism spreading from the Mideast to all points on the globe, Muslim youth and converts tend to be more radical than their forebears and elders. As many point out, multiculturalism in the UK also played a roll in the radicalization by emphasizing differences rather than commonalities between cultures, and de-emphasizing Western culture and Brutishness. UK think tank Policy Exchange’s poll in 2007 showed that:

      40% of 16-to-24-year-old UK Muslims prefer Sharia law, compared to only 17% of UK Muslims over 55.

      36% of 16-to-24-year-old UK Muslims believe that converts from Islam ought to be killed, compared to only 19% of UK Muslims over 55.

      13% of 16-to-24-year-old UK Muslims “admired” al-Qaeda and others who were prepared to “fight the West.”

      74% of 16-to-24-year-old UK Muslims strongly supported wearing the veil in public compared to only 28% of UK Muslims over 55.

      37% of 16-to-24-year-old UK Muslims strongly supported Islamic schools, compared to only 19% of UK Muslims over 55.[101]

Some of these statistics are skewed though because the pollsters are not familiar with the Muslim mentality. The pollsters may ask, for instance, about whether a Muslim approves of terrorism. Most Muslims will say no even though many of them approve of Bin Ladin’s work in progress. The reason is that what Westerners see as Islamic terrorism, many Muslims see as being scriptural Jihad, aka “fighting oppression in the name of Allah” or whatnot. What Muslims see as terrorism is not Jihad, but violent acts done in the name of Marxism, anarchy, criminality, or some other cause besides Islam.

With attitudes and grudges like those registered above, it is a wonder that the UK has not suffered more Muslim riots like occurred during the “2001 Summer of Violence.” 40 communities were involved, but especially Oldham, Bradford, Leeds and Burnley. These UK riots remind one of the Sep-Oct 2005 French Muslim riots and arsons that spread to 300 cities over 18 days.

With UK poll results like those above, and recent Islamist terrorism plots and deeds, it is no wonder that in May 2007, PM Tony Blair is trying to give policemen throughout the UK wartime powers—the same authority has policemen in Northern Ireland have now. Blair proposes that policemen can stop and quiz people without suspecting a crime, and can also can seize documents even though they have no immediately obvious usefulness as evidence of a crime.


In The United States

In the largest country in the Anglosphere, America, Muslims are radicalizing, but not yet to the extent that UK Muslims, and Muslims in Islamdom, are radicalized. A May 2007 Pew Research survey of Muslims in the US revealed:

u       Only 40% of all US Muslims believe that Arabs carried out the 9/11 attacks, but 32% of pollees declined to answer that question.

u       Only “26% say the U.S.-led war on terror is a sincere effort to reduce international terrorism.”

u       5% of US Muslims [or 117,500 out of 2.35m Muslims] expressed favorable views of the terrorist group al-Qaida, though about a fourth [27%] did not express an opinion.”

u       13% (305,500) of America’s 2.35m Muslims say suicide-bombings “to defend Islam” can be justified, but 9% had no opinion or refused to answer that question.

u       26% of Muslims under 30 years old say such bombings can be justified (2% often, 13% sometimes, 11% rarely). This is particular troubling statistic because the under-30 crowd makes up the bulk of Jihadists and would-be Jihadists around the world. The Columbus Dispatch reported:

In surveys Pew conducted last year, support [for suicide-bombings] in some Muslim countries exceeded 50 percent, while it was considered justifiable by about one in four Muslims in Britain and Spain, and one in three in France.

See the “Countering the Inevitable Charge of Islamophobia” section for more on Muslim attitudes in America.


Anti-Semiticism in the UK

The same polls that show support for terrorism in the UK also show there is a lot of Islamic-based anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism evident in the UK, unsurprisingly. Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks warned that there was “a tsunami of anti-Semitism” sweeping across Europe. The UK government’s “The Anti-Semitic Incidents Report 2006” said that anti-Semitism was at an all-time high, and there was a “wave of hatred” against Jews.

A 2001 census showed that Jews made up 0.5% of the UK’s population, or 294k. That means the 594 anti-Semitic incidents in 2006 affected one out of every 495 Jews in the UK.

Half of the 594 anti-Semitic incidents, of which 112 were violent assaults including a stabbing, took place in London. One Jew was punched and nearly was pushed off a Tube subway platform in London by an Arab man. There were only good physical descriptions of 205 suspects, and unfortunately, the commission did not list the religion of the known perpetrators. However, 96 were white, 28 black, 60 Asian and 16 Arab.[102]

Given the known high incarceration rates of Muslims and the fact that Lebanon War II occurred in 2006 during the reporting period, one can assume that some of the Caucasian perpetrators were Muslims from Chechnya, the Balkans, and such. Also, probably most of the black (mostly Moroccan, probably), Asian (mostly Pakistani, likely) and Arab perpetrators were Muslim.

No matter how one slices “The Anti-Semitic Incidents Report 2006” data, since only 2.8% of the UK is Muslim and likely over half of the incidents involve Muslim perpetrators, one can see that Muslims are much more likely to assault Jews even in the West.

Melanie Phillips said that the 280k Jews who make up 0.5% of the UK population are increasingly making Aliya to Israel because of Muslims, same as in France. Meryl Yourish wrote, “Jews aren’t safe in their homes, on the subway, on the streets, in their schools, or in their synagogues.” Actually, even UK soldiers are not even safe from beheading plots in the UK itself. Also, UK officials fear a Beslan-style mass kidnapping of unspecified persons.


More on Muslims in the UK

The Population Council reported:

Muslim and African fertility remains elevated although mostly declining:  among Turks and Moroccans everywhere…In Britain in 2001, the total fertility of women born in Pakistan and Bangladesh was 4.7 and 3.9 respectively (ONS 2004a)…the total fertility of women born in Somalia [but living in the UK] was about 5 around 2000.

The 1.6m Muslims in the UK will not become a majority there in the foreseeable future since they are just 2.8% of the population, and the British have CPW of 1.66—not replacement rate, but not exactly a birth dearth either. Thus, in 2006 the names Muhammad and Mohammed continued to rise on the popularity chart but still, taken together, placed only twenty-second out of all boy’s names.

Muslims thrive in the UK because the political class is over-accommodating, and because the UK helps fund the building of mosques, religious schools and community centers attached to mosques. The UK goes the extra step and even sends money to Pakistan and other places to fund madrasas, of all things! It gets worse. Some of the money comes at the expense of British art institutions that are forced to shut down for lack of funding. Incidentally, between 2000 and 2007, the US has sent Pakistan 27b USD along with F-16 fighter jets and such.

In the UK Muslims take advantage of the general free healthcare, and the generous dole. Many of the immigrants are used to living on a pittance per day, so the portion of the dole they don’t use goes toward building mosques and checkbook Jihad.

Much money in the Muslim world and in the Muslim diaspora that goes to Jihad should have went to the government as taxes. Of course, tax is not paid on profits from criminal activities such as fraud and cigarette running:

      In Norway, it was found that Pakistani taxi drivers evaded taxation on fares and tips much more than the natives did. The reason they cited was this was common practice in Pakistan.

      It has long been the case that Arab Muslim communities in Israel hardly pay any taxes, not even for services such as water and garbage collection. Then they demand that the Israeli government save their Arab municipal councils from bankruptcy.

      At a Preston mosque in Australia, “Imam Mohammad Aboueid told followers to put prayer above the paying of taxes and that Islam would prevail over all other religions.”

Besides building mosques with government help with the money they save, Pakistanis are known for flying back and forth to Pakistan a lot. This fact is mentioned in stories about honor killings and forced marriages, and about how UK Muslims train at Jihadist camps and attend madrasas in Pakistan. Of course, Muslims are doing all these things in the UK itself, too. The police have shut down training camps and schools. There are around a dozen honor-killings per year in the UK police figure, but maybe more since the police were not familiar with the concept until lately.

The difference between honor killing in the UK and the West is the chosen perpetrator will be young so as to qualify for juvenile court sentencing, or the father will commit murder-suicide. The reason for the difference is in the Mideast or Asia, the person doing the honor killing could expect to get away with it. Even in the West they got away with it before forensics improved so much, and police became familiar with the twisted motive. Now honor-killings are in the news all the time from Dearborn, Michigan to Israel. Recently Haaretz reported on Muslim honor-killings in Ramle, Israel:

The perpetrators of most honor killings in the Arab community are not apprehended. Hamda’s murder, however, was one too many for the women in the Abu-Ghanem family. She was the eighth woman to be murdered in the extended family in the last six and a half years. All her predecessors also lost their lives in ‘honor killings.’ This time, instead of keeping mum when the police questioned them, the Abu-Ghanem women gave detailed testimonies of everything they knew.

Ramle is a mixed Arab-Jewish town, so one can just imagine how many honor-killings occur in purely Arab towns of Israel, much less the Mideast. In Oct 2005, thee Druze family members killed a Druze woman for falling in love with a Muslim man. In Gaza reports say that illegitimate infants are honor-killed, and eight women were honor-killed in just one ten-day stretch in Mar 2007.

Now police do not automatically ascribe the crime to other motives or to derangement, and they only rule out family members as suspects after they gave an alibi. Honor-killings can involve daughters, mothers, boy friends and other.

As I write this, honor-killings are making the news that probably would have not made the news in the past because they would have been interpreted as tragic events of deranged individuals. For instance, in Feb 2007 in the UK one father did not like how the family had became westernized, so he bolted the doors and poured gasoline around the house as the family slept, killing himself and his family.

The UK is looking more like Muslim areas of India all the time, except Muslims do as they please since counter-Muslim religious extremists like the Hindus are a rare item in the UK:

      UK Muslims demanded that schools be Sharia-compliant, i.e.:

o  Less talk about the Holocaust, Muslim black and white slavery, or the Crusades, lest teachers contradict the imams who preach Holocaust Denial or Minimization and their own victimology version of the Crusades back at the mosques and madrasas.

o  Separate showers for Muslims and non-Muslims

o  Prayer rooms with attached washrooms for Muslims only

o  Single-sex classrooms and separate off-campus school trips for each sex

o  Boys be allowed to sport beards

o  Islamic clothing allowed in the classroom, gym, pool, etc.

o  No dance classes or other un-Islamic activities

o  Reduced activities during Ramadan

o  No swimming during Ramadan lest someone swallow forbidden water during daylight hours

o  Muslims should be taught Arabic

o  Koran recital instead of music classes

o  All students are required to learn about Islam, but Muslim students need not be in any class that teaches about Christianity, etc.

      The Telegraph reported in 2007, “Up to 48 British universities have been infiltrated by fundamentalists and the threat posed by radical groups.”

      There are even forced conversions in the UK like those many Copt teens in Egypt suffer. In early 2007 it was reported that UK police were tracking down Muslim men who would date Hindu and Sihk university women, and then beat them up, rape them and take pictures to blackmail them, and the like, all until they said the Shahada. A 2001 census showed Hindus were 1% of UK’s population, and Sikhs were at 0.6%. Just in early 2007, “there have been about 120 [such] cases in Luton and the South East” London alone, much less the rest of the UK! So far Muslims have not abducted non-Muslim girls in the UK and married them—as occurs in India with Hindus, Egypt with Copts, the W Bank with Christians, and elsewhere.

UK Muslims also engage in checkbook Jihad with the money they save, or raise legally or illegally. This fact received some mention:

      When charity money meant for earthquake relief in 2005 instead went to Pakistani militias.

      When Islamists took over Somalia for six months during 2006. The Sunday Times reported:

There are an estimated 50k Somalis living in Britain. According to the UN, British-based Somali donors sent home £600k in recent months to support the [Islamic Courts] union. UN investigators said that additional funds were sent from Britain through the United Arab Emirates.[103]

Another report put the Somalis in the UK at 43k. It would seem Somali asylum seekers could not easily claim to need to stay in the West for fear of being persecuted on religious grounds since Somalia is 99% Muslim, and the refugees are mostly Muslim.

Even in those nations where the dole has been cut back due to the pressures of globalization, e.g., Germany, France and Israel, still their socialist systems are far more generous than in the US. “52% of France’s GDP is spent in the public sector” versus 42% in the UK.

Asylum seekers often bypass France to get to the UK where they receive a more sympathetic hearing and better welfare benefits simply because France has many more immigrants than the UK. It takes a long time for asylum applications to be processed most anywhere, so even if it is ultimately rejected, they still receive generous dole benefits. Moreover, many asylum seekers do not leave the UK after their application has been rejected, and some might receive government benefits long after their application is rejected.

It seems likely that the UK will have one or more majority-Muslim cities before 2050. London is already 8.46% Muslim as of 2004 and this percentage surely is growing due to continuing immigration and White Flight, that is, natives who are moving out because radicals have free reign in “Londonistan,” the “the Star Wars bar scene” for Islamists such as Omar Bakri Mohammed, Abu Qatada, Yasser al-Siri and Mohammed al-Massari. “The Bishop of London says inner London will have a Muslim majority by 2020.”

The mindset of the average Muslim in the UK has not been moderated at all by living in the West.[104] Muslims in the West are as radical as those most anywhere, but vocalize their radical ideas with impunity due to free speech guarantees in the West. Ok, so just how radical are Muslims everywhere? Hugh Fitzgerald wrote:

Al Qaeda still exists and thrives in Pakistan, and has in opinion polls in the Arab and Muslim world received the support of 50% of the population? And one can assume that if Muslims are going to lie in their responses to such questions, they will lie in only one direction, hiding their support for, or approval of, Bin Laden, in order to curry Western favor or lull Western infidels.

The average Muslim in the West may also engage in more Jihad than the average Muslim in the Mideast, and certainly more checkbook Jihad. Even Muslims on the dole in the West are more affluent than the average Muslim in the Mideast. Muslims in the West also enjoy free movement and free association with almost any group. By contrast, Muslim governments are well aware of the power of Islamism and put a check on it.

Even if there was a will in the West to put a check on radicals, there is a hopeless shortage of loyal people in law enforcement and court system who know about Islam and Jihad, and the languages that Muslims use. British intelligence reported in 2005 that there were 16k “British Muslims actively engaged in terrorist activity.” It is no wonder that Daniel Pipes said:

The biggest threat to US security emanates not from Iraq, not from Iran, not from Afghanistan, but rather from Great Britain…British-based terrorists have carried out operations in at least 15 countries, going from East to West...Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Algeria, Morocco, Russia, France, Spain and the US.

Surveys conducted after the 7 July 2005 bombings in London revealed that 46% of Muslims thought that clerics preaching violence against the West were mainstream. 6% thought that the 7/7 bombing were justified, and 5% “believe there is a Koranic justification for the bombings.”[105] These polls explain these counterterrorism facts about UK:

      In 2006 0.5% of Muslims, or 8k, sympathize with Al-Qaeda and had terrorist links.

      In 2006 MI5 was tracking 30 terror plots and 200 cells with 1,600 terrorism suspects. In early 2007 the 1,600 figure was first revised upward to 2k, and then in May 2007 to 4k terrorism suspects.

      In 2007, the UK is planning to deploy army units to “British oil, gas and electricity facilities to defend them from possible terrorist attacks.”[106]

      US politician Newt Gringrich talked about Muslim British terrorists recently:

But, if I come to you and say that there is a couple that hates you so much that they will kill there six month old baby in order to kill you, I am describing a level of ferocity, and a level of savagery beyond anything we have tried to handle. And, what is truly freighting about the British experience is they are arresting British citizens, born in, speaking English, who went to British schools, live in British housing, and have good jobs.

Migration Watch reported that, in 2005, 107k Britons left the UK while 292.2k came to the UK, 58.4k from the EU, 192.6k from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, and 41,200 from Africa and other places. Thus, one Briton left the UK every five minutes, and five immigrants replaced that one Briton. In 2004 the population In 2005 UK’s population rose by 185k, but in 2004 it rose by 220k.[107]

The media is notorious for reporting on Islam vs. infidel issues as being a matter of race. Islam and Muslims are not a race per se, of course, but the British mainstream media (MSM) especially prefer to refer to Muslims as Asians, Middle Easterners, Pakistanis, Indians or youths, so that the public thinks problems involving Muslims are not religio-political disputes, but rather race and inter-generational issues. There are several reasons the media does this, among which are:

      In visual media someone’s race and age are visible and undeniable, but to say someone’s politico-religious view amounts to totalitarianism is a value judgment the media would rather avoid making.

      The media are ignorant of the tenets of most religions, and as secularists they assume most religions are myths and superstitions anyway. So the MSM casts disputes between Muslims and non-Muslims in the West and Israel in the racism mold that they are familiar with, and which story sells. Elsewhere in the world where non-Muslims and Muslims are often of the same race and ethnic groups, the media is forced to report on these as sectarian conflicts. As Islam draws converts in the West and become indigenous, the media may be forced to report the Muslim-non-Muslim conflicts as sectarian even in the West.

Examples of the media referring to Muslim issues as being merely race or generational issues include:

      In 2005 Muslim youths rioted and started fires in 300 French cities all the while yelling Allah Akbar, but the MSM and politicians there downplayed the riots and said the youths rioted merely because they were economically disadvantaged. It should be noted that many cars and even a bus or two have been burned since 2005 in what amounts to a permanent intifada.

      In Sydney Australia in 2005 the surfers club at Cronulla beach came to blows with Lebanese Muslim youths, aka “the Lebs,” who were running roughshod over the locals. The MSM played up the race-riot angle and only referred to the youths as being Lebanese even though they were strictly Muslims. The large Lebanese Christian community in Sydney was not involved.

      In Jan 2007 Raleb Majadele (or Ghaleb Majadle) was appointed the first Arab-Muslim minister in Israel. In the discussion leading up to his appointment, one would be hard pressed to tell from the news whether Majadele was an Arab Christian or Arab Muslim. The media only trumpeted that Majadele was an Arab, one of the 13 Arabs in the 120-seat parliament, and asked “Where does Zionism end and racism begin?” It’s enough to make one think the media was race baiting. Only after his appointment was all but a done deal, the headlines read that Israel appointed its first Muslim minister.[108] Then, not surprisingly, in Majadle’s first publicized act on 9 Feb 2007, he sided with his fellow Muslims and called for Israel to stop rebuilding a ramp-bridge to the temple mount Maghrabi gate by the Western Wall, the only gate to the mount over which Israel has retained control. On 12 Feb 2007 he accused Jerusalem mayor Uri Lupolianski of approving the project even though it was illegal.

      The media usually pit concerned whites against Muslims or Islamists, and implies that some whites are just Islamophobic when interviewers and reporters could just as easily have found non-whites who are concerned about extremism. Brendan Bernhard wrote:

…the equation becomes either British whites versus British Muslims, or radical Muslims versus moderate Muslims, with white people looking on. Consciously or not, the effect is misleading and subtly racist — against white Britons.

Chechnya:  Chechnya is an autonomous republic of Russia on Russia’s southern border—the segment that transverses the Caucasus Mountains. Chechnyans are mostly Sunni Muslims. The small number of Christians endure so much persecution that Chechnya is #14 on the Open Door’s list of persecutors (see the Islamdom section for links).

Chechnya borders on several other republics and the country of Georgia to the south. The country of Georgia, like Armenia, stayed mostly Christian despite being so close to the center of Ottoman power for centuries. Georgia is 11% Muslim, or 515k, and 88.6% Christian, despite the fact that Christians were ruthlessly treated, such as the slaughter of 100k in 1227 AD.

This National Geographic map, and this NY Times map, shows where the Muslim contingent is found in Chechnya and in the surrounding provinces of Russia:

      To the NW of Chechnya is Stavropol Krai that is ethnically Russian.

      To the NE and E of Chechnya is the Republic of Dagestan that is between 85% and 90.4% Muslim

      To the S of Chechnya is the country of Georgia that is 9.9% Muslim.

      To the W of Chechnya is the Republic of Ingushetia. The Ingush are 63% Muslim, mostly of the Sunni Sufi variety.

      To the W of Chechnya is the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania that is predominately Christian with a Muslim minority, mainly Ingush. Beslan is in N Ossetia. Beslan is where Muslim militants held a school hostage leading to the deaths of 344 parents and children in 2004.

Spiegel wrote:

Russian troops killed between 35k and 100k civilians in the first Chechen war of 1994-96, and half a million were driven from their homes. Dead and displaced Chechens, that is, comprised roughly half the population. Another 5k or so died in the second Chechen war of 1999-2000, when Russian forces leveled the capital city, Grozny.

Another estimate put the total Chechnyan toll at 100k killed and 500k displaced.

National Geographic reports that before the insurgency, Chechnyans numbered 1.1m in 1989. In 2002 the Chechen population is 784k. Between 100k and 300k died in he conflict. In 2004 there were 210k displaced persons, 3k to 5k missing persons, and 335k unemployed. In 2005, 80k Russian troops were stationed in Chechnya.

Jean de la Valette of Western Resistance commented on how an Islamist killed a moderate imam because he…

…hated the imam for his public denunciation of religious extremism, especially supporters of Wahhabism, to which the accused belonged….

The Russian government has a policy of putting ‘moderate’ imams in power in mosques throughout the country's south, large swathes of which have native Muslim populations. Since these state-supported imams preach peace and tolerance many lack legitimacy in the eyes of devout Muslims, most of whom burn with fervor to implement the principles of hate and conquest called for by the 7th century Arabian warlord Mohammed.

Russian police raid mosques and madrasas suspected of distributing Wahhabi literature, as occurred in Apr 2007. The Turkish Daily News reported:

Today’s Russian authorities say they are combating separatists and Muslim radicals in the North Caucasus, all the way from Kabardino-Balkaria to Ingushetia, Chechnya and Dagestan. But the modern issues are fueled by a passion that dates back to the bitter resistance in these mountains to Russian imperial conquest.

  Imam Shamil led Chechen and Dagestani volunteers against vastly superior numbers of Russian troops from 1829 until his surrender in 1859, earning renown as far as Victorian Britain as ‘the Lion of Dagestan.’ Villagers’ pride in him today is as keen as their fright over the raid.

Czech Republic:  Neither the Czech Republic or Estonia have many Muslims, but it is worth noting here that these states are by far the two least religious European countries:

      Only 28.9%, or 2.95m, of the 10.24m Czechs are religious.

      Only 397k, or 27.8%, of 1.3m Estonians are Christian.

True, some Balkan states have about the same percentage of Christians as the Czech Republic and Estonia, but these same Balkan states have more Muslims, making them more religious. This demographic is puzzling given how religious the surrounding states are in each instance.

Denmark270k out of 5.4m are Muslim, or 5%. A 2006 population projection said that by 2080, Denmark would be just under 8% non-Danish. The immigrant birthrate was just 2.4 per woman,[109] while Danish woman had 1.74 children on average (CIA Factbook 2006).

Denmark initiated immigration restrictions in 2002, so Family reunification immigration dropped from 13,187 in 2001, to 8,151 in 2002, down to 3,594 in 2006. However, the number of temporary aliens is up from 13k in 2001 to 46.5k in 2006. About 1,147 people were given asylum in 2005 and also in 2006.

Denmark is still a bit shell-shocked from Islamists stirring up the Muslim world against Denmark over the Muhammad cartoons. They were first printed in a Danish newspaper in Oct 2005, but the riots and Arab-world boycott on Danish food didn’t begin until some months later.[110]

Denmark stood for free-speech rights right from the start, so the controversy ended there sooner. Free speech rights are weaker in other countries like France, Italy and Australia where Islamists often take people to court for what they wrote about Islam or Muslims. Thus, in Feb 2007 a court case was first being heard over the cartoons in France following a complaint entered by Muslims against the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, its publisher and editor to court. Lest one think that only a tiny minority of Islamic extremists favor the lawsuit, recall that in Britain a recent poll showed 78% of Muslims favor punishing the people who published the Danish cartoons (see the Britain section, above).

Estonia:  See the note on Czech Republic.

France:  Jews are 1% of the population, or 624k according to the CIA Factbook. 20% are Ashkenazim and the remainder are Sephardim, Mizrahim and others. There are 100k French Jews residing in Israel as of 2007, with concentrations in Ashdod, Jerusalem and Netanya.

5 to 6m out of 62.3m Frenchmen are Muslim, or 8 to 9.6%. There are estimates that put the number lower, such as 3.7m, or 5.9%. The CIA Factbook for 2006 puts the number of Muslims at 5% to 10%, or between 3.12 and 6.24m. The BBC reports that:

The French Muslim population is the largest in Western Europe. About 70% have their heritage in former North African colonies of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

Spiegel reported in May 2007, just after President Nicolas Sarkozy was elected, that the Immigration, Integration and National Identity Minister planned to pay immigrants to return home:

France is home to over 5m immigrants.…[and an] estimated 200k to 400k illegals….Under the scheme, Paris will provide each family with a nest egg of €6k ($8k) for when they go back to their country of origin. A similar scheme, which was introduced in 2005 and 2006, was taken up by around 3k families…. France is home to an estimated 1.5m immigrants from mostly Muslim North Africa and 500k from sub-Saharan Africa, according to the 2004 census.

The Population Council reported that “Algerians in France [have]…a TFR [Total Fertility Rate] of 3.2 in 1998/99 (Legros 2003).” The French have a below replacement birthrate of 1.84 which rate would even be lower if Muslims were factored out. The Algerians were received into France over the last fifty years because they sided with the French colonialists and due to humanitarian reasons.

The NY Times reported on New York and then France:

Immigration to New York and other American cities has soared from places where polygyny is lawful and widespread, especially from West African countries like Mali, where demographic surveys show that 43% of women are in polygynous marriages. And the picture that emerges from dozens of interviews with African immigrants, officials and scholars of polygyny is of a clandestine practice that probably involves thousands of New Yorkers…women spoke bitterly of polygyny. They said their participation was dictated by an African culture of female subjugation and linked polygyny to female genital cutting and domestic violence. That view is echoed by most research on plural marriages, including studies of West African immigrants in France, where the government estimates that 120k people live in 20k polygynous families.[111]

Other estimates say 150k to 400k live in polygynous households in France, mainly involving immigrants from Mali and N Africa. By contrast, UK’s social service does not keep track of polygamous families, but they estimate the number is about 1k. This number seem implausibly low, especially since they admit they don’t track it, and there are 1.6m Muslims in the UK.

One study said that in any street fight, there would be as many immigrants as indigenous Frenchmen. Another study reported on by London’s Daily Telegraph said that Muslims could be the majority in France by 2025 or 2030. However, that study assumed that France was already 18-25% Muslim rather than the more conservative 10%. The study said that the CPW for the natives was 1.2, 4.6 for Muslims, and nearly 5 for Black African Muslims, and the most fertile age group 17-30 was 35% Muslim. It also reported that in Belgium (especially Brussels) and in France, it was common for Catholic women to marry Muslim men and then produce large families raised in the Muslim faith.[112]

One reason that there are fewer French in the younger age ranges is they are unemployed and are emigrating to the UK and US, i.e., les pays Anglo-Saxons. In London alone, there are 400k French. 11% of people who received a degree in 2001 were unemployed in 2007, and 19% of people without a degree are unemployed in 2007. The bureaucracy, socialism, and “the taxe Delalande - a crippling levy on any company that sacks anybody over the age of 45,” means the French workforce is grayer and many of the young remain unemployed.[113]

The predictions that say France will be majority Muslim by 2025 or 2035 are overblown. The reasons are:

      The French government does not keep statistics by race or religion, and the data provided from other sources is suspect.

      The studies assume that Muslims are already two or three times as numerous as they really are (18-25%, as noted above), perhaps because the populations in cities was assumed to reflect the broader population. Only 8 to 10% of the French are Muslim by conservative and saner estimates. Thus it would take two to three times as long (2055-2095) before Muslims reach a majority in France, that is, assuming they maintain their elevated CPW the whole while.

      These overblown studies do not anticipate a decline in the CPW rate for Muslim women over a 25-30 year period. They also do not anticipate a rebound in the CPW rate for French women. The CPW rate is falling in Islamdom, so one would think it would eventually fall among French Muslims, too.

      The current CPW rate may reflect how Muslims are not integrated well into France, so instead of working they have large families and rely on social benefits. In Israel it was discovered that as soon as child subsidies were reduced, the CPW rate for Israeli Arabs was curtailed. As the French Muslim population grows and more receive benefits while not working, and as more property and lives are lost due to riots and nightly arsons, the ability for the French to pay out generous social benefits will decline, thereby driving down the Muslim CPW rate.

According to Hebrew University Prof. Raphael Israeli, in the decade ending in 2006, 50k Frenchmen converted to Islam.[114] ZeeNews reported:

15k Muslims each year are converting to Christianity—around 10k to Catholicism and 5k to Protestantism…Worldwide around 6m Muslims a year convert to Christianity.

That 5k Muslims convert to Protestantism is remarkable since only 1m Frenchmen are Protestants, about 2% of the population, and these Protestants are “mostly concentrated in the Cévennes region in the south.” Thus, Muslims outnumber French Protestants 5 or 6 to one in their own country!

In Oct and Nov 2005 Muslim rioted in 300 French cities for 18 days setting fire to many buildings, buses and over 10k cars. The 2005 riot heard people yelling out Allah Akbar, and few non-Muslims took part. There were riots and car burnings in previous years, but it is unknown how much Islam played a part. Then from 2005 to 2006 dozens of cars were burned and 14 police officers were hurt on any average day. On New Year’s Eve 2006, mainly Muslims in Muslim neighborhoods burned 400 cars. Mercury news reported:

Setting cars on fire has become a regular event in France during New Year’s Eve celebrations, especially in the deprived suburbs that ring many cities.[115]

In May 2007 when Sarkozy was elected President, 730 cars were burned on election night, and 500 cars on the next. This was well over the “more than the 70 to 100 vehicles that are attacked on an average night in France.” Since cars are set alight so quickly at night by dousing the tire by the gas tank with accelerants, few arsonists are apprehended, so it is not known how many cars are burned by Leftists, Muslim youth, and other parties.

Not only were the police blamed for the massive riots, but in 2007 Muslims presented a long list of demands to presidential candidates, and most of them signed the document, essentially buying into the logic that Muslims were underprivileged and their existence was not subsidized by the government enough, and that is why they rioted.

So to sum the situation up, Muslims went on a Jihad in Oct-Nov 2005, and now they have obtained their loot, imposed a Jizya tax on the People of the Book (K 009:029), and imposed on the dhimmis a modern-day version of the Pact of Umar (Omer). One wonders how long before Muslims become dissatisfied with the level of tribute they are receiving from the conquered French.

Haaretz reported in Mar 2007 on anti-Semitic acts in France the last seven years:

First, the Jews were hit. In the fall of 2000, when the Muslims began to avenge the damage done to their Palestinian brethren in the territories [in putting down Intifada II], the lives of the Jews of France changed. Within months, hundreds of attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions were reported. Community leaders raised the alarm, but the French government dismissed the events as incidents perpetrated by criminals or delinquent youths.

The socialist government headed by Prime Minister Lionel Jospin deciphered the new reality, but feared sparking a communal and ethnic conflagration that would set fire to the republic. Thus, only rarely did government spokesmen mention the ethnic origin of the perpetrators or their victims. Only when synagogues and schools were hit was their link to Judaism mentioned. Only when Jews took to the streets and demanded that their country protect them, waving the flag of Israel alongside the French flag, did France concede that this was a new wave of anti-Semitism.

Seven years later, the all clear can be sounded. Attacks do continue, but they are much less severe. Here and there curses, here and there shoving, here and there slogans on walls. The murder of Ilan Halimi a year ago [in Jan 2006] was considered the height of the anti-Jewish campaign that began in the fall of 2000. These seven years have shaped the new politics of France’s Jews. Real fears have grown strong sometimes to the point of exaggeration and have caused the Jews to prefer a right-wing to a left-wing candidate. [116]

The 2005 riots were not known as being anti-Semitic, but only because the main targets were cars and buses, not people:

      Many Muslim youth live in France’s 751+ ZUS zones, standing for Zones Urbaines Sensibles, i.e., “Sensitive Urban Zones. Not all ZUS zones are populated by Muslim, but in many the Koran and Sharia-lite are the law of the neighborhood similar to such areas in the US, UK and in Berlin.

      The Jewish Defense League (not connected to JDL in America) and Beitar are guarding Jewish neighborhoods against Muslims and “Tribu KA,” a black anti-Semitic supremacist group that marches through their neighborhoods.

As the percentage of Muslims in France ticks upward, their potential to disrupt French society only increases. French Jews are taking note and are preemptively fleeing France to go to America, notably to Miami, and to Israel and elsewhere. Of the roughly 600k Jews in France, 14k Jews made Aliya to Israel between 2001 and early 2007. Even some native Frenchmen are quitting their Islamized cities and France itself, just as other Europeans are preemptively fleeing Eurabian cities and even Eurabia itself.

Because state television is dominant in France, and the French government seems to have undue influence over the media, the idea that the Oct-Nov 2005 riots were a Jihad was suppressed even though it only involved Muslim youth who were yelling Allah Akbar! The media hued to the government line and said it was just disadvantaged generic youth.

Besides the 2005 riots, there have been other incidents involving lesser numbers of Muslim youth, though the media would never bring up the issue of religion in their news reports. For instance:

The Uygurs in the northwest Xinjiang region of China are Turkic-speaking Muslims who are not ethnic Chinese. Many Uygurs are involved in a separatist movement.

      In Corsica, a French island in the Mediterranean, “a large North African community is held in check [during the French Muslim riots of 2005] by a local nationalist movement that itself is prone to violence.”

      On New Years Day in 2006, up to 40 Muslim teenagers robbed, harassed and sexually assaulted some of the 600 holiday revelers on the train between Nice to Lyon in SE France. They also slashed seats, broke windows and pulled the emergency stop in order to escape along the tracks.

      On 27 Mar 2007, 100 youth rioted in Paris’ Gare du Nord train station, closing it down for several hours. The youths, surely Muslim, attacked police offices and threw trash cans after policeman arrested a North African man who had no ticket and fought two policemen.

Also of interest is the fact that in Jun 2005, 500 Muslim youth mass-mugged (slang:  “steamed”) beachgoers near Lisbon, Portugal, stealing all their valuables (see the Spain section).

In 2007, France is tightening its control over information by making it illegal to use videophones and camcorders to record criminal acts, and also to disseminate them over the internet. This bill was enacted under the guise of combating “Happy Slapping” that is popular in Britain and France, a sort of Candid Camera show for those who get their kicks out of seeing an unsuspecting person getting slapped. However, it seems this law’s real purpose is so amateur reporters, i.e., bloggers, cannot produce evidence that contradicts the government’s spin on the Jihad going on within France.

Meanwhile, all the riots and debates about veils has monopolized the discussion of Islam in France, but all the other ills attendant to Islam go on as normal:  honor-killings, wife abuse, FGM, etc.

Germany:  There are 82.5m Germans. In the aftermath of WWII, 12m Germans were forced out of Czechoslovakia and Poland and into Germany. In 2007, there are 200k Jews in Germany, mostly immigrants from the Former Soviet Union (FSU).

3m out of 82.5m Germans are Muslim, or 3.6%, according to the BBC. The CIA Factbook puts the number at 3.2m, and 3.9% of Germany’s population. In 2007, Spiegel reported that:

      There are 3.2m to 3.3m Muslims, and “3k mosques” in Germany.

      Milli Görüs is a radical Muslim Turkish group found in Turkey and Europe, notably in Germany and the Netherlands. Milli Gorus was founded by Islamist Turkish PM Erbakan. The group “often attacked Turkey’s secular regime and its Constitution.”

      700k of Germany’s Muslims are Alevites. Alevites are Shiite but incorporate pre-Islamic practices. There are 20m Alavites in Turkey, and 1.7m in all of Europe.

 CNS News reported:

In January, the Islam-Archive Central Institute, a government-sponsored think tank, projected that Muslims will be the majority population of Germany by 2046, based on fertility rates.

Somehow I doubt that the Germany government would fund an institute so-named. Also, how could 3m Muslims in Germany, where the 82.5m citizens, become the majority in a mere 39 years? Even if they tripled their numbers by then, there would only be 9m Muslims.

Most Muslims in Germany are Turkish, and the remainder is mainly from Bosnia and Kosovo. Spiegel reported:

Between July 2004 and June 2005 about 4k German converted to Islam. That’s about 4 times as many as the previous year…The annual number of converts remained constant—at about 300—until three years ago.

As the Muslim population in Germany swells among the living, among the dead the rate of growth is not so fast. That’s because 70% of Muslims choose to be buried in Turkey and other places because it is by-the-book Islamic, and it is cheaper than burial in Germany.

Muslims in Germany, like everywhere, are becoming increasingly Islamized. Besides the Turkish Milli Görüs radicals and other assorted Jihadists groups, “there are 300 to 500 people who are suspected to be part of Al-Qaeda cells in Germany.” A few of the 19 9/11 Jihadists studied in Germany for a while. Lately, German media has outted certain self-professed moderate imams for their hateful sermons.

In 2006 two Lebanese men studying in Germany planted suitcase bombs on a train, but they failed to explode only due to the way they were assembled and packed. The attempted bombing was said to be an Al-Qaeda initiation-loyalty test, but later the men were found to have Hizb ut-Tahrir associations. Then in May 2007, one of the suspects was killed along with Fatah al-Islam men fighting the Lebanonese army in a refugee camp near Tripoli (see the Lebanon section).

Terrorism experts noted that the 499 terrorist attacks perpetrated by non-Muslim in the EU in 2006 were only intended to cause property damage. This lone attempted terrorist attack on the train was worse than the other 499 put together because it would have caused mass casualties if the bomb had not failed to explode.[117]

Mass casualty attacks rather than property attacks are not at all exceptional for Muslim terrorism. A study by Dutch researchers Bakker & Donker found that between 2001 and 2006, 242 Jihadists in 28 networks planned 31 attacks, and…

The choice of specific targets was consistently perfidious: the plans were directed exclusively against civilian facilities or civilians themselves.[118]

Spiegel reported on the increasing religiosity since 9/11:

In 2000 Süen’s center conducted a survey. The results showed that 8% of immigrants of Turkish extraction said they were ‘very religious.’ In 2005, the figure had climbed to 28%. The survey’s findings on headscarves are also striking. While only 27% had thought Muslim women should cover their hair in 2000, the number had almost doubled to 47% five years later. A similar pattern emerged on the topics of dual-sex sports classes and participation in coeducational school trips. Rejected by 19% in 2000, by last year the proportion had risen to 30%. Women and young men are startlingly conservative:  59% of 18- to 30-year olds favored Muslim women wearing headscarves, as did almost 62% of female respondents. Members of mosque associations took particularly orthodox positions, including - and above all - the VIKZ members.

Daniel Pipes wrote about a situation brought about by Europe’s increasing Islamization:

University of Göttingen professor Bassam Tibi, who has often warned that ‘Either Islam gets Europeanized, or Europe gets Islamized,’ has given up. Recently, he announced that he is leaving Germany after 44 years for Cornell University in the US.

In 2007 Tibi said that if one even suggests that there are Islamists among Muslims, Muslims would say there are only Muslims and that saying there are Islamists is Islamophobia and racism, making any meaningful discussion of such issues nearly impossible. Of Germany’s 3.2m Muslims, Tibi says “maybe a few thousand” hold to his “progressive, secular views.”

Tibi is undeniably correct because whenever non-Muslims broach the issue of Islamists most anywhere, whether in chat rooms or academia, the charges of racism and Islamophobia fly like snowflakes. The reader can verify this him- or herself by logging into various chartrooms and suggesting that perhaps Muslim immigration into the West is not such a great idea.

A main reason people lodge the racism and Islamophobia charge is to end discussion and criminalize the expression of opposing religious and political views, no matter how sound they are. In other words, potential victims of Islamism are supposed to be polite and go silently to their slaughter like lambs. The charges of racism, fascism, and Islamophobia that are lodged against critics of Islam are the Left’s “rhetorical kryptonite.”

The Journal Chretien reported on Germany:

Islam is slowly but surely taking a grip on the European culture, warns the German journalist and university lecturer Udo Ulfkotte. Traditional values, customs and judicial standards are gradually customized to meet Muslim requirements.

As Ulfkotte explained at a meeting of Christian Democrats in Wetzlar, March 8, more and more institutions are making allowances for Muslims. Many banks, he said, are abandoning the so-called piggy banks, because they are afraid of losing Muslim customers. Muslims regard the pig as an unclean animal.

German butchers who sell pork are targeted by Muslim extremists, according to Ulfkotte. Muslims occasionally spit on sausages on sale at open-air markets. In some European cities and Australia, Muslim taxi drivers refuse to transport dogs, even blind persons with guide dogs.

The Muslim Sharia law is also beginning to take hold. Banks are offering Sharia-friendly investments, Ulfkotte said. Authorities in Berlin have recognized a Sharia lawyer, who settles family feuds.[119]

Spiegel reported in 2007:

The German cabinet approved the new immigration bill in March, but it still has to be approved by the Bundestag, Germany’s parliament. Among other measures, the law stipulates that in the case of immigrating spouses, the person coming to Germany must be at least 18 years old and be able to speak at least basic German. The government says it wants to improve the integration of foreigners, while also attempting to reduce the number of forced and fake marriages.

The CIA Factbook for 2006 shows that only Hong Kong’s birthrate is lower than Germany’s. Spengler wrote:

Only 15% of Germany's population is at the age of household formation, and real housing prices have fallen by 2% during the past 10 years. By contrast, 23% of Ireland’s population is at the age of household formation, and real home prices have risen by about 15% in the past 10 years, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

In Germany, according to Spiegel, many women who have more than one child “don’t get an education, marry early and live on a farm.” Also, “one-third of German women are childless” and “40-45% of women with university degrees are childless.”

Spiegel noted that in 2006 the Federal Statistical Office forecasted that Germany’s 82m people would be just 69m by 2050. The main reason is that even though German law restricts abortion similar to other Western countries, it nevertheless has an elevated abortion rate, as ANS reports:

Berlin is Germany’s abortion capital. The city holds a sad record:  No other town or city recorded a higher abortion rate last year [2006]. For every 1k babies born in Berlin 344 were killed in their mother’s womb. In the city with 3.4m inhabitants 10,024 babies were aborted–6% fewer than last [sic, the previous] year [2005].

The total number of recorded abortions in Germany dropped by 3.5% in 2006 to 120k, according to the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden. The figures can, however, easily be misinterpreted. They do not include the substantial number of unrecorded abortions. Pro Life campaigners estimate that they add up to about the same number as the recorded ones.

Abortion figures must also be seen in relation to the decreasing number of births. In 1996, 14.1% of all pregnancies were aborted in Germany; by 2005 the ratio had risen to 15.3%.

Roman Giertych, Poland’s Education Minister and leader of the nationalist-Catholic League of Polish Families (LPR), said that Poland wants an EU-wide “ban on abortion and homosexual propaganda,” because

‘A continent that kills its own children will be settled by those who don’t kill’—such as the ‘representatives of the Islamic world.’

As of 2007 Germany has an incentive program for having children with an income replacement feature to help those who work. Starting in 2007 Germany is making up lost income for new mothers and fathers up to 1,800 euros per month for fourteen months, “improving child care and providing tax breaks for child care.” See the Norway section for comments on this program.

Spiegel reported on the state of post-Christian and post-modern Germany:

One in three is no longer officially registered as a Christian. Just one in four eastern Germans believes that Christ was actually crucified. Only two-thirds of registered Catholics say they believe in God - and only one of two Protestants do. Finally, if pressed on their views, 11% of officially registered Protestants actually turn out to be card-carrying atheists.

The Christian Century reported:

Church attendance has dropped across Europe, and Germany is no exception. What matters in Germany are the automatic paycheck deductions—taken from all registered church members—that are used to fund church operations, regardless of how often members attend services….

Demographic trends indicate that the church soon won’t have enough money to keep operating. About one-third of [82.5m] Germans belong to the Evangelical (Lutheran) Church in Germany. The worst-case scenario shows the church’s current membership of about 26m shrinking to 17m by 2030.

In 2007, while the Christian church is shrinking in Germany, mosques are lobbying for the same privileges afforded to churches and synagogues.

In Mar 2007, a woman judge in Frankfurt denied a Moroccan woman a quick divorce even though her husband was abusive because of multicultural considerations, specifically, the Koran allowed men to beat their wives (K 004:034). Spiegel reported:

Out of a sense of misguided tolerance, says Ates, judges treat the values of Muslim subcultures as a mitigating circumstance and, in doing so, are helping pave the way for a gradual encroachment of fundamentalist Islam in Germany’s parallel Muslim world.

Sharia law could still be imposed in the West through the back door, perhaps imposed through EU-wide legislation or alternative courts. Regular courts are increasingly relying on case law from foreign countries, and sometimes participants can choose which country to have their divorce tried under. Since many countries follow Sharia or Sharia-lite law, Sharia-law would indirectly gain currency in the West.

Not only is the Germany judicial system becoming Dhimmized, but the German education system as produced a public that sympathizes with nearly atomic-armed Muslim tyrants against the US. Spiegel reported:

Now they believe that the US is a greater threat to world peace than Iran. This was the by-no-means-surprising result of a Forsa opinion poll commissioned by Stern magazine. Young Germans in particular—57% of 18-to-29-year-olds, to be precise—said they considered the US more dangerous than the religious regime in Iran.

Spiegel reported in 2007 “A spokesman for Coordination Council of Muslims in Germany (KRM), Ayyub Axel Köhler, says his group represents a full 85% of German ‘mosque associations,’” but some say the actual number is a third or a tenth of Germany’s 3.3m Muslims.[120] Spiegel reported:

The German-Islamic umbrella group launched last week called the Coordination Council of Muslims in Germany (KRM) would like ‘a binding road map to put Islam on an equal footing’ with Christian religions in Germany, said Aiman Mazyek, the council's general secretary.

‘Equal footing’ could lead to Islamic instruction in German public schools, or even tithing of Muslims through the German tax office—a feature of federal law that provides Christian churches in Germany an income stream. Germany’s Jews have received federal funding since 2003.

In Apr 2007, a public broadcaster started airing Imam’s sermons in addition to Christian and Jewish sermons.

GreeceGreece has a birthrate of CPW 1.34. Muslims make up 2.8% (300k) of the population of 10.7m, and Christians are 97.2%. Spiegel reported:

Greece and Turkey came close to war in 1987 due to a previous dispute over oil rights in the Aegean Sea.

Ireland (IE) & North Ireland (UK):  This conflict involves IRA Irish Catholics and Loyalist Anglo Protestants. Muslims are only involved peripherally, such as Libya provided the IRA with arms and desert training camps some decades ago. Of course, some percent of Muslims in Ireland are involved in supporting terrorism just as elsewhere. Recently, Ireland makes Muslim applicants sign a document swearing they will only take one wife.

Northern Ireland is just a short boat ride away from Britain. Over the centuries, it turned Protestant, partly because of Anglo immigration from Britain. Northern Ireland, population 1.71m, comprises a fifth of the island (13,778 square kms). The Republic of Ireland, population 4m (area 68,890 square kms), gained independence from Britain in 1921. The border between N Ireland and Ireland is 360 kms long.

About the armed struggle between IRA and the UK, Wikipedia notes that between 1969 and 1997:

According to the CAIN research project at the University of Ulster, the Provisional IRA was responsible for the deaths of 1,821 people during the ‘Troubles’ up to 2001. This figure represents 48.4% of the total fatalities in the conflict.

The total number of deaths in the conflict since the 1960s until 26 Mar 2007 is 3,600.

The IRA has been more willing to enter into a brokered peace deal with the UK ever since 9/11, because anti-terrorism legislation made the transfer of money to terrorists harder and more risky for those involved. The same phenomenon was noted concerning the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. The Tamils and Irish both have a large diaspora, and both diasporas wanted independence for their people back on the home island.

The two peace agreements between Sinn Fein, the political ally of the outlawed Irish Republican Army, and Northern Ireland are named after Good Friday (1998) and St. Andrew (2006).

The North Ireland assembly has had problems forming a power-sharing government that bridges the sectarian divide and thus establishes N Ireland’s autonomy from London. When this occurs, executive power goes back to London and the N Ireland assembly is dissolved. Then another election is held and another attempt is made at forming a power-sharing government.

In Mar 2007 London decided that if this latest attempt did not succeed, it would be a while before another attempt was made. CNN reported:

On Thursday British Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain told CNN that failure would mean ‘no chance of a settlement for a good long time, maybe years.’

CNN also reported that power-sharing was in jeopardy in Mar 2007 because of violence by Catholics and also the UK did not offer enough money if the parties ended the dispute:

...the political messages and events in Sinn Fein power bases since have been mixed. Adams...has also defended a deputy's view that police should not be told about the activities of IRA dissidents plotting to wreck the 1997 cease-fire. And police units have continued to face violence in hard-line Catholic parts of Northern Ireland...

On Thursday Blair’s treasury chief, Gordon Brown, met all four major Northern Ireland parties in London and offered them an extra 1 billion pounds (S$2 billion) to spend over the next four years, a 2.9% increase over his previous offer—but only if they meet the power-sharing deadline. Paisley dismissed that offer as inadequate.

On 26 Mar 2007, an agreement was reached for power sharing. What may have saved the peace process is N Ireland was able to hire non-Irish Catholic policemen to fulfill the quota specified by peace agreement, policemen that the Protestants can better trust. Spiegel reported:

Ireland alone is home to 196k Polish workers…In N Ireland, the newly created Police Service of N Ireland is filling its ranks with Poles:  There are not enough native Catholics to meet the 50% quota fixed during the last peace agreement.

Italy825k out of 58.4m Italians are Muslim, or 1.4%. The largest group of Muslims is from Morocco, and 60k Muslims are Italian born. Though in 2006, ADNKI reports “There are approximately 1.2m Muslims in Italy, of whom 20k are Italian converts.” Muslims there are also becoming radicalized via sermons in mosques such as at Turin in 2007 that called for the killing of atheists, and Muslims ought to pray to Allah for the deaths of Christians and Jews.

The Christian Science Monitor reported that spirituality was up in Italy:

But the tide is turning in Italy. Nearly half of adult Catholics attend mass at least weekly, up from 35% who did so in 1980.

In Jul 2006, Padua had to wall off an immigrant community, as Gates of Vienna blogged:

…Padua, in the northern part of Italy, built a wall around an immigrant estate with a high crime rate….The report says that much of the conflict comes from the disputes among native Italian and Muslim gangs, fighting a turf war over drugs.…The wall is about 270 feet long and about 10 feet high, and constructed of metal… In addition to building the wall, the authorities have ‘relocated’ all the illegal immigrants they could find…Padua has a native population of about 250,000 people. The immigrants number 70,000; they consist of French and English speaking Africans, Arabs, Chinese, Tamil, and Hindi speakers along with some central Europeans.

Kosovo:  There are 2m people in Kosovo, 10% Serbs (200k) and 90% ethnic Albanians (1.8m). The ethnic Albanians are mostly Muslim. The Serbs are of Slavic origin while the ethnic Albanians are of a more ancient Balkan origin, so the two groups speak different languages.

During the Balkan wars in the 1990s, many pundits said that the Christians and Muslims had bad blood between them ever since the 1300s and 1400s when the Ottoman Turks invaded the Balkans. The conventional wisdom was, and still is in many places:

In Kosovo, there were no good guys. Over the centuries, relations between Serbs and ethnic Albanians have been marked by reciprocal repression and revenge.

This description sounds as though the Serbians and Muslims were equally at fault, but the war crimes were mostly one way since Jihad knows no laws of warfare that can’t be sidestepped.

What really changed since Medieval times is the Muslim share of the population grew proportionally due to Jihad warfare, higher Muslim birthrates, and Christians fled or converted to Islam to escape discrimination and persecution. Ruth King wrote in “Kosovo: A Cautionary Tale”:

The Ottomans invaded Serbia in 1389 and consolidated their rule in 1459….in Islam and Dhimmitude:  Where Civilizations Collide writes:  ‘For the Orthodox Serbs… this same period [the centuries of Moslem rule] is considered one of massacre, pillage, slavery, deportation, and the exile of Christian populations. In their eyes it was a regime which found its justification in the usurpation of their land and denial of their rights....In their wars of emancipation-and, later, of liberation—the Orthodox Serbs found that their bitterest adversaries were their Muslim compatriots attached to their religious privileges and their domination over the humiliated Christians.’

In spite of forced migrations and oppression, like their Jewish counterparts, and unlike other Balkan nations, Serbs maintained their cultural and religious ties to their faith and shrines in Kosovo which, reinforcing the parallel, they called their Jerusalem. Serbs first mounted, in 1804 and 1813, insurgencies that spread through the region, culminating in the 1912 Balkan War that essentially eliminated the Ottomans from the Balkans.

Early in the twentieth century, Serbian Christians were roughly two-thirds of the population of Kosovo, Moslem Albanians one-third. During World War I (triggered by the assassination in Serbia of the Austrian arch-duke) Serbs held off the Austrians for more than a year, before they were overwhelmed. Almost 800k Serbs perished, a fourth of the population. With full Serb support, the peace treaties of 1919-1920 established a state with the name ‘The Kingdom of Slovenians, Croats and Serbs’….

During World War II, when Yugoslav Serbs refused to join a Nazi ‘community of nations,’ an angry Hitler ordered the destruction of Yugoslavia. Following the Yugoslav army’s capitulation in 1941, Serbia was divided by the Nazis between the Italians and the Bulgarians, who encouraged armed gangs of pro-Nazi ethnic Albanians to attack the Serbs and to torch, destroy and desecrate ancient churches and shrines. The Moslem Albanians, who surprised their mentors with their barbarity and zeal for atrocities, were rewarded when parts of Kosovo, Montenegro and Macedonia were annexed to ‘Greater Albania.’

In 1943 the Nazis formed the 21st SS Skanderbeg division of Moslem Albanian volunteers to perform an ‘ethnic cleansing’ (of Jews and Serbs) in Yugoslavia. Tens of thousands of Serbs were sent to a Croatian death camp [Croatia aligned with the Axis Powers] and as noted by Raul Hilberg in The Destruction of the European Jews (1961) Skanderbeg played a major role in the Holocaust, rounding up Jews who were subsequently sent to Bergen-Belsen and various death camps. A Kosovar Moslem, Bedri Pejani, was appointed by the Nazis to rule occupied Kosovo. He promptly announced a plan to create a Great Islamic State in the region with the blessings of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Husseini. The Grand Mufti, who had led a jihad in Palestine, escaped capture by fleeing to German-occupied Europe where, from Sarajevo he urged the Nazis not to flag in their destruction of the Jews. The Serbian Christian population dwindled under this onslaught and the proportion of Albanian Moslems surged. By the end of World War II, Yugoslav deaths totaled more than a million, roughly half of them Serbs.

Although the province was restored to Yugoslavia after the war, the population balance in Kosovo did not shift in favor of Serbia. Tito, aiming for leadership of a wider Balkan alliance, did not allow Serbs who fled from their homes during the war to return. He did not enforce border controls and many thousands of Albanians infiltrated through the porous borders. (Like the Moslems in areas adjacent to Palestine in the interwar years, they were attracted by the superior economic conditions.) Seeking to pacify the restive Moslems, in 1974, Tito offered the province political, cultural, economic and juridical “autonomy,” along with large subsidies for agricultural and other projects, which merely had the effect of prompting a further influx of Moslems from across the border. For example, a new university was established in Pristina, with faculty from the University of Belgrade commuting by air.

All this did not pacify the restive Moslems who as early as 1960 demanded independence for Kosovo. There were intermittent riots which escalated and an emergent Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) gave as its stated goal ‘an ethnic greater Albania’ to include portions of Macedonia and Montenegro, parts of southern Serbia and an ‘ethnically pure’ (read Moslem-only) Kosovo.[121]

William Dorich wrote:

The Serbs lost 52% of their adult male population fighting in the First World War as American allies. Twenty-four years later the Serbs were the only people in the Balkans to declare war on Nazi Germany. Hitler bombed the ‘open city’ of Belgrade on Palm Sunday in 1942, killing 17k Serbs in one day. Surrender followed ten days later as the Nazis invaded. The Serbs lost another one-third of their population in the Holocaust again fighting as American allies, especially against their own Croat, Bosnian Muslim and Albanian Nazis.

The Demographic Jihad continued even during Yugoslavia’s Communist decades, in part fueled by Muslim demographic growth. Ioannis Michaletos wrote:

In recent European history, the state of Bosnia illustrates the dynamics of demographics in internal politics. In 1948, the Muslim population of that Yugoslav republic was less than 30%. In 1991 when Yugoslavia disintegrated Muslims comprised 44% and became the religious denominators of that new state. In Kosovo, today’s Muslim Albanian population in the early 50’s was around 60% and 40 years later reached an overwhelming 90%. Both of these regions became theaters of conflict involving Muslims against Christians.[122]

Despite the fact that news agencies have reported that “Few ethnic Albanians embrace militant Islam…Most are moderate or secular,” the fact is that even during times of Communist repression of religion under Dictator Tito, the Demographic Jihad continued. Russell Gordon wrote:

Serbs were fired from their jobs in Kosovo and a reign of persecution  followed.  Every policeman, judge, teacher, doctor, and government official was  an Albanian. These Albanian authorities removed Serbian books on history,  religion and music from Kosovo schools and libraries and burned over 2 million  volumes. During this period they also destroyed a Serbian monastery, raped  Serbian nuns and Serbian girls and burned hundreds of Serbian barns to  encourage Serbs to leave…more than 125,000 Serbs fled Kosovo from 1974 to  1989.”

In 1987, The New York Times reported:

…Slavic Orthodox churches have been attacked, and flags have been torn down. Wells have been poisoned and crops burned. Slavic boys have been knifed, and some young ethnic Albanians have been told by their elders to rape Serbian girls.…The goal of the radical nationalists among them, one said in an interview, is an ‘ethnic Albania that includes western Macedonia, southern Montenegro, part of southern Serbia, Kosovo and Albania itself’….As Slavs flee the protracted violence, Kosovo is becoming what ethnic Albanian nationalists have been demanding for years, and especially strongly since the bloody rioting by ethnic Albanians in Pristina in 1981—an ‘ethnically pure’ Albanian region, a ‘Republic of Kosovo’ in all but name.…Last summer, the authorities in Kosovo said they documented 40 ethnic Albanian attacks on Slavs in two months…Officials in Belgrade view the ethnic Albanian challenge as imperiling the foundations of the multinational experiment called federal Yugoslavia, which consists of six republics and two provinces. The federal Secretary for National Defense, Fleet Adm. Branko Mamula… said ethnic Albanian subversives had been preparing for ‘killing officers and soldiers, poisoning food and water, sabotage, breaking into weapons arsenals and stealing arms and ammunition, desertion and causing flagrant nationalist incidents in army units’….Ethnic Albanians already control almost every phase of life in the autonomous province of Kosovo, including the police, judiciary, civil service, schools and factories. Non-Albanian visitors almost immediately feel the independence—and suspicion—of the ethnic Albanian authorities.…The hope is that something will be done…to exert the rule of law in Kosovo while drawing ethnic Albanians back into Yugoslavia’s mainstream.

In 2007, Jim Jatras wrote about the Serbian Kosovo conflict:

Typically these [conflicts] begin as what are represented as ‘national liberation movements,’ the desire of a group of people described in national or ethnic terms — Algerians, Afghanis, Kosovo Albanians, Pakistanis, Palestinians, Iraqis, [Malays in Thailand] etc. — to have their own independent national state. But at some point — either after achieving that goal (Afghanistan, Pakistan) or in the process of the ‘national liberation’ struggle (‘Palestine,’ ‘Kosovo,’ Iraq) — the movement shifts to a primarily Islamic jihad orientation, in which the national element is downplayed and the jihad element is emphasized. This transition coincides with the marginalization or elimination of the non-Muslim social elements (Christian Arabs, Albanian Catholics, etc.), some of whom may have been militant supporters of the first, national phase but who will have no future in the Islamic new order.[123]

After several years of Balkan warfare that started upon the breakup of Yugoslavia, the West under Bill Clinton aligned against Serbia twice, first after the Bosnians and Croats accused Serbia of the Srebrenica genocide in the 1992-95 war, and then in 1999 after the Kosovars produced evidence of genocides there.

While ethnic Serbians and perhaps even Serbian regulars committed mass-murders, the Jihadists, who do not follow humanitarian law, committed numerous massacres but have never been held to account. Julia Goren wrote:

Among Albanians, Bosnians, Croats and Serbs — even with all the documented and imagined crimes attributed to the Serbs — the Serbs were the Balkans’ most civilized element. Add up Serb crimes, multiply them by 10, and they’re still not as scary as the people they were fighting. (Or do we need to get into the skull-crushing, eye-gouging, bloody-knife-licking, using the ‘Serb-cutter,’ raping-and-burning, neck-sawing, beheading and disemboweling that Bosnians, Croats and Albanians engaged in?)

In this conflict the media sided with the Balkan Muslims rather than the Serbs, as is the case in the Holy Land where Muslims are also the media favorites. Some allege the evidence that Muslims produced alleging massacres in the Balkans may have been fabricated a la Pallywood with its Jenin, Jenin! movie, the Muhammad Al-Durrah affair, and other terrorism propaganda. There does seem to be up to 20k people buried in mass graves, and mass-graves most often are indicative of war crimes.

In 1999 NATO planes, mostly American, bombed Serbia in order to force President Slobodan Milosevic to pull back Serbian troops from Kosovo who were fighting the separatist Muslims, the KLA militia and aligned foreign jihadists. Robert Spencer recommends Diane Johnston’s book Fool’s Crusade for those wanting to understand the Balkan situation.

From 1999 to 2007, 250k Serbs and other non-Muslims (e.g. Gypsy Roma) have been driven out of Kosovo by Albanian Muslim Kovovars. During the process, 1k Serbs were murdered in Kosovo. While many mosques and minarets are built, many cathedrals and monasteries have been destroyed—all under the watchful eye of KFOR, the UN Kosovo peacekeeping force. In 2004, busloads of Kosovars were driven to Serbian areas and they killed 19 Serbs, and destroyed 35 churches. By May 2006, 426 Albanians were indicted over this pogrom, but not prosecuted yet, probably because Kosovo Albanian police also engage in ethnic cleansing by beating up Serbs.

Many Muslims and ethnic Christian Serbs from Kosovo are refugees in Europe. UN Resolution 1244 states that the refugees should return to Kosovo, but this part of the resolution was not implemented, at least for the Serbs. There is, however, hardly a precedent where, after Muslims drove non-Muslims out of a neighborhood or area, that Muslims allowed the refugees to return en masse, or compensated them for lost property, which under Islamic law is considered war booty. Even if Serbs and gypsies did return, their situation would be precarious because the remaining Serbs still suffer daily attacks even with UN peacekeeping forces nearby.

In 2006, Kosovo residents voted for independence from Serbia, so in 2007 the UN is trying to make this a reality. In Feb 2007, Muslim Kosovars do not like the current UN plan because it allows the Serb enclaves in Kosovo the option of autonomy sometime in the future, and it promised less than full independence. At the same time, Serbia’s parliament rejected the UN plan to make Kosovo independent. Therefore, it may be up to the UN Security Council to impose a solution. Serge Trifkovic writes that giving Kosovo to the KLA is a foolish idea:

If 150 Serbian churches went up in flames, and a quarter-million Serbs and other non-Albanians were ethnically cleansed while tens of thousands of KFOR soldiers and UNMIK policemen were stationed in the Province, what would be the worth of Ahtisaari’s ‘guarantees’ once they all leave and the KLA (under whatever current name) takes over?

Macedonia:  Macedonia is just north of Greece. There are 630k Muslims out of 2.1m Macedonians, or 30%. The CIA Factbook for 2007 says 64.7% are Macedonian Orthodox, 33.3% are Muslim, 0.37% are Other, and 1.63% are Unspecified on a 2002 census. There are 1200+ churches and 400 mosques in the country.

Macedonia’s Muslims are mostly ethnic Albanians. Ethnic Albanians, incidentally, are also the majority population in Kosovo. From Mar to Jun 2001, ethnic Albanian Muslims in northern Macedonia took up arms and demanded some autonomy. This conflict “pushed Macedonia to the brink of civil war,” but the US and NATO negotiated a settlement just in time.

MontenegroPreviously a province of Serbia, Montenegro’s 620k citizens voted themselves an independent country in 2006, so data is sparse yet. 17.74%, or about 110k, are Muslim. 7%, or 43,400, are Albanian Muslim. The remaining 82.26% are mostly Orthodox Christians, but some are Catholic.

Only a few Islamist separatist plots have been uncovered in Montenegro, but not enough for this Jihad to become prominent in international news. See the Serbia section about the Montenegrin side of Sandžak area, an area next to Montenegro that has made the news lately.

NetherlandsThere are 945k Muslims out of 16.3m Dutch, or 5.8%. 370k Muslims are Turkish.

The Weekly Standard reported that in 2005, 52% of the Dutch call themselves Christian, and 40% belong to a particular church. There are 1m Muslim immigrants and 700k Christian immigrants. Recently, perhaps due to changes in immigration regulations, “for every new Muslim moving to Holland, there are at least two new Christian immigrants.” The Weekly Standard also reported on:

…Dutch Islam’s remarkable growth over the past 30 years, from less than 1% of the population in 1970 to 6% today. According to SCP predictions, that growth is set to continue to around 7.5% in 2020—a significant increase, to be sure, but nowhere near the apocalyptic figures predicted by those who fear Holland will become a majority Islamic country by the end of the 21st century.[124]

Islam in Europe blogspot wrote:

The three big cities in Holland are supposed to stabilize in the upcoming 20 years [2026] with 30% immigrants, according to the Dutch Bureau for Statistics. In other cities such as Schiedam, Diemen and Almere the total will grow to about 30% as well. The total immigrant population in the Netherlands is supposed to be going from 1.7m to 2.2m, with the ethnic Dutch population going down from 13.2m to 12.9m.[125]

The Netherlands has experienced some car burning and Muslim youth mob violence recently, and is worried that they might experience France-styled arsonous riots in the near future.[126] The Netherlands has experienced a drop in immigration due to stricter laws enacted after Van Gogh was killed.

80% of Muslim daughters residing in Holland experienced Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Mass slaughter of sheep for Eid-Al-Adha has become the norm from the UK to Turkey, including in bathtubs in France and Brussels, Netherlands. In 2007, the news reported that the bloody self-flagellation Shiite Ashura ceremony is performed in The Hague.

The Netherlands is home to a few gutsy politicians who criticize Islam and need bodyguards. Pim Fortuyn was a millionaire and was gay. He was gunned down by an animal rights activist who sympathized with the Muslims whom Fortuyn criticized for their anti-homosexual views. MP Geert Wilders is another politician. Ali Hersey originally was from Somalia. She was an MP until recently, but had to move to the US due to the threat from Islamists. Because of her critique of Islam, she is called Netherlands “Black Voltaire.”

Norway2% of Norwegians are Muslim. Oslo is the capital of Norway. 23% of Oslo residents are immigrants, and 18.9 are non-Western immigrants, most of those presumably Muslim. The niqab is banned in certain schools in Norway, just as it is in some other countries like the UK.

In 2000 a Solalian woman named Kadra participated in a “hidden camera TV documentary revealing the positive attitude of Muslim leaders to female circumcision [that] had a massive impact on Norway, and sparked new legislation.” In Apr 2007, 7 or 8 Somali kicked and beat her unconscious on a downtown sidewalk while yelling that she trampled on the Koran, reciting Koran verses, and yelling “Allah-o-Akbar (God is great).” Incidentally, the same week a newspaper editor in Canada was attacked in Canada for criticizing Islam.

Norway has an income replacement scheme for mothers that results in affluent mothers not having abortions as often as poorer mothers, though this may be explained by the fact that the affluent mothers may have fewer unplanned pregnancies. Aftenpostenreported:

More than half of pregnant women under 25 chose abortion, a rate double that for pregnant women over 40. The abortion rate for women under age 20 was nine times higher than that for women over 40. Only 2.9% of women with a university education chose abortion, according to the study…Norway’s generous maternity benefits may in fact be to blame, since the benefits are based on a woman’s income at the time she gives birth. Many women under age 25 are still students, and don’t qualify for the benefits available later in life.[127]

Germany has a similar tiered-benefit child program that just started in 2007. Spiegel reported that under Elterngeld, or the “parents money” law, the affluent receive up to 1,800 Euros ($2,380 USD) per month for 12 to 14 months, while unemployed mothers, e.g., college students, receive only one-sixth as much, a mere 300 Euros for up to 14 months. Elterngeld may lead to more abortions than before as more Germans seek to remain childless until they ensconce themselves in a well-paying jobs or sinecures.[128]

Russia:  The Russian Orthodox Church claims they have 80m adherents, but there are probably only 40m Russian Orthodox, and fewer each passing year. Daniel Pipes wrote:

An estimated 3-4m Muslims are migrants from former Soviet regions, including 2m Azeris, 1m Kazakhs, and several hundred thousand Uzbeks, Tajiks and Kyrgyz.

The reason that ethnic Russians are decreasing in numbers by 700k per year while Muslim numbers are growing is:

The birth rate is 1.8 children per woman in [Muslim] Dagestan, versus 1.3 for Russia as a whole. Male life expectancy is 68 in Dagestan, versus 58 for Russia.

This National Geographic map, and this NY Times map, shows where the Muslim contingent is found in Russia and the North Caucasus on the Russian border with Georgia:

      Karachayevo-Cherkessia (aka Karachai-Cherkess) province is near the Black Sea on the Georgia border, and is 92% Muslim

      Halfway between the Black and Caspian Seas on the Georgia border is the Kabardino-Balkariya province, which is 78% Muslim

      For more nearby Russian provinces in the North Caucasus, see the Chechnya section.

      A ways E of Moscow and N of Kazakhstan is Tatarstan (54 to 68% Muslim), and a little further to the E is Bashkortostan (63% Muslim).

Besides dealing with the Muslim threat in Afghanistan in the 1970s and 80s, Russian authorities had repress Muslim rebellions in the federation right into the 1990s and until today. Matthew Omolesky wrote:

1990’s “Black January” in Azerbaijan was the bloodiest use of Soviet state power during the Gorbachev era.) Two years later, the Russian Federation again eradicated a populist movement, this time in Tajikistan. Naturally, Russia’s current stance towards the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Islam in general reflects this history.

For a while it was thought Russia would become majority-Muslim by 2036 due to the high death rate and low birthrate among Russians, added to the high birthrate and lower death rate among Muslims. Another study put the date that Russian would become majority Muslim at 2050. Before discussing demographic projections, it would be good to discuss alcohol abuse, since this factor is central in discussions of Russia.

Russians, especially Russian men, are known for the prevalence of life-shortening alcoholism, drug use and AIDS, Homosexuality, practiced by about 1.4% of adults, also leads to 20+ years shorter lifespan. One can assume that these are less of a problem among Muslims in Russia generally, especially since Muslims practice circumcision. While many Russians get AIDS through sharing needles, perhaps circumcision could abate the AIDS epidemic in Russia just as it promises to do in Africa.

To put Russia’s alcohol problem into perspective, one should note that European binge drinking and smoking rates are generally high. Spiegel reported that of…

…Europeans from Cyprus to Ireland…The champions of excessive or binge drinking are the Irish, Brits, Finns and Dane….[In Europe as a whole] almost one in five between the ages of 15 and 24 consumes five or more beverages in one session, defined as the benchmark for binge drinking.

Binge champions are the Irish with 34%, followed by the Finnish, British and Danish with 27, 24 and 23% respectively. Italians and Greeks, on the other hand, tend to stay relatively sober:  only 2% of those asked reported excessive alcohol consumption….

195k Europeans die annually of alcohol abuse, and every fourth death among young men aged 15-29 is related to drinking. Alcohol also plays a role in 8-10% of illnesses and injuries of European citizens. In Britain, half of all violent crime is alcohol related, according to the government….

The European Commission said that about 55m adults—10% of Europe’s population—drink at harmful levels. This makes the continent the heaviest drinking region in the world, with the average adult consuming the equivalent of 11 liters (23.25 pints) of pure alcohol per year.[129]

Wine is 12.5% alcohol, a 1:8 ratio. So if the 11 liters of alcohol came solely from wine, that would be 88 liters of wine per year, or a liter every 4.15 days. If only half the people drink, then it is a liter or 4 cups every 2 days per drinker on average. By comparison, the US average is 10 liter per year.

Ynet News reported:

The data also showed that Israelis consumed less alcohol on average each year than any other European nation, with 1.65 liters per citizen. Luxembourg and the Czech Republic are first and second in [pure] alcohol consumption with 14 and 13 liters.

Spiegel reported made the connection between alcohol abuse in the UK and the Muslim demographic takeover there, apparently because binge drinkers and alcoholics often have fewer intact marriages and fewer children:

In working-class neighborhoods, the differences are stark between white Britons and immigrant Muslim Asians, who began arriving in significant numbers from former British colonies in Pakistan and Bangladesh in the 1970s. The whites are less likely to marry, and they bear more children out of wedlock, trends many Muslims, who put stock in intact families, find disturbing.

The high rate of alcohol consumption among whites sets the groups apart, too. In Blackburn and Preston, increasing numbers of neighborhoods have become exclusively Muslim, and the growing influence of the conservative Wahhabi school of Islam is more and more apparent among women who wear black robes and cover all but their eyes.[130]

Spiegel reported that the reason nearly 60% of Germans and Czechs are overweight (over 25 BMI) is they are the biggest beer drinkers. However, the UK and Cyprus are nearly as fat, and Greece, the UK and some Eastern European countries have a higher rate of clinical obesity (over 30 BMI) than Germany.

In addition to alcohol, there are drugs problems in Europe:

      25% of Israel’s adults smoke, much higher than Sweden’s 16% and Belgium’s 20% but lower than Greece’s 37% and Germany’s 34%.

      In the UK, smoking cannabis, potent hashish and the newer even more potent form called skunk has resulted in 22k cases of THC addiction treatment in 2007, and many more cases of psychosis, of which 25k are schizophrenia cases in 2007.

The date that Muslims will become a majority in Russia is now indefinite. What is changed is the number of Muslims seems to have been over-estimated. In 2006, a survey found that there were only 9m Muslims or 6%, not 23m and 15 or 20% as some had claimed.

In Feb 2007 Spengler wrote:

European Russia is dying, and Muslims will compose a majority of citizens of the Russian Federation by as early as 2040.

Evidently, Spengler did not get the updated religion survey results on Russia when he wrote the above. Here is another example of an article written under the assumption that there were 25m Muslims. Michael Mainville wrote:

Russia’s Muslim communities boast far higher birth rates than those of the country’s Christian Orthodox, ethnic Slavs. Russia’s overall population is dropping at a rate of 700k people a year, largely due to the short life spans and low birth rates of ethnic Russians. According to the CIA World Factbook estimate, Russia's overall fertility rate is 1.28 children per woman, far below what is needed to maintain the country's population of about 143m.

Muslim Russians, meanwhile, are bucking the trend, with some communities averaging as many as 10 children per woman. The Central Asian states that traditionally send large numbers of immigrant workers to Russia also have much higher birth rates. Since 1989, Russia’s Muslim population has increased by 40 per cent to about 25m. By 2015, Muslims could make up a majority of Russia’s conscript army and they could account for one-fifth of the country’s population by 2020.

If trends continue for the next 30 years [i.e. 2036], people of Muslim descent will outnumber ethnic Russians, says Paul Goble, an expert on Islam in Russia and research associate at the University of Tartu in Estonia. ‘Russia is going through a religious transformation that will be of even greater consequence for the international community than the collapse of the Soviet Union.’[131]

It seems though that the demographers had assumed that all the Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens and Ingush were Muslim, but in fact, many of these are non-practicing or have abandoned the faith of their fathers. This is similar to the West how:

One estimate suggests that as many as 15% of Muslims in Western societies have lost their faith.[132]

In Africa, many Muslims convert to Christianity, and in Malaysia one report has it that 100k Muslims want to renounce their faith but cannot do it legally yet. Harussani Zakaria, the mufti of Perak state, recently cited a report that 100k Malays had renounced Islam and more were lining up to do so. AFP reported:

A VTSIOM polling center and Izvetsia newspaper survey released on 18 Dec 2006 says there are only 9m Muslims in Russia, a mere 6%. Other findings were that 16% of Russians were atheists, 63% called themselves Orthodox, and the remainder is Catholics, Buddhist and other traditional faiths.[133]

While Russians may be concerned about the demographic threat stemming from Islam, they recognize that depopulation is bad in itself since, among other things, help for the aged will be spread thin. In Feb 2007 Spengler wrote:

UN projections show its population declining from about 150m in 1989, when communism collapsed, to about 90m at mid-century, and the median age will rise from 25 to 50 years. Russian women have 13 abortions for every 10 live births, and life expectancy has fallen to 65 years from 70 years in 1985.

Wikipedia’s article on Developed Nation’s Population Decline reports:

President Vladimir V. Putin directed Parliament on Wednesday to adopt a 10-year program to stop the sharp decline in Russia’s population, principally by offering financial incentives and subsidies to encourage women to have children.

Serbia:  In the 1990s Yugoslavia broke up into several states, and there was internecine bloodshed. Even Christian Serbia and Christian Croatia fought for a short while. Their biggest differences where:

      They are both Slavic and have a twin language. The biggest difference is the Serbian language uses Cyrillic and the Croatian uses Latin characters.

      Serbia is mostly Serbian Orthodox while 87.8% of Croatians are Catholic.

      During WWII, Croatia aligned itself with the Axis Powers. Ruth King wrote:

During World War II, when Yugoslav Serbs refused to join a Nazi ‘community of nations,’ an angry Hitler ordered the destruction of Yugoslavia….Tens of thousands of Serbs were sent to a Croatian death camp and as noted by Raul Hilberg in The Destruction of the European Jews (1961).[134]

In 2006, Serbia voted for independence and is no longer part of a federation of states formed after the collapse of Yugoslavia. In 2007, Serbia seems likely to lose Kosovo, a territory where 90% are Muslim. Serbia has another territory with many Muslims, that being the SW province of Sandžak. Serbian Sandžak is 60% Muslim.

Sandžak is northwest of Kosovo. The Sandžak region is split evenly between Serbia and Montenegro. Muslims in Sandžak identify their nationality as being “Muslim,” or if their ethnicity is Bosnian Muslim, they call themselves Bosniaks.

The population of Sandžak is 426k. The Muslims (Bosniaks included) number 220k, or 52% of Sandžak’s overall population. There are 405k Muslims out of 8.1m Serbs, or about 5% overall, so it seems that the small area of the Sandžak accounts for 54% of Serbia’s remaining Muslim population.

Serbian Sandžak has 236k persons, and the Montenegrin side of Sandžak has 191k persons. Muslims (Bosniaks included) on the Serbian side of Sandžak number 142,350, and form 60% of the populace. By comparison, Kosovo’s Muslim population is 90%. Muslims (Bosniaks included) on the Montenegrin side of Sandžak number 77,723, and form 41% there.

Sandžak is being radicalized. The Associated Press reported in Apr 2007:

‘There are numerous indications that something nasty was being prepared in Sandzak,’ said Dragan Simeunovic, an analyst. Last autumn, young men with long beards, white skullcaps and ankle-short pants clashed with security in Novi Pazar’s downtown Arap mosque. At least two people were injured in an ensuing firefight.

Muamer Zukorlic, Novi Pazar’s mufti, describes the attackers as Wahhabi ‘extremists who want to express their domination’ over local moderate Muslims. ‘In some mosques, they collected prayer beads and hurled them into a nearby river,’ Zukorlic said. ‘They often shout in the mosques, interrupt prayers and provoke believers.’ As the ultraconservatives increasingly make their presence known in Novi Pazar, the scene is more Saudi than Serbian.

Chants of muezzins echo from minarets across the town of 100k, which is nearly 90% Muslim. Beggars crowd around yellow-brick buildings, and vendors at makeshift markets peddle everything from framed Quran verses to counterfeit designer blue jeans, watches and perfumes. Many women are clad head to toe in black.

Among fundamentalists like Edin Bejtovic, an unofficial spokesman for the conservative Muslim community, the mood is staunchly anti-American and in support of the radical Islamic insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan.[135]

Later in Apr 2007, police found a cave full of weapons near Novi Pazar, and engaged in a firefight with an Islamist sect.

Kosovo was the heartland of Serbia before Muslims drove many of the Serbs out during Ottoman times. Kosovo has rich farmland with attracted Muslims out of the mountains of Albania and other parts.

In the 1990s, Serbia tried to hold on to the territory of Kosovo during the break up of Yugoslavia, but has allowed international peacekeepers to patrol Kosovo since. In 2006 Kosovars voted for independence from Serbia, so in 2007 the UN is trying to make this a reality.

Many Serbs emigrated out of Kosovo into Serbia and other parts. Also, the Serb birthrate was not as high, so today Kosovo is 90% Muslim. The Serbs and gypsies and other minorities became concentrated in dozens of cities and a few enclaves in Kosovo.

During WWII, many Serbs were driven out of Kosovo because Muslims allied with the Nazis while Serbia did not. “There were three SS divisions recruited from Balkan Muslims: Waffen-SS 13th Handzar, Waffen-SS 21st Skander-beg, and Waffen-SS 23rd Kama.”

Even after well over a thousand monasteries and churches were destroyed or allowed to go to ruin, with many of these destroyed during the 1990s conflict, hundreds remain intact today.

During the war over Kosovo in the 1990s, up to a quarter of 1m Muslims died, with many hundreds of the dead being foreign Jihadists. Both sides committed massacres, and Muslims beheaded many, even taking pictures as proof. I won’t speculate here which side committed more war crimes and ethnic cleansing.

The conflict went on because the US wanted Europe to act in its own backyard, but it refused to do so. Perhaps one reason Europe did not act was Russia backed Serbia unconditionally in the spirit of pan-Slavism. Eventually America under Bill Clinton bombed Serbia until they withdrew their troops from Kosovo and let the UN peacekeeping force move in.

With the benefit of hindsight, one can say that the split up was a good thing, for while Serbia lost some land and a sentimental treasure in Kosovo, it did rid itself of the big headache of ruling over 1.8m radicalized Muslims. Perhaps some Serbs who know Islamic history and doctrine might agree.

Spain:  The US State Department reports that the Catholic Church in Spain enjoys certain benefits, among which is “financing through the tax system.” Some Protestant, Muslim, and Jewish leaders have pushed for comparable benefits.

Spain has a low birthrate of 1.28 children per woman, and a large Muslim population of 1m—about 2.3% of the Spanish population of 43.1m. There are 37m Catholics, 350k Spanish Protestants, and an additional 450k European Protestants who reside in Spain at least six months of the year. So, as is the case in France, Muslims now greatly outnumber Protestants in Spain.

Spiegel reported that 11% of the residents of Spain are foreign-born, one of the highest rates in Europe, but the US is 12.9% foreign-born. “Three-fourths of immigrants come from Latin American and European countries with languages and cultures similar to Spain’s.”

The US State Department reported in 2004:

In March, the National Institute of Statistics reported that, according to surveys taken in January 2003, immigrants from Morocco compose approximately 21% of all legal immigrants; there are 375,767 Moroccans living in the country legally. In Catalonia, the Moroccan population is 126,686. The next highest concentrations of Moroccans immigrants are in Madrid (56,137), Andalusia (50,047), Valencia (30,078), Murcia (29,648), Balearic Islands (12,650), Castile La Mancha (12,168), Canary Islands (11,611), Extremadura (8,371), Aragon (7,025), and Melilla (5,857 [Note:  see below where a higher figure is given]); there are fewer than 5k in other specific areas. However, there may also be as many as 200k undocumented Moroccans living in the country. Local sources report that there are 40k-50k resident Jews. There are approximately 9k practicing Buddhists.

Catalonia is a province of Spain along the French border, once having been an independent March state. Nearby Andorra is the last independent March states that were buffer states that Charlemagne set up between his Carolingian kingdom centered in France and the Muslim Moors of Spain who at the time were part of the Umayyad Empire.

Catalonia is not one of the Basque semi-autonomous states, so the ETA is not based in Catalonia. However, the ERC terrorist group is Catalonian and wants independence. Catalonia used to be one of the March states and, like the other March and Basque states, maintained their own separate cultures and identities. In Catalonia, Catalan and Spanish are official languages.

The Basque obtained an autonomous region recently, but some Basque want the autonomous region expanded, even into southern France (Pays Basque country). “The total Basque population is approximately 3m, with about 92% being Spanish citizens.” Thus, Basque ETA terrorism continues along with negotiation.

The Basques have been Catholics for centuries, but are neither Spanish nor French. They immigrated to the Basque region before the ethnic Spanish arrived, and their language (Euskara) is not related to the other Spanish dialects, those being Galician, Leonese, Castilian, Aragonese, and Catalonian. Recent genetic and linguistic research suggests that the original inhabitants and the original language of Ireland and Britain are closely related to the Basque and Euskara.[136]

Police are concerned about Al-Qaeda, “the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (GICM) and the extremely radical Tafkir Wal Hijra, which is of Egyptian origin.” In Feb 2007, Pakistan declared that two Pakistani terrorist groups, Lashkar e Toiba (LET, the Army of the Pure) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM, the Army of Mohammed) used Spain for recruitment and fund-raising.

Pakistan said JEM was especially concentrated in Catalonia and the UK. The population of Catalonia is 7,134,697, 12% of which are immigrants. Since immigrants number 856,163, and 126,686 are Moroccan, 729,477 immigrants are Other, some of which must be Pakistani.

Jihadist Websites promoted the idea of taking back Ceuta, Melilla and Andalus, all territories of Spain. Al Qaeda mentioned Al-Andalusia as just being one more grievance against the West that justifies Jihad terrorism elsewhere but didn’t direct attacks there. However, attacks by N African suicide-bombers in hotspots from Iraq to Somalia, and in N Africa and Spain, seem to have persuaded Al Qaeda to join the winning cause. Some of these attacks were:

      In May 2003, 5 suicide bombings around Casablanca killed 45 people, including 12 bombers.

      The 2004 Madrid train bombings killed 191.

So in 2006 and 2007, Ayman Zawahiri, No. 2 in Al Qaeda, issued tapes calling for the “ending Spain’s ‘occupation’ of Ceuta and Melilla, two Spanish enclaves inside Morocco,” and for the eventual recapture of Andalusia. In 2007 the Al-Qaeda bombing campaign has begun:

      In Apr 2007 “Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghrib” claimed responsibility for a bombing in Algeria that killed 33 and wounded more. The statement said:

We will not be in peace until we set our foot again in our beloved al-Andalus.

      In Apr 2007, 2 brothers blew themselves up near an American cultural center in Casablanca.

Jihadist promoters also work in 10% of mosques, which often are garages and basements. Some Muslims from Spain are training in Africa’s Sahel zone in Mali, Niger and Mauritania before being sent on to Iraq. UK’s The Independent reported:

Spain’s bishops are alarmed by ambitious plans to recreate the city of Cordoba—once the heart of the ancient Islamic kingdom of al-Andalus—as a pilgrimage site for Muslims throughout Europe.

Plans include the construction of a half-size replica of Cordoba’s eighth century great mosque, according to the head of Cordoba’s Muslim Association. Funds for the project are being sought from the governments of the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, and Muslim organizations in Morocco and Egypt. Other big mosques are reportedly planned for Medina Azahara near Cordoba, Seville and Granada.

The bishops of those cities are alarmed at the construction of ostentatious mosques, fearing that the church’s waning influence may be further eclipsed by resurgent Islam financed from abroad. Up to 1m Muslims are estimated to live in Spain. Many are drawn by a romantic nostalgia for the lost paradise of Al-Andalus, the caliphate that ruled Spain for more than five centuries…

Spain’s Muslims have been long respectful towards civil and ecclesiastical authorities, but as numbers have grown they have turned to more radical leaders. An alliance of Spanish converts, pro-Moroccan and pro-Saudi leaders took control of one of Spain’s two main Islamic federations last year. Half of the new leaders are imams from Saudi-funded mosques in Madrid and Fuengirola…[137]

Ever since 2001 or so, Muslims have been trying to gain official access to the Cordoba Cathedral to pray there. Cordoba Cathedral was a mosque until 1492 but was remodeled as a church shortly after 1492.  That’s even the case when:  1) they already have mosques in Cordoba and they plan to build another large mosque in Cordoba, and 2) there are many churches around Islamdom that were converted into mosques, yet Christians don’t try to gain access to these churches-cum-mosques to pray, as Robert Spencer points out.

The reason Muslims seek access to pray in the Cordoba Cathedral is so Christians will have one less church to call their own. When Muslims invaded the Mideast, this was the practice:  Muslims would demolish some churches, confiscate others, and split others into a mosque on one side and church on the other. Thus, dividing the Cordoba Cathedral nowadays constitutes a Muslim reconquista of Andalusia.

Trans-Mediterranean migrants used to be Muslims from North Africa, but in the 1990s, Sub-Saharan migrants started crossing the Sahara desert to try their luck. Hundreds of thousands of migrants stay in North Africa, while tens of thousands (not hundreds of thousands as some reports say) attempt to cross into Europe.

In order to reduce the crossings and to facilitate the repatriation of illegal immigrants, in 2007 Spain and Morocco are discussing building a tunnel and train under the strait. It seems that in exchange for EU funding of the train project and other economic development, Morocco will resolve its Western Sahara dispute and take back illegal immigrants.

Entry points into the EU are at Spain, Italy, and the independent island of Malta, a EU member since 2004. Africans also try to access the two Spanish enclaves on the north coast of Morocco, Ceuta and Melilla, and then make their EU asylum bid while still in Africa.

Contrary to what’s commonly assumed, Gibraltar is not the closest point between Spain and Africa, and so it not the main entry point for African immigrants. The Strait of Gibraltar is 8 or 9-miles (14kms) wide at its narrowest midway through the strait, while Gibraltar is on the very eastern end of the strait where it is 13 miles wide.

Gibraltar is a UK territory that borders on Spain. Spain wants Gibraltar back, naturally. Gibraltar sits on a 2.53 square mile (6.543 km²) finger of land that juts south between the Bay of Gibraltar to the west and open Mediterranean Sea to the east.

South of Gibraltar across 13 miles of open water is the aforementioned Ceuta, one of two Spanish enclaves on the African coast. Spain also holds some tiny islands off the African coast. Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported that in 2002:

Spain and Morocco barely avoided a military conflict over the islet of Perejil—also known as Leilah.

Like Gibraltar, Ceuta is a tiny peninsula, but it juts out to sea to the east rather than south like Gibraltar. Melilla is southeast of Ceuta dozens of miles down the African coast, straight south of Spanish Grenada. Ceuta and Melilla are both claimed by Rabat (Morocco’s capital), unsurprisingly.

Melilla and Ceuta have strikingly similar demographics. Melilla, with a population of 64,400, is home to 26,400 Muslims. It seems that the 2004 US State Dept report saying there were only 5,857 Moroccans in Mellilla was wrong. Ceuta’s Muslims number 27k out of a population of 71,500.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur and the Spanish newspaper El Pais reported that due to their higher birthrate, Muslims are expected to become the majority in Ceuta and Melilla sometime before 2017. Aaron Hanscom relates that Ceuta and Melilla are Islamists and Jihadists hotbeds.[138] Wikipedia states:

Melilla has been praised as an example of multiculturalism, how people of three different religions can live side-by-side in harmony within a small area. However, the Christian majority of around 65% has been shrinking while the number of Muslims has been steadily increasing from its present 30% of the population, and Jews have been leaving for years (from 20% of the population before World War II to less than 2% today). Almost all of its residents consider themselves Spanish, although many Muslims of Moroccan origin also call themselves Imazighen or Amazigh, and Europeans call them Berbers. However, in contrast to its image as a multicultural utopia, the Muslim population suffers the highest unemployment rate, the lowest rate of high school graduates, and the lowest representation in the city government.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that Spain has 8k soldiers between Ceuta and Melilla, drawn from the local populace. 40% of the soldiers at Ceuta are Muslim. Most of these Muslim soldiers were not born in the enclaves or Spain, but in Morocco where they have family ties. Deutsche Presse-Agentur’s article did not say, but one can speculate that this means most Muslims in the two enclaves emigrated from Morocco in the last two or three decades. Only in recent years were the enclaves fenced in order to keep immigrants out.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that Muslims would blame Spain (of course!) if any Muslims were not loyal to Spain. They cite the fact that Spain does not provide Spanish-trained imams at taxpayer expense, even while Spain partly subsidizes the Catholic Church. Muslims also claim Spain does not have Arabic schools so as not to give Morocco another pretext to annex the enclaves. This, however, results in a higher academic failure rate for Muslims that in turn leads to a higher unemployment rate. Recently Muslims are upset that Muslim soldiers were not allowed to re-enlist due to concerns about their divided loyalties between Morocco and Spain.

The Spanish secret service, the CNI, concluded in 2005:  “About 40 per cent of the Ceuta Muslims feel pro-Spanish, while 10 per cent are ‘clearly’ pro-Moroccan.” One reason is the imams at the enclave come from Morocco and “often pass to them a reverence for King Mohammed VI, regarded as the spiritual leader of Moroccan Muslims.” This led security experts to wonder whether Moroccan soldiers might “turn their weapons against their Christian comrades-in-arms.” Lately, Islamists were suspected to trying to obtain explosives from Moroccan soldiers, an especial concern after the 2004 Madrid train bombings that killed 191.

The nearest of Spain’s seven Canary Islands to Africa is 68 miles (108 kms) west of the coast where Morocco and Western Sahara meet. Many Africans attempt to reach the Canaries all the way from Mauritania (where Islamic-based chattel slavery still exists), which is 1,200 km (746 miles) to the south, a 3- to 4-day journey in small boats. Most of those who reach the Canaries are Muslim since Saharan Africa is 99% Muslim, and the first appreciable Christian populations are a thousand miles to the south.

In 2005 31k Muslims tried to access the EU via the seven Canary Islands that are possessions of Spain in the Atlantic. In 2006, 11k actually made it to the Canaries. Up to 700 Africans have reached the Canaries in a 24-hour period, and on stormy days, hundreds drown trying. Overall, “Thousands are believed to have died attempting the dangerous sea journey to the EU.”[139]

Since the EU refuses to discriminate against those who believe in Jihad, and since Ceuta, Melilla, and the Canary Islands seem to be more trouble than they are worth, it would seem now would be as good a time as any for Spain to cede these islands and enclaves to stem the tide of asylum seekers. After all, Spain gave up many colonies, including Algeria and Western Sahara.

Sweden300k Muslims are 3% of the 9m Swedish population. Caroline Glick wrote:

The intrepid Scandinavian blogger ‘Fjordman’ recently penned an essay, ‘Jihad and the collapse of the Swedish model’ in the on-line Brussels Journal. In it he relates the significance of Sweden's Integration Act of 1997 to Sweden’s national self-destruction. The act officially proclaimed Sweden ‘a multicultural society.’

Notes to the act stated, ‘Since a large group of people have their origins in another country, the Swedish population lacks a common history. The relationship to Sweden and the support given to the fundamental values of society thus carry greater significance for integration than a common historical origin.’

As ‘Fjordman’ explains, the act was nothing less than national suicide. ‘Native Swedes have… been reduced to just another ethnic group in Sweden, with no more claim to the country than the Kurds or the Somalis who arrived there last Thursday. The political authorities of the country have erased their own people’s history and culture.’

 Spiegel reports:

Stockholm’s asylum policy is the most generous in the West -- Sweden accepts some 91 percent of all applications for refugee status. Germany, by contrast, accepts only 11 percent of applicants for refugee status and Britain just 12 percent.

Malmo is one of Sweden’s larger cities and is one-quarter Muslim. Malmo elementary schools are now majority-Muslim, with some having only 5% ethnic Swedes attending. Bus drivers, firefighters, ambulance drivers and police report no-go areas in Malmo where, unless they have escort, their persons and vehicles may be attacked.

In 2005 a Swedish newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, reported:

The Jewish congregations in major cities Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö are forced to spend up to 25% of their membership fees on security and hired guards.

In 2007 The Local reported:

Over the last few years, the number of people in Sweden who have been given a secret identity has increased dramatically. Last year 10,434 people were living with confidential personal identification details such as address and personal number. Some 37% of those were under the age of 18…the two main reasons for the increase are honour-related threats and threats against witnesses.

In 2007, also in Stockholm, five veiled Muslim girls, aged 17 and 18, attacked 15 elderly women in their 70s and 80s, stealing their purses. One 71-year-old was pushed down a flight of steps, and a 78-year-old woman was pushed to the ground and kicked. One woman had snow shoved in her mouth until she let go her handbag. The police were at a loss to identify them until they took pictures of each other at a wedding using a cell phone video. The motive was said to be money, but the crimes seem callous enough that they considered themselves Jihadists gaining loot from unworthy infidels.

Switzerland311k Muslims are 4.2% of the 7.4m Swiss population. The Zentral-Institut Islam-Archiv-Deutschland says there are 350k Muslims in Austria in 2007. 70% of Swiss residents speak German, and the rest speak French, Italian, and minor language called Romansh.

Ukraine4% of the population is Muslim. Most Ukrainian Muslims are ethnic Crimean Tatars and live in the Crimean peninsula. 61.37% of religious Ukrainians are Christians and 0.63% are Jewish. 38% are non-religious.

250k Crimean Tatars have returned to Crimea since the end of the Cold War. Stalin had deported many Tatars to Uzbekistan and Central Asia on the pretext that they helped Hitler. Most Tatars were Muslim at one time, but after 70 years of Communism, one would guess the religious would be the minority.

Ukraine, like the rest of Central Europe, used to be behind the Iron Curtain, and has a population that will be halved in some areas due to emigration and low birthrate (Hill, Don. “UN:  Population Division Says Eastern Europe’s Population To Fall By Half In Some Areas,” Russia Weekly, 2003). Still, because there are few Muslims in this area where Eastern Orthodoxy dominates, Muslims will not engineer a demographic takeover in all of Eastern Europe anytime soon. One can see that Muslims are hardly present in central Europe by looking at Wikipedia’s map, and this CIA Factbook page on Ukraine (for example).


C. Islamdom

Islamdom, by one definition, means those countries with Islamic governments where the vast majority are Muslim, whether Sunni, Shia or another brand. Arabs hold the most land in Islamdom, but two-thirds of Muslims live outside of the Arab domain, mostly in relatively crowded places such as Pakistan and Indonesia.

The biggest news about Islamdom is the coming “demographic disaster,” as some have dubbed it. The Mideast, Western Africa and South Asia have high Children per Woman (CPW) rates, and many areas have populations where 60% are less than 20 years old. On the bright side, the CPW is coming down in most places, and is relatively low in North Africa, Turkey and Indonesia.

Someone might say that Christianity is no better concerning CPW rates, but only in Africa is the CPW high for Christian-majority countries. These countries are relatively new to the faith, too. The excess populations in these Christian countries can be absorbed into the West without the West having to worry about whether their immigrants believe in Jihad and will be troublesome.

The economies of Islamdom are poor compared to other countries, even in the oil-rich Mideast. The UN Development Program (UNDP) releases the Human Development Index (HDI) each year. The World Bank releases its annual Ease of Doing Business (EDB) report. In both these reports and others like them, all Islamic countries rank low. In fact,

By contrast with Emergent Sub-Saharan Africa, in the past a byword for poverty and violence but now known more for Christianity, has more vibrant, promising and stable economies, governments and societies than many backward states in Islamdom. As the rest of the world becomes freer, it becomes increasingly apparent how most Islamic countries are dictatorships, and how Islamic countries are ungovernable by anything but dictatorships. As Amotz Asa-El noted in 2007:

The Arab League’s real problems should be that 250m Arabs’ combined GDP is smaller than Korea’s, while their illiteracy rates are among the world’s highest and their women are the world's least employed.

Worryingly, in Islamdom, wealth is mostly concentrated in the hands of a few, and these oligarchs tend to have an interest in spreading Islam by building mosques, supporting Jihad and Islamism, and many other means. In 2006, the annual oil revenues stood at:  Saudi Arabia (~$160b), Sudan ($5b), Iran (~$45b). From the US alone Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela brought in ~$28 billion.

Some governments of Islamdom may claim to be secular or moderate Muslim, but Sharia law is in much in force among the populace, of whom most hold an Islamist viewpoint. If the government does not formally administer Sharia law, than it often is informally enforced by the populace at the neighborhood level. Polls bear this out:

      Jordan is supposedly a moderate Arab country and has a 1994 peace treaty with Israel. A 2005 Pew Research survey of 17k people found that 100% of Jordanians hold unfavorable views of Jews, 41% view Christians unfavorably, 79% view the US unfavorably, 88% support suicide-bombings, up from 65% in a Pew Research 2002 poll. 80-some percent think Bin Laden is a positive force for change, 57% say “violence against civilians in defense of Islam is justified.”[140]

      World Public Opinion (WPO) and the U. of Maryland conducted a poll in Morocco, Egypt, Pakistan and Indonesia:

Most significantly, large majorities approve of many of al Qaeda’s principal goals. Large majorities in all countries (average 70% or higher) support such goals as: ‘stand up to Americans and affirm the dignity of the Islamic people,’ ‘push the US to remove its bases and its military forces from all Islamic countries,’ and ‘pressure the US to not favor Israel.’

Equally large majorities agree with goals that involve expanding the role of Islam in their society. On average, about three out of four agree with seeking to ‘require Islamic countries to impose a strict application of Sharia,’ and to ‘keep Western values out of Islamic countries.’ Two-thirds would even like to ‘unify all Islamic counties into a single Islamic state or caliphate.’

Andrew Bostom commented on the above WPO poll and noted that back in 1916, C. Snouck Hurgronje, the great Dutch Orientalist, wrote that the Muslim masses pined for a caliphate, their hope being kept alive by stories about Muhammad and eschatological prophecies. So nothing has changed in nearly a century! Bostom wrote in the same article:

The openly expressed desire for the restoration of a Caliphate from two-thirds of an important Muslim sample of Arab and non-Arab Islamic nations, representative of Muslims worldwide, should serve as a chilling wake-up call to those still in denial about the existential threat posed by the living, uniquely Islamic institution of jihad.[141]

People in quasi-secular or quasi-moderate Muslim countries might not refer to Sharia law to outsiders, knowing that non-Muslims cringe at the mention of Sharia law. They will instead cite “tradition” and “custom,” by which they mean some shade of Sharia law.

Examples of Islamic countries that feign at being secular are Turkey, Indonesia and the Palestinian Territories. Everywhere in Islamdom though, countries are tilting toward Islamism, including the three countries just cited.

Islam is known for is 1350-year history of non-stop persecution of non-Muslims, persecution in the severest forms and on the grandest scale. So it is not surprising this behavior continues today:

      Only about 10% of people in the Mideast have access to internet, but in 2007 according to Reporters Without Borders (RSF) based in France, 5 of the 13 worst countries for blocking websites and detaining bloggers are located in the Mideast:  Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Syria. Two other Muslim countries made the list of 13 “Enemies of the Internet”:  Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Of the remaining six countries, one is Christian (Belarus), one is Buddhist (Myanmar), and four are Communist:  China, N Korea, Cuba and Vietnam.

      Another organizations that monitors Web filtering on the country level is OpenNet Intiative, and most of the countries that filter internet traffic for social or political reasons are Islamic.

      Of the top ten persecuting nations in Open Doors’ “World Watch List,” six are Muslim majority, three are communist, and one is Buddhist.[142] Moreover, 67% of the offender nations or provinces on the list (37 out of 50) are Muslim-majority, and 32 of these 37 are members of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). That means over half of the OIC members are serial persecutors! Here is the breakdown of the World Watch List:

o  Five countries are Communist:  #1 N Korea, #8 Vietnam, #9 Laos, #12 China, and #24 Cuba

o  Two countries are Hindu-majority:  #29 India, #48 Nepal

o  Three countries are Buddhist-majority:  #7 Bhutan, #19 Myanmar (aka Burma), #30 Sri Lanka

o  Three countries are Christian-majority:  #42 Belarus, #43 Colombia, #49 Catholic S Mexico (e.g. the State of Chiapas where Protestants are persecuted by Catholics)

o  Two countries are Christian-majority, but with Muslim-majority areas:

Ô      #13 Eritrea is barely majority Christian (i.e. 52% Christian, 48% Muslim), but ironically, it is the Christians who are being persecuted.

Ô      Kenya is 12% Muslim over all, but its #47 NE Province is majority-Muslim, and that is where Christians and Somali Muslim refugees are attacked, persecuted and discriminated against by Kenyan Muslims.

o  Three countries are Muslim-majority, but do not belong to the OIC:  #16 Chechnya, #22 Azerbaijan, #37 Ethiopia

o  Thirty-two countries belong to the 57-member OIC:  #2 Saudi Arabia, #3 Iran, #4 Somalia, #5 Maldives, #6 Yemen, #10 Afghanistan, #11 Uzbekistan, #14 Turkmenistan, #15 Comoros Islands to the N of Madagascar), #17 Pakistan, #18 Egypt, #20 Muslim N Sudan, #21 Iraq, #23 Brunei, #25 Qatar, #26 Libya, #27 Muslim N Nigeria, #28 Djibouti, #31 Algeria, #32 Mauritania, #33 Morocco, #34 Tajikistan, #35 Turkey, #36 Oman, #38 United Arab Emirates, #39 Kuwait, #40 Jordan, #41 Indonesia, #44 Bangladesh, #45 Syria, #46 Tunisia, #50 Bahrain

Some websites on persecution who report on the above countries are: Persecution, Barnabas Fund, Relief International, US Commission on Religious Freedom (USCIRF), Voice of the Martyrs, Open Doors, WEA, Christianity Today webzine, Etc. It is a good idea to check Ministry Watch and the non-profit groups IRS Form 990 before making donations.


The Global Jihad

Islamdom has by far the most terrorist groups, terrorist group members, and freelance terrorists, even though Muslims are only 20% of the world’s population. Muslim terrorist groups register the most attacks and kill far more people, too. Some governmental and NGO reporters on terrorism are:

      US State Dept Patterns of Global Terrorism report (1985-2004 discontinued).

      US State Dept Country Reports on Terrorism (2005 on).

      National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) Country Reports on Terrorism (2005 on).

      US House of Representatives Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare (TFTUW)

      Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

      MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base

      Discover the Networks

      Terrorism Research Center

      Global Terrorism Incidents Map

      Global Security, Wikipedia, Site Institute, Middle East Forum, FAS,

      Religion of Peace counter

      Jihad Mapping, The Bloody Borders Project

      Jihad Watch, Dhimmi Watch, Islam Watch

There are no global non-Muslims terrorist groups, but Muslims Jihadists are engaged in a global Jihad to establish a caliphate, and Islamists hold to the goal of taking over the world. All countries with significant numbers of Muslims have potential Jihadist organizations on watch lists, e.g., Hizb ut-Tahrir and Tablighi (or Tabliq) Jamaat, and these organizations have sent Muslims off to train for Jihad, if not fight Jihad in some theatre.


The Bloody Borders and Innards of Islamdom

In the following countries, local terrorists or insurgent groups have made the news in the last few years, or Muslims are engaged in a low-level civil war of attrition by arson and riots.


Recent or Smoldering Conflicts Involving Only Non-Muslims: 1) Marxist FARK guerillas of Columbia who are funded via drug money, 2) Marxist rebels in Nepal, 3) Hindu Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka who fight the Buddhist majority, and 4) IRA in Ireland has not made any deadly attacks in several years.


Recent or Smoldering Conflicts Involving Muslims: 1) Afghanistan, 2) Algeria, 3) Bangladesh 4) Benin 5) Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska 6) Britain (United Kingdom) 7) Chechnya 8) China 9) East Timor 10) Egypt 11) Ethiopia 12) France 13) Germany 14) Horn of Africa/Somalia 15) India 16) Indonesia 17) Iran 18) Iraq 19) Israel 20) Jordan 21) Kosovo 22) Lebanon 23) Macedonia, 24) Malaysia 25) Morocco 26) Nigeria 27) Pakistan 28) Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) 29) Philippines 30) Southern Russia 31) Saudi Arabia 32) Serbia 33) Spain 34) Sudan 35) Syria 36) Tajikistan 37) Thailand 38) The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey, 39) the US of America, 40) Western Sahara, and 41) Yemen


When considering the above lists, remember that:

1)      Only contries in conflict are listed, not countries that, say, merely persecute Christians.

2)      Muslims are only 20% of the world’s population in 2007 but are involved in most current conflicts.

3)      As Muslims are increasingly radicalized, more conflicts will undoubtedly be added to the list.

4)      Samuel Huntington wrote in his Clash of Civilizations:

Three different compilations of data thus yield the same conclusion: In the early 1990’s, Muslims were engaged in more intergroup violence than were non-Muslims, and two-thirds to three-quarters of intercivilizational wars were between Muslims and non-Muslims. Islam’s borders are bloody, and so are its innards (pp. 257-258).


Islamdom takes in the whole of N Africa, the Sahara and parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Mideast, Turkey, Azerbaijan (in the Caucasus), Dagestan (a republic of Russia), Indonesia, Malaysia, and all the –stan and –istan countries in Central Asia that lie between the Caspian and Aral Seas and India. Most –stan and –istan countries are 80% to 100% Muslim, except for Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan borders on Russia and is 47% Muslim, 44% Russian Orthodox, 2% Protestant, and 7% other.

Wikipedia has a map that shows the global Muslim distribution in regions where the masses of Muslims are located:  green for Sunni and dark green for Shiite. In the Mideast and in Pakistan, the Shiites make up about 15% of the overall Muslim population. Unlike other maps that shade or color only on a country-by-country basis, this map pinpoints the Muslim populations by region, and it distinguishes between Shiite and Sunni. The green and dark green areas do not necessarily mean that Muslims are in the majority in those areas, but just indicate where Muslims congregate. This explains why 80% of India is shaded green but India is just 13.4% Muslim in 2006.

On the above-described map, one can see that the countries that are split between Muslim and non-Muslim, or Sunni and Shiite populations, are the same ones that tend to make the news. The non-Muslim or Shiite neighborhoods in Sunni Muslim countries are ethnically cleansed, too, but it hardly ever makes it into mainstream news.

Iraq would seem to be big exception since ethnic cleansing there makes the news a lot, but because Iraq is occupied from 2003-2007 (and beyond), and because there are plenty of foreigners there no longer beholden to a dictator, the violence and bombings are reported there regularly. Otherwise, one might not hear about it—just as during the Saddam-era plenty of ethnic cleansing went on in Iraq that went largely un-reported.

Lately, the nations that make the news the most for their non-Muslim-Muslim clashes are:  France, Liberia, Nigeria, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, a few Balkan states, southern Russia in the Caucasus, Israel, Lebanon, India, China, Thailand, Philippines and East Timor.

If one looks at this map, one can see that in certain areas where there are conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims in Islamdom is on the border between two major language groups. Of course, this also explains why one area is predominantly Muslim and one not—Islam, Christianity, Hindu or another religion has not effectively bridged the language group gap in that area, in addition to the ethnic, cultural, political and religious barriers. Bridging the language gap between dialects of the same language group is much easier than learning two languages from two different language groups. For instance:

      Northern Nigeria is Muslim and speaks dialects of the Chadic language group, while southern Nigeria is mainly Christian and speaks dialects of the Niger-Congo group.

      The Horn of Africa is Muslim where dialects of the Somali and Oromo language groups are spoken, while Ethiopia has historically been Christian and speaks two Semitic languages:  Amharic and Tigrinya. Eritrea and Ethiopia have been at war in the recent past, and Eritrea speaks Arabic. Kenya is adjacent to the Horn of Africa, and Kenya speaks dialects of the Niger-Congo group.

      Black Christians and Animists in southern Sudan speak dialects of the Nilo-Saharan group, and Arab northern Nigeria speaks Arabic.

      Sahara and N Africa speak Berber and Arabic, both Semitic languages. In Sub-Sahara, the dialects of the Africa Nilo-Saharan and Niger-Congo groups are spoken. The Sub-Sahara is one area where Muslims and Christians are clashing as they compete for converts.

      Western Turkey and the Caucasus are a mix of Turkic & Altaic, Persian & Tajik, and Arabic. Arabic is Semitic while the former two languages are from the Indo-European group. This helps to account for the unsettled nature of those areas.

      The Turkic & Altaic languages extend to Central Asia and into western China where it meets with Sinic languages in Xinjiange, formerly East Turkistan, a troublesome province for China.

      Urdo, Pashto and Punjabi are spoken in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and northern India, where India faces its greatest challenges. India speaks Indo-Iranian and Indo languages, but Bangladesh speaks Bengali.

      Balochistan is in SE Iran, SW Pakistan and S Afghanistan, and Baluchi is spoken. Ever since 1948, Balochis have fought for liberation from Pakistan.

      The Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia all speak Austronesian dialects while SE Asia speaks Austro-Asiatic, Tai-Kadai and Sino-Tibetan languages, and Papua New Guinea and Australia each have their own language groups. This goes a long way in explaining why Islam hopped from island to island but has relatively few adherents in SE Asia, Australia, and Papua New Guinea.

Yet another way to look at Islam is by overlaying a map of the earth’s tectonic plates and weather patterns. Islam was born in the hot sandy deserts of Arabia along the Red Sea mount ridge and rift valley that extends from East Africa up through the Dead and Galilean Seas and beyond. From there, Islam spread firstly and mainly along the borders of tectonic plates.

Islam spread through the entire Arabian plate that juts up into Turkey and reaches into Iran. It spread along the N border of the African plate that is the N coast of Africa. It spread along the northern border of the India plate that runs through the middle of Pakistan, along the mountains of northern India and then down past Bangladesh to the sea. There it meets the northern border of the Australia plate that runs along the coast of Sumatra, Java and other Indonesian islands before it juts N toward the Philippines.

Given where Muhammad lived, it would seem natural to him that an angry war- and moon-god was the high god. Also, people living in harsh arid environments prone to earthquakes, hot spells, drought, sand storms, locust plagues, flash flooding, and such, would find that Muhammad’s god lives up to their expectations of what the high god would be like. Likewise, people living in hot humid environments prone to earthquakes, tsunamis, monsoons, cyclones, flooding, plagues, and such would be predisposed to accepting that an angry war- and moon-god was the high god.


D. The Mideast

The Mideast is also discussed in the Islamdom section.

Christianity Today says there are 9m Christians left in the Mideast. Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, the London-based founder of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, and founder of the Barnabas Fund, said:

40 million Christians live under Muslim majorities, where they increasingly find themselves an embattled minority, with dwindling rights, trapped in poverty and uncertainty. Numbers range from large minorities—15 million in Indonesia, 9 million in Egypt and 3 million in Pakistan—to just a few dozen, as in the Maldives. In Saudi Arabia there are officially no national Christians.

Though there is little hard statistics to work with, and there is a constant stream of Christians are emigrating out of the Mideast due to the demise of secular nationalist movements, and the right of political Islam. Spiegel wrote about the sorry Mideast demographic count situation:  

There are no reliable figures on the size of Christian minorities in the Middle East. This is partly attributable to an absence of statistics, and partly to the politically charged nature of producing such statistics in the first place. Lebanon’s last census was taken 74 years ago. Saddam Hussein, a Sunni who is himself part of a minority, was fundamentally opposed to compiling denominational statistics. In Egypt the number of Christians fluctuates between 5m and 12m, depending on who is counting.[143]

There are about 6m Copts in Egypt, which is 6% population. Less than a third of Lebanese are Christian, perhaps a million.

There are four major schools of Sunni Islam, as well as subsets such as the Sufis and the Salafists:

Salafism is a branch of Islam that is often referred to as Wahhabi - a derogatory term that many adherents to this tradition avoid using. Salafis believe that Islam declined because of foreign innovations (bid'ah) and seek an Islamic revival through the purging of these influences and the emulation of the early generations of Islam…the Salafis believe that Muslims should not engage in politics. Instead, they argue, Muslims should stick to Islamic activities, particularly jihad, and promote Shari'a rather than an Islamic political program or state.

The differences between the Sunnis and Shiites can be found here. See Yemen for a discussion of the three main kinds of Shiites. Worldwide, the Shiites make up about 10% (120m) or 15% (190m) of Muslims (1.2b), meaning the Sunnis number about 1.08b or less. “Three quarters” of the world’s Shiites “reside in Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and India.”

Other branches besides Sunni and Shiite Islam that self-identify as Muslims most of the time, and are usually counted as Muslim in estimates, are:  Druze, US-based Nation of Islam (aka Black Muslims), Ahmadi(yya) (10m), Bahais (6m) Alevites (21.7m) and Alawites:

      The 10m Ahmadiyya are split into two branches:  the Lahori branch, and the larger branch, the Qadyani (or Qadiani).

      The Alevites are Shiite but incorporate pre-Islamic practices. There are 20m Alavites in Turkey, and 1.7m in Europe, of which 700k (or 600k) reside in Germany among 3.2m Muslims in Germany. Wikipedia estimates there are “3m in Iran and Turkmenistan, and half a million Turkmen Alevis in Iraq.”

      The Alawite are Shiite dwell mainly in Syria where they form 12% of the population. Sunnis consider Alawites to be a heretical sect, for “the Alawite sect holds Ali as an incarnation of God.” They also are said to adore Mary more than Sunnis do. One or more pictures of Mary hangs in most Alawite homes.

In the Mideast and in Pakistan, the Shias make up about 15% of the overall Muslim population. Vali Nasr, author of The Shia Revival, wrote in Chapter 1:

Shias number from 130m to 195m people, or 10% to 15% of the total. In the Islamic heartland, from Lebanon to Pakistan, however, there are roughly as many Shias as there are Sunnis, and around the economically and geostrategically sensitive rim of the Persian Gulf, Shias constitute 80% of the population.

In India Shiites are nearly 10% of the Muslim population, or nearly 14.68m. One can see the masses and pockets of Shiites across Islamdom in this map. Wikipedia states:

Among the countries with Shi’a majority of Muslim population are Iraq (66%), Bahrain (70%), Lebanon (50%), Iran (90%), and Azerbaijan (80%).

Until 2003, Saddam and the Sunni minority (20% of Iraqis), with the help of oil revenue, ruled over the Iraqi Shiite majority (66% of Iraqis). In Bahrain, the Sunni minority (25%) rules over the Shiite majority (75%) without the help of oil revenue. Bahrain ran out of oil and relies on tourism and banking. In 2007, the Sunni ruler of Bahrain is trying to give citizenship to 50k Iraqi Sunnis in order to stabilize his realm. Of course, it would be against Arab policy for him to take in state-less Sunni Palestinians!

Bahrain is similar to Syria and Lebanon in that a minority rules over a majority without the aid of oil revenue. In the case of Syria, it is the Alawites over the Sunnis. In Lebanon, the power is split between Sunnis and Christians with the Shiites rallying for power commensurate with their numbers. In early Feb 2007, there was news of Shiite rioting in Bahrain.

The Shiites (or Shi’a) in Yemen are called Zaydis (or Zaidis), and are 25% to 40% of the population. Hugh Fitzgerald wrote where the Shiite minority populations are in the Persian Gulf area:

…in the Eastern Province (Al-Hasa) of Saudi Arabia, in Dubai (where many Iranian Shi’a now live, and where they own many tens, and possibly hundreds of billions of dollars of property), in Kuwait, and in Yemen. In Yemen, the two groups are almost even in population, and in the past, it was, curiously, the Shi’a tribes that were supported by the Saudis against the ‘Marxist’—they wore their Marxism lightly—people in the south.        


The Diminishing Population of Christians in the Mideast

The persecution of Christians in the Mideast has never abated from the inception of Islam to the very present. Here are the percentages of Christians currently in the Mideast compared to past statistics[144] (when available):

      In 1920, Christians were 33% of Syrians, but now one-tenth of Syrians are Christian, or 1.89m according to the CIA Factbook. However, in 2007 Spiegel reported that there are 1.2m Christians in Syria, or 7% of the population.[145]

      Spiegel reports, “In…Jordan, the number of Christians was reduced by half between the 1967 Six Day War and the 1990s.”[146] 7% of Jordanians are Christian, or 360k.

      Palestinian Christians were 15% of the population in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 1950, but in 2006 are less than 2% in these three areas combined.[147]

      CNN reported in 2000 from the West Bank at a city near Ramallah:  “Taybeh today stands as one of the last strongholds of Christianity, having declined in number from 8k in 1948 to a mere 1,500 today.”

      1.7% of Israelis are Arab Christians, or 119k

      0.4% of Israelis are non-Arab Christians, or 28k

      Spiegel reported in 2007:

In East Jerusalem, where half of the population was Christian until 1948, the year of the first Arab-Israeli war, less than 5% of residents are Christian today.[148]

      In 1922, 53% of Jerusalemites (east and west Jerusalem) were Christian, but now just 2% are.

      In 1948 85% of Bethlehemites were Christian, and in 1995 60% were Christian, yet now just 12% are due to the fact that the area was rezoned to include 125k Muslim mostly living in nearly refugee camps. The Daily Mail reports there are just 7,200 Christians left in Bethlehem proper, or “12 per cent of its 60k inhabitants in 2006.” There are 25k Christians residing in Bethlehem area. Contributing to the Christian outmigration is the radicalization of the Islamic populace, discrimination, ongoing violence and threats, misappropriation of their properties, and Jihadist terror cells operating in their midst.

      In 1970, Christians were 5.8% of Iraqis, but in 2003, 2.65% of Iraqis were Christians, or 800k. However, since 2003, 300k Iraqi Christians have fled mainly to Syria, leaving just 500k Christians in Iraq in 2006, or 1.8%.[149] In 2007 Spiegel gave lower estimates:  750k Christians in Iraq before the 1991 Gulf War, between 1991 and 2003 the number was reduced to 500k, and since 2003 only 250k Christians have chosen to remain in Iraq, with many of those having fled from the center of the country (e.g. Baghdad, Mosul) to the Kurdish area in the north.[150] The Guardian though says there were 700k Christians in Iraq in 2003, but now half have fled leaving 350k

      In 1920 Turkey was 15% Christian, but now Jews and Christians together in Turkey amount to only 0.2% (144k) out of a population of 72m.

The rest of the Mideast countries not mentioned above have, as a rule, populations where Christians form less than 1%.

Most of the Mideast is nearly Jew-free except for Israel, of course, due to the expulsions of Jews from Arab lands in 1948, and continuing persecution and discrimination. The Iraqi Christians are found mainly around Mosul and Baghdad, but since 2003 many Christians have fled N to Kurdish areas of Iraq, to Syria, and to the West.

Six Arab Mideast countries are planning to set up nuclear power plants:  Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. There is a distinct possibility that these might be used for nuclear weapons development in response to Iran and Pakistan’s having went nuclear.

CyprusSpiegel reported:

The island of Cyprus has been divided into a Greek Cypriot south[west] and Turkish Cypriot north[east] since Turkey invaded the island in 1974. Turkey—the only country in the world to recognize the breakaway Turkish Cypriot republic—does not recognize the southern state, which is a member of the European Union.

The issue of Cyprus has become an obstacle for Ankara’s aspirations to join the European Union. Brussels has partially frozen accession talks due to Turkey’s refusal to allow Cyprus to use its ports or to recognize the country.

The Greeks hold about two-thirds of the island. The Greek side is modern, but the Turkish side remains undeveloped. In 2004, Greek Cypriots rejected a UN plan to reunify the island.

In 2007, Spiegel reported that there are still walls, fences and checkpoints between the Turkish and Greek sides of Cyprus, meaning there is no free passage yet. The Greeks want free passage and have torn down barriers on their side of the Green Line or Zone set up in 1974.

EgyptThe Associated Press reported:

Egypt’s population has risen by 15m in the last 10 years, reaching 76.5m in 2006…Egyptians living abroad numbered about 4m. Those living in Egypt numbered 72.5m…

The US gave Egypt 63.5b USD in military and economic aid between 1948 and 2006, and the EU has undoubtedly given many billions of Euros, mostly without any strings attached. In the recent past military aid to Egypt has been reduced while more money has gone to social and pro-democratic forces.

There has never been any serious talk of ending aid to Egypt any time soon. Likewise, $10b has went to Jordan and $28b to Pakistan since 2001, and no one talks of an end date to this aid either. Obviously, there ought to be minimum conditions and a sunset clause built into every aid agreement so this does not happen again.

As if the West does not give Egypt any money, the Egyptian government-controlled press incites against non-Muslims, and the Christian Copts there suffer under well-document violence at the hands of the Egyptians security forces and Muslim fanatics. Spiegel reported in 2007:

Life is even more difficult for the estimated 100 Egyptian Muslims who convert to Christianity each year. Violence erupted in Alexandria in October 2005 after a play was performed about a Copt who regrets his conversion to Islam. A number of Muslim demonstrators were killed and a church was damaged. Abandoning one's faith is a serious crime in the eyes of most Muslims. But for Christians who want to convert to Islam, the government has even introduced a streamlined procedure. About 1k Copts convert to Islam each year.[151]

The Washington Post reported in May 2007:

Egypt suffered its worst Christian-Muslim clashes in decades in 1999, when 20 Christians were killed, 22 people wounded and scores of shops destroyed in sectarian strife in the southern village of Kosheh.

In February [2007], Muslims set fire to Christian-owned shops in southern Egypt after hearing rumors of a love affair between a Muslim woman and a Coptic Christian man.

Last year [2006], a 45-year-old Muslim man stabbed a Coptic Christian man to death and wounded five others in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, sparking three days of sectarian clashes in which one Muslim was killed. Egypt says the attacker was mentally ill.[152]

The Washington Post reported that in May 2007, 300 Muslims battled 200 Copts, while another 200 Muslims spectated.[153] The Los Angeles Times reported on the same incident:

A group of Muslim men, angered by plans to enlarge a Coptic church, battled with Christians after Friday prayers, setting fire to several buildings and injuring at least 11 people, officials and witnesses said. Attackers roamed through the village of Bamha [or Bemha], about 15 miles south of Cairo, carrying hatchets and fuel canisters, said a witness, Tarek Gabbas.

Muslims and Christians reportedly threw firebombs and bricks at each other, and at least 10 Christian houses and [17] businesses were set ablaze before police restored order. Seventeen people from both faiths were arrested, Reuters news agency reported.

Under Egyptian law, no church can be constructed without a presidential decree. However, mosques are not subject to the same regulation, a fact cited by Egypt's Coptic minority as evidence of discrimination.

Christian Copts, who constitute about 10% of Egypt’s 80m people, also complain that the state discriminates against them by denying them proper representation in the government.

Marcos Aziz, a prominent Coptic cleric, said religious tensions have been mounting in Egypt recently. The attack, he said, was ‘a result of the regime’s inability … to solve the problems of the Copts.’

Muslim villagers in Bamha, angered by the plans for expansion of the church amid rumors that the Christians did not have building permits, had been circulating leaflets, calling on residents to ‘defend the religion of Muhammad’ by burning down Christian property in the village, said Gabbas, a Muslim.

He said some Muslims ran into the burning buildings to try to help trapped Christians. ‘Not all Muslims there were happy with what was happening. There were Muslims who risked their lives while trying to rescue Copts,’ Gabbas said. Five of the 11 wounded were women, said Abdullah Fawzi, director of the ambulance staff.

‘It’s a recurring problem,’ said Sameh Fawzi, an expert on Coptic affairs. ‘Most sectarian conflicts that erupted in the past were due to fights over the construction of churches.’[154]

Ever since the 1950s, 27k Egyptians Copts, originally landless and illiterate farmers from southern Egypt have been collecting Cairo’s garbage, living in shacks in slums near the garbage dumps, i.e., the Mokattam neighborhood. Garbage collecting can be lucrative except that Muslim middlemen, mostly Wahis from lower Egypt, take all the money, leaving Christians garbage collectors (zabaleento) live off the money made from sorting, recycling, and from making charcoal, and are pig breeders (zarrab).

Over the decades, it was mainly Westerners who helped to improve the situation for these Copts. In 2007, Cairo is planning to buy compactor garbage trucks, meaning that sorting and recycling will be unfeasible. Of course, there is little talk among Muslims of what will become of the poor Copts. Perhaps the Copts will move into other sectors, or immigrate to the West.

In Apr 2007, the Dean of Students at American International University in Cairo said that Muslims were not to pray for the well being of Virginia Tech students shot by a crazed would-be Jihadist who may not have been Muslim. The dean said that Muslims could only pray that they be rightly guided.

Iran:  51% of 68.7m Iranians are Persians, or 35.37m. The other 49%, or 33.67m, are minorities: Azeri 24%, or 16.5m; Gilaki and Mazandarani 8%, or 5.5m; Kurd 7%, or 4.8m; Arab 3%, or 2m; Lur 2%, or 1.37m; Baloch 2%, or 1.37m; Turkmen 2%, or 1.37; and other 1%, or 0.69m. “Persian (Farsi) is the official language, half of all Iranians speak a different language at home.”

Iran is 98% Muslim, with 89% being Shiite and 9% being Sunni. The remaining 2% are Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian, and Baha’i.

The Sunnis are “a majority of Kurds, virtually all Baluchis [or Balochis] and Turkomans, a minority of Arabs,” and “small communities of Persians in southern Iran and Khorasan.” The three provinces along Iran’s eastern border in the northern half of Iran form Khorason. Iranian Baluchis are found in the SE area of Iran.

Since 49% of Iranians are non-Persians, it is not surprised that large swaths are Iran are prone to sectarian violence and separatism. In 2005, Michael Rubin wrote in The Middle East Forum Quarterly: “Iran is more an empire than a nation.”[155] The main regions with a history of separatist movements are:

      Iranian Azerbaijan in NW Iran, S of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan. This is where many of Iran’s Azeris live. Azeris form 24%, or 16.5m of the Iranian population.

      Iranian Kurdistan in NW Iran along the Iraqi border. The main complain here is not only ethnic discrimination, but “anti-Sunni religious oppression.”

      Khuzistan in SW Iran. Khuzistan is located along Iran’s border with Iraq on the north end of the Persian Gulf, and is where most of Iran’s oil is found. While Khuzistanis are predominately Arab, nevertheless they are “predominantly Shi’a, with small Sunni, Jewish, Christian, and Mandaean minorities.” Khuzistan is discussed in the Recent Iranian History section, below.

      Iranian Baluchistan in SE Iran. Balochistan (or Baluchistan) is comprised of SE Iran, SW Pakistan and S Afghanistan. Baluchi is the main language. The Baluchis are mostly Sunnis, as are the Pakistanis. Ever since 1948, Balochis have fought for liberation from Pakistan. The Baluchis Liberation Army (BLA) has been fighting against Pakistan since 2000. In Iran, the Baluchistan Peoples Front of Iran (BPFI) is a news outlet in Iran’s Baluchistan area. The Peoples Resistance Movement of Iran (PRMI) is an insurgency group. Baluchistan is discussed in the Pakistan section, too.

Besides the ethnic and separatist problems, there is the problem of lawlessness around Iran. In 2005, Michael Rubin wrote in The Middle East Forum Quarterly: “Iran is more an empire than a nation.”[156]

The Iranian drug problem is huge. While Iranian opium interdiction accounts for almost a quarter of opiate seizures worldwide, UN officials say that Iranian authorities seize only 10% to 15% of the drug shipments. Iran is not only a transit country for opium and heroin, but also a consumer. Drug addiction is rife and the trade lucrative. Shoot-outs between drug dealers and Iranian police are frequent, as are kidnappings.


Recent Iranian History

Iraq has Arab Shiites in its eastern border with Iran. In 1980, Saddam Hussein eyed the oil of Khuzistan and sought another province, and invaded. Saddam “portrayed himself as the liberator of the Khuzistani Arabs,” but this moved backfired in that it united Iran against him. Perhaps this is because Saddam was a Sunni Arab, and most of Iran is Shiite.

Saddam operated under the secular Pan-Arabism principle that the Baath Party was founded upon, but by 1980 most Muslims in the Mideast saw their faith as being more important than their ethnicity, meaning that Pan-Arabism was a 1950’s phenomenon. The Iran-Iraq War dragged on from 1980 to 1988, leaving 1m dead.

Soon after ending that war, Saddam eyed Kuwaiti oil and sought to add another province, so he conquered Kuwait, sparking Gulf War I (1990-1991). Then at the end of Gulf War I he sent his troops and helicopters against the Kurds in the north, but a No-Fly Zone put an end to Saddam’s adventurism for good.

Iran was known as Persia until 1935, and then as the Islamic Republic ever since 1979. Iran was Sunni most of the Islamic period, but in the 16th C the Safavid dynasty made Shia the state religion. Within a century, i.e., the mid-17th C, the majority of Iranians had converted to Shiism.

Steven F. Hayward wrote about the 1979 Shiite revolution:

…Carter’s National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and the American ambassador in Tehran, William Sullivan, ‘repeatedly assured Pahlavi that the U.S. backed him fully, but in fact that backing extended little beyond private verbal cheerleading.’

What's more, despite the fact that Islamic radicalism was fifty years old by the time Khomeini became a serious threat to the Shah, and that Khomeini himself had been a political force in Iran for years before he came to power, ‘the CIA,’ says Hayward, ‘not only hadn’t read any of Khomeini’s writings but didn’t even have copies of them.’ As one State Department official put it, ‘Whoever took religion seriously?’ According to Hayward, ‘Neither the State Department nor the intelligence community took Islamic fundamentalism seriously, while American scholars on Iran deprecated the idea that the clergy would participate directly in forming or running a government.’ The chief of staff to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, William Miller, even recommended that the U.S. support Khomeini, who he thought would be a ‘progressive force for human rights.’

Manifesting the same misunderstanding of the real nature of Islamic radicalism that still dogs the State Department and other agencies today, Brzezinski embarked on a plan to strengthen Islamic radicalism for the geopolitical ends of the day. According to political analysts and Iran experts Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi and Elio Bonazzi, Brzezinski ‘instituted a plan to train fundamentalist Afghan Islamic mujahideen fighters in Pakistan under CIA supervision’—for which Carter’s successor Ronald Reagan is often blamed.….Khomeini’s regime executed more people in its first year in power than the shah’s SAVAK had allegedly killed in the previous twenty-five years.

From 1979 to 1992, “63 Iranians abroad [were] killed or wounded” by Iranian government assassins. 1992 was a pivotal year since German judges issued arrest warrants for Iranian government officials over four assassinations that occurred in Germany.

Recent US State Dept Religious Freedom reports indicate that hundreds of dissidents are jailed each year, and scores are executed, sometimes under false pretenses such as political prisoners are said to be drug traffickers.

Jews prospered in Iran under the Phalevi Dynasty (1925-1979) when Iran was secularized and Westernized. In 1948, there were 100k Jews in Iran, though another estimate says 150k. Jews in Iran “enjoyed a ‘golden age’ during the 1960s and ’70s under the Shah.” Between 20k and 70k left between 1948 and 1979, so there were 80k Jews in Iran during the Islamic Revolution, after which the majority of Jews left leaving only 25k in 2007.

Iran’s 25k Jews is more than the number of Jews in other Mideast states outside of Israel. Most Jews reside in Tehran (30k), but some are found in Isfahan (3k), as well as Shiraz and Yazd. In 2007, “the majority of Jews remaining in Iran are elderly and only speak Persian [Farsi], and are naturally less inclined to emigrate.” They do listen to Farsi broadcasts from Israel, though. The BBC noted:

The exodus of Jews from Iran seems to have slowed down - the first wave was in the 1950s and the second was in the wake of the Iranian Revolution [in 1979]….

But there are legal problems for Jews in Iran - if one member of a Jewish family converts to Islam he can inherit all the family's property. Jews cannot become army officers and the headmasters of the Jewish schools in Tehran are all Muslim, though there is no law that says this should be so. But their greatest vulnerability is their links to Israel - where many Jews have relatives. Seven years ago, a group of Jews in the southern city of Shiraz was accused of spying for Israel - eventually they were all released. But today many Iranian Jews travel to and from Iran’s enemy Israel.[157]

152 out of 25k Jews left Iran between Oct 2005 and Sep 2006 — down from 297 between Oct 2004 and Sep 2005, and 183 between Oct 2003 and Sep 2004. During the same period, there were more Iranian refugees from other minority faiths, including Bahais.

The Forward described the conditions that Jews endure in Iran:

…they each elect their own member of parliament and are entitled to worship freely but not to proselytize.

The State Department’s religious freedom reports have noted that the Jewish community in Iran is closely monitored by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and by the Ministry of Intelligence and Security. In other words, Jews, like other minorities, face discrimination because of the inherently Islamic nature of the regime, which prevents them, for instance, from securing government jobs or becoming army officers.

Seven years ago [in 1999] a group of 13 Orthodox Jews in the southern city of Shiraz were accused of spying for Israel. The case prompted an international outcry that led to the eventual release of the Jewish prisoners after years of quiet diplomacy....

Ahmadinejad has ‘donated money to Tehran’s Jewish hospital,’ which is less meaningful when one notes that "the Jewish hospital...has a Jewish director and is funded by donations from the Diaspora, though the vast majority of its staff and patients are Muslim.’

...Children attend Jewish schools where they are taught Hebrew and receive religious training. All principals are Muslim, the schools do not close on the Sabbath and the curriculum is supervised by the government.

While Jews are allowed to obtain passports and visas to leave Iran, they have to submit their requests to a special section of the passport office and there are restrictions on families leaving en masse.[158]

The Jewish Virtual Library notes:

Despite the official distinction between ‘Jews,’ ‘Zionists,’ and ‘Israel,’ the most common accusation the Jews encounter is that of maintaining contacts with Zionists. The Jewish community does enjoy a measure of religious freedom but is faced with constant suspicion of cooperating with the Zionist state and with ‘imperialistic America’ — both such activities are punishable by death….

Jews also suffer varying degrees of officially sanctioned discrimination, particularly in the areas of employment, education, and public accommodations.

The Islamization of the country has brought about strict control over Jewish educational institutions. Before the revolution, there were some 20 Jewish schools functioning throughout the country. In recent years, most of these have been closed down. In the remaining schools, Jewish principals have been replaced by Muslims. In Teheran there are still three schools in which Jewish pupils constitute a majority. The curriculum is Islamic, and Persian is forbidden as the language of instruction for Jewish studies. Special Hebrew lessons are conducted on Fridays by the Orthodox Otzar ha-Torah organization, which is responsible for Jewish religious education. Saturday is no longer officially recognized as the Jewish Sabbath, and Jewish pupils are compelled to attend school on that day. There are three synagogues in Teheran, but since 1994, there has been no rabbi in Iran, and the bet din does not function….

At least 13 Jews have been executed in Iran since the Islamic revolution 19 years ago, most of them for either religious reasons or their connection to Israel. For example, in May 1998, Jewish businessman Ruhollah Kakhodah-Zadeh was hanged in prison without a public charge or legal proceeding, apparently for assisting Jews to emigrate.[159]

Iran has long been the main backer of the Shiite terror organization Hezbollah in Lebanon. Iranians are trying to build atomic power plants, but also atomic bombs. There is much speculation as to what Iran might do with an atomic bomb. It’s leaders have spoken of destroying Israel, saying that it would be worth it because Israel would disappear and perhaps only 100m Muslims would die. Another speculation is Iran would blackmail other Gulf states into raising oil prices. Meanwhile, Israel has built a public bomb shelter in their subway, and one for the Knesset, and many citizens have built their own bomb shelters that they say gives them peace of mind.

In 2007, the Wall Street Journal said one-tenth of the world’s oil is in Iran. Iran’s oil may run out by 2015 according to the National Academy of Sciences.[160] Of course, scientists have been making similar predictions about oil running out soon since the 1970s. Lately scientists have been saying that lately about every developed oil field on the planet, but their findings are controversial.

It seems of the available oil, the world has only used one-third in the last century, and two-thirds are left. What has changed is technology to find and extract more oil has improved, and the price of oil is high enough that spending $10 to $15 to extract a barrel is worth the cost, especially when the oil is closer to the consumer so transportation costs are lower. There also are numerous alternative energy options such as obtaining oil from coal, ethanol from biomass, solar, wind, hydro, etc.

Iran, like other oil-rich countries, subsidizes oil, and subsequently too many people have gas-guzzling cars and trucks, which cuts down on a profitable export. One could say Western drivers subsidize drivers in oil-rich countries.

In 2007, US News & World Report stated that 50b cigarettes are consumed in Iran annually, resulting in some 50k deaths each year, and many of the cigarettes come from the US.

In 2007, Iran’s Supreme Court acquitted a group of men charged over a series of gruesome killings in 2002. The BBC reported:

The vigilantes were not guilty because their victims were involved in un-Islamic activities [in keeping with the common interpretation of K 005:032-033], the court found….

The killers said they believed Islam let them spill the blood of anyone engaged in illicit activities if they issued two warnings to the victims. The serial killings took place in 2002 in the southeastern city of Kerman….

According to their confessions, the killers put some of their victims in pits and stoned them to death. Others were suffocated. One man was even buried alive while others had their bodies dumped in the desert to be eaten by wild animals.

The accused, who were all members of an Islamic paramilitary force, told the court their understanding of the teachings of one Islamic cleric allowed them to kill immoral people if they had ignored two warnings to stop their bad behavior.

But there was no judicial process to determine the guilt of the victims in these cases. The group even killed a young couple they thought were involved in sex outside marriage, but media reports say the couple were either married or engaged to be married.[161]

IraqAfter WWI, there were 3m Iraqis, and in 2006 there are 25.5m. 19% are Arab Sunni (5m), 60% are Arab Shiite (15m), 20% are Kurdish Sunni (5m), and 1.8% are Assyrian Christians (500k). [162]

In 2007, the CIA Factbook says there are 27.5m Iraqis: Muslim 97% (Shi’a 60%-65%, Sunni 32%-37%), Christian or other 3%.

Spiegel says in 2007 there are 5m in Baghdad, and the Shiites control 2 large swaths of southern Baghdad and Sunnis control 1 large swath of northern Baghdad, and in the middle is the government-controlled Green Zone. Besides the ethnic cleansing of the mixed Sunni-Shiite Baghdad neighborhoods which is still going on in May 2007, the area around Baghdad called the Sunni Triangle has been ethnically cleansed since 2003.

In early 2007, the spiritual leader of the Shiite militia army, cleric Moktada al-Sadr, went into hiding for several months. Some speculate he went to Shiite Iran to rest and to cement his relationship with the mullahs there. The New York Times reported in May 2007:

Coalition and Iraqi forces have for months been targeting elements of the Mahdi Army around Iraq, gradually dismantling the militia in pinpoint raids like the one in Sadr City early today. In recent weeks, these operations have also triggered numerous clashes between government forces and Mahdi Army fighters in several southern cities including Basra, Diwaniya and Nasariya…

…the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr came out of hiding and reiterated his calls for the withdrawal of foreign troops…. In a speech to his followers in Kufa on Friday, the cleric reiterated his long-held demands for a timetable for an American troop withdrawal, and also offered a new alliance with Iraq’s minority Sunnis, thousands of whom have been killed or driven from their homes over the past year by Shiite death squads, some of them operating under the aegis of the Mahdi Army.

In 2007, there are 2m Iraqi refugees in other countries. “Up to 1.2m” Iraqi refugees are in Syria and 700k are in Jordan, and the rest are in Kuwait and other countries. Many Iraqis are displaced internally having moved from the south to northern Iraq in peaceful, prosperous Kurdistan.

It seems the number of Christians in Iraq is down by half since 1999. That’s when Catholic World News reported there were 1m Christians in Iraq:

Patriarch Raphael I Bidawid is the spiritual leader of about 600k Catholics of the Chaldean rite, most of them living in Iraq. There are also about 200k Latin-rite Catholics in Iraq, along with 200k non-Catholic Christians.

In early 2007 in Baghdad, Muslims began a “large-scale campaign…of expelling all Christians, unless they convert to Islam or pay the jizya [poll tax], a ‘protection’ tax demanded by the Koran [(K 009:029)], or leave their homes and belongings.”

      Between Mar 2003 and Mar 2007, 28 churches have been firebombed and hundreds of Christians murdered.

      In Apr 2007, Jihadists told Christians to convert within 24 hours or die, and Islamists took down crosses off two churches.

      Also in Apr 2007, Christians were told to take the crosses off the churches or else they would burn the churches.

      On 21 May 2007, the Assyrian International News Agency reported that Baghdad had been mostly emptied of Christians, but the elderly and a support network are left behind.

The motivation often cited for Muslims preying upon Christians is theft and robbery, but as Hugh Fitzgerald points out, that’s like saying Jews through history were persecuted only for monetary considerations. The Koran attacks both Judaism and Christianity.

In 2003 the US invaded and since then Iraq has had a quasi-democratic government—democratic only in that it was the result of vote counting, but Sharia-lite is the law of the land. 2003 is also when the insurgency began, lasting until 2007 and beyond.

The Kurds are Muslims, but are less radicalized than the Sunnis and Shiites of Iraq. That is why surveys show that Kurds appreciate a US presence in Iraq more so than Iraqi Sunnis or Shiites, as Hugh Fitzgerald noted in Mar 2007:

98% of the Sunni Arabs say that all attacks on Americans are justified and that they personally approve of them, and 75% of the Shi’a say the same thing. Only the Kurds express, by a large majority, lack of approval for such attacks.

AFP News reported in Mar 2007:

…a poll on Monday, commissioned by the BBC, ABC News, ARD German TV and USA Today…showed only 18% of those questioned had confidence in US and coalition troops, while 78% opposed their presence.

The oil in Iraq is in Kurdish areas and Shiite areas. During Saddam’s long reign that ended in 2003, the Baathists tried to Arabize areas with oil, making Kurds and Turkomans take Arab names. Michael Totten wrote and Patrick Lasswell made a trip to oil-rich Kirkuk and northern Iraq in Apr 2007, and Kurds told them that Saddam put Shiite Arabs there so that his enemies, the Sunni Kurds and Shiite Arabs, would fight.

During the 19th century, the Shiite population grew fastest everywhere in Iraq, so the populations became mixed in many areas and upset the balance of power. After the 2003 invasion and toppling of Saddam, the minority Arab Sunnis tried to regain power by means of arms and terrorism while the majority Shiites tried to come into power via the ballot box. One could call this a civil war.

In Feb 2007, President Bush announced the Surge plan in order to stop the killing in Baghdad and the vicinity. This only worked temporarily, as Spiegel reported:

Though the security situation in Baghdad improved soon after the US began focusing more resources on the city in February, it has since taken a turn for the worse. Death-squad killings have dropped -- as measured by the number of bodies found in the city streets -- the total number of deaths has remained high amid a number of bloody bombings. On Wednesday of last week, almost 160 Iraqis were killed by a series of bombs in the capital.

UK’s The Guardian reported in Apr 2007 on the 3km long wall:

Since the US-led invasion, ‘ethnic cleansing’ has resulted in population shifts that have left Baghdad increasingly divided on sectarian grounds, separated by the Tigris which runs through the centre of the city. Sunnis are consolidating on the west side and Shias on the east. The [3-mile long] wall is being built round the biggest remaining Sunni enclave on the east bank, at Adhamiya [or Azamiyah]. Referred to by US troops as the Great Wall of Adhamiya, it is surrounded on three sides by Shia neighborhoods and has been the scene of some of the city’s worst violence.

Haaretz reported in Apr 2007:

U.S. and Iraqi forces have long erected cement barriers around marketplaces and coalition bases and outposts in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities in an effort to prevent attacks, including suicide car bombs. But the Azamiyah project appears to be the biggest effort ever to use a lengthy wall in Baghdad to break contact, and violence, between Sunnis and Shi’ites….

The U.S. military says it began building the barrier April 10 and hopes to finish it as soon as possible. Eventually, the military said, the wall will be five kilometers long and include sections as tall as 3.5 meters.

However, Sunnis complained about the thick cement blast wall so the Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki is trying to halt construction. The US wants to encircle 10 neighborhoods with blast walls.

For over 4 years and running, 100+k US troops and 7+k UK troops have been tied up trying to quell the insurgency, ethnic cleansing and terrorism. 3,250 US soldiers have died, 25k have been wounded, and 1 trillion dollars has been spent on the war, reconstruction, security and fighting the insurgency. 770+ civilian contractors out of 100k contractors working for U.S. companies have died in Iraq in four years, from Mar 20, 2003 and Mar 2007. 140 UK troops have died between 2003 and Apr 2007. In 2007, the Operational Tour Plot war plan calculates that UK troops will be in Iraq until at least 2012.

 The Washington Post reported on the situation in Iraq in 2007:

McCaffrey is gloomy about the continuing strength of the insurgency. At this point, he said, about 27k fighters are being held, and at least 20k others have been killed, yet enemy combatants continue to produce new leaders and foot soldiers. The result, five years into the war, he said, is that ‘their sophistication, numbers and lethality go up -- not down -- as they incur these staggering battle losses.’

Just think how the price of oil would have dropped, thereby defunding Mideast-based Islamic fundamentalism and global Jihad, if only the US had spent the trillion dollars on wind farms and fusion power research.

Hugh Fitzgerald points out the parallel between the American occupation of Iraq starting in 2003 and the British Empire occupying Iraq starting in 1917 and ending in 1932. The only difference is the British empowered a Sunni despot despite the Sunnis numerical inferiority, because empowering the Shiites would, the British said, lead to a “mujtahid-run, theocratic state, which is the very devil.” After 2003, the US allowed the 60% of Iraqis to vote in a Shiite-dominated government, and now clerics threaten to control the Iraqi federal government, making it unacceptable to Sunni Kurds and Sunni Arabs.

Some people want to stay in Iraq until a moderate Muslim government is in place, because otherwise Al-Qaeda might take over. Hugh Fitzgerald responds:

…the glib phrases about Iraq ‘being taken over by Al Qaeda’ are silly, because no one is going to ‘take over Iraq,’ least of all Al Qaeda, which is the sworn mortal enemy of the Shi'a (who are considered to be ‘Rafidite dogs’ not only by the current leaders of Al Qaeda in Iraq, but by the late Al-Zarqawi). Thus, Al-Qaeda already has 60-65% of the Iraqi population against it, as well as the Kurds, who regard Al-Qaeda as an "Arab" group -- and they make up another 20% of the population. And the 19% that is Sunni Arab itself consists of many people who -- as the tribal revolt against Al Qaeda suggests -- have their own interests, and refuse to be dictated to by Al-Qaeda, even if they will continue to oppose the Shi’a, and of course the Americans, those permanent Infidels.

There has been much ethnic cleansing of Sunni Arabs from Shiite areas, and vice versa. These usually involve death by bullets. What really makes the headlines though are the suicidal car and truck bombs due to the high body count. However, what most Jihadi movies are about are:  1) beheadings, and 2) roadside bombings and ambushes of US jeeps (Humvees) and trucks, and Shiite pilgrims.

In 2007 insurgents started using tanks of chlorine along with their car and truck bombs, causing bystanders to have breathing problems and burning eyes. Also, dogs have been used with remote-control bomb-vests. Insurgents have used children to retrieve weapons during firefights. To get through checkpoints with reduced scrutiny, car bombers have posed as families with children in the back seat. The adults and children leave the car before it is blown up, but there have been cases where only the adults leave and the children are blown up along with the car. Some of the children are said to have Down syndrome or are otherwise retarded. Insurgents have been known to gun down and bomb children on soccer fields, and throw grenades into playgrounds.

Typically, 1m to 2.5m Shiite pilgrims will walk 25km, 70km or even 90km to two shrines (Samarra and Karbala) for the several festivals per year, though many take buses, cars and pickups. 1m attend at Samarra and 2.5m at Kerbala typically. 1m to 2.5m is a considerable number considering there are only 15m Shiites in Iraq, however, some pilgrims come from Iran.

In 2007, one pilgrim took eight days to walk from Basra to Karbala. Pilgrims risk roadside bombs and suicide bombers among the crowds. If they take a bus even partway, they risk suicide-bombers in the bus, and suicide-car-bombers ramming into the bus.

In 2007 during the Arbaeen pilgrimage to Kerbala, two suicide bombers struck a pilgrims’ refreshment tent in Hilla, south of Baghdad, killing 105. One bomber handed out the traditional cake to pilgrims before blowing up, and then a second bomber blew up when relatives came to help the wounded. 35 other pilgrims were killed that day, too, and several then next, etc. In 2007, over 150 of the 2.5m pilgrims died in terrorist incidents during the week of the Arbaeen festival.

The pilgrims come due to the standard Inshallah fatalism, that is, “Whatever Allah wills will be.” Also, just as Sunni pilgrims to Mekka think they are blessed if they die at the Hajj, the Shiites think the same way about their pilgrimages. It is worth noting that Shiites make the pilgrimage to Mekka just like Sunnis do. One Iraqis Shiite told MSNBC that his brother had been killed on a pilgrimage in 2006, and he went on pilgrimage in 2007 to Karbala because “The terrorists give us the chance to go to paradise.” Ironically, the Sunni suicide bombers who kill the Shiite pilgrims have the same idea, that is, they are seeking martyrdom.

Two major Shiite pilgrimage sites in Iraq are:

      At Karbala (or Kerbala), 70km south of Baghdad where the grave of Imam Hussein is. He died in battle in 680 AD, and was the successor to his grandfather Muhammad. The days of commemoration are bloody Ashura and 40 days later on Arbaeen (or Arbayeen). On these two days, Baghdad empties out of Shiites since they are all at Karbala. Karbala is the holiest shrine, and the cemetery there is where every Shiite would like to be buried since it is considered a gateway to heaven.

      At Samarra, 96 km (60 miles) N of Baghdad. Ironically, Samarra is a Sunni-majority city that hosts a Shiite pilgrimage site. Sunnis blew up the gold-domed mosque in 2006. This had the effect of ending the march of 1m Shiite pilgrims there, at least until it is rebuilt. The latest reincarnation of the destroyed mosque was reconstructed in 1905. The mosque contains the graves of the 10th and 11th Imams, a safe 50 feet below the mosque. The mosque also is the site where the 12th Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, supposedly became invisible until he returns near the end of the world. He became the 12th Imam at age 5 in 872 AD.

Judging from news reports, the Sunnis do more truck-bombing than Shiites. A US State Dept official said that 90% of suicide-bombers pass through Syria, suggesting that 90% of suicide bombers are Sunni. The reason for this is likely is that Sunni doctrine holds that Shiites are the worst infidels who are fit only for hellfire, but Shiites believe that Sunnis will eventually convert (“revert”) to Shiism. There is the opportunity aspect side of the equation, though. There are more Shiites, so they are easier targets to deliver a bomb to while causing mass casualties.

The UN estimated based on morgue statistics that 100 Iraqis die per day. The Iraqi Ministry of Health said in 2006 that 128k people have died because of the invasion and insurgency that started on 19 Mar 2003. One suspect report put the number at 650k, saying that 350 to 470 people die per day. Before the 2003 invasion, the mortality rate was 5.5 per thousand, and since the invasion, it has averaged 13.3 per thousand. Some claim the rate of death has been reduced markedly in 2007.

Germany’s foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said in 2006 that dividing Iraq into three “would lead to terrible bloodshed” and the involvement of Turkey and Saudi Arabia. With so many people already dying per day, one wonders how dividing Iraq could make it worse instead of better.

Spitting Iraq along ethnic lines surely is the lesser to two evils, the greater evil being continued civil war lasting a decade until some strongman ruler puts an end to it. The three-way split is also the most equitable deal, that is, if the Kurds and Shiites kept their own oil revenue.

Sharing the oil revenue would just lead to conflict. The northern Kurdish and eastern Shiite areas have oil and are generally more habitable, and the Sunni portion called Anbar is the third of Iraq that is desert and has a lesser amount of oil and gas, but still a trillion cubit feet of natural gas and 100b barrels of oil. The Kurds are in the northern third of Iraq, and the Shiites are in the eastern third, and all three parts have long stretches of rivers.

The US has spent at least $750b on Iraq between 2003 and the end of 2006. The Associated Press reported:

Keeping troops in Iraq for another year and a half will cost nearly a quarter-trillion dollars—about $800 for every man, woman and child in the U.S… At the same time, Bush's budget request will propose cost curbs on Medicare providers, a cap on subsidy payments to wealthier farmers and an increase to $4,600 in the maximum Pell Grant for low-income college students.

The US birthrate is right below replacement levels (2.09 CPW), but if the Mexican contingent were factored out of the equation, America would be well below the replacement birthrate. Why? The answer is adults must delay marriage, and then delay childbearing once they are married, just so they can have a roof over their heads and a car or two. As it is, the US and UK ranked last among industrialized nations when it came to childrearing according to a 2007 UNICEF study. Here are the results:

1. Netherlands, 2. Sweden, 3. Denmark, 4. Finland, 5. Spain, 6. Switzerland, 7. Norway, 8. Italy, 9. Ireland, 10. Belgium, 11. Germany, 12. Canada & Greece (tie), 14. Poland, 15. Czech Republic, 16. France, 17. Portugal, 18. Austria, 19. Hungary, 20. U.S., 21 UK

The US ranking of #20 (above) really looks bad when one considers how 19% of European children live in poverty, according to the EU’s annual report on “social protection and social inclusion.” Instead of spending money uselessly in the deserts of the Mideast, Hugh Fitzgerald wrote that we need to spend it in the West:

The Western world, the American taxpayers, are not endlessly rich. There are nuclear reactors to be built, wind and solar energy and mass transit systems to be subsidized, bridges and roads to be repaired, a health-care system that needs infusions of money, because the expense for insurance has become absurdly high. Public schools are in disarray, and higher education is crazily expensive (and often not worth it).

IsraelIsrael’s demographic situation is unique in that its continued existence is (aside from religious prophetic considerations) dependant on demographics, not only in Israel, but also among its diaspora.

There are 7+m Israelis (Jews, Arabs and Other). There are 1m Palestinians in Gaza and 2.72m in the West Bank, for a total of 3.72m Palestinians. These three territories taken together means there are 10.72m inhabitants in the Holy Land.

If Arabs happened to become the majority in Israel, Israel would probably devolve into Palestine, especially since most Muslims hold hostile attitudes toward Jews, and only 1% of Holy Land inhabitants are Christian, or 107,200 persons, since most Christians have left the Levant area.

The Greek Orthodox Church claims “the Palestinians…make up most of the 100k-strong Greek Orthodox flock in the Holy Land,” yet this statistic must be dated since the NY Times reported there are only 55k or 60k Christians in the West Bank and Gaza, and not all of these are Greek Orthodox. The demographics of the Greek Orthodox Church are important since it owns many Holy Land properties, including the land that the Knesset parliament building sits on. Jerusalem Post reported:

By church law, any new patriarch must be approved by the three governments - Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan. The Palestinian Authority and Jordan have recognized Irineos’ dismissal and Theofilos’ election, but Israel has not…

Theofilos has pledged to return all the controversial properties recently leased to Jews to the Church. The outcome of this struggle could have huge ramifications for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because of the church’s extensive property holdings throughout the Holy Land.[163]

Israel’s population is rapidly growing. Just a few years ago, the population was given at 6.2m, but in 2006 it is 7+m. In 2003, there were 5.1m Jews in Israel, which was 39% of the total 13.3m world Jewish population. There are about the same number of Jews in Israel as there are in the US, but the exact number of Jews in the US is contested. Wikipedia notes:

According to the 2005 Israeli census, Israel’s population of 6,990,700 is broken down into the following ethnic groups:  Jewish (5,313,800) Arab (1,377,100) and close to 300k ‘unaffiliated’ - mostly non-Jewish new immigrants from the former USSR. Ethnicity broken down by religion:  Jewish (5,313,800) Muslim (1,140,600) Christian (146k) Druze (115,200) Unclassified by choice (272, 200)...

According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, at the end of 2004, 76.2% of Israelis were Jews by religion. Muslims made up 16.1% of Israelis, 2.1% were Christian, 1.6% were Druze and the remaining 3.9% (mostly non-Jewish Russian immigrants) were not classified by religion.

After a million Russian Jews moved to Israel during the 1990s, and other Russian Jews went to Europe and the US, Stalin’s 36k-square oblast for Zionist Jews near China, established as a homeland with limited autonomy for Zionist and religious Jews, has 185k inhabitants in 2007, mostly non-Jewish.

In Israel, Arabs (the vast majority of whom are Muslim) are 16.5% of the total population in 2007, according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics.[164] The Jewish Virtual Library notes:

According to the study, 156k Arabs lived in Israel in 1948. They comprised approximately 19% of the population. In 2001, 1.2m Arabic people populated the area. Because of increased Jewish immigration to Israel, the proportion of Arab residents remained at 19% in 2001. The researchers predict that by 2020, the Arab population in Israel will have increased to 2m people and will comprise somewhere between 21% to 24% of Israel's population. On average, the proportion of Arabs increases 3.4% each year. In 2001, 82% of the population was Muslim, 9% were Christians, and 9% were Druze. According to the CBS, the proportion of Muslims will increase to 85% by 2020. As a result of both an increase in the birthrate and an increase in immigration from neighboring countries, the Arab community in Israel is very young. More than 50% of the Arab population is under nineteen years old. The Muslims and Druze are especially young in comparison to the Christian Arabs in the country.

Israeli Arabs protest Israel’s seizure of Arab lands each year on Land Day, which is on 30 March. Most protesters congregate north of Nazareth at Arraba and nearby cities. 28% of Israeli Arabs deny the Holocaust even though the Israeli government controls the education establishment.

Ha’aretz reported that many Israeli Jews have a perpetual fear of a Muslim uprising, and consider many cities in Israel to be virtual no-go zones:

68.4% of Israeli Jews fear a civil uprising on behalf of Israeli Arabs and 63.3% say they won’t enter Arab towns in Israel, according to the results of the 2006 index of Jewish-Arab relations released on Monday.[165]

Israel still has many state-owned monopolies because Israel once was heavily socialist so that even the quarries were state-owned. Only in the 1990s did Israel try to privatize state-owned companies with mixed success. Recently, Israel has been attempting limited affirmative action so that state-owned companies like the electrical company have Arabs on the board of directors. In 2007,  the Bank of Israel has only one Arab employee, and he is in accounting—not on the board.

Ethnically, Jews are traditionally classified by where in the Jewish Diaspora they reside, or came from:  Ashkenazim (European), Sephardim (Iberian Peninsula up to 1492), Bené Roma (central Italy), Mizrahim (Islamdom after 1492), and Beta Israel (Ethiopia).

The Ashkenazim are 70% of the world’s Jews, but 90% before WWII. The Sephardim are 15-20%, and the remaining 10% to 15% are Other. Sabra are native-born Israelis while the Olim are immigrants who made Aliya to Israel.

A large number of Israeli Jews travel abroad each year, with the US and France being major destinations for Israeli Jews. For instance, 300k Israeli Jews were expected to travel abroad just on one holiday in Apr 2007, that being Pessah (Passover).

Israelis are big are barbecuing, traveling to parks in Israel on holidays to barbecue, and yachting is seen as an alternative to traveling abroad, with “2,715 registered yachts in Israel, and over 100k registered yachtsmen” in 2007.

Intifada I occurred in the late 1980s and mostly involved stone throwing and led to the Oslo Accords in 1993. Intifada II (Sep 2000-Sep 2005) was instigated and encouraged by Arafat, and involved much terrorism in addition to stone throwing. In Oct 2000, 13 Israeli Arabs were killed by police during riots while Barak was PM.

During Intifada II, about 3k Palestinians died and 1k Israelis died from all causes. Intifada II only ended when PM Ariel Sharon reluctantly built a security fence—reluctant because it would become a “fact on the ground” that would tend to fix future borders. General Sharon was a Greater Israel advocate until near the end of life.

Though Intifada II is over, Palestinians wage psychological war on Israelis year round, though only the exceptional acts are reported in the media. Kassam rockets are fired from Gaza into southern Israel nearly every day, and periodicaly salvos of Kassam rockets are launched at the town of Sderot, wounding dozens and killing a few. There are sniper attacks and attempts at infiltration. Israeli Arabs and Palestinians throw rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli motorists somewhere in the Holy Land every week it seems. For several years, demonstrators against the security fence have thrown stones at soldiers and workers every Friday.

On Israel’s border with Lebanon, and along Israel’s borders with Egypt and Gaza, soldiers must contend with infiltrating jihadists who have killed and abducted soldiers and held them captive for long periods of time. This is what led to the Lebanon War II on Israel’s northern border.

In the West Bank Jews must contend with snipers and drive-by shootings dozens of times per year, and several attempted abductions of hitchhikers and those waiting for buses. Constant terrorism takes its toll and many Israelis suffer from post-traumatic syndrome, and 400 commit suicide each year, and thousands attempt suicide.

In Mar 2007, Gaza’s main N-S highway was flooded with sewage. The Palestinians claimed the reason for this was Israel didn’t allow more sewer pipes to cross the border even though Gaza has a border with Egypt it could utilize. Israel claimed that militants dug up sewer pipes to use for Kassam rockets fired into southern Israel, and Israel arrested a Palestinian pipe seller who admitted selling sewer pipes from Israel to militants. At the end of Mar 2007, a pool of sewage collapsed spilling raw sewage into, and flooding the Gazan town of Umm Naser, killing 10. Palestinians blamed the UN for not upgrading the sewage treatment plant, but the UN said the area was too hostile to work in.

The Arab population in Israel is 1% Christian, and is mostly Sunni Muslim, with some Druze towns, but almost no Shiites. Arab patriotism to Israel is low, as Omedia reported:

…the General Security Service warned the Arab minority's identification with the State of Israel is on the wane. The report noted further that subversive elements are operating among the Israeli Arabs and sources in the General Security Service have referred to the Arab sector as ‘the true long-term strategic threat’ to Israel's survival as a Jewish state. These pessimistic assessments are based on data cited in Maariv that demonstrates Israeli Arabs are identifying more and more with the Palestinians, terror organizations, Iran and Hezbollah and other elements that openly reject Israel's right to exist. The ‘visions of the future’ articulated by the Israeli Arab elites, some of which we have analyzed on Omedia, lean towards the establishment of a binational state that would eventually lead to the total loss of Israel’s Jewish character.[166]

Omedia also reported:

Arab politicians and intellectuals no longer support the two states for two peoples solution as they once did, but instead are demanding a Palestinian state alongside a bi-national Arab-Israeli state—instead of the Jewish state of Israel. Proponents of the new Arab dream no longer talk of two states for two peoples, but two states for one people—the Arab people.

Arab patriotism to Israel nosedives during wars, even when the war is against Shiites—as during Lebanese War II. The Jerusalem Post reported:

85% of Israeli Arabs view their primary patriotic identity as ‘Arab,’ followed by 52% whose primary patriotic identity is ‘Palestinian,’ and 32% whose primary patriotic identity is ‘Israeli.’ The vast majority of respondents said that they are not proud to be Israeli, and their emotional attachment to the Israel was decreasing…only 45% of Israeli Arabs intend to encourage their children to stay in Israel…While an overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews said that they would be willing to fight for their country, the percentage of Arabs who said they would be willing to fight decreased from 42% before the Lebanon war [II] to 26.5%. The summer’s war led to a decline in Israeli Arabs’ emotional connection to Israel, the poll showed, with respondents asked to rate their connection to the state on a scale of 1-100. The average ‘mark’ given was 38.[167]

Lebanese War II occurred in 2006 when Hezbollah launched 4k rockets from southern Lebanon into northern Israel, killing some Israelis, forcing many in bunkers for a month, and causing property damage and forest fires. The Jerusalem Post also reported:

During the Lebanon, war [II] an Arab survey found that 78% of Israeli Arabs believed that Israeli leaders should be tried for war crimes.[168]

Ynet News reported:

A Haifa University study showed that 49.7% of Israeli Arabs justify the kidnapping of soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev by Hizbullah. The study also showed that 48.2% of Israeli Arabs justify the rockets launched by Hizbullah into Israel.

Not knowing about Islam or Islamism, some Israeli non-Muslims might chastise the politicians and society for not gaining the gratitude of Israeli Muslims. This would be a Sisyphean task—if were possible at all—given the doctrines of Islam. For instance, even in the UK, where things are pleasant compared to where most of the immigrants came from, the Muslims do not value being British nor appreciate how Britain has bent over backwards to accommodate them. (See the section on Europe, Britain, above).

Many other nations besides Israel are anticipating population implosions and mass-migration, but their borders are not in danger of being erased anytime soon. If Israel’s Jewish population experienced a population implosion and its population aged, the country of Israel would only exist in the history books—barring divine intervention.

 Israel lives among a sea of hostile Arabs who are rapidly rising in numbers, and so depends on their being a growing numbers of affluent Israel supporters. Fortunately, for Israel, its Evangelical Christian supporters are affluent, they are growing due to evangelism, and they have “an above average number of births” and so are “growing as a share of the population.”[169]

America became pro-Israel because Evangelical Protestants tend to support Israel, and 4% of Americans in 1950 were Jewish. In 2007, America is still pro-Israel because it is still heavily Protestant and there are 5m or 6m Jews in America, about 2% of the population.

Critics say that America is too pro-Israel at the expense of Palestinians, and blame “the pro-Israel lobby,” e.g., AIPAC, and Evangelicals for their pro-Israel stance based on eschatology. Some critics who have voiced this concern or similar ones are former President Jimmy Carter, billionaire George Soros, NY Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, British news magazine The Economist, the webzine Salon, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Professors Walt and Mearsheimer, Norman Finkelstein, Tony Judt, and much of the rest of the world as evidenced by consistent UN voting.

The US sends 2.4b USD in military aid in 2007, which is expected to increase 50m USD per year, so in 2017 Israel would receive 2.9b USD.

People and entities on the side of Israel in the conflict are: the majority of Americans, the American-Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC), American Jewish Committee, The Jerusalem Post, The New Republic, The New York Sun, Daniel Pipes, and others. Here is a typical survey on US attitudes toward the Israel vs. Islamdom issue, as reported by The Jerusalem Post:

To the question, ‘In your opinion, should Israel give more land to the Palestinians?’ 60% of Americans rejected ceding land while 11% favored it...Americans overwhelmingly (by a factor of 45% to 4.6%) supported Israel over the Palestinians in the context of the conflict. ‘This puts to rest that anti-Semitic nonsense [according to which] a small group of Jews are pushing America into doing Israel's will,’ commented Zionist Organization of America head Morton Klein upon the release of the poll's findings on Tuesday. ‘American congressmen support Israel because their constituents do,’ he told The Jerusalem Post, adding, ‘if [Americans’ support was] 10-to-1 in favor of the Arabs over Israel, I promise you Congress would not be supporting Israel.’

The study’s findings indicate that a primary issue which may be detracting from support for the Palestinians is terrorism, with Americans believing by a factor of 45% to 22% that a Palestinian state would be a ‘terrorist state rather than a peaceful democracy.’ ‘And it's not surprising,’ commented Klein, saying of the Palestinians:  The study also found a consistent trend in which some Americans - between a quarter and a half of the population - replied that they were not familiar with the issue or had no preference for either sides.

The study’s findings regarding Egypt and Saudi Arabia show that Americans are almost as wary of these countries as they are of Palestinian intentions, as 65% of Americans believe that Saudi Arabia is an unreliable and untrustworthy ally ‘in the war against radical Islamic terrorism,’ according to the figures, compared with only 11% who believe the opposite. Similar sentiments (46% to 24%) were expressed towards Egypt, saying it was unreliable.

The study also found that two-thirds favor imposing economic sanctions on Saudi Arabia ‘until it stops its support and funding for terrorists and radical Islamic education.’ This support comes from a thin majority of Americans, with 51% of those polled in favor of sanctions and 26% opposed.[170]

By contrast with the US, Europe and even the UK are pro-Palestinian and generally more anti-Semitic because:

      More of its immigrants are Muslim, and the Koran and Hadiths are anti-Semitic to the core.

      Europe is predominately Catholic who traditionally hold a dim view on Jews and Judaism.

      Jews form a much smaller proportion of the population than in the US, particularly after the Holocaust.

When E and W Germany joined in 1989, Germany’s Protestant community grew. Recently elected PM Merkel is the daughter of a Lutheran minister, and grew up in East Germany. This explains why in 2007 the German government seems to be friendlier than ever toward Israel to the dismay of the Palestinians. Also, having Protestant leaders in Germany, the US and UK has improved Anglo-German relations lately.

Philip Jenkins says that the immigration is the greatest factor in the split between the US in Europe regarding the Mideast, what tipped America toward being pro-Israel and Europe toward being pro-Palestinian. Jenkins notes that provisions in the 1965 Immigration Act made it so immigration to the US came primarily from Africa, Asia and Latin America. These immigrants have been overwhelmingly Christian, but Europe’s immigrants were overwhelmingly Muslim.[171] This is why there are 14+m Muslims in Europe and only 2m Muslims in the US.

Many have noted that the mainline Protestant denominations are on the decline in America, and Catholicism is on the decline too except in those places where Mexican and Central American immigrants buoy it up. The reason often given for the mainline denominations being anti-Israel and for divestment from Israel is they are more liberal than Evangelicals, and vote Democratic rather than Republican.

Within each mainline denomination, there are Bible-believing Christians who are anti-abortion and vote Republican, and sympathize with the evangelicals. In fact, they may even be in the majority in the pews, but they are not in the majority among the leadership. As in academia, the liberals have frozen out and forced out most conservatives whom liberals despise with a passion. However, as in politics, the Roe Effect grindstone is having an effect so the liberal church leadership is not be replenished with new recruits, so churches are getting more conservative by the day just as is the case with politics.

While liberal leadership certainly is part of the cause of mainline denomination’s overall indifference to Israel, the main cause is the mainline denominations hold to an eschatology (study of the end times) developed long before Israel became a state. Their eschatology is called supersessionism or replacement theology because it sees the Jewish state and church as being phased out and replaced forever by the gentile church.

Churches with older eschatologies do not see the state of Israel in prophecy. By contrast, the Evangelicals have been tinkering with their eschatology, and even envisioned a Jewish state in Palestine a century before Herzl’s 19th century Zionist movement gained traction in Europe among Jews.

Perhaps mainline denominations will develop their own Zionist eschatology at some point, or adapt someone else’s. 50m American evangelical’s pro-Israel eschatology balances out 1.2b Muslim’s rabidly anti-Jewish and anti-Israel eschatology. The popularity of Zionist Christian eschatology could wax or wane, but Islamic eschatology’s anti-Israel bent is set in stone in the Hadith and is not likely to change any time soon. Thus, Christian eschatology is a real national security issue for Israel.

In Israel, the Arab population was 160k in 1948, which was 9% of the population.[172] In 2006, the Muslim population in Israel, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights was 1.2m, which is 16.5% of the total population of Israel, according Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics.[173] Israel’s Muslim population is young. “Some 43% were 14-years-old or younger and about a quarter of all children 14 or under were Muslim last year.”

From the 1950s to 1990, the child per Muslim woman rate gradually fell from 9 to 5. From 1990 to 2000, it fell to 4.74, from 2000 to 2006 to 4.03. By contrast, in 2005 the birthrate for Jewish women was 2.69. Israeli Muslims have a higher birthrate than Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Lebanon, Kuwait and Tunisia. Another way to measure the population is by percent growth:

The growth rate of the Israeli Arab population, is 2.5%, while the growth rate of the Israeli Jewish population is 1.4%, the growth rate of Israeli Arab population is slowing down (from 3.3% in 1999 to 2.5% in 2006).

How Israeli Muslims attained this absolute and relative growth from less than 9% of the population in 1948 to 16.5% of the population in 2006, despite the fact that several million Jews have immigrated in and many Arabs have emigrated out, is in part due to their reliance on Israeli socialism, same as Muslim immigrants thrive on European socialism. Only “14.6% Muslim women are employed compared to 50% of Jewish” Israeli women.

The average Israeli household earned NIS 11,680 and spent 10,816 per month. The average Muslim family earned 7,055 and spent 9,892 per month, just 924 NIS less than Israelis in general. Since the cost-of-living is cheaper in Arab towns and villages, one could say that Muslim Arabs have achieved income parity with Israelis by having larger families. The Jerusalem Post reported:

Muslims might be able to spend more than they earn due to social benefits that supplement their income….Sharp cuts in child allowances since 2002 may have had an impact on fertility rates as well, conjectured one of the demographers.[174]

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, the finance minister who cut the child allowances said in 2006:

…the unexpected result was the demographic effect on the non-Jewish public, where there was a dramatic drop in the birth rate.[175]

One liberal commentator called Netanyahu a bigot and racist for saying this,[176] but there is nothing racist about the intended victims (the Jews) of a demographic jihad merely withholding tax money from those whose who wage a demographic Jihad. Besides:

      The Arab-Israeli birthrate is twice as high as the Jewish birthrate, so it is not like Israeli Arabs will cease to thrive without the extra money.

      It has long been the case that Arab Muslim communities in Israel hardly pay any taxes, not even for services such as water and garbage collection. Then they demand that the Israeli government save their Arab municipal councils from bankruptcy.

In 2005 The Jerusalem Post reported:

150k Christians—80% of them Arabs—live in Israel, 2.1% of the total population, according to figures released this week by the Central Bureau of Statistics.[177]

One reason for the rapid growth of the Arab population in Israel is teen marriage, a feature found everywhere in Islam. Orly Popper wrote about Israel:

According to some estimates, 44% of Arab women were married before the age of 19. ‘The phenomenon isn’t limited to a certain socio-economic class,’ says Nasrin Ealimi-Kabha, the coordinator of the committee. ‘It exists in the Bedouin community in the Negev, but also in the cities, as well as villages, and in high class families.’[178]

As was noted above, Denmark cut the Muslim growth rate by requiring that would-be brides be at least 24 years old to enter the country. During the Intifada II, Israel had a similar minimum-age restriction for spouses coming from Gaza and the West Bank to marry Arab-Israelis. This restriction is constantly under legal review.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon “disengaged” from Gaza in 2005 because:

      Israel’s 2000 pullout from Israel’s south Lebanon security cordon did not result in endless attacks as predicted even though all that separated Hezbollah in Lebanon from Israel was a flimsy fence. Hezbollah did raid Israel in 2006 leading to Lebanon War II, but if Israel’s security measures had been better, and if the Lebanese army had patrolled their side of the border, this would not have happened. As was just noted, the fence was flimsy, and there was no no-man’s land between Israel and Lebanon.

      According to some population estimates, Jews formed 50% or less of the population of the combined territories of Gaza, the West Bank and Israel proper. Ariel Sharon wanted Israel to stay a Jewish state based on statistics rather than having an armed minority enforcing its will.

In 2006 Israel had to invade Gaza because of increased Kassam attacks, and because Palestinians conducted a cross-border raid by means of a tunnel, killing a few Jewish soldiers and taking one hostage. Even with this incident included, far fewer Israelis died after the Disengagement than before. The reason the raid was successful is Israel had a tank and personnel carrier parked out in the open instead of behind a berm that would have protected them from anti-tank missiles.

Based on being a mere fifth of the population in Israel proper, Israeli-Muslim representative bodies are making maximalist demand that Palestinians have the Right of Return to Israel proper, and that Israel proper become a bi-national state in addition to the Palestinian state of Gaza and the West Bank.[179] In response, Daniel Pipes wrote: “The sooner Israelis resolve this matter, the better,” presumably meaning before the Muslim contingent grows any larger in absolute and relative terms.

Hillel Halkin wrote that in 2005, Jews form 80% of the population of Israel proper, but only 60% if the West Bank is included. There are 7m (6,985,900) Israelis (Arabs and Jews) living in Israel, which figure includes Jews living in the West Bank, but not Arabs living in the West Bank. Thus, there are 5,588,720 Jews in Israel proper and the West Bank, and 1,397,180 Arabs in Israel proper. Of course, there are those who would dispute both the figures and projections.

Halkin wrote that there are 50k more Arabs born each year than Jews, partly because there are 20k abortions per year, “nearly all of them in the Jewish sector.” Also, in 2004 there were 10k more Jewish émigrés from Israel than immigrants to Israel.[180]

From the above data, one can see that the population of Jews drops 60k per year relative to the Arab population. Of course, the drop would naturally accelerate since the 60k Arabs (nearly all Muslim) per year would have kids and grandkids after awhile. In other words, if current trends continue and naturally accelerate, within a few decades Israel proper will be majority Muslim. Hillel Halkin wrote:

And it apparently will do so, because it would take 50k more Jewish immigrants than emigrants every year to keep it at the 80% level - a figure that doesn’t seem remotely attainable in light of the fact that an estimated 30k Israelis a year are now emigrating.[181]

Halkin notes that in 2004, 10k more Israelis left Israel than immigrants made Aliya.

In 1970, a law was passed in Israel whereby a grandson of a Jew could make Aliya, but this led to many non-religious persons entering Israel. Another problem with Aliya as far as the Jewish state issue is concerned is that often Jewish families are partly assimilated into the gentile population, so some Jews coming to Israel bring gentiles along with them who are spouses, son or daughters. Ynet reported:

There are 309k immigrants to Israel who are not Jewish according to the halachah, the Jewish religious law, living in Israel following the large wave of immigration from the Former Soviet Union [FSU].

It is no wonder that Israeli leaders like Olmert object to any Palestinian Right of Return in negotiating peace agreements. Not only would that up the terrorism threat in Israel proper, but it would hasten the day when Arabs would become the majority in Israel proper.

Muslims often try to exercise their Right of Return to Israel proper through the back door:

      Gaza Muslims will attend school in the West Bank and “forget” to return to Gaza. Israel has more of a claim on the West Bank and the Jordan Valley than on Gaza, so this one-way traffic from Gaza to the West Bank constitutes purposeful Demographic Jihad.

      Palestinians outside Israel seek to marry Israeli Arabs because their standard of living would go up and the social benefits are better if they get into Israel, so the marriage traffic is mostly one-way—into Israel. The situation is the same in the US, as Solomonia blog reported. An American man who dated a Muslim woman found out that he had been bated because they knew he was not very religious, and thus a better than average prospect for “reverting” to Islam. First, he dated a blind Muslim woman with a master’s degree before she broke off relations. Later, the American man wrote:

Since then, I started going to a local Mosque (run by a prominent member of a well-known ‘mainstream’ Muslim group)...The Imam’s own assistant told me, that he already has women he wants to introduce me to, after I finish ‘reverting.’ Women who are intelligent, and very obedient... (I am not even exaggerating. He was really trying to sell Islam to me in this way, because the Koran commands women to be obedient to the husband!) When I expressed concern for the soul of the blind girl (who is not helpless - she has a Master’s Degree), the Imam’s assistant told me—bluntly—that in cases like that, the woman is introduced to someone who tells her he is not really religious.

Because of the above-described demographic jihad efforts, Israel established a law during Intifada II that there would be no Family Reunification where Arabs come to Israel if either family is somehow involved in terrorism, or is under a certain age, as Haaretz reported:

The Citizenship Law denies family unification to Palestinian men aged 18-35 and women 18-25.

Besides the Family Unification law, another way Israel refuses to incentivize non-Jewish immigration is Israel’s National Insurance Institute (NII) does not qualify persons for treatment who lack residency status, or are women living in polygynous marriages. Overall, 1+m people, or a sixth of Israel’s population does not qualify for full medical treatment.[182] Meanwhile, in 2007 the UK provides extra money for polygynous marriages.

Even more worrisome than the Demographic Jihad aspect is the terrorism side of Family Unification. Gaza and the West Bank Muslims are, per capita, by far the most radicalized Muslims on the planet. Their imams and leaders not infrequently call on Allah to eliminate all Jews, Americans and other infidels during Friday Prayers over mosque speakers like those on the Temple Mount, over Palestinian TV and over TV elsewhere in Islamdom (e.g. Sheikh Bahr in Sudan in 2007), via radio and print media, and other communication outlets. In 2007, Palestinian TV even enlisted the aid of Mickey Mouse to teach Jihad to cartoon-watching children:

      Haaretz reported: “Some 40% of Israeli Arabs who were involved in suicide attacks in 2006 were naturalized…The Citizenship Law denies family unification to Palestinian men aged 18-35 and women 18-25.”

      Haaretz reported: “For nearly every family that received a [Family Reunification] permit, there was a family that lost its permit” due to an “end to the relationship, involvement in criminal activity or security concerns.”

      During Passover 2007, a Palestinian man in the West Bank city of Qalqilya went on a dry run to suicide-bomb Tel Aviv, but before he could make another trip, the 220kg bomb exploded in Qalqilya. He had gained access to Israel via an “Israeli ID obtained through family unification.” He, along with 18 members of a Hamas terror cell, was subsequently arrested.

      Omedia reported similarly:

The terror organizations view the Israeli Arabs as an approachable element that is ready to collaborate. The recruitment of Israeli Arabs for activity in terror organizations is generally accomplished through existing acquaintanceships, family and business ties, etc. Meanwhile Arabs continue to enter Israel illegally and establish residence in Arab-Israeli communities, harboring (in isolated cases) suicide bombers awaiting directives and the opportune moment to commit atrocities on Israeli territory. These illegal residents receive assistance from local residents….

A growing number of Arab Israelis are becoming involved in terror activity, both planning and execution. According to a recent GSS report, 21 terrorist organizations involving Arab Israelis were uncovered in 2006, compared to 17 such organizations exposed during 2005.[183]

      In Feb 2007 an Islamic Jihad terrorist from Jenin entered Israel through a breach in the Separation Fence. He then tried to set off 15kgs of explosives in a packed bus south of Tel Aviv. The batteries were inserted backwards, though. He ditched the bomb belt and went to an Arab friends house where the Arab friend encouraged him to make another attempt.

Since there is no fence separating the populated center of Israel from the Negev (as there is between Israel proper and Gaza and the West Bank), the demographics there are more important. In 2007, Israel’s courts said that the government should no longer spray defoliants on Negev land to keep Bedouin shepherd out. So the government decided instead to plant some Haradim communities in the Negev that will quickly grow to 80k persons, they figure. Ynet News reported:

Yoram Ettinger believes that the demographic issue in the Negev is the most dangerous to Israel, as opposed to the problem in the West Bank. He listed as his reasons: ‘Failure to enforce the law among Bedouins, polygamy, importing women, and illegal welfare payments including fictional divorces to increase welfare rates. According to Ettinger’s statistics, although the reduction of child welfare payments lowered the birth rate among Bedouins, the community still has the highest birth rate in Israel – more than seven children per woman.


Judaism’s Four Holy Cities

Judaism has Four Holy Cities, but unfortunately, all are in predominately Arab areas or soon-to-be majority-Arab areas. Jerusalem is slowly becoming an Arab town. Safed and Tiberias are in Galilee, which is majority Arab, and Hebron is south of Jerusalem. Hebron is a majority Arab city, and Hebron is in the south part of the West Bank, part of the envisioned Palestinian state, though the security fence and border is still being determined. Taking in Hebron into Israel proper would increase Israel’s area population greatly. The four Holy Cities are:

1)      Jerusalem. One projection has the metropolis being 50% Arab by 2035, [184] with very few of them being Christian Arabs. More discussion follows.

2)      Hebron, south of Jerusalem, where Abraham and Sarah are buried. In 1997, Hebron has 130k Jews, 530 Jews, and only 3 token Christians. That Hebron is one of the holy cities partly explains why Jewish settlers are so adamant about living there. Next to Hebron is Kiryat Arba, a Jewish city of 6,500.

3)      Safed (Tzefat), is at elevation 900m above sea level in the hills NW of the Sea of Galilee (Lake Kineret). The lake can be seen in the distance from Safed. Safed is considered the birthplace of the Kabala, and is “the Capital of the Galilee” since it is near Mt. Meron (1,208m or 4k feet), the tallest point of the Galilee. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, author of the Zohar, a seminal text of Kabalism, is buried in nearby Mt. Meron, which is NW of Safed near the Lebanon border. The great Talmudic scholars Hillel and Shammai are also buried at Mt. Meron. Kabala mystics gathered in Safed after they were forced out of Spain in 1492. Safed has a ghastly history of earthquakes, plagues and Arab raids that reduced the Jewish population nearly to zero before modern times. Today, on the 33rd day after of Omar (about a month after the Jewish Passover), Lag B’Omar is celebrated across Israel by burning bonfires, dancing to singing and flutes, and reading psalms into the night. On that night, 250k Israelis, many of whom are ultra-Orthodox, gather at Mt. Meron to celebrate Lag B’Omar, and to receive Rabbi Shimon’s blessings in the belief that all Jewish sages hover higher over their graves once per year on the anniversary of their deaths. Year round, many Jewish families take holiday hikes and picnic while visiting the shrines and graves at Safed.

4)      Tiberias on the shore of the Sea of Galilee became a Jewish center of learning after Jerusalem was destroyed. Here the Masoretes worked, and the Talmud was compiled. Tiberias again became a center of learning in the 18th and 19th centuries. In 2004, Tiberias had 43k residents, “the majority of them [Jewish] immigrants from North African and Eastern European countries.”


Jerusalem Demographics

Jerusalem has unique demographic issues due to the monotheistic religious divides, and because both the Palestinians and Jews want Jerusalem for their capital. Related to the Demographic Jihad in Jerusalem is the Construction Jihad, i.e. illegal construction and destruction of “enemy” property:

      From 1948 to 1967 when Jordan controlled the Old City of Jerusalem, it destroyed much that was Jewish, including all the synagogues in the Jewish Quarter situated next to the Dung Gate. This led to odd situation where many denominations in the world have a place of worship with a view of the temple mount except Judaism. There is a Lutheran spire in the Old City, and a Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene built in 1888 in the Kidron Valley below the Temple Mount. In 2007, a $1.5m synagogue called Nof Zion (View of Zion) is going to be built 2km from the temple mount.

      Especially since 1993, Arab Israelis and Palestinians have built houses, many in Jerusalem, without permits. Houses have even been built in places zoned for parks, and in King’s Valley, an archeological park of first importance. Since they have no permit, these houses are not connected to the sewer system, and consequently, raw sewage oozes from the ground in many places—as one would expect would happen in such a hilly place.

      Justus Reid Weiner wrote:

Illegal construction has reached epidemic proportions. A senior Palestinian official boasted that they have built 6k homes without permits during the last 4 years, of which less than 200 were demolished by the city.

The Construction Jihad is as old as Islam. Rather than build new buildings, churches were turned into Mosques. Dhimmis were not allowed to have houses higher than Muslims, and they were not allowed to repair their churches as they slowly crumbled into ruins. Other places besides Jerusalem where Construction Jihad continues are:

      In 2006 and 2007 in Lebanon (see the Lebanon section).

      In Iraq in 2007 Sunnis burnt Sunni and Shiite homes “in Muqdadiya, a city of about 200k in Diyala Province, about 60 miles from Baghdad.” Ethnic cleansing requires that multi-ethnic neighborhood be destroyed or at least become uni-ethnic.

West Jerusalem, where the city is most modern and the state institutions are, is mostly Jewish. N, E and S of Jerusalem are mostly Arab. The Old City of Jerusalem, within the old walls from Citadel of David to the temple mount, excluding the newer metropolitan area, is mainly Arab: in 2003, there were 31,405 (88.4%) Arabs and only 3,965 (12.6%) “Jews and others.” The Jerusalem Post reported:

…there are 800 Jews living in the Muslim and Christian quarters of the Old City, along with 50 families in Ma’aleh Hazetim—also known as Ras el-Amud—on the Mount of Olives. There are also plans for a new project on empty plots of Jewish-owned land on the Jerusalem side of Abu Dis, to be called Kidmat Zion.

Nine Jewish families are also living in the old Yemenite neighborhood of Shiloah, which the Arabs call Silwan, across from the City of David. Just a few weeks ago, however, they were ordered to evacuate by a Jerusalem court because the building they are residing in was built illegally.[185]

In 2007, Ynet reported that by 2035, Arabs would become the majority in Jerusalem if current growth rates continue. In 2007 the Jerusalem Post reported about Jerusalem: “The Arab growth rate over the last decade was 3-4%, the survey found, more than double that for Jews.” Here is Jerusalem’s past, current and future population, if current forces prevail and the projections turn out to be accurate:

      In 1842 50% of the population of Jerusalem was Jewish

      In 1914, 65% the population of Jerusalem was Jewish

      In 1948, Jerusalem’s population numbered 83,984

      In 1967, there were 266k residents:  68k (26%) Arabs and 197k (74%) Jews

      At the end of 2006, there were 731,900 residents:  469,400 (64%) Jews, 239,100 (32%) Muslims, 14,700 (2%) Christians (of which 10k were Arab Christians), and 8,700 (1%) Undefined

      The Haradim and Muslim Arab sectors are anti-Zionists, and are generally poor or are on welfare. Together they form the majority in Jerusalem in 2007, so the majority in Jerusalem is anti-Zionist and poor, and do not recognize the state of Israel even though that majority happens to live in the capital city of Israel

      By 2020, Jews will be 60% and Arabs 40%

      By 2035, the city will be 50% Arab[186]

The Washington-based American-Israel Demographic Research Group (AIDRG) usually assumes optimistic views, and in 2007 they predict that Arab birthrates will continue to drop to nearly that of Jewish Israelis—soon enough that the population in Israel and Jerusalem will stabilize at 20%-21% Arab indefinitely.

In May 2007, Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski suggested easing restrictions on family reunification for the 10k Christian Arabs in Jerusalem, or else their numbers would dwindle further.

In December 2006, a report said that for the first time, the Jewish birthrate in Jerusalem equaled the Arab birthrate in Jerusalem of 3.9 children per woman. This is due to the presence of the black-hat ultra-Orthodox with their large families, a segment of the population that deserves discussion here. Also, discussed is why having an equal birthrate won’t preserve the demographic balance in Jerusalem.

The secular share of the population has been eroding for decades, while the other two groups have grown. “Israel’s Haredi population is now 600k…growing by 7% a year.” In some locations, the Haradim’s average family size is 7.8. Obviously, some people take the Bible book Solomon’s Song of Songs more seriously than they take others! Spiegel reported:

The demographics, however, favor the religious groups. Birth statistics suggest that the number of ultra-orthodox Jews, who traditionally have large families, will double over the next 15 years, reaching 20%. As Juli Tamir – Israel’s education secretary - recently projected, the country’s elementary school classes could soon comprise three evenly balanced groups—one third secular, one third ultra-orthodox and one third Arab.

This explosive growth has occasioned a new model of urban planning in Haradim communities outside of Jerusalem where the prices are lower. In the “growing apartment” model, Haradim buy a “three-room apartment with an option to expand for $90k.” In this model, the surrounding apartments are rented out until they are needed for the growing family, and then they are adjoined to the main flat.

Many of the Haradim do not stay in Jerusalem, but move to where housing unit are available at low-cost—communities not necessarily all near Jerusalem. While the Jewish percentage of land holdings in Jerusalem escalates, counter-intuitively the Arab percentage of the population still increases. The reasons are:

      The growing Arab population expanding there seeking to escape the West Bank.

      Rich diaspora Jews buy apartments and buildings, many of which stay empty most of the year except for Passover, creating a “ghost town” effect. That’s because Diaspora Jews fly in to Jerusalem once or twice per year, and secular Israelis would rather live in Tel Aviv or the center of the country, that is anywhere but in Haradim neighborhoods or in the deserts. In some cases, European Jews are buying real estate and moving their money to Israel because they believe that the growing Muslim population in Europe is a growing menace.

      Jews are moving out of Jerusalem to the suburbs just outside of Jerusalem’s city limits. Popular neighborhoods are Beit Shemesh, Betar Ilit, Ma'ale Adumim, Modi'in Ilit, Mevaseret Zion and Givat Ze'ev.

This all explains why even though the birthrates might have equalized in Jerusalem (as noted above), and the Jews are buying up more of Jerusalem, the Arab share of Jerusalem’s population is still increasing.

Some suggest the solution is to expand Jerusalem borders W to take in the Jews in the new suburbs, while others suggest ceded Arab neighborhoods in east Jerusalem to Palestine. Some suggest doing both.

Daniel Pipes counsels not holding on to all-Arab neighborhoods citing the example of how Lebanonese Christians expanded their territories in the 20th century but now are on the verge of losing all of Lebanon. Lebanon is being lost for Christians because Muslims have higher rates of population growth, and their increasing radicalization is driving non-Muslims clear out of Lebanon.

Some say that Jerusalem’s Muslim population is not radicalized, but I think that’s a mistake. They don’t look radicalized only when compared to West Bank and Gaza Muslims who are the most radicalized Muslims in the world. Interviews and polls of east Jerusalem Muslims show that many east Jerusalemites are Islamists, and Israeli security services note that West Bank terrorists never lack a helping hand when they pass through Jerusalem. Another clue is that the most popular boys name in east Jerusalem in 2007 is Muhammad.

The Islamic doctrine that all Muslims need not engage in Jihad as long as some are engaged in Jihad gives the false appearance that east Jerusalem Muslims are moderate and peaceful. They, however, are like most Muslims who support and sympathize with the Jihadists, and would become Jihadists themselves if they deemed circumstances warranted it, or they felt the calling.

It would seem therefore that Jerusalem leaders are throwing caution to the wind because they keep developing areas east of Jerusalem in order to connect them to Jewish settlements in the W Bank—settlements like Beit El (Bethel) to the northeast and the Etzion Bloc to the south. This makes it harder separate the Jewish and Arab populations in the future. They should take note that past leaders’ caution did pay off, as Meron Benvenisti wrote:

It’s ironic that if the annexation borders drafted by the expansionists, led by Rehavam Ze'evi, had been approved in 1967, there would already be an Arab majority in Jerusalem today.

An explanation is still needed as to why many secular Jews are unwilling to live among the religious. Since even before the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, the Orthodox have controlled religious marriages in Israel. Thus, non-Orthodox must get their civil marriages done in Cyprus or elsewhere. The Orthodox also control conversions and who can become a “real” Jew in Israel. The ultra-Orthodox are even more demanding than the Orthodox, and demand that:

      The state institutions observe the Sabbath as far as possible, and serve only kosher food.

      El-Al Airlines not fly on the Sabbath

      Power companies employ Shabbos Goys, Yiddish for Sabbath gentiles. These are Arabs mainly who work on the Sabbath so Jews do not have to. Otherwise, the Haradim were thinking of boycotting using electricity on the Sabbath. As it is, Haradim can use ovens, elevators, and such on the Sabbath if their operation is automated and does not involve flipping a switch that is considered doing work on the Sabbath.

      Buses do not run in the areas Haradim dominate, e.g., parts of Jerusalem, on the Sabbath.

      Certain roads are closed off that lead to Haradim areas on the Sabbath.

      No entertainment in Haradim areas on the Sabbath.

Spiegel reports that the ultra-orthodox in Israel don’t speak Hebrew as much as one would expect:

The secularists are allowed to open a few cafés in their quarter on the Sabbath, while the religious [Haradim] can close specific streets to traffic in their part of the city. Even the ultra-orthodox mayor, Uri Lupolianski from the Torah Party, has been powerless to intervene. Nonetheless, many secular families have opted to leave for the more cosmopolitan Tel Aviv or other places where religious Jews are scarce.

Many Israelis are livid about the repeated exceptions made for the religious contingent. Young ultra-orthodox Jews, for example, are exempted from military service if they devote their energies entirely to Talmudic studies. They have their own state-funded educational system. Only recently has the government begun an uphill battle to introduce subjects like English, mathematics, history, and even Hebrew - the national language - into these schools. Unlike other Israelis, most ultra-orthodox Jews only use Hebrew in explicitly religious contexts. To ensure that Hebrew is not treated disrespectfully, they speak Yiddish most of the time, a language that originally evolved among middle- and eastern-European Jews.

In deference to religious Jews, no public bus services run in Israel on the traditional day of rest, except in Arab areas; aircraft operated by El Al, the state airline, remain grounded. Because Jews are not allowed to eat anything leavened or fermented at Passover, in memory of the exodus from Egypt, foods containing grain - even beer or muesli - have to be cleared from the supermarket shelves every spring. Instead of white and brown bread, they sell matzo - an unleavened cracker.[187]

The Haradim in Jerusalem especially are known for throwing stones at cars that run on the Sabbath, and blocking roads during protests. They occasionally protest against the police and social services, blocking roads with burning trash dumpsters, cinder blocks and stone-throwing youth. At least once in the recent past, they have trashed an internet café in Jerusalem. Haredi hackers have hacked into Hebrew porn sites and replaced the content with a picture of Lubavitch Rabbi.

The Haradim are also known for protesting, boycotting, and sometimes attacking, Christian Messianic Jews and vandalizing their churches. To be fair though, no Christian has been seriously injured or killed yet—that I know of, and the Haradim world is sectarian and is known for being turbulent, raucous infighting that regularly attracts the attention of the police.[188]

The Israeli police are more sympathetic to the Haradim than to the Christian Messianic Jews, hardly ever prosecuting Haradim for their outrages against Christian Jews. It’s the Christians and Messianic Jews who are framed in sneaky ways, and they are charged with violating the anti-evangelism or anti-missionary laws that the Knesset (Israeli parliament) has passed. In 2007, once again the Shas political party, with its Sephardic Ultra-Orthodox constituency, is seeking to stiffen existing anti-conversion laws in Israel. The laws as of 2004 read:

Three sections of the Penal Code deal with missionary activity. According to Par. 174(A), anyone ‘who gives or promises a person money, the equivalent value of money or any other material benefit in order to entice him to change his religion or so that he will entice someone else to change his religion, shall be imprisoned for five years or pay a fine of 50k [Israel] pounds.’ Par. 174(B) states that anyone who receives material benefits in order to convert is liable to a prison term of three years and a fine of 300k pounds. And Par. 368 stipulates that anyone who conducts a conversion ceremony for someone who is under-aged is liable to six months in prison.


Jewish Anti-Missionaries

The extent of missionary activity in Israel is exagerated by anti-missionary groups. In all of Israel the police received only one or two complaints per year during the 1990s, however, Christians filed about six complaint per year concerning anti-missionary harassment. In 2004 Haaretz reported:

Interior Committee in November 1999, Inspector Yosef Cohen, an officer with the police Investigations Branch…cited some interesting statistics. During the 1990s, he said, the police received between 10 and 20 complaints concerning offenses relating to religious conversion. However, the members of the messianic sects, he said, had submitted no fewer than 60 complaints against Yad L’Achim. ‘I would expect organizations engaged in guarding the Jewish public against Christian preaching not to resort to violent activity,’ he noted.

Jewish anti-missionary groups from around the world include:

      Yad L'Achim (or Yad Le'ahim) Hebrew meaning “Hand for the Brothers” and Netanya-based Lev L'Achim (or Lev Le'ahim) meaning “Heart for the Brothers,” are two Ultra-Orthodox anti-missionary, anti-cult and anti-assimulation groups whose targets include Islam, Reform Judaism, Messianic Judaism, and Christianity in Israel. MP Rabbi Benny Elon (National Union), member of the Christian Allies Caucus in the Knesset, said that Lev L'Achim competes with Yad L’Achim, and that Lev L’Achim “seems to have [the] ‘stricter’ standards” of the two. Lev L’Achim claims there are 25k Jewish women married to Arab men in hostile Arab towns, and a significant number are beaten and abused, so they launch paramilitary-style rescue efforts and bring these women to safehouses around Israel. Their underhanded tactics result in many complaints to the police, but most of the time no police or judicial action is taken. Consequently, the two groups are regularly cited in the annual US State Department Religious Freedom Reports. Lev Le'ahim has worked with anti-missionary-minded members of the Knesset such as Jerusalem City Representative Mina Fenton of the National Religious Party.

      Jews for Judaism, a group based out of Baltimore.

      The Jewish Community Relations Council’s (JCRC) “Task Force Against Missionaries and Cults” is now known as the Spiritual Deception Prevention Project.

      The Moscow-based Magen (Hebrew for shield) anti-missionary organization.

      The American Jewish Committee’s (AJC) Inter-religious Affairs Department.

      The Gur Hasidim sect in Arad in south Israel. The Gur wear fur hats and came to Israel from Poland. They protest in front of believer’s businesses and synagogues, and used to protest in front of believers’ homes until the courts ruled in 2004 this was not legal. Mission Network News reported in Mar 2007:

Every week for the past three years, he explains, the Messianic Jewish congregation in Arad, Israel, has faced opposition from ultra-orthodox Jews [specifically, the Gur Hasidim sect].  Recent reports indicate the congregation regularly faces jeers and insults. They are spat upon, and their homes are frequent targets for tomatoes and eggs. Noisy demonstrations are common, with the approval of the police.

The opposition turned violent on February 25 when a member of the church was beaten in the parking lot of his Chess and Bible Shop.  Opponents to his evangelistic work firebombed the same shop in 2005.

         Haaretz reported in 2004:

Arad has a population of 26k, with an unemployment rate of 9.6 percent (as compared with the national average of 10.9 percent). Some 40 percent of the residents are new immigrants, mainly from the former Soviet Union. There is a large Haredi population - 300 families of the Gur hasidic sect, 50 or so Chabad families, and another 50 families that support the ultra-Orthodox Shas Sephardi party.


General Religious Info

Israel’s population can be divided in terms of religion several ways. One way is:  secular Jews, observant Jews, and Muslim Arabs. Most of the observant Jews fall into three main groups:

      Reform (Liberal)

      Orthodox (traditional)

      Ultra-Orthodox (or Haredim, Haradim, Charedim) (very traditional). The Ultra-Orthodox prefer to be called Haredim rather than Ultra-Orthodox.

The groups divide based on how halachic they are, meaning how much of rabbinic and biblical law they think is applicable today. Halachic law deals especially with marriage, divorce, burial and kashrut (kosher eating).

It is confusing to say that Orthodox Jews are conservative because there is an actual movement called Conservative or Masorti Judaism.

Reform Judaism is reformed in the sense of progressive, not in the sense of getting back to the roots or the basics of Judaism. Reform Judaism is liberal, and then label Liberal Judaism is synonymous with the labels Reform Judaism and Progressive Judaism. The Reformed branch is liberal and allows organ music during services whereas the Orthodox does not.

In the US 38% of synagogue goers are members of Reform synagogues, 33% Conservative, and 22% Orthodox. The Forward reported in Mar 2007:

Conservative Judaism, once America’s most popular synagogue stream, has seen its numbers decline in recent years, in the face of the Reform movement’s growth.

The Forward reported in Mar 2007 that while Reformed seminaries outside of the US do not admit gay rabbi candidates, the US Reformed movement seminaries now do, and they approve of same-sex marriages. Proponents for gay ordination

…say that the open acceptance of gay and lesbian clergy will go a long way in helping to re-energize the movement and will keep it in step with changes in American society and culture.

In contrast to the US, there are relatively few Reformed and Conservative Jews in Israel, where Orthodox Judaism is the official version of Judaism. Wikipedia notes:

According to a 2004 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Study on Israelis aged over 20.8% of Israeli Jews define themselves as Haredim (or Ultra-Orthodox); an additional 9% are ‘religious’ (predominantly orthodox, also known in Israel as:  Zionist-religious, national-religious and Kepot Srogot); 12% consider themselves ‘religious-traditionalists’ (mostly adhering to Jewish Halakha); 27% are ‘non-religious traditionalists’ (only partly respecting the Jewish Halakha), and 43% are ‘secular.’ Among the seculars, 53% say they believe in God(s).

Secular Jews can be divided into those who are nonobservant, and those who are minimally observant, who are similar to “Christmas and Easter” Christians. The minimally observant fast on Yom Kippur, attend the Passover Seder, light Hanukah lights.

Most Jews, whether secular or observant or not, generally eschew organ donation (more on that later in this section). 97% of Jews in Israel prefer to have circumcisions (brit milah) performed on their sons, either by a doctor or a mohel (Jewish circumciser). 78% of Jews choose brit for religious reasons more than for reasons or hygiene, or to ward off the social stigma of being uncircumcised in Israel.

Hasidim (or Chasid) is Hebrew for “pious ones.” All the Hasidic sects are considered part of the Ultra-Orthodox (Haradim) camp because they have no doubts about the divine inspiration of the Torah, and they think the halakhic (Jewish legal) precedent is binding today.

Hasidim (the sects) and Heredim (Ultra-Orthodox) wear similar dress:  dark suit and kippah cap. When outside or in public they wear a black hat with a broad brim, black suit coat, and long black coat if the weather calls for it. Hasidim often wear frock coats with fur hats—the same garb their ancestors wore in 18th and 19th C. cold Europe, Russia and Ukraine. Some non-Hasidic Haredim men also wear these items. The women dress modestly in long dresses with long sleeves and high necklines, and they cover their hair but not their faces.

Hasidic Judaism started with Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer (~1700-1760), aka Baal-Shem-Tov, meaning “Master of the Good Name,” or by the anonym for Baal-Shem-Tov:  Besht. There are many sects inspired by Besht centered on the teachings of a particular rabbi who usually was a healer, miracle worker, and could even predict the future.

Hasidic sects as a rule incorporated Kabalism, mystical doctrines, sectarianism, and other strange doctrines. Not surprisingly, the three mainstream branches of Judaism (Reformed, Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox) are considered scholarly compared to the Hasidic sects.’s article on Hasidim states:

The largest groups in Israel today are Ger, Chabad[-Lubavitch], Belz, Satmar, Breslov, Vizhnitz, Seret, Nadvorna, and Toldos Aharon. In the US the largest are [Chabad-]Lubavitch, Satmar and Bobov, all centered in Brooklyn, New York, and Skver in Rockland County, New York. Large chasidic communities also exist in the Montreal borough of Outremont; Toronto; London; Antwerp [Belgium]; and Melbourne [Australia].

Vizhnitz is found in the US, too, at Monsey, New York. Other US locations with a large Jewish presence can be found here.

The Chabad-Lubavitchers (or Chabad-Chasidim) are the most controversial Hasidic group, it would seem. That is because many of them are claiming that Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, their leader who died in 1994, was the Messiah (Moshiach). They claim that the Rebbe did not die, but the person buried in Queens, NY, is his father-in-law.

The Karaites are a branch of Judaism that flourished during the Islamic era, becoming as much as 10% of world Judaism. “However today there are left an estimated 2k Karaites in the USA, about 100 families in Istanbul, and about 12k in Israel, most of them living in Ramle, Ashdod and Beer-Sheva.” The Karaites believe in following the three parts of the Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh), but not the Oral Law, that is the Mishnah and the Talmud.

Surprisingly, many religious Jewish groups were anti-Zionist before 1948, while secular Jews tended to be pro-Zionists ever since the 1900s. Theodor Herzl, the first main visionary of the Israeli state, was a secularist, and envisioned a secular Israel. The religious Zionists are called Mizruhniks.

Most religious groups have made their peace with the Zionist state since its founding in 1948, and are represented in parliament and even in the cabinet by religious political parties—mainly Shas. The religious are increasingly involved in Israeli politics because of their exponential growth in numbers due to a high birth rate. Nahal Haredi have their own religious unit in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force).

There are two religious groups that oppose Zionism on religious grounds, not passively and silently, but they actively protest against the Zionists around the world:  the larger Satmar Hassidic and the smaller Neturei Karta (Aramaic for “Guardians of the City”) sects. While they used to be small in number, due to high birthrates, they are a significant minority in 2007. MSNBC noted:

Members (Neturei Karta) oppose Israel because they believe there should not be a Jewish state until the Messiah comes and leads them to the Promised Land. They do not dispute that the Holocaust took place, but they believe Israelis have used the Holocaust to gain sympathy and advantage….with a membership estimated to be only in the thousands, the Neturei Karta are generally tolerated or ignored…

Most Haradim in Israel refuse to be Zionists, even though the Zionist state funds their schools and Yeshivas and allows many of them to not work and not enlist in the military so they can study the Torah and other works of Judaism.

Haradim exhibit their anti-Zionism in various ways, such as not standing still when the siren blows each year during Holocaust Remembrance Day. However, there is a Haredim army battalion called the Haredi Nahal.

There are obviously other groups and service organizations not mentioned above, that are found in the Holy Land as well as outside of the Holy Land. The obvious ones are the Catholics and Greek Orthodox. Some other faiths and organizations are:

      Messianic Christianity and Messianic Judaism are different terms for the same movement, but Messianic Orthodox Judaism is a tiny branch of Judaism (i.e., non-Christian). Messianic Jews are discussed below.

      Just to confuse matters, sometimes non-Christian Jewish Settlers in Samaria (and previously in Gaza) refer to themselves as being Messianics. They believe that by settling Greater Israel, they will hasten the coming of the Messiah for the first time.

      The “Seven Commandments of the Descendants of Noah” is where “a non-Jew who undertakes them is considered a ‘hassid of the world’ and guaranteed a place in heaven.” The Sons of Noah (Hebrew:  Bnei Noach), or Noahide gentile follow the Seven Commandments of the Sons of Noah (Hebrew:  Sheva Mitzvas Bnei Noach).

      B'nai B'rith (Hebrew:  Sons of the Covenant) is a Jewish service organization founded in 1843 in New York City that is pro-Zionist. Recently B’nai B’rith spawned B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO) in 2002.

      The Jewish Defense League (JDL) was founded in 1968 in New York by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane to protect Jews. Due to JDL’s record and philosophy, the FBI and others consider JDL to be a terrorist group. JDL in France is unaffiliated.

      The Temple Mount Faithful is an Orthodox Jewish movement that seeks to free the temple mount from Islamic control and build the third temple. Really, a future temple would be the fourth temple, except Herod’s temple is considered a remodeling. Also, if one considered the Dome of a Rock to be a temple, then it would be the fifth temple.

      The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ) was established in 1980 to show Christian solidarity with Jews. ICEJ was established in the wake of 13 embassies leaving Jerusalem for Tel Aviv in protest when, “in the summer of 1980, the Israeli Parliament declared the city of Jerusalem to be the undivided, eternal capital of the State of Israel.” The UK and US maintain consulates in Jerusalem, and embassies in Tel Aviv. The US has a consulate in East Jerusalem that serves Arabs mainly. Israel offered free rent for embassies in Jerusalem, but the last two countries with embassies in Jerusalem, El Salvador and Costa Rica, moved their embassies to Tel Aviv in Aug 2006 in deference to Muslims.[189]


Messianic Jews

A Messianic Judaism seal is three symbols fused: a menorah with a triangle base, a fish with a triangle tale below the menorah. The two triangles are overlaid to form a David’s Star in the middle.

There are many people of some Jewish extraction, along with full-fledged Jews, Israeli Hebrew speakers, Sabra, Holocaust survivors and their children, who have become Christian Jews. The pool of potential Jewish converts is so large because:

      Many rabbis hold to liberal theology and believe the Hebrew Scriptures are only semi-inspired by God. The Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox are like the Pharisees in that they believe in a resurrection (Act 23:08). The rest, including Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist movements, are like the Sadducees in that they either deny the resurrection, or are vague about it, and say the Biblical texts on the resurrection are to be interpreted metaphorically. Such liberal views are unthinkable for Messianic Jewish leaders.

      Another reason is that Rabbinical law says that only a son or daughter of a Jewish mother is a Jew, while a son or daughter of a Jewish father and gentile mother is not. The Reform, Reconstructionist or Renewal communities accept patrilineality, but conservative strains of Judaism accept only matrilineality.

      The conversion process to become a Jew is rigorous, and the life is rigorous as well.

      While one’s conversion to Christianity and baptism are broadly recognized in Christianity from denomination to denomation, a Jew’s conversion to Judaism may not be recognized by rabbis of a slightly different persuasion. This has led to many people having problems making Aliya to Israel, getting married, divorced, buried as a Jew, etc. A woman is at especial peril because if a woman’s conversion is not rocognized or is retroactively annulled by a rabbi, her children, if any, are said not to be Jews, her husband is said to have sinned by marrying a gentile,[190] [191] and she and her children may need to leave Israel if they made Aliya to Israel.

In Israel, Orthodox Judaism is the “state church.” Both full- and half-Jews can make Aliyah, i.e., come to live in Israel, but patrilineal Jews must go through an arduous and lengthy conversion process to Orthodox Judaism before being recognized as a Jew, while full and matrilineal Jews are automatically recognized as being Jewish. A person’s status as a Jew has important social and economic ramifications in Israel.

In the 1800s, Hebrew Christians were the pioneers of Jewish Christianity and tended to belong to Fundamentalists churches. “The Hebrew Christian Alliance and Prayer Union of Great Britain was formed in 1866, and the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America was formed in 1915.”

Believers refer to Jesus by his Aramaic name, Yeshua. They observe the Sabbath on Saturday, not Sunday, and observe traditional Jewish holidays such as Hanukkah but not Christmas, Passover (Pessach) but not Easter, Shavuot (Pentecost) and Sukkot (Tabernacles/Booths)

Perhaps one reason that regular Christianity is in decline in Israel while Messianic Judaism is sprouting is “most Israelis take Fridays and Saturdays off, though only the latter is guaranteed by law as a day of rest.” So Saturday worship is normal, but Sunday is a workday in Israel.

Many Messianic Jews consider themselves Jewish, even non-Halachic Jews, i.e., a son or daughter of a Jewish mother. Those with no Jewish relations consider themselves Messianics like Ruth who said: “Your people will be my people and your God my God” (Ruth 01:16).

Since the 1970s, Messianic Christianity has been growing fast. Messianic Jewish organizations include Apple of His Eye Ministries, the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) and the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC). There are 300+ Messianic Jewish congregations in the U.S., 100+ in Israel, and 150 in the Former Soviet Union (FSU).

There are mainstream denomination congregations with a Jewish flavor with more staid worship, Pentecostal congregations with glossolalia and dancing, and some congregations reconstruct Nazarene 1st Century Christianity.

Surprisingly, there is not much organ donation in Israel, and up to 114 Israeli who needed organs died unnecessarily in 2001 as a result. In 2001, only 35% of families (or 70 out of 200) consented to organ donation after a family member has died. In 2004, “In Israel, the average wait for a kidney transplant is four years.” Because the organ donation waiting lists are so long, many Israelis must engage in “transplant tourism.” The Halachic Organ Donor Society is working with rabbis to change this. The society reported:

Although the Chief Rabbinate of Israel ruled that brain death fits the definition of Halachic death, there remains a widespread misperception in Israel that Jewish law categorically prohibits organ donation. As a result, Jews have the lowest percentage, among all other ethnic groups worldwide, of signing organ-donor cards. So while most western countries achieve organ-donor membership of up to 30% of their population, Israel – a predominately Jewish country – remains at 3%. Israel was recently expelled from the European Union Organ Donor Network because, year after year, they accepted organs but didn’t donate organs. Even though most Israelis are secular, when it comes to issues of death they adopt a more ‘religious’ perspective and don’t donate organs.

The struggle in Palestine has been characterized as being over resources—arable land and water, especially. It has long been noted that the N and S in Israel have been under-developed while the Jews fight to develop the middle, including Gaza and the West Bank.

The coast of Israel is cooler due to sea breezes, and the West Bank and Jerusalem are at higher altitudes that are cooler and breezier. The south is desert, the N of Israel is poorer and has many Arabs, and one must pay for the land. In the West Bank and formerly in Gaza, the land could be had for nothing, and the cost of living was low.

Jewish settlers, however, invoke the Greater Israel eschatological prophecies and irredentism of ancestral lands. Naturally, the most disputed lands are areas with resources, fresh water and a temperate climate, and less disputed lands are grazing lands used by Bedouins. The fertile lands were the first to be settled on by gentiles once the Jews were scattered long ago.

While not canceling out eschatological prophecies or irredentist attachment, the fence does limit other motives for settling near Arabs, that being economic reasons and reasons of convenience. How so? Once the prospects of obtaining free land with water is removed by the fence, perhaps the Galilee and the Negev in southern Israel will be developed because settlers cannot then squat on public lands conveniently near the thriving metropolises of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

The fence along Gaza and the West Bank is helping by keeping terrorists out, and also by separating the Jews from the great mass of Arabs. There still are areas that are inside Israel proper and are majority Arab such as:

      The area south of Nazareth is informally known as the Galilee Triangle, aka the Arab Triangle. It seems this triangle is not have officially set borders. Cities often named as being in the triangle include Baka al-Garbiyeh, Taibeh, Tira and Umm al-Fahm. Also said to be in the Galilee Triangle is the Wadi Ara, aka, the Megiddo Pass that leads into Jezreel Valley (or Plain of Jezreel) from the south.

      Wikipedia notes:

Modern Galilee is one of the few areas of Israel to have retained a large Arab population after the founding of the State in 1948, with a particularly large Druze population. The ‘heart of the Galilee’—the districts of Carmel, Upper Nazareth, Ma'alot-Tarshiha, Migdal Ha'emek and Afula—has an Arab majority of 78 percent, despite Jewish Agency efforts to change the demographic balance. The population of the Galilee as a whole is 50% Jewish, 50% Arab (including Druze and Bedouin) and minorities.

      Wikipedia notes:

The Lieberman Plan suggests a territorial exchange whereby Israel would acquire most Jewish regions in the West Bank at the same time as it would cede Arab regions of Israel to the Palestinian Authority. There are three major Arab regions in Israel, all contigious with the West Bank; (1) the southern and central Galilee, (2) the central region known as "the Triangle" and (3) the Bedouin region in the northern part of the Negev desert. Giving up these three regions would reduce the number of Israeli Arab citizens by 90%. Only those Arabs living in isolated villages and as minorities in Jewish cities would remain. The ethnically Druze community which is Zionist would also remain part of Israel. All remaining citizens whether Jews or Arabs would have to pledge an oath of allegiance to the state in order to keep their Israeli citizenship.

The fence slices off 6% or 7% of the West Bank, and even a greater percent if Israel decides to keep all the sparsely populated land between the West Bank and the Jordan River and Dead Sea. Besides, P. David Hornik noted that “the era of ‘pre-1967 Israel’ was only 19 years long (1948 to 1967), and it has been 40 years since 1967.

It would seem that at least the land kept by Sharon and Olmert behind the security wall/fence will become Israel’s permanent due to continued house building and demographic growth. There were 267,163 Jews beyond the Green Line in 2006. The four largest are Modi’in Illit, population 34,514; Maaleh Adumim, 33,259; Betar Illit, 29,355; and Ariel, 17,723.[192]

The fences would seem to satisfy the demands of the Greater Israel proponents since Gaza is a little slice of land that was never particularly Jewish in ancient times. Israel would have control of much of Samaria and Judea, and what they did not control directly is behind a fence in a sort of island in the middle of Israel—hence under their indirect control.

Throughout Israel, Arab Christians living among Muslims experience threats, thuggery, intimidating demonstrations of force, i.e., parades and protest marches. There are occasional skirmishes and riots where Muslims or Druze attack Christians such as in Turan in 1997 and Maghar (or Mughar) in Feb 2005. Maghar at the time was “60% Druze, 20% Christian and 20% Muslim.”

Justus Reid Weiner has written about Israeli cities in the Nazareth and Galilee areas where Christians are being squeezed out by Muslims and Druze, and have received little timely help from any quarter.

A Construction Jihad in 1999 nearly put a large mosque dedicated to Saladin’s nephew a stone’s throw away from the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. World Net Daily reported on Nazareth:

Nazareth’s Christian population, at times the majority during the city’s long history, is now at about 37%, according to the Israeli Bureau of Statistics, which notes a regular downward trend. The situation mirrors similar trends in West Bank and Gaza cities controlled or dominated by Muslim Arabs.

The Israel project reports Nazareth’s population is 35-40% Christian Arabs with the remainder being mostly Muslim Arabs.

Because Nazareth is Israeli-controlled, Muslims intimidate Christians in Nazareth to a lesser degree than in the rest of the Mideast, especially in Gaza and the West Bank. World Net Daily reported:

One Christian resident said violence and intimidation tend to increase around the time of local elections. The Islamic parties, once in the minority, are now one seat away from dominating Nazareth’s city council. ‘During the last elections, Muslims on the streets were openly threatening the Christians. They tried to stop some of the Christian cars from voting,’ said Saleem. In October 2000, members of the opposing Islamist party reportedly beat the Arab Christian mayor of Nazareth, Ramiz Jaraisy.

Muslims hold regular prayer services at the site neighboring the Annunciation church throughout the week, usually drawing large numbers of worshippers on Fridays. Yesterday’s afternoon service, attended by WND, was preceded by a sermon delivered by a prominent local sheik, who shouted into a loudspeaker, ‘Islam will dominate the world.’ The sermon could be heard by [Catholic] clergy inside the Annunciation church.[193]


Jordan:  In 2002 The Economist reported that “43% (2.3m) of its 5.3m citizens were of Palestinian origin.” The UN estimates that a third (1.96m) of Jordan’s 5.9m residents are Palestinian, and that in 2007, 700k are Iraqi refugees. The refugees there have suffered much, are in great want, and are preyed upon by many.

Shabtai Gold of The Jerusalem Post reported on Palestinian Jordanians:

Around 60% of the Palestinians living in Jordan have Jordanian ID cards. Palestinian identity seems strongest among the approximately 1m refugees without Jordanian citizenship and among those who live in the camps.

Although the younger generation maintain a Palestinian identity, they appear to have lost interest in partisan politics and in the details of what many term ‘The Struggle.’

‘At university, none of my Palestinian friends was politically active, or anything like that,’ says one recent graduate. ‘We are Palestinian, but for some it is nothing more than a name. I am maybe different, for me it is important. Palestine is something missing for me.’[194]

In 2002, the late King Hussein put up semi-permanent billboards that said “Jordan First” so that bedouins, Palestinians, and indigenous Arab tribes would become more loyal to Jordan than to their respective tribe. The loyalty of Palestinians in Jordan has always been suspect since “Black September” 1970 when Arafat and the PLO attempted a coup. Arafat was kicked out in 1971 and went to Lebanon. Eventually Arafat and the PLO went to Tunis and then for the Palestinian territories.

LebanonThe CIA Factbook says Muslims are 59.7%, or 2.7m, of the 4.5m total Lebanese population, but other estimates put it as high as 70% (3.15m). The Shiite may be 40% (1.8m) of the population, but Spiegel estimates there are “1.2m [or 27%] Shiites, the country’s largest and poorest population group.” If Shiites are 40% (or 1.8m) of the population, and Muslims are 59.7% (or 2.7m) of the population, then 19.7% (900k) are Sunnis.

At least 400k of the 900k Sunnis are Palestinians who are located in 12 UNRWA-aided Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. “The Lebanese police have no access” to these camps due to an agreement signed in 1969 with the Palestinians. This allowing Islamists and Jihadist to flourish. Thus, it comes as no surprise that in May 2007, Fatah al-Islam members made a raid on nearby Tripoli by the sea in northern Lebanon, and later found their Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp surrounded by the Lebonese army.

Fatah al-Islam has more than 500 fighters, has ties to Al-Qaeda and “close ties” to another Lebanese terrorist group, Jund Al-Sham. In the first three days of fighting, the Lebanese lost 30 soldiers, the militants 60, and 20 civilians were killed. 25k of the 40k residents in Nahr al-Bared fled. Then the US approved more aid for Lebanon bringing the total up to $1b for 2007, and that’s just from the US. Finally, on 1 Jun 2007, the Lebanese army took the Nahr al-Bared camp. 2 soldiers and 16 others died.

The Sunday Telegraph said Christians make up only 22% (990k) in 2007, but another estimate puts it at 30% (1.35m). The remaining 10% to 18% of Lebanese are Druze and Other.

There is instability because each ethnic group is growing or shrinking at different rates, Lebanon is a demographic and ethnic patchwork of enclaves, and each enclave has disparate culture and loyalties:

      Christians are thoroughly westernized —often having ties to France who once colonized the area. Christians in Beirut and Lebanon even allied with Israel in recent decades, and during Lebanon War II Lebanese Christians openly hoped Israel would weaken Hezbollah.

      Sunni Muslims in Lebanon tend to be poorer, and many were Pan-Arabists, but now are increasingly becoming radicalized, especially in the Palestinian refugee camp areas. Pinhas Inbari wrote:

After the PLO left Lebanon, the remnants of the pro-Iranian elements left behind in the Palestinian refugee camps became either linked with Hizbullah or later became the core for the al-Qaeda group Ansar al-Sunna.

      Shiites are the poorest of all with the largest families, and tend to be the most radicalized. Sunnis are beholden to Saudi Arabia whereas the Shiites report to Iran.

The government is unstable too because in 2006 the parliamentary seats are still divided 64/64 between Christians and Muslims based mainly on the last demographic survey of the country taken in 1932 plus some tweaking of the ratio in 1990 after the 1989 Taif Agreement. The problem is that since 1932, the Shiite numbers have grown greatly while “the Christian population itself has declined by 60%.”

Ever since 1943 National Pact the president had to be a Christian, a Sunni had to be the prime minister, and the speaker of parliament had to be a Shiite. A redistribution of parliamentary seats according to current demographic estimates would give 26 seats to the Shiites at the expense of the Christians, according to my calculations. The Sunnis, Druze and Alawites would retain their seats.

Lebanese President Emile Lahoud blames the instability in Lebanon on the Palestinians:

We have today around half a million Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, their birth rate is three times higher than the Lebanese. That is a time bomb. It is the basic problem of our country, it led to the outbreak of civil war in 1975 and still remains unsolved today. Everybody today is talking about UN resolution 1559, but nobody mentions resolution 194, which recognizes the Palestinians' right of return (to Israel). Lebanon is small and can’t integrate the Palestinians.[195]

Lahoud, a Sunni, mentions the Palestinians in order to blame Israel for not allowing Palestinians to flood into Israel, thereby becoming just another state in the Arab league. However, as is the case in Iraq, the Shiites population grew much more than the Sunni population, so the excess Shiites are the main source of instability in Lebanon in 2006.

Lahoud’s analysis is dated in that it only explains the turmoil starting after the PLO came to Lebanon from Jordan in 1971. (Of course, it is standard operating procedure in the Mideast to tie every intractable problem to Israel somehow.) Except for the 12 refugee camps for 400k Palestinians that still exist in 2007 in Lebanon, some of the Palestinian expansion problem was solved decades ago at the expense of Christians. For example, Yasser Arafat’s PLO massacred 582 Christians in January 1976 when Muslims appropriated the town of Damour, Lebanon. The rest of the Christians fled.[196]

The Muslim expansion problem in Lebanon is still being solved at the expense of Christians today. It is well known that if Christians leave their properties unattended, Muslims will move in, and it takes a year or two to have the courts evict the squatters. By then the entire neighborhood has went Muslim from the places or worship, stores, banks right down to the neighborhood bully, making the property unsuitable for Christian habitation.

Appropriation is common practice in Islamdom, and lately has made the news in Iraq, Kosovo, Albania and even socalled secular Turkey. During the Pope’s 2006 visit to Turkey, the fact that the state confiscated churches was highlighted in news reports. This practice is even enshrined in Turkish law. Usually churches follow where the parishoners go, e.g., from the inner cities to the suburbs, but in Turkey The Office for Foundations appropriates churches to the state as soon as they go unused. Thus, Christians cannot sell the property and build elsewhere but must start from scratch.[197]

During Lebanon War II in 2006, many Christians dared not leave the country lest they lose their apartments, lands and houses for good to squatters. Even if they were determined to leave at some point, they wanted to be paid for their property by someone.

Michael Totten reports that in one southern Lebanon town, Ain Ebel, the Christians tried to leave on Day 18 of the war, but Hezbollah sprayed their convoy with machine gun fire until they turned back. One Christian was shot in the shoulder, and another in the hand. They said they were being used as human shields. This is similar to how Bethlehem was used by snipers to shoot at Jerusalem, making Christians there into human shields. Totten also reports that Christians say Iranian money for rebuilding in the area is only going to Hezbollah but no one else.

Many Christians who fled southern Lebanon, where the fighting was, were not allowed to return. Caroline Glick wrote:  “Hizbullah has prevented Christian villagers from the south from returning to their homes after this summer’s war with Israel.” One reason is that Hizbullah is covertly rearming south of the Litani River even though it was suppose to move north of the Litani River.

Hizbullah was founded in 1982 in Lebanon shortly after the Iranian Revolution of 1979. It is supported by Shiiites around the globe, but particularly in in Iran, Lebanon, the Tri-border Area in S America, and by Shiites in Detroit, Michigan.

Lebanese War II occurred in 2006 when Hezbollah launched 4k rockets from southern Lebanon into northern Israel, killing some Israelis, forcing many in bunkers for a month, and causing property damage and forest fires.

Le Figaro reports in May 2007, nearly a year after Lebanon War II:

…Hezbollah is suspected of having established a new line of defence north of the River Litani, hitherto within the UNIFIL [UN peacekeepers’] zone. Bunkers capable of concealing trucks have apparently been excavated to replace those destroyed in the South. In the East, armed individuals have also been observed reaching camouflaged positions. Confronted with a Hezbollah preparing to confront Tsahal [the Israeli airforce] again, and with Lebanese authorities impotent because of the ongoing paralysis of the institutions, UNIFIL fears ‘another fool’s game.’ During their six months patrolling southern Lebanon its bloodhounds have discovered over a hundred bunkers, some of them cunningly established alongside UNIFIL positions, and a great many arms caches concealed under mosques and soccer pitches. To coordinate their attacks on Tsahal, militiamen have even established a telephone network independent of the Lebanese postal service! ‘How could the Beirut government have been unaware of all that?’ one senior UNIFIL official asked; he suspects Hezbollah of concealing weapons in the cellars of homes in southern Lebanon, to which blue helmets do not have access. ‘We could be unaware of many things,’ this UN official complained.

One can tell the tension in Lebanon is still high in 2007 by the price of arms index. In early 2006, a AK-47 rifle costs $100, but in 2007, it costs $700-750. The continuing unrest has convinced some diehards to leave. Spiegel reported in January 2007:

According to Maronite church leaders, more than 730k [Maronites] emigrated during the Lebanese civil war from 1975 to 1990, with another 100k abandoning the country this past summer. According to Sfeir, other Christian denominations, including the Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholic and Armenian Christian communities are also dwindling, leading to a decline in Christian political influence in Lebanon. ‘It is unlikely,’ says Sfeir, ‘but if Hezbollah were to assume power one day, the Christians in this country would emigrate in even greater numbers.’[198]

Haaretz reported similarly:

‘In Lebanon anyone who has money is no longer buying books. He is buying a ticket out.’ There are no official figures on the extent of the Christian emigration caused by the recent war in Lebanon. Many of the emigrants declare that they are ‘only’ going to visit their relatives for the holidays, but many friends in Lebanon say this has become a trend, adding that ‘there isn’t a Christian family in Lebanon that isn’t considering leaving the country.’[199]

The Sunday Telegraph reported that a poll showed nearly half of Maronites, the largest Christian group in Lebanon, were considering leaving, and…

…more than 100k have submitted visa applications to foreign embassies….About 60k Christians have already left since last summer’s war between Israel and Hezbollah. Many who remain fear that a violent showdown between rival Sunni and Shia factions is looming…. Tripoli [coast town in NW Lebanon] had become increasingly Islamized in recent years. There is a rising number of veiled women and religiously bearded men on the streets - although she blamed economic and political instability for much of the emigration.

In Jan 2007, Ynetnews reported that Iranian money was funding Hezbollah’s “Construction Jihad that may change the face of the region’s demographic makeup.” (See the Israel section for a discussion of the history of Construction Jihad.) Sunni and Druze leaders also charged that Hezbollah:

      Was occupying public lands and buying up the land and dwellings of Christians who were intent on leaving the region.

      Was giving 20 USD, tents and food to each person who attended a Hezbollah demonstration though these items where given for refugees by Arabs and Turks.

All this was being done, critics say, in order to overturn the Taif Agreement to make Hezbollah, Iran and Syria more influential in Lebanon.[200]

In Jan 2007 its been reported that there have been more Hizbullah demonstrations to overthrow Taif. Formerly there were clashes with Sunnis, but now there are clashes with Christians in Beirut, and Hezbollah is not rebuilding the Shiite areas of Beirut as promised. Of course, this all makes sense, since clashes with Christians will make more Christians sell out to Shiites, while spending money on rebuilding Hezbollah-controlled territories does not expand the Shiite presence, and Israel might bomb Shiite areas again. In Feb 2007, the Jerusalem Post reported that in the summer of 2006, all the “staged showy ceremonies to give money for reconstruction” featured “counterfeit US dollars.”

In Mar 2007, Haaretz reported that hundreds of Jihadists from Sudan and the Mideast are gathering in the southern port city of Tyre, Lebanon, just a few miles from the northern Israeli border.

That food, tents and money were used by militant groups to increase their hold on territory and expand their territory in Lebanon reminds one of the fact that what these aid agencies donate have dual use as war materiel—and the money is fungible.

Conflicts end when armies run out of bullets, food, lodging and money, but the aid agencies often supply three of these items, and the insurgency need only worry about obtaining bullets, or the permanent intifada need only obtain stones to throw, as the case may be. Muslims usually do not even need to worry about running out of firewood and freezing to death since most Muslim live in the warmer mid-latitudes.

A pattern is discernable that wherever aid agencies and the UN intervene, the Jihad actually gains strength and goes on longer. For instance:

      Since 1949 the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) provides Palestinian refugees in several countries money, food and medical care, leaving them only to find stones and bullets.

      USAID, in addition to giving food, has built roads and infrastructure in Palestine. Between 2004 and 2006 USAID gave Al-Najah University in Gaza 4m USD, yet the university hosts anti-American conferences, as well as branches of Hamas and Islamic Jihad on campus. USAID also gave Al-Quds U. money even though it has similar connections to terrorism.

      UN’s and NATO’s aid to Kosovo, first in the form of bombing Serbia and then in the form of peacekeeping troops, has allowed the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) to finish their long ethnic cleansing of Kosovo, which was 100% Serbian up to the Ottoman conquest. Between 1999 and 2006, 200k Serbs and 50k other non-Muslims have been driven out of Kosovo, and 1k Serbs have been murdered in Kosovo. Now in 2007 reports say Wahhabis are making serious inroads in Bosnia and Kosovo:

Arriving in Sarajevo [Bosnia] for [Sufi poet] Rumi’s eighth centennial, I found a city reminiscent of Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War—suffering under a ‘horrible atmosphere produced by fear, suspicion, hatred,’ as Orwell wrote. Saudi Wahhabis played only a minor role in the Bosnian war of 1992-95, but they attempted to use the aftermath of that combat, which left Bosnia prostrate, to turn the local Muslims, with their Sufi traditions and life-affirming mentality, into dour fundamentalists….[Wahhabi] strategy is different in Sarajevo from those they have adopted in Tetovo [western Macedonia] and Tirana [Albania]. The Bosnian capital is more European, more cosmopolitan, more modern--and there the checkbook works better than heated rhetoric or direct confrontation. Prominent Muslim moderates are now hesitant to speak out or to associate themselves, as they previously did, with condemnation of Wahhabism—even though physical clashes in Bosnia and Serbia have fed resentment of the Wahhabis in village mosques. Rumors abound that Wahhabis are successfully penetrating Bosnia’s main Islamic institutions. They are publicly talking about setting up their own parallel religious administration.[201]

      The Boxer Day tsunami in 2004 hit especially hard in the area of Aceh on the N tip of Sumatra. Aid agencies moved in, and later the Indonesian army allowed the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) rebels to create their own autonomous zone and enforce stricter Sharia law.

      In 2005, there was a major earthquake centered in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. Charity money collected in the UK for relief efforts ended up going to terrorism. In 2006 in the US, Khadijah Ghafur, a Jamaat ul-Fuqra follower of Pakistani Sheikh Gilani, was convicted of scamming the State of California by setting up bogus charter schools. The money went from California to Sheikh Gilani who sends some of it on to Jihadists in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. Due to the overall increased strength of jihadists in the aftermath of the earthquake, the Pakistani government gave greater autonomy to the tribal areas in NW Pakistan such as in N and S Waziristan, allowing Jihadists to operate more freely than ever.

      The Arab-Muslim-on-Black-Muslim ethnic cleansing of Darfur, Sudan, started in 2003, and the UN half-measures have failed to put end to it by May 2007. In Apr 2007, UK’s Times Online reported that Sudan painted its planes and helicopters white and used UN stencil markers in order to fool Darfur residents into not running away as they were being bombed and strafed. The planes also ferried arms to the janjawid militia and did reconnaissance.

Oman:  The Kharijite Muslims have their stronghold the country of Oman where they make up 75% of the population. 10% are Sunnis and 15% are Shiites.

Palestine (West Bank and Gaza):  Some Palestinian terroriss are headquartered in Damascus, mostly the higher up leaders and the most wanted leaders whom Israel would target if they were in Gaza or the West Bank. Iranian mullahs, Hezbollah, and Al-Qaeda have significant influence in Palestinian “resistance,” and send money and arms, as the Karine A weapons ship revealed. Palestinian terrorist groups include:

      Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is Arafat’s old outfit.

      Fatah was Yassar Arafat’s main terrorist group, but now Fatah reports to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. Fatah is often said to be secular, but that is only in comparison to Hamas and other radicalized groups. Fatah is indeed Islamic in outlook

      Hamas is a group affliated with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Many Palestinians, such as Arafat himself, are from Egypt, and of course they speak the same language, Arabic.

      Islamic Jihad was created by Arafat’s deputy, Abu Jihad, so it is considered a Fatah spin-off.

      Aqsa Martyrs was created by Arafat, and it has a spin-off called “Army of the Believers.”

      Force 17 was Arafat’s personal security detail, and committed terrorist acts on the side.

      The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) was founded by Marxist, pan-Arab Nationalist, and nominal Christian, Dr. George Habash.

The total population is 3.72m, with 1m living in Gaza and 2.72m living in the West Bank. In 2006 Palestinians have a birthrate of 5.16 Children Per Woman. The high CPW means there is a high proportion that are young, as Spiegel reported:

The Palestinian territories are an overwhelmingly youthful place - 56.4% of Palestinians are under 19, and in Gaza, 75.6% of the population is under 30, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

The high birthrate in the Palestinian areas is part of an intentional Islamic policy meant to take over the Holy Land. Arafat explained that Allah was making the weak stronger via demographics, as Sylvana Foa reported:

‘The womb of the Arab woman,’ Arafat says smugly, promising ultimate victory over the Jews, ‘is my strongest weapon.’

How this large population base (3.72m) is sustainable in a small territory without there being prolonged peace or much industry in the territories is:

      Palestine is relatively warm, and its weather is moderated by the Mediterranean.

      Ever since 1949 the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has be a Jihad-enabler. UNRWA has ensured that Palestinians have enough food, medicine, housing and other aid—enough to survive, study Islam, and continue the Jihad against Israel.

      The EU has helped the Palestinian population explosion along, too. Gunnar Heinsohn of Germany comments:

…the Palestinian population explosion can partly be blamed on European financial aid to the Palestinian Authority. He argues that had Europe made it clear back in the 1990s that the EU would no longer help subsidize 10-children families, perhaps Palestinian women would today be having two children, just like their Algerian counterparts. Palestinian children could no longer be ‘spared’ for terrorist organizations. In Algeria, for instance, the violence declined dramatically in 2002.[202]

It is sad that the EU gives money to the Palestinians who are ungrateful for the aid, but has refused to adequately compensate Holocaust survivors as far as is possible. Many of the Palestinians are trying to kill the Holocaust survivors and their offspring. Moreover, Ynet News reported on Holocaust Remembrance Day that a third, “80k of the 260k Holocaust survivors in the country, lives under the poverty line.”

The Palestinians claim to be very poor, but thanks to UNRWA and Islamic charitable organizations, no one goes hungry most of the time. There are many mansions around Gaza and the W Bank, but only bloggers and not the media show them. In 2007, YnetNews reported on a Hebron (West Bank) Palestinian who had a huge house worth a million dollars, and 3 wives and 22 children. In Apr 2007, a con-man in Nablus in the W Bank was able to make off with 500k USD. Ynet News reported:

When asked how their families were able to recruit such large sums of money at a time when most Palestinians are destitute, the al-Aqsa source said that the families sold their jewelry.

In 1950, there were 914k Palestinian refugees by the UNRWA’s inflated estimates, but scholars say there were only between 420k and 539k refugees of the 1948 Israeli-Arab War. The UNRWA says there are 4.25m Palestinian refugees as of 2003 because the UNRWA definition of refugee includes descendants, even if only one parent was a refugee. Due to actuarial causes, there probably were only 200k original Palestinian refugees alive in 2003. 200k is just 4.7% of the 4.25m Palestinian the UNRWA considers refugees!

In 2004 a significant positive event occurred. For the first time, the UNRWA treated 200k Palestinians in Jordan as Displaced Persons rather than as Refugees. These Displaced Persons were no longer eligible to attend free UNRWA schools, except for 200 to 300 children on a hardship basis.

The parents or grandparents of the just-mentioned 200k Palestinians had left the West Bank for Jordan during the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. Moreover, the area they left was Jordan-controlled, so by going to Jordan, they did not leave the country of their nationality. Thus:

      The 200k are only displaced persons and not refugees by normal definitions, since a refugee must be involuntarily outside of the country of his nationality.

      The UNRWA was commissioned to serve only refugees who lost their homes and livelihood in Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, so the 200k who fled the West Bank in 1967 do not fall under the UNRWA’s mandate.

Currently Palestinians 4,660,191 refugees reside in:  Jordan 1,827,877, Gaza 986,034, West Bank 699,817, Syria 432,048, Lebanon 404,170, Saudi Arabia 240k, and Egypt 70,245. Only 4.25m of these 4.66m refugees qualify as UNRWA refugees, since UNRWA’s mandate covers only the 1948-49 war, and not the other Arab-Israeli Wars.

Some say that if the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) had handled the Palestinian refugee problem, there would be fewer refugees today. This is true since refugees are typically given three options:  local integration, resettlement in third countries, or return to their home country. If the refugee refuses the viable options and demands an unworkable option, that is his right, but in the long-term, the refugee would need to maintain his existence on his own dime and would risk losing his refugee status.

By contrast, the UNRWA allows Mideast political entities to limit and veto the individual refugees’ options so that each of the 4.25m refugees has not even been presented the option of accepting or refusing residence elsewhere in the world.[203] For example:

      US Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, said on 9 Jun 1967:

The tragedy of the refugee problem is that some of us are convinced that there is a practical solution which would be acceptable to both sides, but which in theory is unacceptable to both sides. If you could get each refugee into the privacy of a confessional booth and let him make a personal and secret judgment as to where he wants to live, many of us believe, are convinced, that their own personal and secret choices would produce a practical result which Israel could accept. I mean if the gentlemen around this table were Palestine refugees, would you all want to live in Israel? I doubt you would. But if one out of ten wanted to live in Israel, we could persuade Israel, I think, to accept that number, and we could find compensation and resettlement for those who are wanting to live in other places.[204]

      A poll in 2007 showed that one-third of Palestinians would emigrate outside of the Palestinian territories if given the opportunity. In other words, the Palestinians are technically being kept hostage, whether or not indoctrination, brainwashing and the Stockholm syndrome makes them accept this fate.

Because the refugees have not had a chance to accept or refuse resettlement anywhere in the world, the UNRWA has not reached the next step of either resettling the refugees, or cutting off aid and terminating their refugee status. So for 56 years now, the West mainly has been paying for the food, shelter and schooling of a belligerent population, including the terrorists, who attack an ally, Israel. The Jerusalem Post reported:

Of UNRWA’s $462m 2006 budget, $137m came from the US, $41m from Sweden, $27m from the UK and $12m from Denmark. Saudi Arabia, the world’s richest oil-producer, managed to scrape [up] a mere $1.2m. Smaller Kuwait managed a tad more with $1.5m, still a drop in its overflowing oil bucket. The rest of the Arab states are even less generous. Oil-rich Bahrain spared no more than $30k. Indeed the Arab world’s share has declined. In the 1980s, it financed 8% of UNRWA’s outlay. By 2006, it put in less than 3%.[205]

Most Palestinians would not qualify as refugees normally, but only internally displaced persons:

      While the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) definition of a refugee is one who lost his home and livelihood, the UNHCR definition of a Refugee is a person has involuntarily remains outside the country of his nationality. Gaza and the West Bank are part of Palestine (or the Arab State according to the 1947 UN Partition), so by fleeing there, the Palestinians never left Palestine, the Arab State, or the land of their nationality, and so are only Displaced Persons by the UNHCR standard. Incidentally, “Cairo never did claim Gaza.” Today, there are about 1,685,851 refugees in the West Bank and Gaza by UNRWA standards, but none by UNHCR standards.

      From 1948 to 1950, Jordan occupied the W Bank and E Jerusalem. Daniel Pipes wrote, “Amman annexed the West Bank in 1950 but finally in 1988 gave up its claim to this land.” In 1950, all Palestinians in the W Bank and E Jerusalem were automatically made Jordanian citizens. What that means is by UNHCR’s definition, many of the 1,827,877 Palestinian refugees in Jordan are not refugees, but merely Displaced Persons. That’s because most of these refugees fled from the West Bank in 1948, and relatively few fled in 1967. The land from which most of them fled was Jordanian or became Jordanian, so between 1948 and 1967 they could have returned to the West Bank if they had really wanted to. Since they did not exercise this option when they had the chance, one would think they forfeited their refugee status.

      Not treated above are the 1,146,463 Palestinian refugees found in Syria (432,048), Lebanon (404,170), Saudi Arabia (240k), and Egypt (70,245). There would be more except many Palestinians have obtained citizenship in Lebanon in recent years, and others have obtained citizenship elsewhere. It would seem that after 56 years of these Palestinians not obtaining citizenship somewhere in the world, they are not trying hard enough merely to keep the UNRWA money flowing in, i.e., intentional welfare abuse.

Thus, all Palestinian refugees everywhere need to be informed that:  1) after 56 years, the UNRWA will be abolished, 2) the UNHCR would henceforth handle their cases individually, 3) they can maintain their refugee status at their own expense, but henceforth the UN would only recognize them as citizens, Displaced Persons, or illegal immigrant as each case warrants.

According to The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, there are 35k Christians in the West Bank, 3k in Gaza, which together is 1.3% of the Palestinian population. Also, 12,500 Christians reside in eastern Jerusalem. The Daily Mail reports there are just 7,200 Christians left in Bethlehem, or “12 per cent of its 60k inhabitants in 2006.” Many have left. In 2007 Reuters reported:

Bernard Sabella, a Palestinian sociologist at Bethlehem University, estimates that 50 to 75 Christian families a year are leaving Jerusalem or the West Bank for new lives abroad, down from a peak of 200 to 250 families in 2002 and 2003.

Due to the dwindling Christian population in the Holy Land, Taybeh (population 1,300), near Ramallah is the “last entirely Christian village in the West Bank.” The NY Times reported:

In the year since Hamas came to power [2006], some of the fears of a newly Islamist cast to Palestinian society are being borne out. Christians have begun quietly complaining that local disagreements quickly take on a sectarian flavor. And reports of beatings and property damage by Muslims have grown….

Other factors make Christians particularly vulnerable. In the Palestinian Authority areas of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, their numbers are now down to 55k or 60k, or 1.7% of the Palestinian population. Those who remain must struggle to preserve their weakened communities and lands from encroachment by stronger parties. And Christians lack the protection other Palestinians claim from large clans or their own militias.

….[Mr. Massis] revealed a degree of ambivalence about the Palestinian Christians’ long-term prospects in the area. ‘Their children call us atheists,’ he said. ‘The illiterates who support Hamas look at us as foreigners, not Palestinians. Many of them look at us this way.’

The Christians’ problems are writ large in Bethlehem, where most Palestinian Christians live. Fifty years ago, its population was 90% Christian; that has fallen, because of emigration and relatively low birth rates, to just 35%. There, land theft — a problem in many parts of Palestinian territory — is particularly rife, in part because there is no proper registration of land…The mayor, a Christian leftist named Victor Batarseh, said the ‘land-stealing mafia’ used judges and lawyers to shift titles…..Other Bethlehem Palestinians say the problem with land theft has been going on since 1994, when the Palestinian Authority was established. They say it involves local figures closely connected with Fatah.[206]

Only a few Christians in Bethlehem are brave enough to use their real name when voicing their complaints about the constant discrimination and harassment. Justus Reid Weiner has written about Palestinian Christians have suffered much abuse, and the women have suffered rape.

One pro-Zionist supporter, Rev. Naim Kuri of the Bethlehem Baptist Church, “recently relocated to Jerusalem.”[207] The remaining Christian residents of Bethlehem are either the diehard type who stay for religious reasons, or dead enders, or property owners who dare not leave for fear of squatters. Staying in Bethlehem and in the environs does not mean one’s land is safe from misappropriaters who claim land using fake land deeds and bills of sale. One Christian said in 2006:

I want to leave but nobody will buy my business…I feel trapped. We are isolated.

The Daily Mail reported during Christmas 2006:

Hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops are owned by mostly Christians so it affects them badly….During the past six years, 50 restaurants, 28 hotels and 240 souvenir shops have closed. Samir Qumsieh is general manager of Al-Mahed - Nativity - which is the only Christian television station in Bethlehem. He has had death threats and visits from armed men demanding three acres of his land - and he is now ready to leave. ‘As Christians, we have no future here,’ he says. ‘We are melting away. Next summer I will leave this country to go to the States. How can I continue? ‘I would rather have a beautiful dream in my head about what my home is like, not the nightmare of the reality.’[208]

The settlements in the West Bank and Gaza have always caused Israelis many problems internationally since the Palestinian lands are more crowded than Israeli lands, and their society is lower-tech. So for high-tech Israelis to take away land from low-tech Palestinians, and then use it for agrarian purposes seems wrong.

The settlements outside the ones directly over the Green Line were never viable without their being subsidized in the form of cash, infrastructure, and security. The state gave the settlement authorities money as they were a municipality in order to wages and deliver services, and the state built roads and other infrastructure, and the police and soldiers provided security on Israel’s dime.

The settlements are just the modern-day equivalent of the socialized kibbutz farms, which seemed deceptively promising and sustainable, but only because they were subsidized by the state—same as the settlements. Of course, some would like to say the kibbutzim failed because of mismanagement and bad investments. Oh, pla-eeze! The Washington Times reported:

With the ascension of the conservative Likud Party to power in the 1980s, the government cut off generous subsidies that exposed the waste and unprofitable operations of the kibbutzim, as well as billions of dollars in bank debt. A $17b bailout made the kibbutzes seem spoiled rather than selfless.

Meanwhile, observing Israel’s growing prosperity, kibbutzniks forgot the ideals behind their spartan existence and began craving the same creature comforts as their neighbors. The collapse of the Soviet Union and communism also had an impact. In the past 20 years, the kibbutzes have lost one-fourth of their population and today number 120k members, a small fraction of Israel’s 6.5m people.

‘I know that if I work hard, that I'll earn the same as the person living next to me who works less,’ explained Sharon Tirosh, 31, director of human resources at Ga’ash, who also supports the change. ‘There is something in the education, that begins at the bottom, that there’s no point in being terribly successful.’[209]

After the 1974 Israeli-Arab war, the socialistic Labor Party government established and funded between 24 and 80 settlements, depending on the historian one asks, e.g., Zertal or Eldar. In the 1980s, Likud defunded the kibbutzim and funded the settlement instead, all the way until 2005 when Likud lost power to Kadima. It seems nothing was learned about subsidizing unsustainable enterprises.

In 2005, Ariel Sharon withdrew the Settlers from Gaza, but settlers remain in the West Bank, i.e., Samaria and Judea. The settlers of Greater Israel remind me of the Seven Sons of Sceva (Act 19:13-17) trying to exorcize the Islamic beast from the Holy Land, but getting beat up in the process by Muslims, the IDF, police, politicians, newspapers and human rights groups.

Those who consider the settlers’ offering themselves up as targets for Jihadists to be part of God’s plan are:  1) Those Jews and Christians who hold maximalist interpretations of Bible prophecy concerning Jewish sovereignty over the Holy Land, and 2) Those Jews who think that settling the entire land of Israel will bring the Messiah the first time.

In early 2007, Islamists have been bombing Christian bookstores and such: Haaretz reported:

In recent months, 36 internet cafes and shops selling pop music have been attacked in the Gaza Strip, with assailants detonating small bombs outside businesses at night, causing damage but no injuries. Palestinian security officials have said they suspect a secret vice squad of Muslim militants.

In May 2007, “the head of Jihadia Salafiya, Abu Saqer, praised other Muslim elements for bombing a Christian bookstore in Gaza.”

In Apr 2007, one of Gaza’s best private schools, the American International School, with 600 students, was arsoned by militants. From Jan to Mar 2007, the UN OCHA office said that 34 Palestinians died and 513 were injured in clashes with Israel. Three times as many Palestinians died in internecine disputes: 147 were killed and 1,065 wounded. Israel Today reported in Apr 2007:

A leading Palestinian Muslim cleric on Sunday issued a religious decree forbidding Palestinian Arabs from emigrating to other countries, and warning that doing so was permitting immigrating Jews to fundamentally alter the demographic balance west of the Jordan River.

Sheikh Hamad al-Bitawi, who is also a Hamas member of the Palestinian parliament, noted that thousands of Jews arrive in Israel every month, a fact that "makes the heart weep."

According to figures cited by Israel National News, some 10k Palestinian Arabs have fled the region since tensions between the ruling Hamas movement and its rivals in Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah erupted into armed conflict late last year. Another 50k are reportedly seeking foreign citizenship.

Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia has many guest workers, as do all the oil-rich Mideast states. Demography is not as big issue with Saudi Arabia as is petrodollars. The big question everyone is asking is how much oil does Saudi Arabia have:  20? or 30 years? The reason is that Saudi Arabian elites supply much money for jihad and building mosques around the world. As Yaacov Ben Moshe said, “every time you fill that gas tank you are renewing your subscription to the Terror Attack of the Month Club.” Mark Steyn wrote how Saudi oil corrupts American politics:

The trouble is there are so many ‘American friends of the Saudi royal family.’ Jimmy Carter’s Carter Center was founded on King Fahd’s mountain of cash and, in the last year, its biggest donors included Saudi Prince Al-Walid bin Talal. It never occurred to me in the fall of 2001 that five years on nothing would have changed, except that we’d be shoveling even more gazillions of petrodollars into Saudi Arabia and they in turn would be shoveling even more back at us in a brilliantly synergized subversion operation, funding not only the radical imams and their incendiary progeny but also the think-tanks and study groups and Nobel Prize winners who ponder the best way to appease them. The Saudis are hollowing out Britain from within, and in America are hollowing out significant non-military components of national power - diplomatic, academic and cultural. Listen to the men in those mosques and then ask:  Where’s our ideological offensive?

In 2007, Muslim News in the UK reported there were 600k Saudi women who smoked cigarettes out of 6m smokers. 23k people die from smoking-related causes each year out of a population of 27m Saudis. In Mar 2007, a 110-year-old polygynous man was married to a 30-year-old-woman because his “85-year-old wife no longer satisfies his needs.”

Saudi Arabia has many terrorist plots and attacks, mainly against oil field workers and infrastructure. Their idea is to cripple the world’s economy, topple the local regime, and establish a caliphate that would expand across Islamdom. Several attacks were carried out in recent years, and in Apr 2007, a plot to attack oil fields involved 172 terrorists.

SyriaSyria is 12% Alawite, a Shiite spin-off sect that Sunnis consider heretical. 70% of the Syrian population is Sunni, 10% are Christian and the rest are Other (Fitzpatrick, Hugh, In 2007, “up to 1.2m” Iraqi refugees are in Syria

Spiegel states that “Arab nationalist Baath Party’s non-denominational doctrine” is to be credited for tolerance for Christians, but in fact, the doctrine has little to do with it except as a pretext. Why Iraq was, and Syria still is relatively tolerant has to do with:

      In Iraq Saddam was a Sunni Arab, a member of a minority.

      In Syria, the ruling class is Alawite Muslim. Sunnis consider the Alawites a heretical sect because they adore Mary.

In both Iraq and Syria, the rulers maintained power in part by ensuring that the top echelons of the government and military were all minorities, by making friends with other minorities such as Christians, and by repression of foes to the regime. In 2007, Syria cracked down on dissidents and dissent bloggers. CNN reported in May 2007:

Syria, which has been fighting its own Sunni militancy, said it had temporarily closed two border crossings with northern Lebanon because of safety concerns over the clashes [in Lebanon].

Turkey: 99.8% of 71.2m Turks are Muslim. “Most Turks are Sunni Muslim, but a significant number are of the Alevi branch of Shias.” About 0.2% are Christians and Jews. There are 10k converts to Christianity.

Turkey, formerly Asia Minor, was mainly Christian under the Byzantines until about the tenth century, but after centuries of Sharia law, the blood levies where boys mainly were taken from their parents and turned into Janissary soldiers, massacres and the genocides of the Greeks and Armenians, non-Muslim are an endangered species. The non-Muslim population was reduced even under so-called secular governments in Turkey, as is the case in Indonesia and other so-called secular Muslim countries. Hugh Fitzgerald wrote:

In Turkey, in 1914, 50% of the population of Constantinople was non-Muslim. It is now 1%. In 1914, 20% of the population of Turkey was non-Muslim—Armenians, Greeks, Jews. It is now much less than 1/2 of 1%.

Many Kurds live in Turkey. Wikipedia reports:

About half of all Kurds live in Turkey. According to the CIA Factbook they account for 20% of the 70m people of Turkey, thus numbering about 15m people. Other estimates vary between 12 to 15m. They are predominantly distributed in the southeastern corner of the country. The best available estimate of the number of persons in Turkey speaking a Kurdish-related language is about 5m (1980)….

The Kurds are an ethnic group who consider themselves indigenous to a region often referred to as Kurdistan, an area that includes adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Kurdish communities can also be found in Lebanon, Armenia, Azerbaijan (Kalbajar and Lachin, to the west of Nagorno Karabakh) and, in recent decades, some European countries and the US (see Kurdish diaspora). Ethnically related to other Iranian peoples, they speak Kurdish, an Indo-European language of the Iranian branch. However, the Kurds' ethnic origins are uncertain.

The CIA Factbook of 2006 reported on what keeps Turkey’s military and security services busy:

Turkey intervened militarily on Cyprus in 1974 to prevent a Greek takeover of the island and has since acted as patron state to the ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,’ which only Turkey recognizes. A separatist insurgency begun in 1984 by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) - now known as the People's Congress of Kurdistan or Kongra-Gel (KGK) - has dominated the Turkish military’s attention and claimed more than 30k lives. After the capture of the group’s leader in 1999, the insurgents largely withdrew from Turkey mainly to northern Iraq. In 2004, KGK announced an end to its ceasefire and attacks attributed to the KGK increased.

Spiegel reported on a PKK bombing in May 2007 that killed 6 and injured 100:

Kurdish rebels blew up a bus stop in the city of Diyarbakir in September last year, killing 10. A month earlier, a Kurdish group likewise claimed responsibility for an explosion on a bus in the resort city of Marmaris that injured 20 people.

As in most all Muslim states, Islamists in Turkey are on the offensive while moderates and secularists are on the defensive, if they haven’t already been defeated. One guess is that in Turkey, the secularists are perhaps a quarter of the population. Daniel Pipes wrote about the rise of the Islamists in Turkey:

…only 10 percent of Turks express sympathy for the Jewish state and Zionists are routinely described as ruthless oppressors by the country’s religious Muslims….Demographics has played a key role in these developments. The rural areas of central and eastern Anatolia had enjoyed strong growth under Atatürk and Inönü, and were primarily responsible for the rise in the Turkish population from 14 million in 1923 to 21 million by 1950. Since then, the overall population has more than tripled to 70 million, with most of the growth occurring in the rural areas or among first-generation rural migrants to the big cities. As a consequence, the political heirs of the Democrats—they include Süleyman Demirel’s Justice party in the 1960’s and the 1970’s, Turgut Özal’s conservative Motherland party in the 1980’s, and finally the Islamists—have enjoyed an ever-growing edge over the old CHP and its heirs.

Islamists in Turkey have been able to use, or change, the constitution there to solidify their power. Barry Rubin wrote:

It is important to remember that Turkey’s 10 percent minimum threshold for getting any seats has skewed results. The ruling AKP party has won big time while getting only about one-third of the votes. By splitting the rest, more than a half-dozen other parties ensured that almost all of them would get nothing.

The Turkish army is one of the few bastions of secularism in Turkey along with the presidency, judiciary and academia. The president controls the military, at least in theory. In the past the army has had to step into politics whenever Islamists made advances—a troublingly frequent occurence.

As recently as Apr 2007, the army had to nix the idea of parliament appointing an Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) party member, Abdullah Gül, as president. Then in order to side step the military, in May 2007 the Turkish parliament amended the constitution so that the president would be directly elected by the people, three quarters of whom have an Islamist bent. If Gül is elected, which seems likely, the army may step in to prevent his taking the seat, or else the country will become that much more Islamist overnight.

In Apr and May 2007, the EU and other countries protested the Turkish military’s move to secure secularism, saying that the EU could not have a country join where the military trumped the civilian politicians. Why this was done because most non-Muslims are under the illusion that moderate Muslims are numerous enough to rise up and send Islamists back into obscurity, even though the moderate and secular Muslims are the “tiny minority,” not the Islamists.

The conventional wisdom Westerners hold about Islam is backwards and upside-down, but many moderate Muslims know the truth, as the Telegraph reported:

Onur Oymen, the hawkish deputy chairman of the main opposition Republican People’s Party, said the secular basis of the Turkish state was the true guarantee of democracy. ‘You can’t have democracy without secularism…The notion of moderate Islam to check radical Islam is nonsense. This idea being promoted by certain countries should be abandoned.’[210]

In May 2007, secularists held three rallies in Izmir, W Turkey, with up to 1.5m in attendance. Many protesters wanted regular democracy and decried the fresh Turkish military intervention to secure secularism, but these stances are self-defeating because a fair election in Turkey would result in an Islamist government, as is the case in all Muslim-majority countries. Two secularist parties in the opposition are: Republican People’s Party (CHP) and Democratic Left Party (DSP).

Turkish secularists are called Kemalists after the founder of modern Turkey. Mustafa Kemal  (ruled 1923-1938) took the title Atatürk, meaning “Father of the Turks,” in 1935. The current Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, however, is a stealth Islamist. He was a member of Milli Gorus, and revealed his Islamist goals while he was mayor of Istanbul (1994-1998). Erdogan is edging Turkey toward Islamism, but slowly enough so that the secular military doesn’t see fit to stop him. Erdogan said:

For us, democracy is a streetcar. We would go as far as we could, and then get off.

Danger for non-Muslims in the Mideast can come from various angles—the government, nationalists and Islamists, who often team up against the enemies of Islam. Turkey is no exception.

Turkey is officially secular, so no one is sentenced to death for blasphemy, but under Article 301 they can be fined and jailed for “insulting Turkishness,” and another law forbids Turks to admit or claim that the Armenian genocide was in fact a genocide.

The procedure under Article 301 and the law enforcing Armenian genocide denial work similarly to that under Pakistan’s blasphemy law, section 295C of the Pakistan Penal Code 1860. Some nationalists or Islamists will read an intellectual’s writings and submit a complaint to the government, and the government may prosecute the intellectual, or put out a warrant if the person is abroad. Spiegel reported:

According to statistics compiled by the Turkish Human Rights Foundation, close to 100 intellectuals have already been hauled before courts for voicing their critical opinions. Most have been charged with the crime of ‘insulting Turkishness,’ or disparaging national institutions. Reactionary prosecutors use a notorious Turkish law known as Article 301 to persecute critical thinkers.[211]

Governments in moderate Muslim countries may not carry out the draconian aspects of Sharia law, but many Muslims will take Sharia law into their own hands. Immigrants to the West do the same. In Turkey, between 2001 and 2006, there were 1,806 honor-killings by the official estimate that is probably wildly low.

Christian clerics of all stripes, intellectuals, Shiites and Kurdish Sunnis, fear Sunni Turkish Islamists and Turkish nationalists who both carry out assassinations. Nationalists may refer to those whom they assassinate as being “infidels”—the same as Islamists do—as occurred when a Turkish nationalist murdered Hrant Dink in early 2007.

Nationalist Turks are some shade of Muslim, of course, so naturally their thinking and morality are informed and inspired by Muhammad’s example. The difference between Islamists and nationalists is:  Islamists are swayed more by the Koran than are nationalists, and nationalists are swayed more by propaganda about Turkishness or pan-Arabism, or another secular ideology. The idea of nationalism, pan-Arabism or Turkishness may be anathema to Islamists who want to bring about a Caliphate that encompasses first all of Islamdom, and then the entire world.

Since they have so much in common, Islamists and nationalists often work together, or at least in tandem, similar to how in the West there is a nexus between the Left and Islamists because they share some enemies, those being the religious right (including Zionism), capitalism, and such. Barry Rubin wrote:

‘Arab societies,’ Ghalioun explained, ‘are held hostage by two authorities.’ One is ‘political dictatorship—arrogant dictators, who are inhuman in their oppression of liberties, and in their crushing and humiliation of the individual.’ The other are the opposition clerics ‘who tyrannize Arab public opinion nowadays…There is a kind of undeclared, practical alliance between the political dictatorship and the dictatorship of the religious authority…One point on which they are alike is to denounce anyone who has different views ‘of secularism, which means heresy, or by accusing them of modernism, of having ties with the West, or of collaborating with colonialism.’

ACTUALLY, this alliance between radical Arab nationalists and Islamists is the most significant trend in the region today. I [Barry Rubin] call the synthesis National Islamism.[212]

Some of the genocides at the end of the Ottoman period and during the early Turkish period were:

In 1860 over 12k Christians were slaughtered in Lebanon. In 1876, Turks murdered 14,700 Bulgarians. The Turks in Bayazid slaughtered 200k Armenian Christians in 1877. And in 1915, the Turks massacred over 1.5m Armenian Christians. As recently as September 1922 the Turkish army destroyed the ancient city of Smyrna with its 300k Christian population.

      In Apr 2007, 3 Protestants, a German and 2 Muslim Turkish converts to Christianity, were tortured for three hours and killed for handing out Bibles in the city of Malatya. 5 men of an Islamic brotherhood named Tarikat posed as “seekers” and gained the confidence of three missionaries. Then, using videophones, guns, bread knives, ropes and towels, they tied the three men to chairs and made them watch each other being tortured without sedatives, while being filmed. They were disemboweled, emasculated, fingers were cut off, their noses, mouths and anuses were sliced open. One missionary was stabbed 156 times, another 99 times, and a third too many times to count. Finally, they were nearly decapitated.[213] The 3 murder victims left five children behind and at least one widow.

      Malayta is “known as a hotbed of nationalists, and is also the hometown of Mehmet Ali Agca, who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981.” While nationalists are suspected, the involvement of Turkish Hizbullah is being investigated because they are “known to ‘hog-tie’ its victims while torturing them.” Spiegel reported in Apr 2007:

      One of the victims was stabbed 150 times in a particularly brutal attack. A note left at the scene read: ‘This should serve as a lesson to the enemies of our religion. We did it for our country.’

Spiegel also reported in Apr 2007:

      The danger does not come–as one might expect—from the usual fundamentalist Muslims. Instead, it is an unholy alliance of nationalists ranging from the left to the Islamic right that is inciting hatred against free thinkers and those of other faiths. According to Ergil, there is a ‘mixture of fanatical nationalism and militant religious fervor’ that prepared the ground for the Malatya massacre -- and that also appears to have been behind the murders of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink and Roman Catholic priest Andrea Santoro last year. Experts like Ergil see the murders as part of an unsettling new trend, in which fanatical nationalist-religious groups see violence as a ‘cleansing force’ and themselves as supposed ‘saviors of the nation’ -- like the 19- and 20-year-old attackers in Malatya, who were students and all lived in the same conservative Islamic dormitory.

      The hate speech comes from both the left and the right. Rahsan Ecevit, the widow of popular former Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit and a supposed leftist, routinely launches into tirades against foreigners who buy land in Turkey. She claims that those who encourage citizens to convert to another religion want to divide Turkey.

      Christianity is gaining ground in Turkey, especially in the southeast, the chairman of the far-right nationalist Great Union Party (BBP) recently warned, even going so far as to accuse Christian missionaries of being ‘supported by the CIA.’ The bolder such conspiracy theories are, the more popular they seem to be....

      In some cases, state institutions even help to promote the hostile mood. As far back as 2001, the country's National Security Council, under then Prime Minister Ecevit, classified ‘missionary activities’ as a threat to national security. The government office of religion has in the past distributed sample sermons targeted against missionaries. In addition, Erdogan's government, which is dominated by his right-wing Justice and Development Party (AKP), undermines its credibility when, for example, an official like Minister of State Mehmet Aydin claims that missionary activities are not ‘an innocent declaration of religious beliefs, but rather a planned movement with political goals.’ With politicians stirring up public anger, some segments of the population seem all too willing to fall in line....

 Ihsan Özbek, the chairman of the Salvation Church, a union of Protestant groups which claims to have 5k members throughout Turkey. ‘We are portrayed as traitors and potential criminals,’ he says. Tensions are so high that Özbek warns that it has become very dangerous to be called a missionary. ‘That would be the equivalent of a death sentence these days,’ he says.

      Christians are reporting efforts to file lawsuits against supposed missionaries, even though proselytizing is not officially against the law in Turkey...But creative approaches are sometimes taken to prosecuting unpopular infidels, says attorney Orhan Cengiz. In Silivri, a town west of Istanbul, two converts are currently on trial for the uniquely Turkish offense of ‘insulting Turkishness’ and for ‘incitement of religious hatred,’ both considered crimes under the notorious Article 301 of the country's penal code.

      Necati Aydin, a local pastor and one of the publishing company employees murdered in the Malatya killings, had already been arrested once before for distributing Bibles and religious pamphlets. ‘Villagers claimed that Aydin and his colleagues had insulted Islam,’ says his attorney. They were charged with distributing ‘propaganda against religious freedom.’...’The church is perceived as an enemy’....

      According to an opinion poll, 59% of Turks favor taking legal action against missionaries, and more than 40% said they would not want Christian Armenians or Greeks as neighbors.[214]

One Protestant pastor in Turkey complained after the triple-murder:

      Look at the statistics: they tell us that since the [secular] era of Ataturk [ruled 1923-1938] the construction of places of worship have been banned, and for this we are not authorized to open new churches, only there where there is already a Christian presence (usually foreigners), but the mosques sprout up like mushrooms all over Turkey.  They tells us that, once again due to Ataturks’ laws, we cannot run courses of Christian formation, seminars, nor  – taking into account what happened yesterday – can we produce didactic materials to educate or inform Christians.  Why, I ask,  does no one speak out against courses on the Koran which are held each summer in public schools for children?[215]

Compass Direct reported shortly after the triple-murders:

      Police jailed four Christian street evangelists in Istanbul for ‘missionary activity’ this week, even as government officials openly defended the right of all religious groups to carry out evangelistic work in Turkey’….The four men were detained Wednesday afternoon (April 25) while sharing their faith with passersby at a park in Istanbul’s Taksim district….’Missionaries are more dangerous than terror organizations,’ Niyazi Guney, Ministry of Justice director general of laws, reportedly commented only a day after the murders.[216]

      In May 2007, the Joint Committee for Relations with Muslims in Europe of the Conference of European Churches and the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences discussed the Malatya missionary murders saying they were an “expression of an extreme nationalism rather than a Christian-Muslim conflict.” It is amazing the lengths the liberal ecumenical clergy will go to exonerate Islam since this has all the hallmarks of a religious crime, not a nationalistic crime.

Yemen:  The Sunnis are in the majority and rule the country. The Shiites (or Shi’a) in Yemen are called Zaydis (or Zaidis), and are 25% to 40% of the 21.5m population of Yemen, and are dominant in NW Yemen.

The US State Dept in its 2006 Religious Freedom Report says 30% of Yemenis are Zaydi and 70% Sunni, and 300 Jews reside in the N by Raida and Saada. There are also 40 Hindus and 3k Christians. A few thousand Ismaili Muslims reside in the N.

Andrew McGregor wrote:

Zaydi Shiism is one of three main branches of the Shi’a movement, together with Twelver Shiism and the Ismaili branch. Unlike the other branches, the Zaydis are restricted almost solely to the Yemen area. Their form of Shari’a law follows the Sunni Hanafi school, which aids in their integration with the Yemeni Sunnis.

The Twelvers is the main branch of Shiite Islam with over 90% of Shiites being Twelvers. Twelvers refer to the Twelve Imams. The other branches of Shiite Islam have different lines of Imams.

Global notes there were three Zaydi states in history:  in Tabaristan, Iran, and Yemen:

The Zaydi sect was formed by the followers of Zayd b. Ali, who led an unsuccessful rebellion against the Umayyad caliph Hisham in 740…In Yemen, a Zaydi state was established in 893 by a Hasanid who had originally been invited to mediate between quarrelling Yemeni tribes. A succession of occupations by foreign dynasties beginning in the tenth century occasionally forced the Zaydi imamate to retreat northwards; however, the imamate survived until the death of its last imam in 1962….

Zaydism is known for putting less importance on the position of the Imam, than among the Twelver (Iran), perhaps because the Zaydis have enjoyed far more political and religious freedom than the other [two branches of Shiite Islam].

Until 1918, Yemen was a part of the Ottoman empire. Aden was a protectorate of Britain, but otherwise Yemen was not colonial zed. From 1967 to 1990, the country was split between south and north Yemen. Tribes dominated the N and Marxists communists dominated the south. “Even after unification in 1990” when the Cold War ended, “the Yemeni Marxists continued their resistance.”

From 1967 to 1990, northern Yemen Islamic fundamentalists fought southern Yemen communists, just as occurred in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Spiegel reports:

In addition to attacking the rebels, the North built dozens of Islamic madrasahs, creating an ideological bulwark against the secular South. The projects were largely funded by Saudi patrons, who had launched similar education drives elsewhere in the early 1990s - in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia, Nigeria, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The Islam that they spread was the purist doctrine that originated with Sunni preacher Mohammed ibn Abd al-Wahhab during the 18th century, and has become the state religion in Saudi Arabia today. His followers, called Wahhabis by outsiders, now generally describe themselves as Salafis. Together with their other Muslim brothers, they form the vanguard of modern Islamic fundamentalism, and increasingly dictate the curricula of private religious seminaries in Morocco, Bangladesh and Yemen.[217]

The current president, Salih, has been president since 1978. He is attempting “to create dynastic rule at the head of a one-party [i.e. the GPC] state,” and he plays off socialists and Islamists against each other. He has to worry about the Zaydi rebellion in the mountainous part of Yemen, and also against a southern separatist movement.

In 1948, Muslim rioters killed 81 Jews in Aden. Operation Magic Carpet, a series of semi-secret airlifts between June 1949 and September 1950, brought 45k to Israel. Migration continued until 1962 when civil war broke out in Yemen. The Associated Press reported in Feb 2007:

The government has been fighting the rebels since June 2004 when rebel Shiite cleric Hussein Badr Eddin al-Hawthi—the brother of the current leader—led his forces in an uprising.

In 2007, it was reported that some of the 300 Jews that remain in northern Yemen were paying Jizya to local Shiite tribal militia (K 009:029). Later they demanded that Jews leave their homes or be killed and kidnapped for spreading corruption, specifically for selling wine. It would seem the Shiites are following Muhammad’s example. When he was at an impasse because the Mekkans were too strong, he enriched his army and gave them housing at the Jew’s expense.

In Feb and Mar 2007, government-back troops attacked Shiites (Zaydis) in Yemen in the rebellious area of Sa’ada after a Yemeni government-supported cleric issued a fatwa declaring Jihad. Some object to the overt religiosity of Yemeni government’s war on rebellion, and the ruthlessness and war crimes involved, i.e., senseless slaughters. Nearly all Jihads involve war crimes since the Koran has Muhammad saying Muslims must spread fear by slaughtering people (K 008:067).

The Yemeni population is much radicalized as can be gauged by interviews and news reports:

The violence began when a French employee at a natural gas liquefaction plant being constructed by Yemen LNG in the coastal city of Balhaf threw a copy of the Koran, Islam’s holy book, on the ground, a move that angered Yemeni workers at the plant site, the Yemeni officials said…The enraged Yemenis reacted by attacking the French employee and setting fire to a helicopter and a large number of vehicles inside the plant site, the officials said. Four Yemeni workers and the French man were injured in the melee, the officials added.

The Yemenis also tried to attack expatriate workers in their camp inside the plant site but were pushed back by Yemeni troops who intervened with tanks and armored vehicles to contain the violence and restore calm.[218]


E. North America

Canada:  The CPW rate is 1.61. The CIA Factbook says Muslims are 1.9% of the population, about 629k out of 33.1m Canadians. CBC News put the number at 700k in 2007. In 2001, 300k Muslims live in SW Ontario alone. Ontario is the province to the left of Quebec that has the Great Lakes on its southern border and Hudson Bay on its northern border. Supposedly, 3k per year convert to Islam in Canada.

In 1991, there were 330k Jews in Canada, and 253k Muslims. In the decade starting in 1991, the Jewish population remained static but the Muslim population shot up 129%, so there were 580k Muslim in 2001.

In 2007, a reporter, Fabrice de Pierrebourg, for Journal de Montreal, wrote a book about 30 suspected terrorist plotters in Montreal.

In 2007, an Environics poll found that Canadian Muslims were well on their way toward being radicalized, which makes one wonder just how radicalized US Muslims are:

      17% (or 119k) of Canadian Muslims thought Canadians were hostile to Islam.

      54% (or 378k) plan to vote for the Liberal Party, 13% for the NDP, and 7% for the Conservatives.

      27% (or 189k) were not “very proud” to be Canadians, and many saw themselves as being Muslims first.

      18% (or 126k) had sympathy with terrorism plotters from southern Ontario arrested in 2006.

      12% (or 84k) “said the alleged terrorist plot—that included kidnapping and beheading the prime minister and blowing up Parliament and the CBC—was justified.”

      Only 15% (or 105k) thought Muslims should blend in and integrate into Canadian society.

      65% (or 455k) said Muslims should be encouraged to maintain their religion and culture.

      36% (or 252k) said that Muslim women ought not adopt Western rights and roles.

      53% (or 371k) said they want Sharia law for divorce and family disputes.

      86% (or 602k) do not want the government to ban headscarves in public and at public schools.[219]

Quebec province probably has the fastest growing population of Muslims due to its pro-francophone immigration policy that favors immigrants from former French colonies that are predominately Muslim. Perhaps this is meant to increase French-speaking representation in government. The same phenomenon has occurred in Belgium, perhaps for the same reasons.

In 2007, Quebec women were allowed to vote while veiled without showing their face at all, but that decision was quickly reversed so now they must show their faces. One Quebec town, Herouxville, passed an ordinance against acid splashing, honor killings, and such, just to put would-be Muslim immigrants on notice that the locals know all about the darker side of Islam.

Hugh Fitzgerald writes about that in “Quebec’s suicidal immigration policy,”, 3 April 2006, and he also mentions it in “Douce France,”, 23 June 2004. According to, there are a number of countries where French is spoken mainly due to France’s colonial past. The countries and their percentage of Muslims are as follows:

Congo (10%), Madagascar (7%), Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) (50%), Burkina Faso (50%), Niger (80%), Senegal (92%), Mali (90%), Belgium (1.3%), Chad (50%), Guinea (85%), Rwanda (5%), Burundi (10%), Benin (15%), Switzerland (2%), Togo (55%), Central African Republic (15%), Congo (Brazzaville) (8%), Gabon (1%), Reunion (5%), Djibouti (94%), Luxembourg (0.1%), French Guiana (58%)

Canada has a similar population growth rate to the US (Canada 0.88% vs. US 0.91%). The death rate is nearly the same, but the Canada’s birth rate is 10.78 per 1000 compared to 14.14 per 1000. How Canada ekes out the same growth rate is it has twice the immigration rate (6 per 1000 versus 3 per 1000 for the US).

Since Canada draws a higher percentage of its immigrants from Muslim countries, and Muslims are already 2% of Canada’s population, if Muslims became radicalized in droves, they could easily overwhelm Canadian national security service. Not many native Canadians speak Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Hindi and myriad other Muslim languages.

The French-speaking province of Quebec is always on the verge of succeeding from majority English-speaking Canada, but has not done so yet, obviously.

In Apr 2007 two Muslims were arrested for firebombing Jewish targets Outremont and other parts of Montreal, and plotting to commit armed robbery and kidnapping as far back as 11 Sep 2006.

Greenland:  The population is 56k, “mainly Inuit.” The CPW is a healthy 2.4. The standard sources do not mention any Muslim presence in Greenland. Politically, Greenland is a part of the Kingdom of Denmark, but geographically Greenland is considered part of N America—for the purposes of this study, too. The reason is the seam between the N American and Eurasian continental plates, known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge or Rift, runs through Iceland, which is to the east of Greenland.

Mexico:  0.3% of Mexicans, or 319k, are Muslim. Anti-terrorism experts are concerned by the fact that indigenous Mexicans of some tribes are converting to Islam.

In the central state of Hidalgo and in the southern Chiapas state, indigenous Mexicans have their own brand of Catholicism, and are not all beholden to Rome. Tension arises when Catholics want Protestants to fund part of the religious festivals like Mardi Gras that have become known for drunkenness, ludeness and other immoral behavior. Protestants have been expelled from their communities, had their water service cut off, and such.

United StatesThe CPW of 2.09 is nearly at the population replacement, but 1+m immigrants per year means that the US will have 402m people by 2050.

It is surprising that the US has a CPW of 2.09 for several reasons:

      Abortion is nearly unrestricted, except in Apr 2007 the Supreme Court said that states could restrict Partial Birth Abortion—where the physician stabs the child as its head comes out of the womb.

      25% of women and 31% of men never marry,[220] “and 64.4% of all abortions are performed on never-married women.”

      Many US states have easy divorce laws. Due to the fear of divorce, there is less commitment to the family: “a spouse is 10% less likely to be putting the partner through school,” and “a couple is 6% less likely to have a child.”[221]

      There were 857k abortions in 2000, down from 1.37m abortions in 1996, or 3,799 per day.

      43% of women will have abortions: 1% on account of rape or incest, 6% due to health concerns, and 93% for social reasons.

      Women with two or more abortions account for 47% of all abortions.

5.1m Americans, or 1.7%, reported using marijuana in 2007. In 2006, 20% of Americans, or 60m, smoked cigarettes, 23.9% men and 18.1% women, and 1 out of 5 deaths are smoking-related. The US has a large number of abstainers from alcohol compared to Europe, but still averages 10 liters of pure ethanol consumption per capita per year in 2004 compared to 11 liters per capita per year in the EU in 2007.

The US has long been cited for its loose gun laws and violence. Private gun ownership is broadly seen as a way to stop ethnic cleansing and genocides before they start. Moreover, guns keep dictators and liberals who would like to re-engineer society from quickly amassing power, particularly when eugenic and atheistic evolution theories abound, and when environmentalists say that the earth can sustain at most only 2 billion people. All the people killed by there being too many guns around, while tragic, are a small number compared to the number killed by the socialist dictators like Hitler, atheistic communists like Lenin, Stalin and Mao, and by garden-variety thuggish dictators.

The US murder rate is higher than rates in other developed countries, but lately even relatively safe developed countries like Japan are catching up to the US. The murder rate outside developed countries tends to be higher. The BBC reported these rates: England & Wales: 1, Spain 3, US 6, Zimbabwe 9, Russia 21, Brazil 21, Jamaica 37, Colombia 58 South Africa 59

Scholarly studies put the number of Muslims in the US at under 2m. The CIA Factbook says that in 2006 there are 2m Muslims who are 0.66% of the 300m Americans. By comparison, 78% of Americans are Christian.

Pew pollsters estimated in 2007 that Muslims were 0.6% of Americans, which works out to only 1.8m, but the same Pew Research study says there are 1.5m Muslims who are 18-years-old or older, and 2.35m Muslims altogether, or 0.78% of Americans.

Pew Research says Muslim-Americans are 24% Arab, 18% South Asian. 65% are foreign-born. Of the 35% born American, 14% were born Muslim, and 21% are converts to Islam. See the Radical Muslim Attitudes in the Anglosphere section for more on American Muslims.

The Jerusalem Post reported in 2007:

…it is presumed America’s…Muslims are 85% to 90% Sunni and 10% to 15% Shi'ite, reflecting the global breakdown.

In 2004 when Bush proposed amnesty and a citizenship track for 10m to 15m immigrants, an estimated 300k of these immigrants were from countries on the terrorism watch list. Moreover, a substantial minority of Hispanics has separatist sympathies and believes that the SW third of the US, which they call Aztlan, should secede. A good number of those on the list may be polygynists. It is known that imams preach pro-polygyny sermons in mosques.  The NY Times reported:

And the picture that emerges from dozens of interviews with African immigrants, officials and scholars of polygyny is of a clandestine practice that probably involves thousands of New Yorkers…women spoke bitterly of polygyny. They said their participation was dictated by an African culture of female subjugation and linked polygyny to female genital cutting and domestic violence. That view is echoed by most research on plural marriages, including studies of West African immigrants in France, where the government estimates that 120k people live in 20k polygynous families.[222]

The NY Times reported further:

Polygyny is common in Mali and throughout West Africa. But it is illegal in the US, and it can bar immigrants from gaining permanent legal residency or citizenship. Many West Africans are uncomfortable talking about the practice with an outsider, particularly so soon after the tragic fire.

But many West Africans say that Mr. Magassa’s arrangement is a subterranean feature of life here, particularly for older men who can afford it. At a spacious African hair-braiding salon on 125th Street, Aminata Dia, the Senegalese owner, consulted with her husband before talking about the practice to a reporter. She said men traditionally bring the first wife first, but of late, many prefer to bring the youngest.

“I wasn’t surprised,” Ms. Dia said. “It’s our religion that allows men to have four wives. But two wives in the same house, it’s not so common — usually they have one wife abroad and one here.”

A fierce argument erupted about whether this was too volatile an issue to talk about with an outsider. ‘All women suffer from polygyny, but our religion says we should not speak,’ said an employee, Aminata Fatou, 29. ‘One can’t do away with that.’[223]

As in other countries, wherever Muslims congregate is where America is becoming increasingly Islamist-run and Sharia-compliant. Here are just a few examples:

      In Upstate New York in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains is Islamberg next to the town of Hancock. Here primarily black Jamaat ul-Fuqra devotees of Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani live and train for Jihad at a shooting range and obstacle courses in the forests. There are dozens of compounds like this around the US, including in southern Virginia.

      Shi’ite Khomeini cultists dominate Dearborn, Michigan.

      Sunni Muslims are numerous in Detroit and Hamtramck, Michigan, north and south Chicago, etc. Debbie Schlussel wrote about Hamtramck:

Hamtramck, a small city surrounded on all sides by Detroit, was once dominated by Polish immigrants and their descendants. Today, it is dominated by Muslims from Yemen and Bangladesh. It is the first city in the nation to openly sanction the loud Muslim call to prayer, broadcast as early as 5AM and as late as after 10PM. A well-known Catholic church recently had its last mass, and is being converted into a mosque. Press accounts have documented the mysterious burning down of a Hindu temple, and violent Islamic attacks on non-Muslim, Black males at Hamtramck Public Schools….

Federal election monitors from the Justice Department Civil Rights division--which you pay for—prevent challengers from challenging Muslim immigrants (many of whom are registered to vote illegally) and checking whether they should be legitimately voting in elections.

Islam is insinuating itself into the general culture and economy, too, especially at schools, universities, prisons and hospitals. There are many halal butcher shops and Sharia-complaint banks. Everywhere Muslims work tends to be Sharia-compliant in order to “reasonably” accommodate Muslims. Acommodations include building Wudu ritual foot- and hand-washing stations at the public’s expense, as well as prayer rooms, and changing toilets around that may happen to face Mekka. Work breaks now often revolve around Muslims’ ever-changing prayer times.

Accommodating workplaces incude factories, airports, and amusement parks such as EuroDisneyland outside of Paris. The two main airports in Paris were riddled with makeshift prayer rooms for the use of Muslims who worked at ticket counters, baggage handlers and inspectors, chauffeurs, security, etc. Some of these Muslims or their spouses had terrorist connections.

In many places, the majority of taxi drivers are Muslims, and they refuse to take the blind due to their seeing-eye dogs, and refuse patrons who they suspect are carrying alcohol in bags even when they are completely sober. One such taxi stand is at the Minneapolis airport in 2007.

That many US taxi drivers are Muslim is particularly disconcerting knowing that:

      In Israel taxi drivers have been implicated in driving terrorists around, and even dropping off suicide bombers at their targets.

      Many Israeli Jews will not take a taxi driven by a Muslim for fear of being abducted, or dropped off in Islamic no-go zones in Israel proper where Jews are liable to be raped, kidnapped, or killed. Muslim taxi drivers also have their passengers listen to Koran tapes.

      In fundamentalist Islamic countries, taxi drivers have often been the accusers in blasphemy cases against their passengers, regardless of whether they were sober or drunk, Muslim or non-Muslim.

In Minneapolis, Muslim clerks, some veiled, at “Big Box” stores refused to bag bacon and pepperoni pizza and any pork product even though it is packaged in plastic and cardboard. The clerk said that she was Muslim and was not allowed to touch pork, requiring other clerks to step in to scan those items.

Various maps give an idea where Muslims are prevalent in the US:  American Muslims by location and religiosity, and by number of adherents and congregations. Tables that compare and contrast Sunnis, Shiites, Christians and Jews can be found on the Web.

One estimate has it that the racial breakdown of US Muslims is:  33% South Asian, 30% Black, 25% Arab and 12% Other (Caucasian, East Asian, Oceanian, etc). There are inter-racial problems in the US being overcome every day, but the persistent racial problems that are seemingly insolvable are really Islamist problems disguised as racial problems, as the New York Times reported:

The 77-year-old Nation of Islam once enjoyed a near monopoly over interpreting Islam for black Americans, using the faith as a vehicle to promote black separatism….Mr. Farrakhan also urged young black Americans not to join the military. ‘I am telling you brother and sister that will be the worst mistake you make to join the military today…’

One can see this when one compares newly arrived non-black Muslims in Europe and the US to Black Muslims in the US. There is the same:

      Formation of a grievance industry posing as “rights” groups.

      Similar propaganda is spread that poisons the well of community relationships.

      Refusal to integrate and separateness.

      Belligerence toward the mainstream culture and Christianity.

Mainstream media barely ever accentuates the Islamist side of political figures, thus allowing the Islamists to lead much of Black America in politics and on Million Man and Million Woman Marches, and whatnot, even though most American Blacks are Christian. The press only notes the anti-Jew and anti-white racism rants of Farrakhan and other Muslims, but not that any of this racism actually stems from the Koran and traditional Islamic texts. For instance:

      Haaretz just notes that while Farrak has dialed back his rhetoric on the dais, he still recommends anti-Semitic books.

      The Detroit Free Press reported:

Malik Zulu Shabbaz, with the New Black Panther Party, also praised Farrakhan at the forum, saying he was ‘God’s man in our midst.’ Shabbaz urged unity among blacks and Muslims to fight what he saw as white domination. ‘Islam, right now as I see it on the world scene, is the most powerful antidote to white world supremacy,’ he said. Farrakhan and the Nation have been criticized at times for what some say are their anti-Jewish and anti-white views.

            Notice how the cause, Islam, is ignored, but the press notes the symptoms only.

      In Feb 2007 when a cab driver, Ibrihim Sheikhamed (or Ahmed), chased down two paying passengers who argued with him about “religion,” running over one and barely missing the other, the news articles did not mention what the driver’s religion was. One had to infer it from the cab driver’s name and his Somalian nationality that was mentioned in a few reports. The media did mention that the driver engaged in an anti-White and anti-Semitic rant, though.

Here is an example of how American Muslims operate. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan tried to bring in Christians under his wing, which is sort of like Mephistopheles giving his Faustian pitch. Farrakhan blamed President Bush and America for Sunnis and Shiites fighting each other in Iraq while Prophet Muhammad “is grieving.” Farrakhan went on to say that Allah would punish the world and the US over the Iraq affair. Then Farrakhan said that Jesus and Muhammad “are brothers who come from the same eternal God,” and “How dare us try to split up the prophets and make them enemies of each other to justify our being enemies,” even though Islamic eschatology has Jesus returning near the end to kill all Christians who do not convert to Islam.

Unfortunately, most demographic counts of Muslims do not differentiate between Sunni, Shiite, and other brands. The Sunni-Shiite divide is becoming increasingly important for law enforcement and politicians to know about since individual terror networks most often stay within sectarian and national (e.g., Pakistani, Moroccan, Egyptian) lines. Also, there is increasing animosity in the Muslim diaspora between Sunnis and Shiites, and not only among gangs. One can see this makes the news nearly monthly:

      Sunnis have jeered Shiite protests and marches in New York in the recent past.

      In Jan 2007, when Saddam Hussein, a Sunni, was executed for his mass killings, many Shiites were happy and many Sunnis sad. Sunnis apparently attacked Shiite businesses, and broke some windows at three Shiite mosques in Dearborn, Michigan.

      In Feb 2007, Shiites in Belgium had the same problems with Sunnis over Saddam’s execution.

      In Apr 2007, Debbie Schlussel reported on a Dearborn Shiite informant who tipped the FBI off about Michigan-based Sunnis who worked with Saddam.

      In May 2007 Sunnis spray painted Arabic graffiti on a Shiite mosque in Detroit.

Only ten percent of Americans are not connected somehow with a religious institution, meaning Americans are highly religious by comparison with other Western countries. The non-religious and atheists number 939m according to the CIA Factbook, so the global average is 1 out of 6.7 persons, or 15%, are non-religious or atheists.

80% of Republican voters are Conservative, while 86% of Democratic voters are liberal. Only 10% of US voters are moderates, neither liberal or conservative, meaning the US electorate looks more like a V than a bell curve. What this translates into is the parties and their voters tend to hold positions that are polar opposites of each other on a number of issues, for instance, recent polls found:

      72% of Republicans and 47% of Democrats sympathize more with the Israelis than Palestinian Arabs, according to an early 2006 Gallup poll. Likewise, a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll in late 2006 found 84% of Republicans and 43% of Democrats sympathize more with the Israelis than Palestinian Arabs. In Mar 2007, Gallup found that 58% of Americans favor the Israelis, and 20% favor the Palestinians, with 22% being undecided.

      A Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES) found that in 2006:

o  18% of Republicans and 85% of Democrats said it was a mistake to invade Iraq.

o  20% of Republicans and 69% of Democrats are Pro-Choice on the abortion issue.

o  80% of Republicans and 16% of Democrats want to ban same-sex marriage

o  27% of Republicans and 91% of Democrats wanted the government to limit global warming.[224]

In the US there are terrorism-related incidents or arrests every week it seems:

      People are surprised to learn that Islamists have killed dozens of people in the US even before 9/11.

      Between 11 Sep 2001 and Mar 2007, there were 456 people charged with terrorism in America, and 288 convicted.

      In Oct 2002 the DC Snipers, two Muslims, killed at least ten and wounded more.

      Near Buffalo, New York, six Yemeni Arab Jihadists dubbed “The Lackawanna Six” were a trained Al-Qaeda sleeper cell that was nabbed in 2002 before they could commit a terrorist act.

      In Cherry Hill, New Jersey, six Muslims (4 Albanians, a Jordanian and a Turk) were caught plotting terrorist attacks, and were already trained and armed locally. Muhammad Ali owned a home at one time in Cherry Hill, and ironically after 9/11 he insisted, “Islam is not a murderous religion.”

      Many people would be killed every year if it were not for the mix of amateurishness of the terrorists, Acts of God, and the plain dumb luck, skill and vigilance of the security forces.

Because the West’s Islamic population is becoming increasing radicalized, in part due to the Internet, the corresponding trend seems to be that Islamic terrorist attacks will continue to increase in frequency and deadliness, and soon surpass the menace of school and workplace shootings combined.

Domestic terrorist incidents are not often reported on as being terrorism, much less Jihadism, but just generic crime. Investigators discount the suspects’ repeated verbal and written claims that their main motivation was Jihad, as well as their ejaculatory Allah Akbars! that eyewitnesses heard during the attack. Likewise, foreign terrorist incidents are reported on as being acts of militants, or in the case of Jihadists who attack shipping off Samolia, plain-old piracy.

The investigators often do not want to know the truth because they, the politicians and the media are often liberal and even leftist, anti-Christian and anti-Israel, and therefore they sympathize with Muslims whom they see as being on their side. They also feel that mentioning the race, nationality or religion of a suspect is racism even when many of that particular religion publicly condone terrorism.

When I wrote above that some politicians are anti-Christian and anti-Israel, what I mean is they believe that historically Christianity and Judaism has been as bad as Islam historically and in the present. They also believe that secularism is what reformed Christianity and Judaism, and now secularists must now reform Islam. So when secularists hear Christians and Jews comment on Islam, the secularists act as though they are the parents, and Christians and Jews are siblings complaining about a younger sibling whom the secularists have not yet potty trained.

For instance, in Feb 2007, after a Jihadist shot his way through shoppers in the Trolley Square Mall in Utah, law enforcement was quick to announce that they had no reason to suspect that terrorism was involved even though the shooter was a Bosnian Muslim, Sulejman Talovic. Law enforcements early denials of terrorism have become pro forma.

Later it was found the shooter, Sulejman, attended Friday Prayers regularly “Al-Noor mosque, about a block from the site of the shooting, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.” The Bosnian family was known for fighting the Serbs, the shooter’s cousin was convicted for mailing a terrorist threat to a state governor, and the family was collecting 5k USD to bury the shooter back in Bosnia where no doubt he will be buried as a Shahid martyr for killing infidels and being killed by an infidel (K  9:111).

A typical terrorist incident is reported on as being a crime, a typical school or workplace shooting, or as a road-rage incident by a deranged individual—anything but jihad. Often the perpetrator’s attachment to Islam and attendance at a local mosque are not mentioned, or is only mentioned as being incidental, and in the last paragraphs of the article. Because of the media’s political correctness, only a minority of Americans sees Islam as a threat to their well being, but more are becoming enlightened on the subject every day. A March 2006 Washington Post-ABC News Poll reported “that 33% of Americans believe Islam condones violence against non-Muslims (up from 14% in 2002).”

In the years after 9/11 when many American started taking a dim view of Islam for the first time, the media and journalist schools (e.g. Columbia) had a pretend debate with a predetermined conclusion over whether they should type Allah or God. They decided that English speakers should write God, capitalized, rather than write Allah, since a translation was better than a transliteration.

Their assumption is that Allah is the same deity as Yahveh, but the Koran and Islam indicate that he is not. Yahveh, for instance, never gave open-ended commands to kill pagans and tax others (K 009:005, 029). On the other hand, atheists and ecumenicists may not care about the differences, and are willing to call all high gods “God.” Nevertheless, just as English speaks do not refer to Zeus, Brahmin or Ahura Mazda as “God,” so as not to confuse these alien conceptions of the high god with that of the Bible, so Allah should not be called God with a capital G, but a lower g god for Allah would do just fine.

They wanted to use God and not Allah so they could be politically correct and not give away a terrorist’s religion and reaffirm anyone’s so-called prejudices. Fortunately, Muslims do not cooperate in the media’s scheme. They choose names such as Muhammad and Ibrahim and they come from mostly Muslim locales, thereby cluing the reader in to the terrorist’s religion.

So now most mainstream media articles about terrorists in the West only refer to God and not Allah so as not to clue the reader in to the perpetrator’s religion. There are many examples. For instance, a NY Times’ article on Sulejman Talovic in 2007 has a Bosnian relative saying:

‘We are praying to God,’ the aunt said, ‘and asking God to forgive Sulejman for what he did and to forgive his soul.’

When there is a case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome in the West, the media and police sometimes willfully fool themselves into thinking this had nothing to do with Islam because the perpetrator had no terror connections and the victims seem to be random. What they try hard to miss is the fact that:

      Muslims are familiar with the Koran texts that underpin Jihad terrorism, and can gain weaponry easily without the aid of a terrorist organization, and they can do Jihad solo without the help of Jihad (online) literature and videos.

      The shooter or bomber targeted a place (e.g., malls, tourist spots) where he figured all his victims would be infidels, especially since no Muslim men or women in Islamic garb were present. For instance, in San Francisco in 2006 a Muslim SUV driver ran over a dozen people of various faiths. This rampage seemed random except for the fact that it ended outside a Jewish Center. This suggests he wanted to run over infidels and especially Jews.

Only sometimes do Sudden Jihad Syndrome terrorists ask what religion a person is before killing them, and only sometimes do they leave notes behind explaining their act. Two examples are:

      In 2007, a Muslim taxi driver tried to run down two passengers after they paid because they had argued with him about religion. He ran down one but the other outran the taxi.

      One person who did both was Ali Hassan Abu Kamal who shot seven people, one fatally, on the 86th-floor observation deck of the Empire State Building in New York. Not only did he go around asking where people were from before finally revealing his gun and opening fire, but also he had a note explaining his deed in his pocket. Unfortunately, the contents of the note were suppressed for ten years before Kamal’s daughter came clean about it.

Interestingly, in 2007 Kamal’s daughter, Linda, went public saying that in 1997 the Palestinian Authority had pressured his Palestinian family to deny the terrorism connection. Linda said she read her father’s diary that her mother later burned fearing it would cause the family problems. In the West most Muslim families and Muslims in general do deny any knowledge after a terrorism incident and hide or destroy evidence in order to avoid being charged with complicity or conspiracy, but in Muslim lands they often say they knew all about it and are proud of their martyred son. In fact, that is why Linda went public with her information. She works for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) headquartered in NY City where the killing occurred, and wanted to set the record straight that her father was in fact “martyred for patriotic motivations.” She said that the letter her father carried said this, but not only did the police and media not note this fact, but when the letter came into the family’s possession shortly after the terrorist incident, “When we wanted to clarify that to the media, nobody listened to us.”

Westerners recognize that in Iraq or Pakistan that when a bomb explodes amidst Shiites, that it probably was planted or driven there by a Sunni terrorist, and vice versa, unless of course the bomb went off prematurely in a “work accident.” When a bomb explodes in an Israeli café, people know that a Sunni terrorist set it off. However, when a Sunni or Shiite bombs or shoots up infidels at an American mall, law enforcement figures it was a random shooting done by a deranged individual. The fact is that these incidents are generally calculated to kill infidels, thereby strengthens the umma in America and globally. The jihadist also gains his 72 virgins this way. Muslims are not joking when they chant  “Death to America” and “Death to Jews.” Anyway, law enforcement needs to Go Figure!

If the media or FBI delves deeper, it is on the psychoanalytical level, positing Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, or some such. They need to investigate at theological level, since Sudden Jihad Syndrome is at the theological level. The Koran says that spreading corruption in the land makes one worthy of death (K 005:032), so honor killings and such are not exactly like jihad or terrorism, but more like a Muslim becoming a posse, judge, jury and executioner all in one. That is why beaches and bars have been targeted. Also, a bicyclist in Galveston, Texas, was shot by Muslim medical doctor, Wameeth Fadhli, for reasons the doctor hasn’t divulged yet, though the victim never met the doctor. Was the bicyclist not wearing enough clothing, thereby spreading corruption in the land?

Some say law enforcement plays down the jihadist aspect so that law enforcement and politicians can claim that no terrorist attack occurred in the US since 9/11. This has been going on for decades. People are surprised to learn that Islamists have killed dozens of people in the US before 9/11. Others say the police want to be politically correct because if they suggest a shooting or bombing might be Islamic terrorism, Muslim civil right groups like CAIR get huffy about profiling and racism. Finally, in 2007, the FBI finally admitted:

The trend we’re seeing is that we are uncovering more instances of people here who have been radicalized…where there is not a direct thumbprint of al-Qaida.[225]

Most terrorism-related acts in the US involves Checkbook Jihad, that is, raising money legally or illegally to support jihad around the globe. Muslims send their donation to Jihadists through charities that some say are front groups posing as legitimate charities. In fact, under Islamic law, Jihadists are worthy recipient the Zakat charity tax, and Muslims know this. The donations come from disposable income, but a lot is raised through crime such as evading taxes on cigarettes, tax refund fraud, and trafficking counterfeit goods.

The population growth rate is 0.91% per year, so America does not have quite the same concern Europe has about a growing Muslim population living amongst a shrinking non-Muslim population. The US, more so than other industrialized countries, must worry about:

      How to pay retirees entitlements. The Baby Boomers are 76m strong, and “It’s no secret that the 65-and-over population will double by 2030 (to almost 72m, or 20% of the total population).”[226]

      A terrible homeless problem with 744k homeless due mostly to unaffordable housing, but also drug and alcohol use and mental and physical illness.[227] These homeless are vulnerable to exploitation and crime.

      Regarding healthcare, 45m are un-insured and 45m are under-insured, meaning that 90m out of 300m, or 30%, of Americans lack decent healthcare. Anecdotal evidence suggests that many more than 90m lack dental insurance and proper dental care.

One big reason that the Muslim population is growing fast in the US is immigration. Starting in 2007, 20k Iraqis will come to the US, and that’s on top of the annual immigration of 96k coming from the Mideast. It seems that starting in 2007 the US and Europe are taking in the same number of refugees (20k per year) since The Jerusalem Post reported that the number of Iraqis in Europe was expected to double to 40k in 2007.

96k + 20k equals 116k per year coming to the US from the Mideast. 96k per year amounts to nearly 1m Mideasterners injected into the heartland of America every decade, and most of them are Muslim since the Mideast is mostly Muslim.  It’s no wonder that in 2004 when Bush proposed amnesty for 10m to 15m immigrants, an estimated 300k of these immigrants were from countries on the terrorism watch list. Also, the FBI director said in Jan 2007 that 8k people in America were being monitored for terrorism connections. Scott P. Richert wrote in “The Rockford Files:  What Lies Beneath,” Chronicles Magazine, Dec 2006:

According to an article in the New York Times on September 10, ‘In 2005, more people from Muslim countries became legal permanent US residents—nearly 96k—than in any year in the previous two decades.’ Moreover, many of these are not simply Muslims who had been here on guest visas but now have been granted permanent status (students, for instance). Rather, as the Times notes, ‘More than 40k of [the 96k] were admitted last year, the highest annual number since the terrorist attacks’ of September 11, 2001.

In other words, an increasing number of Muslims are coming to the US as legal immigrants with the stated intention of remaining here—at the very time many in the Muslim world view our country’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as attacks on Islam itself.

But—the Times assures us, without qualification—these Muslims ‘come seeking the same promise that has drawn foreigners to the US for many decades, according to a range of experts and immigrants:  economic opportunity and political freedom.’

The assumption behind that remark is that Muslim immigrants come to America not because they are Muslims but in spite of being so, and that their religion is either incidental or something that they are attempting to escape by immigrating. Undoubtedly, that is true for some, and for now. It is naiveté of the worst sort, however, to believe that it is true of all, or to believe that it will continue to be true.

Some of many indications that the US government is terminally naïve about the Islamic threat is how Muslims are courted among the elite, and given sensitive government posts at all levels. Also telling are the prescriptions that the US government gives to other countries about their Muslim “nativist surge” problem. Officials will deny that Europe’s Muslim problem has anything to do with Jihad, so they recommend better integration. Deportation, restricting immigration, and muzzling inciters of Jihad is hardly mentioned. Of course, this is the policy in the US. Of the 814,073 people the US tried to deport from Jan 2004 through Dec 2006, only 12 were for terror-related reasons.

Some of the main reasons Muslim immigration continues is Islamists have already infiltrated the highest echelons of power in the West, and there’s a civil religion aspect to it, as set forth by Diane West:

Only one faith on Earth may be more messianic than Islam:  multiculturalism. Without it -- without its fanatics who believe all civilizations are the same -- the engine that projects Islam into the unprotected heart of Western civilization would stall and fail. It's as simple as that. To live among the believers -- the multiculturalists -- is to watch the assault, the jihad, take place un-repulsed by our suicidal societies. These societies are not doomed to submit; rather, they are eager to do so in the name of a masochistic brand of tolerance that, short of drastic measures, is surely terminal….

In not discussing the roots of terror in Islam itself, in not learning about them, the multicultural clergy that shepherds our elites prevents us from having to do anything about them. This is key, because any serious action -- stopping immigration from jihad-sponsoring nations, shutting down mosques that preach violence and expelling their imams, just for starters -- means to renounce the multicultural creed. In the West, that’s the greatest apostasy. And while the penalty is not death -- as it is for leaving Islam under Islamic law -- the existential crisis is to be avoided at all costs. Including extinction.

Hugh Fitzgerald wrote similarly:

Why do we continue to admit them into our countries? Why do Infidels believe they have some kind of duty to make their own lives, and those of their children and grandchildren, far more unpleasant, far more expensive, far more physically dangerous, than they would otherwise be, without a large-scale Muslim presence? Can’t they look and see, at least in this country, at Holland and France, at Great Britain and Germany? Can't we learn from the horrible immigration mistakes of others? No? Just not possible?

That so many Muslims come to the US is disconcerting not only for security reasons, but there are so many other more deserving candidates. Unlike many Muslims, these non-Muslim immigrants would more readily assimilate, and would be interested in obtaining accelerated US citizenship by serving in the military. For instance:

      Why, after letting in a million immigrants per year, must the US issue an additional 100+k Green Cards to foreigners with special skills? Are there no skilled immigrants? Having temporary foreign workers come to the US is unfair for Americans. Due to currency exchange rates and different cost-of-living indices, foreign workers end up receiving much greater compensation for the same work because the same dollar buys much more overseas than it does in the US. Thus, many American workers seem lazy and unmotivated compared to foreign coworkers. Moreover, no one invests in American workers’ skills because employers can buy these skills off the shelf, so to speak, in India or China.

      Why are Muslims let into the US when they could immigrate to other countries within Islamdom? Meanwhile, persecuted non-Muslims (e.g. Christians, Zoroastrians) must remain within Islamdom at their peril. For instance:

o  80% of  Mandaeans have had to flee Iraq since 2003. There are 70k Sabian Mandaeans now, but only 5k are left in Iraq where they originated. Many are stuck in Syria and Jordan.

o  27k Egyptian Christian Copts languish in Cairo’s slums, and earn a meager living off garbage collecting and recycling Cairo’s city dumps, yet they are stuck in Egypt for good.

Instead of those more worthy of citizenship in the West, the West lets in people who believe in Jihad and killing converts from Islam, as polls of Muslims in the West consistently show. So many refugees are fleeing Muslims nowadays, and when the refugees come to America, surprise!, they meet radical Muslims, all thanks to the fact that many politicians are willfully ignorant about Islam.

In Australia in 2007, a leader of a Christian political party, Rev. Fred Nile, called for a ten-year moratorium on Muslim immigration and “give priority to Christians fleeing persecution in Islamic countries.” He immediately received death threats. There upon a controversial Muslim leader called upon Australia’s 300k Muslims to form their own politic party to fight Islamophobia.

A reason the asylum or immigration application of persecuted persons in Islamdom might never make it through channels because Western governments’ Foreign Service and immigration departments, along with their embassies and consulates, employ Muslims seemingly in preference to non-Muslims with the same or better linguistic abilities and skills. These Muslims often have radical connections, or unseemly connections. Here are some of the results of having a Muslims-first policy, and these are just the tip of the iceberg:

      After the 2003 invasion, many Iraqi Baathists, using fake passports and papers, gained asylum in Europe, especially in Sweden. The same occurred in the 1990s when many from Tito’s security services managed to gain asylum in Sweden.

      Stephen M. Steinlight wrote:

For virtually its entire history, Arab immigration to the US was primarily Christian and lopsidedly Lebanese; now it is virtually all Muslim, with the immigrants’ lands of origin mainly Egypt, the West Bank, and Yemen….Many of these immigrants—a decent percentage of whom might better be identified as infiltrators than immigrants—are part of a well-organized and extremely well-funded movement to subvert and destroy American institutions [e.g. seek Sharia-compliance under the guise of multiculturalism] and the American infra-structure.[228]

      “Pastor Scot’s comments included that Australia’s Muslim population was growing rapidly ‘because they control the immigration department.’[229]

      Jews and other non-Muslim immigrants have complained that the FBI, the Justice Dept, and other US government agencies have a “Jews and ‘x’ need not apply” policy. Thus, many, or most, Arabic speakers in the US government are Muslims (see Paul Sperry’s Infiltration).

      An activist for the militant Islamic supremacist group Hizb ut-Tahrir is an employee for the UK Home Office. “Abid Javaid is a ‘senior executive officer’ in the IT department at the scandal-hit Immigration and Nationality Directorate which processes tens of thousands of asylum and visa applications every year.[230] 10k of 16,500 fraudulent passport applications go undetected. Syrian-born Omar Bakri lived as an asylum seeker in Londonistan for years, and was a disciple of Hizb ut-Tahrir by a different name, that being Al Muhajiroun, the Immigrants. One wonders if this is how polygynists and their wives get into the US, France, UK, and elsewhere in the West (see the United States section, or see the NY Times).

      While Muslims can emigrate from Islamdom without any problems, Christians and apostates from Islam must often leave stealthily in order to gain asylum elsewhere:

o  One apostate from Islam, Majed El Shafie, had to make a James Bond-like escape from Egypt to Israel, crossing the Red Sea on a jet ski.

o  Another report said a Copt was denied political asylum because “a Khara Muslim judge…told him that there is no persecution of Copts in Egypt.” Meanwhile, from the 1950s to the present, 27k Egyptian Christian Copts languish in Cairo’s slums, and earn a meager living off garbage collecting and recycling Cairo’s city dumps.

o  Even though 1) her brother Muhanna was tortured and killed, 2) Rihab was beaten until her gallbladder burst, 3) she was harassed with death threats until she fled Iraq to Jordan, and 4) she has a niece in Australia, Rihad and her Christian sister were still denied entry into Australia in 2007.

o  Between 2003 and 2007, only 800 Iraqi and Afghan refugees were allowed into the US. In Apr 2007 7k Palestinian Sunnis from Iraq received asylum to the US even though 22 other Arab countries could have easily absorbed them. Besides, fleeing Assyrian Christians would have made for a much better fit in the West than Muslims do. Regarding the Iraqi migration to the US, Debbie Schlussel received word that US embassy personnel rely on Muslim translators to decide who gets asylum, and immigration and asylum applications receive only the most cursory review. This may be one way that Nazis and Viet Cong slipped into the US in the past.

o  In 2006 21k Meskhetian Turkish Muslims from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) applied for asylum to the US. 12,500 were approved while the other cases are being reviewed.

o  Starting in 2007, 20k Iraqis will come to the US, and that’s on top of the annual immigration of 96k coming from the Mideast.

o  In 1948, the Egyptian Ministry of Education sent Sayyid Qutb to the US, the spiritual father of Al-Qaeda. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the last Al-Qaeda member to visit the US.

One can see that the US Muslim population is not safe from further radicalization given the fact that the internet is ubiquitous, that airlines fly worldwide, and the massive influx of Muslims who receive permanent residency each year even though some are bound to be radical, or their kids will be.

Scott P. Richert wrote in “Welcoming Muhammad:  Abandoning That Which Is Our Own,” Chronicles Magazine, Dec 2006:

A Zogby poll in August 2000 revealed that almost 78% of Muslims in America are immigrants, most from the Middle East. “Approximately a third of American Muslims live on the East Coast (32.2%), 25.3% live in the South, 24.3% in the Central/Great Lakes Region, and 18.2% in the West.” In other words, the bulk of the Muslim population is firmly in the heart of Middle America.

Who exactly is having babies in the US is not well studied, but some have concluded that the US would approach European-level birthrates if it were not for the Mexican population within US borders. Also, some theorize that European birthrates are as low as they are due to RU-486 “Morning After” pill usage. RU-486 was only recently approved in the US and may reduce US birthrates significantly.

One reason Americans are not having children is women are becoming more educated, and men less so, and women refuse to “marry down.” Only one-fifth of freshmen entering Detroit public schools graduates on time. Only 43% of US college students were male in 2007, the same rate as in the UK where they are fighting a losing battle with laddism and anti-social behavior by re-empowering teachers, and arming local authorities with ASBOs and even Talking CCTV camera to berate litterers, vandals and fighters. The UK has “4.2m CCTV cameras, or one for every 14 people.”

The sex ratio at universities is expected to get more lopsided. Reasons why there is a gender-ratio disparity at universities are:

      80-some percent of K-12 teachers are female, leading boys to think that academics is for girls. In other words, schools need to “look more like America,” i.e. at least 50% male, if both sexes are to succeed in academics. It is similar to church. If boys do not see their fathers there, they will think church is something for elderly men, women and children.

      Political-correctness indoctrination, the grievance industry, and radical feminism produce a hostile learning environment that no self-respecting man with any Christian family values left can bear it, especially if they are of a “perpetrator” race rather than a “victim” race.

Daniel Pipes declared that the Golden Era for Jews in the US was from 1945-2000 when Jews did not need to worry so much about their safety enough to hire armed guards for every big event. To paraphrase, Pipes said that “The anti-Semitic threat came from Muslim converts and immigrants, and this was true throughout the West.”[231] By contrast, in Europe and in Islamdom, many synagogues hire security guards for the Sabbath, much less larger occasions.

Up to 2006 Islamists generally pretended to be loyal American citizens. Then in April 2006 Islamists had their first rally and protest in New York where they openly broadcast their anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic messages, and proclaimed that Islam will dominate the world, similar to rallies held in Londonistan in 2006. Then in December 2006 1,500 Somalis protested in Minneapolis how the US and Ethiopia rolled back the Islamic Courts Union takeover of Somalia.

It would be wise to limit Muslim immigration to a trickle, if that, if only to leave the US as a relatively safe haven for infidels, Jews especially, and apostates from Islam are often harassed, threatened and killed by Muslims. Congressman Virgil Goode wrote: 

If American citizens do not wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Quran. Immigration is arguably the most important issue facing the country today. At least 12m immigrants are here illegally. And diversity visas, a program initiated in 1990 to grant visas to people from countries that had low US immigration at that time, are bringing in 50k a year from various parts of the world, including the Middle East.[232]

The US has naturalization and citizenship laws (based on the 14th Amendment to the US constitution approved in 1868) from long before the age of the airplane, so any child born in the US is automatically a citizen. Most countries dispensed long ago with these antiquated laws so they, not foreigners, can decide who would become a citizen.

As it is, many foreigners from around the world fly, or in the case of Canada and Mexico, walk or drive to the US, in order to have their baby. These are called “anchor babies” or “jackpot babies” since when they grow up, they can move to the US and then bring in their wife and family.

The utter folly of the anchor baby law is demonstrated repeatedly. Anchor babies paired with family reunification may sound like its no big deal to the average American whose idea of family means two children, but in the Third World, many places average seven children per family. Israel knows the deal, however, and restricts family reunification, as Haaretz reported:

The Citizenship Law denies family unification to Palestinian men aged 18-35 and women 18-25.

While Americans are familiar with groups of Muslims (e.g. Bosnians, Somalians, Sudanese) taking up residence in towns across America, Americans are less familiar with the fact that certain towns in the Mideast were transplanted whole to America, in part due to the Immigration Act of 1965 that lifted many restrictions on immigration and allowed for Family Reunification.

Entire Mideast towns are eligible for Family Reunification because they are closely related due to “cousin marriage.” Often there are only a few lasts names seen in an entire town. Incidentally, they suffer more congenital birth defects because of “cousin marriage.”

Here are examples of foreign towns in Islamdom emptied into the US:

      In the Bridgeview suburb of Chicago, many Sunni Muslims are from Beitunia near Ramallah just N of Jerusalem. Ramallah is in the West Bank, and the West Bank and Gaza are the two most radical Muslim populations in the world. Polygyny is not uncommon in Palestine. In 2007, YnetNews reported on a Hebron (West Bank) Palestinian who had a huge house, three wives and 22 children. Unsurprisingly, at least two radical mosques in Bridgeview, the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation and Al Salam Mosque, have come under scrutiny by the FBI.

      In 2007, Spiegel noted “About 70% of the people of Bint Jbeil [or Jbail] currently live there,” meaning in Dearborn, Michigan. Bint Jbeil is in SE Lebanon, not far from the border with Israel, “a key Hezbollah stronghold,” writes Debbie Schlussel. The Chicago Tribune reported in 2006:

Some 15k Dearborn residents have emigrated over the years from Bint Jbeil. They created a community center named after the village….When about 10k Arab-Americans demonstrated in Dearborn last week in support of the Lebanese cause, some held up portraits of Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah.

Lebanese Muslims would keep coming too if they are allowed, for The Sunday Telegraph said a 2007 poll showed that “Some 22 per cent of Shias and 26 per cent of Sunnis say they are considering going abroad.”

Bint Jbeil was the scene of various battles with the IDF during Lebanon War I and II. During LWII, many rockets were fired into Israel from the area of Bint Jbeil, and the town served as an ammo dump. Naturally, the FBI has monitored Dearborn and Detroit Shiites who support Hizbullah, a terrorist organization back in the Mideast. For example, in 2007 a former school administrator in Dearborn was tried in absentia for being a Jihadist. Also, in May 2007, Bosnian Muslims were said to have financed a Jihadist separatist movement in Montenegro.

So did the Shiites of Bint Jbeil and the disaspora in Dearborn Michigan become radicalized just in the last few years? No!:

      Other Shiite diasporas from Lebanon are known for being radical, such as the 25k Shiite Arabs in the Tri-Border Region of South America, discussed elsewhere.

      Before they came over to the US to work mainly in the auto industry in Detroit, Bint Jbeil Shiites were as radical as most Mideast Muslims have always been. For example, it did not take much to get Bint Jbeil Muslims to ransack neighboring towns of non-Muslims, or towns with Muslims who held to a different brand of Islam. Wikipedia notes that Bint Jbeil residents attacked the neighboring Christian town as recently as 1920:

It [Ain Ebel] has been the site of violent conflict on several occasions during the last century. In May 1920, Shia fighters from the town [Bint Jbeil], collaborating with the British colonial authorities in Palestine, attacked the nearby Christian community of Ain Ebel who supported the French colonial authorities of the area then, killing 40 people.

Notice the Christians just happened to support French colonial authorities. In other words, they were civilians, probably farmers and orchard owners and paid their taxes, but that was enough for Shiites to kill them over.

The Dearborn Hezbollah supporters naturally are up to all kinds of no-good as they seek to strengthen their Hezbollah strongholds in Dearborn and Bint Jbeil, Lebanon, through legal and illegal means. For instance, Debbie Schlussel notes that Shiites are building up their numbers in Dearborn. Lately, a Dearborn hospital was indicted for Medicare and Medicaid fraud because it was delivering babies of mothers with fake social security numbers. Schlussel notes that these were probably Shiite mothers from the Mideast who wanted to create anchor babies on the US taxpayers’ dime. Now that the babies are US citizens, they will grow up and in the future come to the US and import more Shiites from Bint Jbeil under the family reunification provisions of the immigration act. This is the fruit of the US’s non-sensical immigration policy with its family reunification and anchor baby provisions.

So one person moves to America and the rest of the town follows—all thanks to family reunification. It reminds one of Ross Perot’s statement about globalization—that there is “a giant sucking sound” of good-paying jobs wending their way out of the US. Similarly, family reunification law means there’s “a giant sucking sound” of foreigners being pulled into the US, many of them Islamists and Jihadists willing to do much more than just wish for the demise of the US and Christianity. This explains why one will come across neighborhoods, congregations and radicalized mosques (note:  the majority are) in America where the inhabitants and congregants are from one town in Mexico or the Mideast.

Liberals argue that the US must give free healthcare, neonatal care, schooling and all the rest to illegal immigrants because otherwise the anchor babies may suffer birth defects and be under-educated. Instead of dealing with the symptoms, one ought to eliminate the anchor baby law so there would be far fewer illegal immigrants for which the US taxpayer would need to pay out.

Another folly of the anchor baby law is the US cannot control what persons obtain prized US citizenship. For instance, one of the Jihadists captured in Afghanistan and incarcerated at “Gitmo,” Cuba, was a Saudi born in the US in 1980. In 2004, Yaser Esam Hamdi was able to leverage his anchor baby status. In exchange for freeing him from Gitmo and dropping all charges, he would renounce his US citizenship. If the Hamdi had never been caught doing Jihad in Afghanistan, he could have immigrated to the US, got a US passport, brought his family to the US, and could have done some Jihading in the US. Note that all nineteen 9/11 hijackers were from Hamdi’s Saudi Arabia.

Another major immigration problem is the US has dozens of “sanctuary cities,” several of them large metropolitan areas. Sanctuary cities do not tell the federal authorities about illegal immigrants, and where the police are forbidden from checking on the immigration status of people they meet, arrest or jail. Examples of sanctuary cities include:

      The huge metropolitan area of Los Angeles is a sanctuary city due to LAPD Special Order 40.

      In Cherry Hill, New Jersey, where “tolerance…is a hallmark of community pride,” 3 Bosnian brothers were in the US illegally for 23 years before deciding to engage in terrorism in May 2007. Between 1997 and 2007, they racked up 54 driving citations, but at no time did the police check their residency status.

      Detroit became a sanctuary city in May 2007—just days after several illegal immigrants were arrested for plotting terrorism in another sanctuary city, Cherry hill (just mentioned). The Detroit Free Press reported, “The ordinance was introduced after talks with Latino, Arab and Muslim groups,” and CAIR-Michigan’s Dawud Walid congratulated Detroit on the move.

      Las Vegas may also be a sanctuary city based on some inferences.

The proposed federal CLEAR Act would put an end to sanctuary cities that endanger all Americans.

Politicians are against immigration violations being classed as felonies rather than misdemeanors because, unlike misdemeanors, this information would show up on police records across the nation even without the police officer checking the immigrant status. Felonies also mean the immigrant would not be able to carry a weapon and therefore be a security guard, among other restrictions. The solution to this problem would be to have the immigration status on the person’s police record even if the person has no misdemeanors or felonies.

The average American might not know about the illegal immigrant felon problem because most of the time law enforcement personnel are forbidden from asking whether people they stop, arrest or jail are deportable. Even if law enforcement had the stats, the media is averse to mentioning the nationality, race or immigration status of felons it reports on. What we do know, however, is that in Aug 2006 there were 623,292 “‘fugitive aliens,’ those who have failed to leave the country after being ordered out.” Moreover, “the number of illegal immigrants in the US has been estimated at between 11.5m and 12m. About 5.4% of them are believed to be “fugitive aliens.”


F. South America, Central America and the Caribbean

Summary:  South America generally has 1% or few Muslims per country, but the exceptions are listed below:

      Argentina:  (South end of S. America) Muslims are 1.5% (593,069 total). The birthrate is above the 2.1 replacement rate at 2.16.

      Belize:  (Central America, below Mexico on east coast). Muslims are 1% (2,794).

      French Guiana:  (N shore of S. America) Not to be confused with nearby Guyana. French Guiana is nearly 100% Roman Catholic. The birthrate is above replacement rate at 2.98. Guiana is one of 21 “nationally associated” territories of EU member states, in Guiana’s case, France. Thus, it is the only EU member in the continental Americas, not counting island territories.

      Guyana:  (N shore of S. America) Not to be confused with nearby French Guiana or other similar sounding countries (Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Papua New Guinea, Equatorial Guinea). Muslims are 10% (76k) of the population. The birthrate is above replacement rate at 2.04.

      Suriname:  (N shore of S. America) Muslims are 19.6% (87.8k) of the population. The birthrate is above replacement rate at 2.32.

      Tri-Border Region, aka The Triple Frontier: The Triple-Border refers to where the borders of Brazil, the panhandle of Argentina, and Paraguay meet. The part that is most rife with smuggling and lawlessness is in Paraguay. In fact, Ciudad del Este (population 240k), is Paraguay’s second-largest city, and is “the center of the Tri-border region.”

There are 25k Lebanese Shiite Arabs in the Tri-Border region who came mainly in two waves: “after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and after the 1985 Lebanese civil war.” The Shiites are radicalized, anti-American and anti-Zionist, and send much money to Hizbullah in Lebanon. Hizbullah was founded in 1982 shortly after the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Hizbullah literature has been distributed all over South America, and most countries have Hizbullah websites with propaganda.

Other terrorist groups that receive money from the Tri-Border region include Egypt’s al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, Islamic Jihad, and Al Qaeda.

Terrorism eminates from the Tri-Border Region. MSNBC reports on the two worst examples:

In 1992 and 1994, terrorists believed to be linked to Hezbollah carried out two attacks against Jewish targets in Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital. In the first, a car bomb exploded at the Israeli Embassy, killing 29 people. Two years later, a suicide bomber attacked the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association, a Jewish community center, killing 85 more.

      Trinidad & Tobago Islands (NE of Venezuela):  Muslims are 5.8% (65,318 total). The birthrate is below replacement rate (1.74).


G. South Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia

AfghanistanThe CPW is 6.69. The 31m Afghans are nearly all Muslim, mostly Sunni. The Sunni Islamist Taliban, which ruled Afghanistan for some years up to 2001, attempted to “to wipe out the Hazaras, the Shi'a tribe of Mongol descent.”

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and N India speak related Indo-Iranian languages, the main ones being Urdo, Pashto and Punjabi. Jihadist videos often refer to Afghanistan as “Khurasan,” from the Persian.

Afghanistan has had a quasi-democratic government since 2001—democratic only in that it was the result of vote counting, but Sharia-lite is the law of the land.

“In 2006, there are about 33k troops in Afghanistan” fighting the resurgent Taliban insurgency,” but the number increased by Oct 2006 when the NY Times put the number of NATO troops at 40k. In Mar 2007, YnetNews said there were 30k US troops and 7,500 UK troops.

Every few months a small battle makes the news where dozens of Taliban die, and a few Afghan government soldiers and one or two NATO troops die. Two or three times a year a NATO helicopter crashes, it seems.

In 2007, the US built 2 madrassas with a capacity of 1k boys each just so the boys would not attend radical madrasas. The school situation in 2007 is relayed by the Telegraph:

Under the Taliban, much of the Afghan population was denied an education, and 90% of women and 63% of men are illiterate. The remnants of the old regime still try to exert their will, killing teachers and burning down schools. Of 154 schools in the south-western province of Oruzgan, 107 are closed; 58 of those have been burnt or damaged and the rest are shut because teachers are too frightened to attend. Schools that employ women teachers and admit girls are most at risk of becoming Taliban targets - one reason why, across Afghanistan, 70% of boys are in school but only 40% of girls.

The Taliban operates somewhat freely in the Hindu-Kush Mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan, especially in N and S Waziristan, “two of the seven districts making up Pakistan’s semiautonomous tribal areas, which are between the NW Frontier Province and, to the south, Baluchistan Province.” The NY Times reports:

Meanwhile, in the deserts of Baluchistan, whose capital, Quetta, is just a few hours’ drive from the Afghan city of Kandahar, the Afghan Taliban were openly reassembling themselves under Mullah Omar and his leadership council. Quetta had become a kind of free zone where strategies could be formed, funds picked up, interviews given and victories relished.

The Taliban’s main method of attack for now is suicide bombings across the country. The reason is that in late 2006 the Taliban suffered the loss of 3k Jihadists after they took a town in the south, and they decided they could not sustain many such losses. Spiegel reported in 2006:

Almost all the DVDs feature footage of the brutal execution of alleged CIA spies. The ‘helpers of the infidels’ have their heads removed while still alive. About 250 such murders have occurred in recent months…Every Afghan killed by a bomb leads to two new militants, regardless of whether the person killed is a civilian or a militant...Dadullah already threatened a wave of suicide attacks in 2006. No one took him seriously at first. By the end of 2006, the CIA’s statisticians counted about 139 such attacks throughout the country—five times more than [25 suicide attacks] in 2005. 2007 could be even bloodier.

Human Right Watch in NY said that 4k people died in violence in 2006 in Afghanistan, mostly civilians, and that insurgents killed by far the most civilians.

This is the latest iteration on the tactic that most Islamists and Jihadist groups use:  set up a no-go zone for infidels where the Muslim populace and terrorists have sanctuary, whether it be in French neighborhoods, Iraqi cities or the Afghan-Pakistani mountains. Then launch suicide attacks from the sanctuary.

This is the same suicide-assassin tactic that “The Assassins” (1090-1256 AD) and the Old Man in the Mountain used to spread fear throughout the Mideast during the Crusader Era. The only difference is the assassin carries bombs rather than just a dagger, making modern-day assassins more deadly.

As is the case with Pakistan, the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul, is too close to the mountains. This makes for news headlines that the Taliban rebels are within just so many miles of the capital. For example, the Associated Press reported in Apr 2007:

The Taliban takeover of Giro, just 110 miles from Kabul, helped undermine claims by the Afghan government and its foreign backers that President Hamid Karzai has expanded government control of the country…

Taliban fighters have also stepped up their operations in recent weeks after a winter lull, and few areas of the country remain free of political violence…

Militants have repeatedly overrun towns in rural areas, especially in the south and east, despite the presence of NATO and U.S. troops whose numbers have swelled to the current 47k. But the Taliban’s hold is usually short-lived.

AustraliaAustralia is 1.5% Muslim. Many of the 304k Muslims are Lebanese. Lebanese Muslims and Christians came during the Lebanese civil war between 1975 and 1977 when immigration standards were relaxed due to humanitarian issues. The Australian reported that starting in 1976…

…90 per cent of the [Lebanese] migrants were Muslims and that a high percentage were illiterate and unskilled…[and]…many refugees were misrepresenting their background during interviews in ‘deliberate attempts to conceal vital information’…[233]

In 2005, Sydney experienced much tension with the descendants of these Muslim Lebanese, which the surfer community there calls the Lebs.

      The widely held assumption in Australia was that any immigrant would integrate and think of themselves as Australians first. The fact that multiculturalism reigned supreme for decades masked the fact that many Muslims were not integrating—that is until 9/11 when people saw that more than just a tiny minority of extremists dancing in the streets around the world.

Australia felt the need to populate its continent since WWII, since its relatively small population could not protect such a big continent. However, its 1.76 child-per-woman birthrate is below the replacement rate of 2.1. Wikipedia’s article on Developed Nation’s Population Decline reports:

Australia offers a $4,100 bonus for every baby plus additional fortnightly payments, a free immunization scheme and recently proposed to pay all child care costs for women who want to work.

So naturally, Australia became interested in immigration.

Muslims are more than glad to help Aussies with their lack-of-population problem, as the Sunday Herald Sun reported:

A Sunday Herald Sun investigation also found clerics railing against ‘evil’ democracy, vilifying Jews and Christians and encouraging jihad and polygyny. Many CDs and DVDs there feature London sheik Abdul Raheem Green, who is on an Australian Government watch list. On one, he tells his audience to Islamize Australia through a Muslim baby boom.

‘The birth rate in the Western countries is going down. People are more interested in their careers . . . they don’t want to have babies,’ Sheik Green says in one DVD. ‘So don’t you think, Muslim brothers and sisters, we’ve got a bit of an opportunity here? They're not having babies any more. So what if, instead, we have the babies?

‘In Canada one in three or one in four children being born is a Muslim. What does that do to the demographic shift of a Muslim population in 20 years’ time?

‘To say I’m going to have two or three children and that’s it -- that's not allowed. The way we overcome the people is through our numbers.’

Muslims are also not to put too much importance paying taxes. The Sunday Herald Sun reported in 2007 that at a Preston mosque in Australia:

Imam Mohammad Aboueid told followers to put prayer above the paying of taxes and that Islam would prevail over all other religions.

The Australian reported similarly in 2007:

Hard-line Muslim clerics are encouraging their followers to cheat the tax system because they consider paying income tax contrary to Islamic law.

Muslim leaders have warned that fundamentalist imams who put Sharia law ahead of Australian law are also condoning welfare fraud and the cash economy as tax-evasion methods.

Sydney-based Islamic leader Fadi Rahman told The Australian that the extremist clerics who were preaching messages against paying income taxes were also staunchly opposed to Western ideologies, including the Australian way of life.

He said he had heard hard-line clerics at Friday sermons in Sydney highlight the importance of cheating the tax system.

‘I mean, just like how you’ve got clerics (with) extreme views who are telling the Muslims in the Western world to declare war against the very country that they live in and the very country that is paying for their day-to-day life, you'll find that these are the clerics who are telling them to dodge the tax system,’ said Mr. Rahman, a youth leader and the president of the Independent Centre for Research Australia.

‘Tax, itself, is not allowed in Islam. So they (clerics) encourage them that if there's any way that you can dodge paying the tax, then you should do it.’[234]

In the port city of Newcastle in New South Wales state, there are 600 Muslims. International hard-line students aged 20 and 30 took charge of the main mosque there within two years, and voted out the older moderate members. The Australian reported:

Sheik Bilal said the students were becoming more proficient at spreading their isolationist messages. ‘During my presence here it was very, very quick,’ he said. ‘Because they went really, really hard with (preaching) their beliefs.’ Sheik Bilal said the students were becoming popular with the locals by adopting name-and-shame tactics, spreading lies about the town's moderate Muslim leadership.

Also in New South Wales state, in 2007 Mamdouh Habib, a former Guantánamo Bay detainee is seeking election in parliament with the Greens, the Socialist Alliance and the Communist Party alliance.

In 2006, Mufti “Hilaly compared women not wearing Muslim attire and who got raped to uncovered meat left out for cats” on a sermon tape that was translated from the Arabic. He claimed his Mufti of Australia position was unpaid, but in fact he was making 40k Australian dollars (29,668 USD) per year from the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC). Hilaly also is on record supporting Iran against the West, saying that Muslims were more Australian than Australians, and giving money to terrorist organizations.


Prislam in Australian Jails

In Apr 2007, Australia has 37 inmates in one of its Super-Max jails, and 12 of them are Muslim or have converted to Islam, or Prislam, prison Islam. Starting in 2005 Christians and Aborigine prisoners started to convert to Islam, shaving their heads and growing long beards. Aborigines have even “denounce[d] their Aboriginality for Islam.”

The prison staff viewed this benignly and even gave them prayer mats, “but more sinister motives began to emerge.” It turns out that murderer and former gang leader Bassam Hamzy, a bin Laden admirer, had money wired from “Bankstown, a Sydney suburb with a large Arabic and Muslim population” to his Muslim gang members who would by cigarettes, radios and other luxury items in a sort of “pay to pray” scheme. Member would kneel before Hamzy and kiss his hand.

The gang talked about Islam and martyrdom, and plotted to take prison guards captive to escape the New South Wales prison.  Stephen Smallbone, a former prison psychiatrist and now an associate professor in criminology at Griffith University in Queensland, said:

It’s chest beating - they know it's a scary proposition for prison officers. They are living in an environment in which there is otherwise very little opportunity to establish their authority.

Western Resistance reported:

Inside the Super Max facility, a rift has opened up between the 12 Islamic converts and the other 24. An anti-Islamic faction, led by contract killer Lindsay Rose, is trying to re-convert the Muslims.

In May 2007, while serving time for murder, Hassan Kalache convinced a girl who wanted to marry him to convert to Islam and also carry out a bomb attack “to prove her love for him before they got married.” Fortunately, she was caught before carrying out the deed.

Bangladesh:  The Islamists have been active in Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan, in their attempt to impose Sharia law. Terrorist incidents and bombing campaigns are seasonal, but the goal so far has been to ethnic cleanse, destroy property, grab headlines, destabilize the government, rather than cause mass-casualties. This could change, though, as Muslims are further radicalized and funded from Saudi Arabia, and two main terrorist groups copy suicide car-bombing methods used in Iraq. Reuters reported in May 2007:

Islamist militants in Bangladesh are preparing to launch car bomb attacks and carry out other deadly missions, one self-described militant commander said in a rare interview with a private television channel….

The Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen and another outlawed organisation, Jagrata Muslim Janata…are blamed for exploding some 500 small bombs in simultaneous attacks across Bangladesh on August 17, 2005, killing three people.

They are also alleged to have killed at least 30 more people and wounded 150 in attacks through the rest of that year. The victims included judges, lawyers, policemen and others. Six Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen leaders were hanged in March and many of its followers are on the run.

Hugh Fitzgerald wrote:

      In 1947, 38% of the population of what was then East Pakistan was non-Muslim. It is now down to 8%. Massacres of Hindus, of the few Buddhists who remained in post-Islamic India (in the Chittagong Hills area), and of Christians and other non-Muslims have been incessant. In recent times, the pace of such persecution and murder seems to have picked up.

Rahul Gupta wrote:

      Hindus comprised nearly 30% of the total population in Bangladesh in 1947. After the exodus of minorities following the partition of India in 1947, the Hindu population went down to about 22% by 1951. Due to unabated persecution, intimidation, and forcible conversion to Islam, the Hindu-minority population kept on dwindling and now stands at a meager 10.5% of the total population in Bangladesh (1991 census).

      Interesting to note that minority Muslim population in adjoining West Bengal (India) showed a positive growth rate and according to 1991 Census, stood at nearly 24% of the total population from only about 12% in 1947.

Information on Muslims persecuting Hindus in south Asia can found at many Websites.

ChinaChina’s population is 1.3b in 2006, and is forecasted to peak at 1.5 billion in 2033. China’s CPW is calculated to be 1.73 CPW, so China’s One-Child policy is not strictly enforced. China claims that the One-Child policy has eliminated 400m births, but similar CPW rates has been obtained broadly in the West where, in fact, incentives are offered for live births.

Christians are persecuted under many pretexts, one of which is their objection to abortion. AFP reported that many affluent Chinese prefer to pay the fines and taxes in order to have more children, and those who are poor try to evade the tax:

…growing numbers of pregnant women are risking their own lives and those of their children by seeking back-alley deliveries to avoid fines for having more than one child, Xinhua quoted vice health minister Jiang Zuojun as saying.

Since the birthrate of 1.73 CPW is already well below the replacement rate of 2.1 CPW, the increase in population must be due the lag phenomenon called population momentum that was discussed above.

China is 3% (40m) to 4% (52m) Christian, according to the CIA Factbook. A 2007 survey found that only 300m, or 23% of Chinese consider themselves religious, of whom 40m (or 3%) describe themselves as Christian.

Atheistic Communism tends to make a populace non-religious over time, but Christianity is more durable than other religions during times of persecution. Atheistic Communism is not entirely removed from the scene, but Christianity has less competition (e.g. Taoism, Buddhism, Atheism) now, so Christianity is growing rapidly now in China.

The ethnic Chinese, the Han, are 93% of the population, or 1.17b. The Uighur (pronounced:  wee-gur) Muslims number 8m, or 0.6% of the population. The Hui Muslims number 10m, or 0.77% of the population. 900k Muslim Hui live in the eastern Chinese province of Henan where the capital city is Zhengzhou. The Uighur Muslims in NW China are mostly of Turkish origin, but Hui Muslims are found throughout China and are mostly of Chinese origin.

Since China is 1.5% Muslim, or 19.6m, there are about 1.6m other Muslims scattered among a dozen other ethnic groups besides the Hui and Uighurs. Altogether, China has 56 officially recognized ethnic groups. The Hui and Uighurs are discussed further below.


The Uighur Muslims

Western China is divided into two huge provinces some 3k KM (1,865 miles) west of Beijing:

      The NW province is Xinjiang, formerly known as Xinjiang. Xinjiang borders on Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, a panhandle of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

      The SW province is Xizang, formerly known as Tibet. Xizang borders on India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar.

The Uighurs are not the only ethnic group in China that has a substantial number of Muslims, but the other Muslim groups are:  1) smaller, 2) spread out over a larger area, or 3) are a minority in their own ethnic group. There are 19.6m Muslims in China, and only 8m of them are Uighurs. What’s different about the Uighurs is they are concentrated in one province, so it becomes a political problem, as the BBC reports:

Xinjiang is home to 8m Muslim Uighurs, who are ethnic Turks. Many Uighurs resent the large-scale influx into the region of Han Chinese settlers, and some groups are fighting to establish an independent Islamic nation, leading to periodic violence in the region.

The US captured a dozen Uighur Jihadists in Afghanistan in 2001. In 2007, Chinese battled a group of East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) Uighurs, resulting in 18 dead and 17 captured Uighurs.

The Turkic & Altaic languages extend to Central Asia and into western China where it meets with Sinic languages in Xinjiang, formerly East Turkistan. Spiegel has a demographic map of Xinjiang and reported:

More and more ethnic Chinese [the Han] are immigrating into Xinjiang; their share of the population has grown to at least 40% since 1949….In January Chinese police attacked a base used by fighters of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) in western Xinjiang…The police shot and killed 18 of the alleged terrorists and arrested 17 suspects…. Neighboring Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan are seen as the principal hideouts for the region’s Islamists.

China is using the same demographic strategy of moving ethnic Chinese (the Han) into Xinjiang as it has in other provinces with large minority groups, notably:  1) China’s Inner Mongolia province where the Mongols live, and 2) in China’s SW Xizang province, formerly Tibet, where the Tibetans live. Inner Mongolia is a northern province of China, while Outer Mongolia is the independent country of Mongolia. Some maps don’t mention Xizang Province, but list it as Tibet Autonomous Region.

Spiegel reported on the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama and others of the government-in-exile in northern India at Dharamsala:

People like Samphel [another Tibetan in exile] can see the effects that 50 years of Chinese rule have had on their fellow countrymen. ‘The young Tibetans arriving here don't speak Tibetan among themselves. They speak Chinese,’ he notes with disgust. ‘They want to meet a white woman here in Dharamsala and then leave for the US or Europe.’

In Apr 2007  Jihadist group Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) based near Lahore in Pakistan was looking to assassinate the Dalei Lama on orders from Al-Qaeda. This followed upon Osama bin Laden’s denunciation of “‘pagan Buddhism’ as part of his general attack on anything not Islamic.” This is not because Dharamsala is located in dispute Kashmir because Dharamsala is located in the mainly Hindu northern Indian state of HimachalPradesh.


The Hui Muslims

In Nov 2004, rioters killed 148. The rioters were Muslim Hui from the town of Nanren, and ethnic Chinese Han from the town of Weitang. The two towns are really one town that happens to be divided by a river. Nanren and Weitang are in the Henan province where 900k Hui live among 95m Han.

The riot started out with a traffic incident where there were no fatalities and no mention of injuries. It turned into a Jihad quickly that took 10k Chinese soldiers as well as many police officers to quell, as UK’s Telegraph reported:

The confrontation soon escalated into pitched battles between mobs armed with shovels and hammers. Molotov cocktails were launched across the river between Nanren and Weitang - the former predominantly Hui, the latter Han - and Huis from around the country flocked to assist their beleaguered brothers…a Hui Communist Party official in Zhengzhou said:  ‘There were hundreds of people stopped on planes and buses, attempting to travel to [Muslim] Nanren before the [Chinese] army was deployed’…

…a [Muslim] Hui official told The Sunday Telegraph:  ‘They share the same market, but the Hui people are insulted by the Han’s behavior,’ he said. ‘The Han stallholders try to sell them pork, pushing it in front of their faces all the time. Now the imam says the Han in Weitang are savages who mock our traditions by cutting our throats’….

Perhaps ominously, the mosque leaders appear sympathetic to the insurgents in Iraq. The mosque’s Ramadan letter declares:  ‘In our Muslim world, our brothers are suffering a great disaster.

‘Their actions in self-defense have been judged to be extremist terrorism, but they are struggling in an imperialist war that is killing people and rotting modern civilization.’

The defiant mood in Iraq is apparently shared by mosque elders, a foretaste of further problems ahead for the Chinese authorities. ‘If our brothers are being attacked,’ said one elder, Lao Mai, ‘it is a duty in our religion to join them in the fight.’[235]

That sentiment the imam expressed is part of Islamic law, specifically, that it is a Muslim’s duty to help his brothers in Jihad wherever they. This explains why:

      Jihadists travel so far to help their Muslim brothers out around the globe.

      Why Hui jihadists were traveling by car and bus to the Henan province in 2004 to help their Hui brothers in Nanren fight the Han in the neighboring town.

      In the 19th Century during Hui Minority’s War (previously discussed), many Muslims across China rose up against the Quin dynasty.

      Why in “Zhumadian, a city in southern Henan Province…the Hui have a reputation for being physically tough,” since Jihadist who read a war manual, the Koran, will tend to be toughs.

Note that the Hui Muslims are becoming radicalized even though the Chinese government had given them religious liberties, as Time reported:

…the Hui are not prevented from overt Muslim worship; many of Henan’s Hui villages have two flourishing mosques. [236]

And as UK’s Telegraph reported:

The violence is a setback for the Chinese government’s policy of permitting a modest Islamic revival among the Hui, one of the country’s most moderate Muslim minorities. [237]


China’s Attempts to Criminalize Criticism of Islam Locally and Globally

China has a similar “why can’t we all just get along” policy as the West. Recall that after 9/11, the West’s official policy was to say that Islam is a religion of peace. Those who said otherwise were branded troublemakers and bigots. Domestic acts of terrorism were downplayed as being mere criminal acts, or acts of deranged persons because law enforcement feared their careers would be over if they said otherwise. The EU has actually drafted PC guidelines on Islam for it staff to follow.

The US media largely hues to the official line on Islam being a religion of peace, both out of political correctness and because they don’t want their government access to information to dry up. Thus, it is unsurprising what China did when the Hui Muslims rioted in 2004. The UK’s Telegraph reported:

At stake is the imperative set out in the official government slogan, ‘The 56 ethnic groups are one family.’[238]

China tried to downplay homegrown Jihad just as governments in the West do regarding domestic Jihad terrorism. Time magazine notes:

The Chinese press did not report news of the clashes until Monday evening, when a brief item was first released only on the English-language news wire of the official Xinhua News Agency. No mention was made that the conflict was between the Hui and the Han. And in contrast with the internal document circulated to Henan officials, the Xinhua article gave a death toll of only seven. The news blackout…[239]

The English media was also littered with statements, probably Chinese government-supplied stock quotes, saying that the Hui were peaceful. For example, UK’s Telegraph reported:

Unlike China’s other sizeable Muslim minority, the Uighurs of western Xinjiang, the Hui have never been involved in separatist violence.

One just needs to read a little history to find out that the Hui have not always been peaceful. Likely low-level Jihad has been mistaken for crime and mob action all along. Moreover, in the 19th Century the Hui revolted against weak Qing dynasty along with most other Muslims in China. Wikipedia notes:

The Hui Minority’s War is the modern term used by the People’s Republic of China for what used to be called the Dungan Revolt or Muslim Rebellion. The term is sometimes used to refer to the Panthay Rebellion in Yunnan as well. It was an uprising by members of the Hui and other Muslim ethnic groups in China’s Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia provinces, as well as in Xinjiang, between 1862 and 1877.

So it would have been more truthful if the news reports had said:

Muslims in China are generally peaceful and show grudging loyalty when the non-Muslim state is strong, but when the state is weak, they rebel.

Unfortunately, China, wielding it power in the UN, tries to internationalize its pro-Muslim policy, most likely because China wants more trade with Muslims. China also builds infrastructure such as oilrigs, pipelines, harbors and canals. In 2007 Reuters reported:

With the support of China, Russia and Cuba, Moslem and Arab states comfortably won a vote on the 47-state Human Rights Council to express concern at ‘negative stereotyping’ of religions and ‘attempts to identify Islam with terrorism’ [and] condemned ‘defamation’ of religion…

Some problems with anti-vilification laws are that freedom of religion is curtailed:

      In the quest to gain and keep adherents, evangelists have historically used polemics and debaters of all religions, but these law end that practice.

      Free speech not pertaining to religion is also curtailed. Many speak against Islam not on the grounds of it being a false religion, but because it is a fascist political system disguised as a religion. Many speak against the Koran not on religious grounds, but that it constitutes incitement to war and terrorism in the name of Jihad.

Even when certain laws are not enforced, they have a pernicious effect because it criminalizes criticism of Islam, at least in principle. This erodes privacy rights, too, since while is hard to keep diaries private, much less blog anonymously, it is especially difficult if people are whispering that the blogger is doing something illegal. Consider the case of Sheik Yer’mami, a contributor and operator of the Winds of Jihad blog site.

Because Sheik Yer’mami’s blog contains much blasphemous material, the Australian businessperson relied on his anonymity in order not to be knifed by a Jihadist—just as Islam critic Theo Van Gogh was shot and knifed. Meanwhile, comes along an Australian journalist named King. The naïf King considered Islam to be a religion of peace, according to Robert Spencer.

King interviewed a local imam, Azis, who was trying to build a new mosque that came up for criticism on the Winds of Jihad blog. Because of Australia’s anti-vilification and anti-hate speech laws:

King took the Imam Abdul Aziz’s word that the ‘Winds of Jihad’ website would be investigated by the Federal Police at face value. That is obviously false. King also claimed the website is ‘vulgar’ and a ‘hate-site’- that is false as well.

Believing Imam Aziz led King to assure Sheik Yer’mami his identity would be kept private if he granted an interview. After the interview, King promptly exposed Yer’mami’s identity in the Cairns newspaper without Yer-mami’s permission.

All this was done, no doubt, not because King wanted Sheik Yer’mami assassinated, but because one journalist inverted reality and figured that he was helping to uphold anti-vilification laws that protect the weak from anonymous online bullies. That is just one reason why crafting laws that outlaw criticism of Islam, or can be mistaken for doing so, is exceedingly unwise.


China’s Gender Imbalance

China is facing a worsening gender imbalance due to the greater prevalence of ultra-sound, abortion and a tough one-child policy. India has the same problem, but to a lesser extent. By 2020 there will be 30m more marriageable men than women, meaning that one out of ten men will not be able to find a wife.

In 2000, there were 110 boys for every 100 girls, but in 2005, there are 118 boys for every 100 girls. “In some regions such as the southern provinces of Guangdong and Hainan, the ratio has ballooned to 130 boys to 100 girls.” The problem is widening in Beijing there were 109 boys born for every 100 girls. In the average industrialized nation, the ratio is usually:  “between 104 and 107 boys for every 100 girls.”[240]

Boys are preferred over girls because 800m out of 1.3b people live in rural locations where hard labor is required to survive, the boy carries on the family name, and China has no social security system worthy of the name.

Officials are now restricting adoptions since they were mostly of girls who otherwise might have been aborted, and instead are promoting having girls. Officials now “exhort parents to value their daughters,” and are having slogans painted on houses that read:  “Having a daughter is as good as having a son.”

Surprisingly, the social and political implications may be slight if one is familiar with marital statistics. For instance, according to this NY Times piece that quotes the US Census Bureau statistics:

      In the US the percentage of women living with a spouse by year was:  1950 (65%) 1960 (65%) 1970 (60%) 1980 (56%) 1990 (53%) 2000 (51%) 2005 (49%).

      In 2005 49% of women were living with a spouse, 3 were separated, 2 were married but the husband was living elsewhere due to business or the military, 9 were widowed, 11 divorced and 25 never married.

      In 2005 53% of men had a spouse living at home, 2 were separated, 3 were married but spouse absent, 2 were widowed, 9 were divorced and 31 never married.[241]

So plugging the numbers in for China, there would just be 39 or 29% of women living with a husband, and perhaps only 15 or 5% of women who never marry.

The Chinese Communists are worried that the excess unmarried men will cause social and political upheaval. For some time China has experience riots, as the BBC reported in 2007:

Rural regions of China have seen mounting unrest in recent years. Thousands of protests were held last year amid growing discontent over the widening gap between rich and poor and corruption among officials at local level and above.

One report says that there were 23k mass riots in 2006.

Other nations are worried that China might form a great army of single men and dominate the region. Columnist Mark Steyn joked on web radio that China would become “the world’s first gay empire.” The reason this is so worrisome is reported by Spiegel:

Though the West, with 12% of the world's population, is still responsible for 60% of global economic output, the balance is shifting. Two decades from now [2027], Europeans and Americans will produce less than half of the world economic product -- and with only 10% of world population by then.

Feminists have long said that having a shortage of women will raise the status of women in China. Indeed, women in China are valued more already, but probably not in the terms feminists expected. In China, “kidnapping of baby girls is becoming increasingly common as families seek a future bride for their only son,” and “Trade in women is also a problem in many rural areas where poor farmers are unable to attract a bride.” While women in the West can choose not to marry, that might not be an easy option for future Chinese women.

The 30m male-female imbalance in China may also be solved by Chinese men emigrating to the many nations experiencing population implosions, and the many nations that have a surplus of single women who are willing to take them in. I can imagine now single Chinese men meeting single Indian women in the Himalayan Mountain pass, and then deciding on the country to settle in.

East Timor:  East Timor is 4% Muslim, but with 3.53 children per woman, it will not become Muslim anytime soon. East Timor gained its independence from Indonesia in 2002. A BBC article says, “100k Timorese died as a result of Indonesia’s 25-year occupation, which ended in 1999.” There are 1.063m E Timorese, so 100k would be about a tenth of the inhabitants. There are reports that put the number of dead higher, 20% during the occupation and 10% during the war of independence. Religious Tolerance reported:

About 20% of the population died by murder, starvation or disease after they were forcibly annexed by Indonesia (mainly Muslim). After voting for independence, many Christians were exterminated or exiled by the Indonesian army and army-funded militias in a carefully planned program of genocide and religious cleansing. The situation is now stable.

Indonesia:  The 18k islands of Indonesian islands are spread out east to west about 3k miles (4860 kms). Indonesia is similar to Iran in that it is situated in a strategically important area. Iran sits by the Persian Gulf with its oil tanker traffic, and Indonesia sits next to “all [the] major shipping routes connecting Europe and East Asia.” The route from Europe to Asia via the Panama Canal is considered a minor route.

If the Arctic Ocean became passable year-round, the “Arctic Bridge” would be the major route between Asia and Europe, and between East Asia and parts of N America via the Hudson Bay and rail links, because that route is up to 40% shorter than the next shortest route via the Suez Canal. Using this NW Passage would make passing by Indonesia unnecessary. As of 2007 only a few ships sail over the top of the globe during the summer thaw, and then only a few miles from the shoreline.

Spiegel reported in 2007:

Indonesia has never truly recovered from the Asian financial crisis. For the roughly 42% of the population living on less than $2 a day… [242]

8% of Indonesians are Christian, 88.2% are Muslim, and 3.8% are “other.” Spiegel reported in 2007 there were 221m Indonesians, 194m of whom are Muslim, or 88%.

The 11.8% of Indonesians who are non-Muslim and live among the 214m Muslim Indonesians enduring discrimination often, and are well aware that terrorism or mob violence could erupt at any time. Churches are regularly destroyed, and in 2003, there was widespread church-burning campaign during which 3k churches were destroyed under various pretexts—if a pretext was given at all.

Spiegel reported in 2007:

For years, radical Islamists have taken advantage of the democracy gained after the 1998 ouster of former Indonesian dictator Suharto to question that very democracy, all in the name of piety. A cultural war has broken out between the supporters and opponents of religious fundamentalism, a struggle that could deeply change this country and its traditionally softer brand of Islam….

The Indonesian parliament has been debating a more stringent anti-pornography law for months. If the law is passed, it will ban a lot more than X-rated books and movies. In fact, it would spell the end of parties like this one [that served wine], would make public kissing illegal and would mean prison time for anyone bold enough to wear ‘lascivious clothing.’ Theater, the cinema, painting and music, would likewise be curtailed, just as they are today in many countries of the Middle East….

With 221m inhabitants, of which 194m are Muslims, the island nation is not only Southeast Asia's most populous country, but is also home to the world's largest Muslim population. And that population looks to be growing increasingly devout. Significantly more women wear the headscarf today than a decade ago, and the number of Indonesians making the pilgrimage to Mecca grows year after year. Alcoholic beverages are disappearing from the shelves of supermarkets, and in some places, those who violate the Islamic ban on alcohol already face public whipping -- a brutal spectacle that is even broadcast on local television stations.

Since two bombs killed 202 people, most of them Western tourists, at the Kuta beach resort on the island of Bali in the fall of 2002, Islamist terrorists have repeatedly attacked Western targets at the same time of the year, prompting Indonesians to refer to autumn as ‘bomb season.’ Al-Qaeda, which is clearly allied with local extremists, has identified the country as a battlefield of the future.[243]

Izabel Jahja, editor-in-chief of a glossy magazine, told Spiegel in 2007:

We are on the brink of a comprehensive Islamicization of Indonesia.[244]

Often crowds of Indonesians instigated by some radical group will protest against bars, nightclubs and restaurants serving alcohol during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, internet cafes, NGOs (Non-government Service Organizations) such as human rights groups, non-Muslim churches and schools. Their idea is to try to get them shut down by authorities for lack of permits or some other pretext.

Sometimes crowds of radical Muslim protesters will just attack and burn a non-Sharia compliant establishment do not like if police do not show up in sufficient force just in time. Two groups that use this method are Betawi Brotherhood Forum (FBR), and Front Pembela Islam, aka Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

In Mar 2007 FPI and FBR say they are going to protest against a Christian school with 1,300 students until it closes. Adnkronos International reported:

But when our students leave the school building, they are insulted and called dogs or pigs,’ a teacher said….Radical tendencies however emerged at the same time as the country returned to democracy in 1998.

This is occurred not on some distant island, but right in the eastern part of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, on the island of Java. They burned down a dormitory and have so little fear of the police that they came right back the next day to protest again. Spiegel reported why:

…groups like the FPI [Islamic Defenders Front] have little to worry about when it comes to the police; and the extremists and their demands have long been acceptable in the Indonesian parliament. Hidayat Nur Wahid, for example, former head of the Justice Welfare Party (PKS) -- a party modeled after the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestinian Hamas -- is speaker of Indonesia’s parliament, the People’s Consultative Assembly. In Indonesia’s splintered party structure, the PKS captured 7.3 of the vote in the 2004 elections, garnering 45 seats in the parliament. Hidayat, who earned a doctorate at the University of Medina in Saudi Arabia, and his party are actively involved in social work, and hold themselves up as religious examples. The party wants to see Sharia law introduced countrywide….Sometimes ‘the PKS [Justice Welfare Party] representatives in the [parliamentary law] committee simply start speaking Arabic’—in lieu of the official national language Indonesian….

…an increase of conservative Islam influence seems unavoidable, but just how far the process will ultimately go remains a question. It is being spurred on by imams from Saudi Arabia who preach Wahhabism, a particularly strict form of Islam. Every year they flood Indonesia with millions of free books that promote their interpretation of the Koran with mosques and the religious boarding schools known as pesantras gratefully accepting the literature. Riyadh also selectively hands out grants to radicals from the Islamic universities, including people like FPI  [Islamic Defenders Front] founder Rizieq….

Yenny Zannuba Wahid, 32…is…one of the leaders of her father’s party, the political voice of the country’s largest Muslim association Nahdlatul Ulama, with its 30m members. Yenny wears a silvery green silk scarf over her hair to suggest a headscarf. Without the jilbab, admits Yenny, who was educated in the West, she would no longer be accepted, not even in her organization, which is considered liberal. ‘The religious agenda is shaping more and more areas of daily life,’ she says. She is especially concerned by the fact that the radicals are far more successful in rural parts of the country than in urban centers. Central Java is one of those rural areas….

The province of Aceh at Indonesia's northwestern tip, devastated by the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004, has been administered by Sharia law since 2001. At the time, the government granted the deeply religious region this special right to prevent Aceh from seceding. But nowadays the only ones in Aceh who monitor compliance with the religious rules are radical clerics [in other words, it is not Sharia-lite, but full-blown Sharia law].

When women refuse to wear headscarves, their heads are shaved in public as punishment. An adulteress has already been stoned. And the boyfriend of a French aid worker who was recently caught kissing her in a car was subjected to the humiliation of a public caning.

Aceh stopped being an exception long ago. More than 60 regional administrative bodies throughout the country have already established their own religious rules. One of them is Padang, a large city in western Sumatra where schoolgirls, female university students and female public servants have been required to wear headscarves for some time. Fauzi Bahar, the city’s 44-year-old mayor and a former member of the Indonesian navy, has even barred Christian restaurant owners from opening their businesses in the daytime during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

And in Tangerang, a large city just west of Jakarta, special police units patrol the streets every night searching for women they believe to be prostitutes. Their victims are promptly thrown into reformatories.[245]

Muslims picketing a non-Muslim institution is often a prelude to arson and murder after Jihadists see the warning was not headed. For instance, in 2007 BBC News reported about how three Christians were tortured and killed in Turkey:

The three victims - a German and two Turkish citizens who had converted to Christianity - were found with their hands and legs bound and their throats slit. Nationalists had protested at the publishing house in the past, accusing it of involvement in missionary activities, local media reported.

If anyone goes to jail or gets the death sentence in Indonesia, usually it is only one of the plotters and the rest go free or else receive a short jail term with time off for good behavior. The reason for the light jail terms is Islamists believe that harassment and terrorist acts are not intrinsically wrong, and are even called for in the Koran (see the Iran section on K 005:032).

Sometimes, though, terrorist acts are counter-productive to the spread of Islam and could have been timed better. Thus it is not surprising that Indonesia has a habit or releasing Islamists as good-will gestures on Islamic holidays. Examples of cases where Jihadists received light sentences, or were not prosecuted:

      The Bali bombers killed 200+ in 2002. Only those few who were directly involved in planting the bombs were sentenced to death or life in prison, but they are all appealing their convictions and sentences. Many lack confidence that they will actually receive the death sentence, or be severely punished, due to the Islamist courts’ poor track record when it comes to convicting and severely punishing terrorists. The rest of the co-conspirators and inciters got off scot-free, or have already finished their short jail terms—all due to all the reasons cited above.

      Three Jihadists killed three Christian girls in 2005 as they were walking to school. In Mar 2007, the ringleader received a 20-year sentence, and 2 accomplices received 14-year sentences. Two accomplices were never caught. The convicted will probably serve only a few years’ time due to all the reasons mentioned above. As it is, “The 20-year sentence is so far the longest given to any Muslim involved with killing Christians in the Poso conflict.”

      Three Christians said to be involved in the sectarian fighting on the Island of Sulawesi received speedy death sentences even though the evidence was flimsy. They could easily argue that they were fighting purely in self-defense against trained jihadists who came from distant islands to carry out ethnic cleansing. The jihadists killed more Christians than vice versa, yet the harshest sentence a Muslim received was 15 years.

The travesties of justice occasioned by Sharia law could not be clearer than in these cases. One is right to think of Sharia law as being a jihad against infidels carried on by another means—a legal jihad where the Sharia judges pick up where the jihadists left off—a jihadi tag-team.

 Wikipedia reported about a conflict on Halmahera, one of the Malaccan Islands:

In 1999 and 2000 Halmahera was the site of violence between Christians and Muslims that began as a purely ethnic dispute between residents of (mainly Christian) Kao and (entirely Muslim) Malifut sub-districts and then took on a religious nature as it spread through much of the N Moluccas. Thousands of people on Halmahera were killed in the fighting between religious militias, including groups like Laskar Jihad and FPI (the Islamic Defenders’ Front) who arrived from Java in large numbers. In June 2000, about five hundred people were killed when a ferry carrying refugees from the fighting on Halmahera sank off the NE tip of Sulawesi Island. Conspiracy theories about this event abound. A touching memorial to this tragedy can be found in Duma village in N Halmahera district.

Even those who live on islands with Christian villages and peninsulas know that Jihadist militias could without notice sail in on speedboats or coming marching out of the jungle. Their plan of escape is:  as their village is razed and churches are burned, head for the jungles and then to refugee camps if necessary, or variations on that theme.

Many journalists mention in their articles that Indonesia is a moderate Muslim country, but what one does not hear non-Muslim Indonesians saying this. They have been witness to too much Jihad and ethnic cleansing. They know it is jihad even when it is carried out under the pretext of fighting Communism, separatists, or some such. Some reports say half a million ethnic Chinese, one-third of East Timorese and some Papua New Gineauese have died at the hands of the Indonesian army in supposed purges of communists and separatists, but in fact were thinly disguised Jihads.

Perhaps Indonesia got the moderate reputation because Westerners visit certain islands that have been mainly Christian since colonialists times, or ethnic Hindu or Chinese even longer. Australians and other Westerners enjoyed the bars and beaches of Bali Island off Java. Bali is mainly Hindu. In the last few years, there has been a string of Islamist bombings on Bali, mostly against tourist locations. This has made many tourists wary of Bali. Journalists and Westerners may have avoided more Islamic islands since they didn’t have business there, and Indonesia requires permits to visit some islands and areas.

In order to keep more churches from being built, a law has been in force for some years that if anyone in the neighborhood objects to a church being built, a church cannot be built there. Not only will many devout Muslims object to a church going up in their neighborhood, but moderate Muslims will object simply because they do not want a terrorist target nearby. It’s the classic NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) response.

The news often reports that Islamists have been caught with blueprints of buildings they want to blow up or assault somehow. They also “case” buildings, bridges and monuments with notepad in hand, or they use video cameras while posing as tourists.

One type of casing the news does not report often is Islamists have maps with neighborhoods, cities, islands and regions with areas marked where Muslims hold sway and where, say, Christians hold sway. Such maps are not bad in themselves if used for legitimate purposes such as for historical research to defend oneself, but Jihadists having such maps is ominous indeed. Two examples follow, the first from Kosovo in the Balkans, and the second from Ambon, Indonesia.

In early 2007, Reuters pictured protesting Islamists holding a large map of Kosovo that may have been made for Jihad recruitment and militia activities. Reka Hazir reported:

Kosovo Muslim Albanian extremists protest against an imminent UN proposal in the capital Pristina, January 22, 2007 by showing a Kosovo map and highlighting areas on it in red where Christians have not been expelled nor murdered yet. UN envoy Martti Ahtisaari is due to outline his proposal on the fate of Serbia’s UN-run province to the six major powers steering Balkan diplomacy on Friday on Vienna.

In 2000 the Indonesian terrorist group Laskar Jihad Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah posted a map of the Indonesian island called Ambon online when 2k to 3k Jihadists invaded Ambon, did some fighting and finally disbanded in 2002.

The map was again updated nine months after their invasion, Feb 2001, to show how the Jihad had advanced. The map was used for recruiting and fund-raising purposes, no doubt. That particular Laskar Jihad map was located at:, where it is no longer posted, but a copy of the Feb 2001 version survives at the internet

Julia Duin of the Washington Times, but writing for NRO in Jan 2002, informed her readers about Laskar Jihad’s use of the Web:

Laskar Jihad even have their own website, where they blame ‘Christian priests’ for carrying out mission activities against their Muslim brethren. Their propaganda tells of Muslims who have been attacked and tortured by Christians. The Islamist group is involved in importing warriors into various trouble spots around the Indonesian islands. They had already made Ambon, an island in the southern Moluccas [or Maluku Islands], a living hell for Christians, and starting a few months ago, they aimed their sights farther N. Their goal:  Sulawesi. Sulawesi is 1k miles east of Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital.[246]

The Ambon map mentioned previously had towns marked with green crescents for Muslim-controlled, red crosses for Christian-controlled, and a blue dot for divided territory. Ominously, the Kosovo map also use red to mark Christian areas, perhaps signifying blood on a potential battlefield.

The Ambon map showed that Christians were the majority on one large peninsula, but a minority on the main island. There were 1.9m people living on Ambon in 1997 before the Muslim-Christian fighting began, but hundreds of thousands have been displaced. reports:

Inter-communal violence between Christians and Muslims ignited in January 1999 after a fight between a Christian bus driver and a Muslim youth broke out on January 19th. Parts of Ambon City were destroyed, including parts of Pattimura University. Violence escalated as the army brought in bombs and weapons….The violence decreased in late 2002, and, aside from a spate of bombings in April 2004, as of January 2005, the city is relatively peaceful.

There was only one blue dot on the Laskar Jihad Ambon map marking the shipyard town of Wayame across the bay from Ambon City, so I decided to Google Wayame. In Dec 2000, Wayame was one of the last divided cities on Ambon where Muslims and Christians lived together. However, in Nov 2000, Muslims attacked the city and the Christians fled on a speedboat. After the Indonesian army regained control, the Christians came back to Wayame.

In 2004, fighting Ambon had mostly subsided except for a spate of bombings and some excitement in Wayame. Ambon City, the main city on the island, had been the scene of sniping and much fighting, and was in shambles.

On Sunday, 25 Apr 2004, “mainly Christian marchers” marched on the 54th anniversary of the rebellion of the Republic of South Maluku (RMS) that was crushed by Indonesia. Ambon had been a Dutch colony for hundreds of years until the Indonesians took over the island shortly after WWII. Some Christians there would like independence like the East Timorese now have. East Timor was conquered by the Indonesia in 1974 when Portugal relinquished it, and recently gained independence.

So on 25 April 2004, the “mainly Christian marchers and mainly Muslim onlookers pelted each other with rocks and abuse.” Australia’s The Age reported on what happened next:

Hendrik Maruanaya was in his new house cooking noodles when he heard a roar he thought was children playing soccer. ‘I ran next door and helped the woman with her two little children and we fled. I went outside and a group of people were running towards me throwing stones, carrying machetes and shouting,’ says the State University English lecturer. ‘I ran next door and helped the woman with her two little children and we fled.’

Within minutes, the house he and his brothers and sisters had built and moved into less than a month before was looted and torched. It was the second time a Muslim mob had burnt Mr. Maruanaya’s house. Now he is a refugee again, sharing a room with his sister, who has been in a camp since her house was torched five years ago. Hundreds of houses were burnt that afternoon along with the UN and other aid offices and the Christian University.

Since Sunday, sniper fire, machete attacks and shrapnel-packed homemade bombs have killed more than 35 people, mostly Muslims, and wounded five times as many. Within hours, roadblocks dividing the two communities were thrown together. The sleepy seaside town became a patchwork of unmarked borders separating Christians and Muslims. The road to the airport was cut. Young men hide in burnt-out houses at the front line using slingshots to lob home-made bombs at people they would have shared jokes with less than a week ago.

Everyone is stunned. And many believe the security forces are fuelling the mayhem, with obvious tension between police and TNI (army). Snipers have shot four Brimbob paramilitary police in the head. Many people believe only soldiers have the weapons and skills to do this.

Others think it more likely the police were shot by Organic Brimbob, the term applied to local Ambonese Brimbob, and to soldiers, whose loyalties to their communities are stronger than their loyalty to the police.[247]

The fact that Muslims went on Jihad in Ambon in 1999 after a Muslim fought with a bus driver, and in 2004 after mostly Christians staged a harmless parade, reminds one of the 2005 French riots. Two Muslim youths electrocuted themselves while hiding from police, and before it was all over, 300 French cities were burning. Since the beginning of Islam, the warrior creed contained in the Koran and Hadith means that only a pretext is needed for Muslims to go on the warpath.

Jihadists clandestinely train all the time on some Indonesian island or another, and every year or few there’s some big terrorist act, or a new island is scene to Jihad activity. In Jan 2007, Indonesian police attacked a Jihadist stronghold in the city of Poso on the sizable island of Sulawesi. The Jihadists were mainly from the island of Java to the west. Terrorism emanated from that Poso HQ, and Christians had been suffering persecution and violence there. After the attack, Abu Bakar Bashir, spiritual leader of the terror group Jemaah Islamiyah, threatened a Jihad against the police. As of the end of March, no Jihad on the police had made the news. Western Resistance reported:

…inter-religious conflict which has thrived in Poso since 1998 and had killed around 1k people in Sulawesi. This conflict was part of a wider Muslim insurgency against Christians known as the Malaccan War, which killed 9k. The population around Poso comprises approximately equal numbers of Christians and Muslims, compared to the overall ratio of 85% Muslims in the entire archipelago of Indonesia.

Someone might say that this type of Jihadist activity in Indonesia only occurred since the 1970s, just as many get on the bandwagon that claims there was no terrorism or enforced veil wearing until the 1970s. Islamist propagandists who say that Islam was spread peaceably throughout Oceania would defend that “bandwagon.” The propagandists say that traders and missionaries converted everyone to Islam, and then only after everyone was Muslim was when the Sultanates were established. Ha!

That Islam was spread peaceably anywhere in historical times is not true, but propagandists needed to offer up one example where Islam was not spread by the sword so they could claim that Islam was not inherently violent. Oceania was chosen as that example since few in the West know much of Malaysian, Indonesian, Malaccan, Timorese and Philippine Jihad history before colonial times.

This Oceania propaganda will serve Islam well for some time yet. It will lead many to think Islam is not necessarily violent when in fact there is not one example of a people that adopted Islam en masse without being under great duress or dhimmitude.

When the Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, and Britain’s East India Company took over much of Oceania, they encountered sultanates such as the Sultanate of Malacca. They were fierce opponents even though the Westerners had guns and the Muslims did not, and that was because Muslims were long experienced in jihad. C. Holland Taylor explains how Islam spread in Java:

…back in the sixteenth century, newly Muslim city-states along its northern coast destroyed local Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms as they extended their power to the island's interior, causing great upheaval.

Flush with victory, fanatical adherents of the new religion - many of Arab or Chinese descent - spread terror as they sought to eradicate the island's ancient cultural heritage. Opposing them were indigenous Javanese - now led by Muslim saints and political figures, such as Sunan Kalijogo - who sought continuity and common ground between religions.

For nearly a hundred years, the opposing forces struggled for the soul of Java - and, ultimately, for that of Indonesian Islam - in a war whose decisive engagements occurred not only on the field of battle, but in the hearts and minds of countless individuals.[248]


The Caste System and Affirmative Action

No discussion of India is complete without discussing the caste system. The lowest Dalit caste is 250m strong, or nearly a quarter of India’s population. Another estimate puts it at 242m, or 22% of India’s 1.1b population. 14m Christians are Dalit, 8m are Tribal, and 3.2m are other. 100m of the 146.8m Muslims are Dalit. USA Today reports:

India’s caste system divides people into four main social orders. At the top are Brahmans, traditionally the priests. Then come Kshatriyas, the warriors, followed by Vaisyas, the traders. At the bottom are Sudras [also spelled Shudras], the laboring class that makes up the majority of India’s population.

Sometime before 500 A.D., the Sudras were further divided into the ‘clean’ and ‘unclean’…This division gave birth to the concept of ‘untouchability’:  The ‘unclean’ could not touch the food, water or utensils of others, or those items would be polluted.

Today, that bottom group is known as Dalits, or ‘the oppressed.’ They make up about 16% of India’s population, according to India’s 2001 census. The ‘backward’ castes include descendants of the ‘clean’ Sudras. They also face discrimination, but not as much.

The caste issue has become more contentious lately as new wealth comes to India. In 2004 the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a nationalist pro-Hindutva party in power since the 1990s, lost power to the Congress Party because equal economic opportunity, was the paramount concern. Indians noticed:

While a burgeoning middle class snaps up automobiles and the latest appliances, 327m Indians—about 30% of the population—still live in poverty on less than $1 a day, according to the Asian Development Bank.

Hindutva (mentioned above) is a large conservative movement among Hindus is Hindutva, which consciously discriminates in favor of Hindus and Hinduism. Hindutva Hindus living alongside Islamists naturally has led to many riots and conflagrations over the years.

Hindutva Hindus also attack Christians on occasion. Only owing to the fact that there are many more Hindus than Islamists, Christians have had more problems with Hindus than Muslims. Hindus even use a tactic that Muslims use often. The Hindu attackers sometimes file police complaints against their intended victims. In Apr 2007 when 300 Hindus stabbed 11 Catholics, of whom 3 were women, Hindu complained to the police that Christians were ‘disturbing religious harmony.’

In a 2007 election, no-caste Muslims, low caste Dalits, and high caste Brahmins united in one party called BSP (Bahujan Samaj, or “Majority Society” Party). They won the most seats in pariliament in the most populous state in India, Uttar Pradesh, with 114m voters. The Brahmins, like the low and no caste Indians, are left out of the quota system that parcels out government jobs, education opportunities, and such.

The same situation is occurring in China as in India, except it may be more violent in China. The BBC reported in 2007:

Rural regions of China have seen mounting unrest in recent years. Thousands of protests were held last year amid growing discontent over the widening gap between rich and poor and corruption among officials at local level and above.

So the BJP lost control of the Indian parliament to the Congress Party, which promised to strengthen existing quota systems in government and other sectors, and expand quota systems to new areas such as private companies and college admissions.

The caste-based quota systems largely determine whether one remains impoverished and languishing in the countryside, or joins the middle or upper economic classes in the cities. Congress’ Manmohan Singh became prime minister and expanded the quota system despite the protests of upper-class students and others.

The Dalits, formerly called “the untouchables,” suffer the worse discrimination of all the lower castes. Besides suffering the typical discriminations that Dalits endure, Christian and Muslim Dalits are discriminated against by the government and attacked by Hindu backed by their Hindutva movement, and Muslims backed by their fatwas and the Koran.

As of 2007, the government does not allow Christian and Muslim Dalits to participate in the equal opportunity quota system for “Scheduled Castes.” Christians categorized as Tribal or aboriginals cannot participate either. From 1950 to 2007, only Dalits who were Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist had “reservations” set aside in government-run institutions. Gospel for Asia reported:

Under the current law, Dalits lose some of their basic constitutional rights when they become Christians; they are no longer eligible for affirmative action placements in education, employment, government and many other areas-rights granted to Dalits who are Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist. According to a government census, some 20m Dalits have become Christians. Equally important, there are many Dalits whose only hesitation to becoming Christians is fear of this legalized discrimination.

The fact that 14m Christian Dalits and 100m Muslim Dalits are not tallied as Dalits in government censuses largely explains why the estimates of the number of Dalits vary greatly. The government says there are only 130m Dalits that make up 16% of the population, by which they mean only Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh Dalits. When the excluded are added in, Dalits tally to 250m, or nearly a quarter of India’s population.

The fact that 14m of the 25.2m Christians in India are mostly poor Dalits, and another 8m Christians are mostly poor Tribals, means at most 3.2m Christians are not in the lowliest of castes. This puts the lie to the frequent Hindu charge that Christians induce conversions by holding out material wealth. Moreover, the fact that the quota system benefits only Hindu Dalits and incentivizes Hindus Dalits to stay Hindu means that lodging the said charge against Christians is the height of hypocrisy on the Hindus’ part.

The Muslim population is not spread uniformly across India. In the area around Delhi and in the area on the central east coast, there are relatively few Muslims.

Currently India has only one major Muslim-majority state, that being Jammu & Kashmir where 67% of the 6.8m population is Muslim. There is one minor Muslim-majority state of Lakshadweep where 95.5% of the 68k population is Muslim.

Christians are numerous in the south of India, and Christians are the majority in three small northeast states, while Sikhs are the majority in one state:  Punjab.


Recent Violence In India Proper

Islamists in India like to offer large bounties for the heads of critics of Islam, such as authors and cartoonists. News reports never mention whether action has been taken against those who offer rewards for murdering infidels, even though their identities are known.

India south of Kashmir suffers frequent Jihadist bombings of trains and markets, and Hindus retaliate by rioting and by bombing mosques. In May 2007, the Associated Press recounted recent terrorism in India when AP reported on a bombing of a mosque in Hyderabad that killed 7:

The explosion immediately drew comparisons to a Sept. 8 bombing of a mosque during a Muslim festival in Malegaon, a city in western India. That attack killed 31 people and was seen as an attempt to inflame tensions between India's Hindu majority and Muslim minority. There are an estimated 130m Muslims in India, a country of 1.1 billion people.

India's worst religious violence in recent years was in 2002, in the western Gujarat state. More than 1k people, most of them Muslim, were killed by Hindu mobs in revenge attacks after a train fire killed 60 Hindus returning from a religious pilgrimage. Muslims were blamed for the train fire.

A series of terrorist bombings have hit India in the past year, including the July bombings of seven Mumbai commuter trains that killed more than 200 people. Most of the bombings have been blamed on Muslim militants based in neighboring Pakistan, India's longtime rival.

The Hyderabad bombing comes the same day a judge in Mumbai began sentencing those convicted of involvement in India's worst terror attack, the 1993 Mumbai serial bombings that killed 257 people.

The bombs were believed to have been acts of revenge by Muslims for the demolition of a 16th century mosque by Hindu nationalists in northern India in 1992. After the demolition, religious riots erupted in India, leaving more than 800 dead, most of them Muslims.



In 2002 India and Pakistan mobilized their armies against each other as part of the ongoing dispute over the control Kashmir. India blamed Pakistan security forces for terrorist attacks on the Indian parliament in Delhi, and for other terrorist attacks. Fortunately, the situation de-escalated, especially since both India and Pakistan have recently acquired atomic bombs, and missiles and jets capable of delivering them. New Scientist reported:

 Tension between India and Pakistan over the disputed territory of Kashmir has escalated, following an attack earlier in May on an Indian army camp that left 30 dead. Troops are reported to be moving into the area, with up to a million soldiers facing each other across the border. The dispute has seen two full-scale wars and numerous lesser conflicts over the last 55 years.

Kashmir, where Kashmiri is the dialect, is a scenic mountainous region in the extreme N of India, and consequently is sparsely populated compared to the rest of India. Urdu, Pashto and Punjabi are spoken in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and northern India, but India speaks Indo-Iranian and Indo languages.

Muslims have driven many non-Muslims out of Kashmir since 1990 and before. A 17-year-old insurgency in Indian Kashmir has left 42,147 people dead, more than a third of them civilians, according to official figures released Monday. Wikipedia notes:

Kashmiri Pandits have suffered crimes amounting to ethnic cleansing from the Kashmir Valley, coinciding with the onset of the Islamic separatist movement in 1990. Some sources state that more than 4k to 5k Kashmiri Pandits were killed and about 400k were made homeless by militant Muslims in the initial violence. Many of the homeless left for India.

The US State Dept reported in 2006:

It remained difficult to separate religion and politics in Kashmir; Kashmiri separatists were predominantly Muslim, and almost all the higher ranks as well as most of the lower ranks in the Indian military forces stationed there were non-Muslim. The vast majority of the Jammu and Kashmir police force of 61k was Muslim. Kashmiri Hindus remained vulnerable to violence. Most lived in refugee camps outside of the valley awaiting safe return. In 2003, for the first time in fourteen years, the Jammu and Kashmir Government allowed a procession of separatist groups to mark the anniversary of the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad. It was held again in May 2004 and 2005.

The capital of Jammu & Kashmir is Srinagar, population 1.1m. Ynet reports:

Life in Srinagar…is frequently disrupted by strikes and protests over Islamic issues, separatist causes or alleged rights violations by Indian troops. Officials say more than 40k people have been killed since a revolt broke out in Kashmir in 1989. Human rights groups put the toll at about 60k dead or missing.

In Apr 2007, a Christian convert from Islam was tortured to death. He was a leader in the underground church there, necessary because of Islamic persecution. AFP reported in Mar 2007 that 5 non-Muslim villagers in Kashmir were rounded up and shot after being separated from Muslims.

Besides having Islamists for enemies, India also faces off against Communists on two fronts:

      First it has a land dispute with China which some find humorous because two large nations occasionally have artillery duals high in the Himalayan Mountains over mountainous territory.

      Second, Maoists insurgents operate in Indian provinces. The Associated Press reported that in Mar 2007, Communists killed 49 police officers at a post and took their weapons:

More than 6k people—police, soldiers, and civilians—have been killed since the rebels launched their campaign from the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh more than two decades ago.

The rebels, who claim to be inspired by Chinese revolutionary Mao Zedong, have been fighting in several Indian states, demanding land and jobs for agricultural laborers and the poor.

The rebels, known as Naxalites from the Naxalbari region where the movement was born, are mainly active in six of India's 28 states—Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Karnataka, Orissa and Chattisgarh.


Indian Demographic Projections

India will have 1.7b by 2050. In 2006, there were 1.095b Indians, of which 881.75m are Hindus, which is 80.5% of India’s population. 146.8m or 13.4% are Muslim, of which nearly 10% are Shiites, or nearly 14.68m. The remainder of Indians is:  25.2m or 2.3% are Christian, 20.8m or 1.9% are Sikhs, 1.8% is other, and 0.1% is unspecified. English and Hindi are two main official languages, and at least 18 major languages are spoken in India.

India’s eastern border is distended, wrapping around Bangladesh, taking in land to the N and E. There are historical and political reasons for this, but also Bangladesh is 88% Muslim and speaks the Bengali language, an Indo-European language.

There are predictions that Muslims will outnumber Hindus in India someday. Spiegel reported:

For similar demographic and cultural reasons, the global proportion of Hindus has also grown, but more slowly [than Muslims]—from 12.5% in 1970 to 13.3% in 2002. Since the 1960s, increasingly aggressive fundamentalist currents have emerged in Hinduism, directing their venom above all against the Muslim minority in India.[249]

An Indian government commission issued the Sachar Committee Report in 2006. The Hawkeye India blogger wrote about the Sachar report:

The report expects the Muslim population growth to reach replacement levels i.e., a TFR of 2.1 during the decade of the 2040’s with an overall population around 320-340m in a total population of 1.7 to 1.8 billion. The Muslim population then according to the report would comprise nearly 19% of the total population from the current 13%. A jump of 6 percentage points.

The Muslim population grows at 3% per year, and the Hindu population at only 2%, as Ranjit Devraj at Asia Times reports:

‘At current rates of growth, by the year 2050 there will be more Muslims on the Indian sub-continent than Hindus, and this is certainly a cause for worry,’ said Ram Madhav, adding that even the revised figures for the Indian census showed that over the past decade the Hindu population had grown by only 19.9%, while the Muslim population had grown by 29.3%.[250]

Ranjit Devraj states that his projection is based on current rates of growth, in contrast to The Sachar Committee Report mentioned above. The Sachar report mentioned above is more accurate because it takes into account historically dropping rates of fertility, and assumes fertility will continue to decline.

Even when one assumes the same rate of growth, I’m not sure how the year 2050 was arrived at. The problem with most demographic predictions in the news is they do not show their work, or hint at their methodology. Also, even if Muslims did barely outnumber Hindus in 2050, non-Muslims would still be the majority for a few years longer due to the presence of Christians, Sikhs and others.

If one plugs the official census figures into a spreadsheet and increments them, one sees that they need some added factor that turns the trend line into a hockey stick in order to meet the 2050 target. For if one just increments 146.8m Muslims by 3% each year, and 881.75m Hindus by 2% each year, Muslims would only number 539m in 2050 while Hindus would number 2.1b. The first year that Muslims would outnumber Hindus would be the year 2192, 186 years after 2006. In that year, 2192, the population would 71b. One can see that such population growth is unsustainable, especially considering how the Indian subcontinent is a third the size of the US, and the US has only 300m people. Already in 2006, India is 9 times as crowded as the US. So it would seem that it is physically impossible for Muslim numbers in India to catch up to Hindu numbers for a long while.

Two ways the seemingly erroneous year 2050 was arrived at are:

      The rate of Muslim growth may be exaggerated, and may only reflect:

o  The use of better reporting methods by the census takers in areas where there are many Muslims.

o  Muslim immigration from Bangladesh (88% Muslim) and other nearby Muslim-majority states. This immigration would not continue at the same rates and affect future censuses as much because India is installing long fences on its borders in critical areas.

      As is noted in the case of France, the demographers might be assuming that there are more Muslims in India at the present than there really are. Some unofficial reports that put the Muslim percentage of the Indian population at 20 to 30%. If one uses the 30% figure, Muslims would to augment their numbers far less to reach parity with Hindus by 2050 than if the 16.4% figure is used.

It is reasonable to suppose that the reason Muslims had more children is:  1) Muslims everywhere tend to have more children, partly because Muslims believe that abortion is wrong except in certain cases, and 2) 100m of the 146.8m Muslims in India are Dalits—the lowest caste. Because Dalits and Muslims in general in India tend to be poorer, they have more children as the poor generally do.

Here is a projection of the Muslim population based on data from another source. Wikipedia reports that the Muslim percentage of the total population as enumerated by the decadal censuses were:  1961 (10.7%), 1971 (11.2%), 1981 (11.4%), 1991 (12.1%), 2001 (16.4%). These figures are adjusted to include Assam and Jammu & Kashmir. The jump between 1991 and 2001 was 4.3%, or 0.43% each year.

Since 16.4% is 33.6% short of 50%, it would take 78 years (until 2079) before Muslims became 50% of the population if their share of the total population incremented each year by 0.43%. However, growth at this rate might not be sustainable with the available resources, and Muslim birth rates may continue to drop as they have for decades. Also, by 2079 Christianity might make big inroads into the Indian population so that Muslims never become the dominant population of India.

So the bottom line is the Sachar Committee Report mentioned above is more likely correct in that as 2050 approaches, the Muslim percentage of the population will be about 19%, above 6% more Muslims than in 2006.

JapanThe 2006 State Dept Religious Freedom Report says the Japan Muslim Association estimates there are 100k Muslims in Japan, of which 7 to 10% are Japanese. The Harvard Asia Quarterly says the 100k estimate is exaggerated, and there are only 70k Muslims in Japan, “of which perhaps 90% are resident foreigners and about 10% native Japanese.[251] The Times Online reported:

In 2004, the population peaked at 128m and began to shrink last year. At current levels of decline, it will have fallen to less than 90m by 2055, with potentially devastating social and economic consequences. [252]

In 2005 or so Japan was the first nation to report that there were more deaths than births, but that phenomenon already occurred in Germany, Bulgaria and Hungary in 1990, but was not reported until 2007 (see the European section).

Wikipedia’s article on Developed Nation’s Population Decline reports:

Some Japanese localities, facing significant population loss, are offering economic incentives. Yamatsuri, a town of 7k just N of Tokyo, offers parents $4,600 for the birth of a child and $460 a year for 10 years.[253]

In the last few years’ Japanese politicians have on occasion offended Japanese women regarding childbearing. One politician reverted to the old days and said that men needed to order their women to have more kids. In 2007, Japan’s health minister referred to women as “child-bearing machines.” [254]

The main reason for Japan’s population implosion is Japan has a high abortion rate:

With no law against abortions and no clear religious taboos in predominantly Buddhist Japan, the procedure is readily available and widespread. More than 289k cases of abortion were reported in 2005, or 10.3 cases for every 1k women aged 15 to 44, according to the Health Ministry.

Malaysia:  Indians “form about 8% of Malaysia’s 26m, are mostly Hindus while some are Christians, Muslims and Sikhs.” The Australian reported in 2007:

…a joint Asia-Europe Foundation and University of Malaya poll found that 98% of Malay Muslims believe Muslims should not be allowed by law to change their religion, 31% want sharia law to replace the Malaysian constitution, 12% support suicide bombings and a clear majority dislike or hate Europe, the US and Australia.

In 2007, the Associated Press reported that a 15-month-old baby was taken away from her Hindu mother and Hindu father and custody was given to the Muslim grandmother.

The Hindu mother was held in a rehabilitation center by the Islamic Religious Department from Jan to mid-Apr 2007 for “religious counseling.” The mother had married a Hindu in 2004, but could not legally register the marriage because it would have required her Hindu husband “to convert to Islam first” since:

      She had been registered as a Muslim since birth even though her grandmother raised her as a Hindu.

      Malaysians born as Muslims, at least according to official documents, cannot legally convert.

The Associated Press reported on the above-described case:

The Islamic Religious Department apparently learned of Revathi Masoosai's case after she gave birth….

The case, which was made public by the opposition Democratic Action Party on Thursday, highlights an increasing number of spats affecting the religious and family rights of the ethnic Indian and Chinese minorities.

Activists say a string of recent disputes have ended in favor of Muslims—who comprise nearly 60% of the population—and strained ethnic relations in this multicultural nation, which has enjoyed racial peace for nearly four decades….

A custody battle would be complicated because Islamic officials and Revathi's mother would likely seek to try the case in Islamic Shariah court, which handles religious, family and personal law disputes involving Muslims.

Non-Muslims turn to civil courts to settle these issues. But the secular courts have generally avoided taking a position in such disputes between Muslims and non-Muslims, leaving it to the Shariah system, where verdicts have often favored Muslims.[255]

In Apr 2007, because Revathi Masoosai did not “cooperate” in her 100-day rehabilitation, a Sharia court extended her rehabilitation another 80 days. This is not a unique case, as Western Resistance points out:

On April 2 this year, the Selangor State Religious Affairs Department took away a Hindu man’s wife and six children, who were then sent to a ‘rehabilitation’ center. The man, a rubber-tapper named Marimathu, had been married to his wife for 21 years. Because his Indian wife Raimah was officially a Muslim, according to her MyKad [ID card], the marriage was regarded by the state religious authorities as invalid. The couple are practicing Hindus.

Regarding identity (ID) and birth certificates, the situation is the same nearly everywhere in Islamdom, since Islam does not recognize the separation of mosque and state. For example, in Egypt in 2007, a Sharia court ruled that no ID card that said Muslim could be changed to another faith. So ten Copts who converted to Islam could not have their IDs changed to read Copt after reconsidering their conversion.

The Associated Press reported:

Malaysia has not seen major racial violence since May 1969, when hundreds were killed in riots between Malay Muslims—two-thirds of the country’s 26m people—and ethnic Chinese who are 25% of the population. Most Chinese are Buddhists or Christians. Ethnic Indians, the smallest minority, are largely Hindus.

Western Resistance says these riots were over the special rights and privileges given to Malays but not others. 196 people died in this riots that lasted from May 13 to late July 1969.

The administrative capital of Malaysia is the city of Putrajaya, population 50k. There is a cavernous pink Putra Mosque with a soaring minaret, but not one church or temple in the city. A Catholic church’s permit application was submitted in 2005, but in 2007, it has yet to be approved. Meanwhile, hundreds of Catholics must attend church outside the city limits.

All across Malaysia Christians, Hindus and Buddhists obtain few permits for new houses of worship built, while many old churches and temples are demolished. The Associated Press reported:

According to Town Planning Department guidelines non-Muslim places of worship can only be built after taking into account racial harmony ...and not touch on the sensitivities of other faiths...Laws also allow for the demolition of temples and churches built on sites deemed unsuitable by city officials.

Examples of the religious discrimination that ensues from these Sharia-lite laws include:

      The Roman Catholic Church had to wait 18 years in one case for a church building permit.

      Protestants “are forced to occupy commercial shop and office premises because they cannot obtain government consent.”

      The Hindu Rights Action Force lobby group claims more than 70 Hindu temples were razed or threatened with such action in 2006.

In Malaysia, the Bumiputra system is an affirmative action system that benefits, not a minority, but the majority Malays who happen to be mostly Muslim. Malaysia is 60.4% Muslim. Bumiputra means “Sons of the Earth” in Sanskrit, but “Princes of the Earth” in Malay, so one gets an idea of what Bumiputra is from the etymology. One can also think of it as a Jizya tax (K 009:029).

The Bumiputra system is pervasive in business, education and other sectors. For example, all businesses must have Malay business partners and part owners. This might sound good in theory assuming that the Malays were long downtrodden and needed a break, but in fact the Malays have for much of their history been Muslims who conquer and oppress non-Muslims as the Koran commands (K 009:005, 029). The Bumiputra system is just a continuation of this history by other means.

In practice, non-Malays (e.g., ethnic Chinese and Hindus) are forced to find silent Malay partners who they enrich for little or no effort expended. Also, like the open-ended Affirmative Action program in the US, there is no sunset clause when the Bumiputra system must be continued only after an up or down vote, or after certain set goals are attained.

Muslims preachers are offered an incentive for converting women of certain native Malays, specifically, the Orang Asli people. The Star reported:

Kelantan will offer RM 10k to each Muslim preacher who marries an orang asli woman and naturally converts her as part of renewed efforts to propagate Islam among the 3k-odd community in the state…. Besides the monetary incentive, the preachers would also receive free accommodation, a four-wheel-drive vehicle and a fixed monthly allowance of RM 1k.

Surprisingly, despite all the above religious abuses and many more not detailed here, Western Resistance says:

      The US State Dept shows Malaysia to have good standing with the US.

      The US has a Free Trade Agreement with Malaysia since 1996.

This is unexpected since the US has no free trade with many friends in the West. For instance, only in Apr 2007 has the US and Germany agreed to eliminate non-tariff trade barriers, meaning that tariffs will remain in place.

MongoliaMongolia is 4% Muslim, and Mongolia’s birthrate is a healthy 2.25 CPW.

Pakistan:  Pakistan will have 292m by 2050. In 2007, there are 165.8m Pakistanis. 97% are Muslim. 15% of Pakistanis are Shiite.

In the recent past Sunnis and Shiites have bombed each others’ mosques, processions, and funerals, and assassinated each others’ leaders. Since the 2001 occupation of Afghanistan, though, Islam’s biggest internecine conflict, i.e., Sunnis vs. Shiites, does not seem to make the news as much in Pakistan, probably because Islamists are busy:

      Dealing with the nearby infidels, i.e., India and the US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.

      “Talibanizing” Pakistan by bombing video rental shops, and threatening barbers who shave beards. Islamists want to radicalize the population and enforce Sharia law, and when all males have long beards, it aids in this pursuit. Also, they want to blend into the population, as terrorists are wont to do. This is harder to do if the population does not look like them. Shaving beards off for Islamic terrorists is akin to defoliating the forests to beat an insurgency.

However, in Apr 2007 the conflict was back on after Sunnis shot at Shiites near their mosque, and then Shiites burned 400 homes and shops owned by Sunnis. The clash left 40 dead and 43 wounded.

In Apr 2007, Muslim cleric turned their attention toward music shops and other places of corruption, and threatened Jihad if the government does not close them down within a month.

In May 2007, supporters of the pro-government party, Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), clashed with opposition party supporters in Karachi, a city of 12m. The protesters were mainly from the PPP and Awami National Party (ANP) parties that represent ethnic Pashtuns.

The clash left 34 dead and 130 wounded. How the fight started is the opposition party is more Islamist and the government party is pro-Western. The opposition disliked how President General Musharraf suspended Iftikhar Chaudhry for being too Islamist. UK’s Telegraph reported:

Exacerbating the political furore in Karachi over the sacking of Mr Chaudhry is a decades-old and simmering feud between the MQM, a movement supported by the city's mohajir population who migrated from India at Partition in 1947, and ethnic Pathans, who were originally from Pakistan’s North West Frontier province.

Pakistan was 85% Muslim after the partition in 1948, but after three wars with India, political instability, ongoing Sunni-Shiite violence, Muslim-on-infidel violence, and the backwardness of Sharia law, have all taken their toll on minority numbers. That, plus the discrimination and the razing of churches and temples, and the burning of entire non-Muslim towns, has reduced the number of non-Muslims to less than 3% (Hindus <1.5%, Christians <1%) by 2006, for example:

      In Apr 2007, a town in NW Pakistan with 500 Christian was warned with flyers to convert or die by May 2007.

      Western Resistance gives recent examples of Muslim Pakistani mobs trashing towns:

o  In Pakistan, a malicious rumor that a Koran has been ‘desecrated’ is enough to cause anti-Christian riots. On November 12, 2005, such a rumor led to a community at Sangla Hill in Punjab province being attacked by Muslim fanatics who were urged on by imams at mosques. Four churches were attacked, along with two priests’ houses, a kindergarten school, a nunnery and a medical center.

o  On February 19, 2006, Muslims incensed by the Danish Muhammad cartoons rampaged against Christian targets in Sukkur, Sindh province in south Pakistan. The St. Saviour's Church and St Xavier's Church, as well as St Mary's school, which had been built in 1889, were set alight.

Pakistan is one of four countries where polio is endemic, the others being Afghanistan, India and Nigeria. Islamic clerics spread rumors that the vaccine is a CIA plot to sterilize Muslims, or spread AIDS, or the like. Muslim carriers then attend the Hajj and spread polio globally along with other diseases. In Pakistan in Feb 2007 a doctor was killed for trying to vaccinate children because he was trying spread “vulgarity,” an allusion to K 005:032-033. So entire parts of the country are un-vaccinated, and the clerics there preach that all those who die of polio are martyrs in keeping with several Hadiths where Muhammad declares that those who die from certain diseases are martyrs.

Ever since the 1900s, the Mekkan Hajj was known for spreading cholera and other diseases. In 2003, an 18-month outbreak of polio in 12 countries was traced back to the Hajj at Mekka, and from Mekka to the northern Muslim Sharia state of Nigeria named Kano. There, clerics had warned against polio vaccinations citing various conspiracies. The bottom line is that polio could have been eradicated from the planet decades ago—just as smallpox was—had it not been for the interference of Muslim clerics.

In 2007, six Islamist parties introduced a bill where apostacy would result in death, but it was tabled by pro-government parties. Of all the Sharia laws, the most infamous is the blasphemy law, section 295C of the Pakistan Penal Code 1860. The law’s maximum punishment is death or life imprisonment, but the usual sentence the courts hand down is ten or fifteen years of hard labor. The case is sometimes thrown out for lack of evidence when international pressure is applied.

Hard labor in Pakistan is nearly tantamount to a death sentence because not only are conditions awful in most Islamic prisons, but devout Muslim prisoners or guards are known to have killed many convicted blasphemers over the years.

False accusations of breaking the blasphemy law are used by Pakistanis to squash free speech and criticism of Islam, and settle scores and appropriate property. Blasphemy laws have been abused this way at least since Ahab and Jezebel’s day, and probably long before then (1Ki 21:09-20).

The Taliban operates somewhat freely in the Hindu-Kush Mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan, especially in N and S Waziristan, “two of the seven districts making up Pakistan’s semiautonomous tribal areas, which are between the NW Frontier Province and, to the S, Baluchistan Province.” The NY Times reports:

Meanwhile, in the deserts of Baluchistan, whose [provincial] capital, Quetta, is just a few hours’ drive from the Afghan city of Kandahar, the Afghan Taliban were openly reassembling themselves under Mullah Omar and his leadership council. Quetta had become a kind of free zone where strategies could be formed, funds picked up, interviews given and victories relished.

Spiegel reports on Waziristan:

For most foreign visitors, the road to Waziristan ends less than 100 kilometers (62 miles) west of Lahore, at a Pakistan military checkpoint. Beyond the checkpoint begins a journey through a mountainous no man's land dotted with small villages, past houses surrounded by high walls. Gun barrels jut from many a pickup truck with tinted windows. Getting out of the car here is not such a good idea.

Because of cross-border Jihadism, India built a fence along its Pakistani border, and along the line-of-control in Kashmir. This has led to far fewer terrorist attacks, similar to the calm that Israel gained after building its security fence. Incidentally, India’s fence along the Bangladesh border is more to stop illegal immigration than Jihadism there.

It seems that India’s building a fence has given Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf a good idea. In order to stop cross-border terrorism between Pakistan and Afghanistan, Pakistan will build a 32.5km fence split into 7 or 8 strategic spots in the mountainous territory. This is because stationing 80k soldiers at 1k military posts on the border has not been effective, but has cost the lives of 700 soldiers, and more wounded, all at the hands of the Taliban.

To help tame the Waziristan area, which President Bush said was “wilder than the Wild West,” the US is giving $785m per year to Pakistan, of which $300m goes to the military. In 2007, the US threatened to not send the money because Musharraf brokered a peace deal with some militant groups in Waziristan, a northwestern province on the Pakistani side of the Afghan border. The Waziristan Accord purportedly entails Pakistani troops stay barracked in exchange for promises that the groups will not terrorize Pakistan. In Mar 2007, the Pakistani troops were no longer barracked because they killed 52 Taliban in a firefight. However, the whole thing may be a farce, as Bill Roggio explains:

The Pakistani government continues to push the fiction that the fighting in South Waziristan is between tribes loyal to the government and 'foreign fighters' - namely Uzbek al Qaeda. We've noted from day one that the fighting is actually an internecine war over land and power between Uzbek al Qaeda and their Taliban allies, and Taliban who support al Qaeda.

The West rightly fears that the semi-autonomous tribal area, Waziristan, will be a new and improved sanctuary for Afghan Taliban and Al-Qaeda. In 2007, more than 2k terrorists are said to be in Waziristan, mostly from Uzbekistan and Arab countries. Osama bin Laden has long had his Al-Qaeda headquarters there, many reckon.

Waziristan and other tribal areas are especially troubling because, as is the case with Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad, is too close to the mountains. This makes for news headlines that the rebels are within, say, 50 miles of the capital. One also wonders how close are the rebels to Pakistanis stockpile of atomic bombs, and missiles aimed toward India. The terrorists would surely love to send a volley of atomic bomb-tipped missiles into India.

The UK is especially vulnerable if Al-Qaeda operates freely in Pakistan because so many UK Pakistanis visit Pakistan each year, and many UK Muslims have already trained in Pakistani madrasas and jihad training camps.

Understandably, the UK has sent millions of pounds to Pakistan for the purpose of madrasa reform, since UK citizens attend those madrasas and then come back to the UK. However, Mark Alexander of A New Dark Age Is Dawning blog and others say all that money has gone to waste, mainly because Pakistan is full to the brim with Islamists. Alexander wrote:

The federal government’s plan for madrasa reform is a classic example of the one-step forward two-steps backwards approach. Musharraf’s rhetoric to modernize the religious schools has met with little success mainly due to a lack of political will to enforce any of the much-trumpeted policy decisions that were supposed to be taken by his administration to reform the madrasas by bringing them into the educational mainstream. Subsequently, signs of Talibanisation are quite evident in all parts of Pakistan, especially in the heart of the federal capital where hard-line religious leaders and hundreds of men and women activists from local madrasas continue to challenge the writ of the government by trying to force their brand of Islamic justice.

Pakistan has another area that is wilder than the Wild West, that being its western Balochistan province. Balochistan, like Waziristan, is also on the Pakistani side of the Afghan border, sharing a 600km border with Afghanistan. Pakistan’s Wild West is sparsely populated because it mountainous and dry, whereas most of Pakistan’s population lives in the long Indus River valley.

Balochistan province is a part of the multi-national region called Balochistan, which is comprised of SE Iran, SW Pakistan and S Afghanistan. The Baluchis are mostly Sunnis, same as the Pakistanis. Ever since 1948, Balochis have fought for liberation from Pakistan. The Baluchis Liberation Army (BLA) has been fighting against Pakistan since 2000. In 2004, 30 government soldiers were killed in the province. The BLA carries out several attacks per year on average.

The BLA’s main grievance is against “Punjabi domination,” a reference to the dialect and Punjab province where most Pakistanis live along the Indus River. The Pakistani Punjab province ought not to be confused with the adjacent Punjab province in India. “Punjabi domination” refers to:

      Baluchis speak the Baluchi dialect, a dialect spoken by only 3% of Pakistanis. Punjabi is spoken by 48% and Siraiki, a Punjabi variant, is spoken by another 10%.

      The Punjab province is the most populous of the four provinces of Pakistan. The four provinces are:  Punjab, Sind, Balochistan and NW Frontier Province.

      The Baluchis in the Balochistan province number only 11.9m in a country with 165.8m people. It is hard for the Baluchis to keep outsiders out since Balochistan covers 42% of Pakistan’s territory (350k square km), so immigration is threatening to make the Baluchis a minority in a large portion of their ancestral home.

Baluchistan is where most of Pakistan’s oil, natural gas and minerals are located, as well as a shoreline on the sea that has a growing port and dam. Not only to the Baluchis not benefit much from these enterprises, but also the employers and workers are mainly from the Punjab.

      The military has an increased presence in Baluchistan in order to protect all its industries and infrastructure there, and because the Pakistan-Afghan border is so lawless. Most of the soldiers come from the Punjab.

      The water of Balochistan goes toward development projects, so only 5% of Baluchis have water on tap. Unemployment is high, Baluchis are immigrating out, female literacy is only 15%, 80% of Baluchistan is under tribal law that locals say is highly discriminatory, Baluchistan used to be a major drug route hub, but not serves as a human trafficking hub.[256]

Philippines:  Muslims are 5% of the Philippine population and are nearly all Sunni. The Philippines has a birthrate of 3.11 children per woman, so Muslims will not become the majority population any time soon.

Richard Fernandez presents a short history of the Philippines. Arab missionaries arrived in 1380. The Sultanates of Buayan, Maguindanao and Sulu were established in lower Mindanao by 1457.

The sultanates’ soldiers and Muslim missionaries hopped from island to island but avoided the mainlands. Why? The Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia all speak Austronesian dialects while SE Asia, Australia, and Papua New Guinea languages of different language groups.

In 1565, nearly a hundred years after the sultanates were established, the Spanish laid claim to the sultanates. Spain never conquered and colonized the Muslim areas decisively, so Muslims sporadically went on slave raiding against the colonized areas where pagan converts to Catholicism and pagans resided. The Spanish lent the name Moros to the region’s Muslims after the Moors of Spain.

After the US carved up the Spanish empire, between 1899 and the 1930s the US conquered the Mindanao Muslims and sent in many homesteaders. The campaign had no major military purpose, but was mandated by the US public outcry against the ongoing Muslim slave raids on Christian Philippinos.

History shows that Muslims in the southern Philippines have always been on the warpath except for a few decades when they were beaten down decisively. In the 1990s the insurgency worsened due to the Jihad and worldwide caliphate theology emanating from Saudi Arabia, and arms, money and Jihadis pouring in from Malaysia and the Mideast.

Most Muslims reside in the southern Philippines on the western side of the large island of Mindanao, and on the archipelago that veers southwest toward Malaysia. The main islands of the archipelago are Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, and they are nearly 100% Muslim. Muslims are 19% of Mindanao’s population, but only form the majority in the western provinces. “There are sizable Muslim neighborhoods in metropolitan Manila on Luzon [Island], and in Palawan [Island].”

The main Jihadist in the 1970s was the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). In 1981, the more conservative Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) broke off from MNLF. In 1989, the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) was established for Muslim majority areas as part of a peace accord with MNLF. “The Government signed a peace deal with the MNLF in 1996 that was meant to end a conflict that has killed over 120k people.” In 2007, there still are talks about expanding the ARMM area in order to reach peace accords with MILF and other Muslim insurgency groups whose area of operation is partly out of the ARMM.

In the 1990s, Abdurajik Abubakar Janjalani returned from fighting in Chechnya and founded Abu Sayyaf, meaning Father of the Sword. Abduraajik was killed in 1998 and his brother in 2006. Abu Sayyaf is suspected in the bombing of a ferry in 2004 that killed 100 in Manila Bay.

In Feb 2006, the US sent 200 troops to Jolo. Jolo Island is halfway between Malaysia and the Philippine island of Mindanao in the Sulu Archipelago, aka Sulu Province. Jolo city on Jolo Island is the capital of the Sulu Province which includes 157 islands. Jolo island has 620k inhabitants, is 648 square miles large, and includes dense mountain jungles.

In Mar 2006, Abu Sayyaf bombed Jolo’s main market and killed six. In Aug 2006, and the Philippines sent 8k troops into “Jolo Island to flush out the Abu Sayyaf and members of regional militants Jemaah Islamiah, who use the island to train and plot.”

In Apr 2007, 70k Philippinos were forced to flee Sulu Island because the MNLF attacked marines there, killing 18 people. Also in Apr 2007, Abu Sayyaf beheaded seven Christians after his ransom demand was rejected.

In 2007, in addition to fighting a Jihad, the Philippine army and security forces have been fighting the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA). The communist insurgency has been going on for 39 years. Since 2001 when Mrs. Arroyo came to power, hundreds have died on both the government and CPP-NPA sides.

In May 2007 Australia and the Philippines agreed to develop a fleet of high-speed boats to patrol the Philippines. In 2007 the five main terrorist groups are: The Moro National Liberation Front, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Abu Sayyaf, Jemaah Islamiyah and the New People’s Army.

SingaporeWikipedia’s article on Developed Nation’s Population Decline reports:

Singapore has a particularly lavish plan:  $3k for the first child, $9k in cash and savings for the second; and up to $18k each for the third and fourth.

Sri LankaThe population is 20.2m:  Buddhist 69.1% (13.96m), Muslim 7.6% (1.54m), Hindu 7.1% (1.43m), Christian 6.2% (1.25m), and unspecified 10% (2.02m).

The Sri Lankan conflict does not involve Muslims for the most part, except that the Tamil Tigers did ethnic cleanse Muslims from a town or two in Tamil territories.

The 2.6m Tamils are mostly Hindu while 93% of the 14.8m indigenous Singhalese are Buddhist. The Tamils are found in the N part of Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelaam (LTTE) emerged as the top terror group in the 1990s. They initially wanted independence, but in 2002 decided that autonomy was enough.

Counter-terrorism experts noted that after 9/11, both the Irish and Sri Lankan disputes cooled off because the War on Terrorism meant reduced funding coming in from their respective diaspora. Wikipedia notes:

Since the early 80’s, this conflict for a separate state has claimed over 65k lives and halted the development of the country, especially in the N and E. A tentative ceasefire in 2002 restored a relative peace to the island as the Sri Lankan Government and the LTTE engaged in diplomacy under the mediation of Norway.

Since 2002, the ceasefire has been violated often times, especially since 2006, but the ceasefire is supposedly in effect officially. In Feb 2007 Spiegel reported:

The attacks are the latest addition to months of violent clashes between Tamil Tigers and the army which have killed about 4k people in the past 15 months. The rebels have been fighting for a separate state for the Tamil minority in the N and E of the country since 1983, citing decades of discrimination by the majority Singhalese.

In Mar 2007, Christianity Today reported there are 155k living in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps mainly due to the government vs. Tamil Tigers conflict in the E and N parts of the island. In Apr 2007, Christianity Today reported that in the last two weeks, 136k people were internally displaced.

The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami hit the south and east coasts, killing 40k and displacing 100+k. On 1 Mar 2007, Christianity Today reported that 500k in the Jaffna Peninsula live a “virtual nightmare” existence, food and medicine are scarce. Christianity Today reported:

The Asian Human Rights Commission reports that disappearances in Sri Lanka occur at the rate of one for every five hours….The UN estimates that some 70k people have been killed and 465k displaced by Sri Lanka’s ongoing conflict, including 205k uprooted since fighting intensified in April 2006 despite the ceasefire signed in 2002.

ThailandThailand is 4.6% Muslim, and the Thai birthrate is below replacement rate at 1.64 CPW. In 2006, a Muslim army general staged a bloodless coup in 2006.

Back in colonialist days the borders between Thailand and Malaysia were set it too far south, it seems. Thailand takes in three Malayan areas—the Yala (4,521.1 km², population 416k), Narathiwat (4,475.0 km², population 662k) and Pattani (1,940.4 km², population 596k). These three provinces speak Malay rather than Thai, as one can see on these language maps. They are Islamic while Thais are mostly Buddhist. Besides the three just-named provinces, another adjacent province to the NW the Songkhla province, has two districts that are majority Muslim.

Of course, it was the norm in colonialist days to set borders in Africa and elsewhere irrespective of ethnic divisions. Through their incompetence, they created multicultural countries that have led to civil wars and millions of deaths. Now multiculturalists want to play this dirty trick on the West. Anyway, the Associated Press reported:

Buddhists are 90% of Thailand’s 65m people but are a minority of 360k (27.7%) among 1.3m (72.3%) Muslims in the provinces of Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani.

Western Resistance blog said the three southern provinces are 20% Thai.

The Muslims in the southern end of Thailand are in an area that once part of the long-defunct Malaccan Caliphate, so the insurgents have irredentist goals and dreams of revivifying the caliphate and gaining 72 virgins in the process.

The three provinces are where the insurgency is located and are on the southern border of the Buddhist world where it meets the Islamic world. As Samuel Huntington said:

Islam’s borders are bloody and so are its innards.[257]

The Muslim insurgency was active in the 1970s and early 1980s, but was largely inactive until 2004. Western Resistance has a history of the Thai-Muslim conflict here. The earlier insurgency had a more ethnic and nationalistic flavor, but this latest insurgency has an Islamist nature.

The latest phase of the Jihad on Thailand began on 4 Jan 2004, surpassed 2k deaths in mid-Feb 2007, and by May 2007, 2,200 people have been killed. Western Resistance reported:

On this date [4 Jan 2004] Muslim separatists attacked a military compound in Narathiwat province, killing 4 soldiers and stealing more than 300 weapons. On the same night, 20 schools were torched.

According to TNA English news, there are now more than 2,000 orphans as a result of insurgent violence, and 1,000 widows. The governor of Yala province gave compensation of 573,000 baht ($16,500) to 130 victims of the violence at a public ceremony.

The Times Online reported:

Yet, statistics show that almost half the victims are Muslim. This is also a war within a war to dominate the Islamic community. Moderates risk threats and ostracism. Informers and collaborators with the Thai state are doomed.

Three schoolboys died the other week when grenades were thrown into their playground. The message, say analysts, is:  Muslim youth should get out of schools run by the Thai government and attend private Islamic foundations often run by Thais trained in the Middle East. Then there are the government’s “dirty war” tactics that have claimed Muslim victims

….the rate of killing has tripled to about four deaths a day since his junta seized power in Bangkok last year [2006], pledging a “new start” in the south….The government has not only lost control of the political agenda. It is also failing to keep the initiative on the battlefield, despite deploying 30k troops.

One example:  in striving to stop the use of roadside bombs triggered by mobile phones, the security forces blocked the networks. Only Thais who have registered their ID cards with the military can use a mobile.

The insurgents quickly switched to digital watches or infrared devices to detonate the bombs. They also increased the average size of their explosive devices from 4½ lbs. [2kgs] to more than 9 lbs [4kgs]. Some bombs pack 33 lbs [15kgs]. Not one bomb-maker has been identified by army forensic teams….two well established separatist groups, the National Revolutionary Front and the Pattani Islamic Mujahideen Movement, are the prime movers.[258]

The commonist methods of attack are shooting people from motorcycles, and ambushing rubber tappers on rubber plantations. Sometimes Buddhists are caught in no-go areas for Buddhists such as Muslim neighborhoods, like an unlucky bicycle cart riding Buddhist ice-cream vendor, and a Buddhist lady on a motor-scooter.

There have been exploding bombs planted on bicycles and cars, in cargo compartments on motorcycles, on roadsides, and in trashcans. Common Thai victims are:  rubber plantation workers, often elderly, Buddhist monks, teachers, police officers, and a few soldiers. The International Herald Tribune reported:

In a report published last month, Zachary Abuza, the author of ‘Militant Islam in Southeast Asia,’ said that entire Buddhist communities have fled in a ‘de facto ethnic cleansing’….there had been more than 24 beheadings in the past three years and as many as 60 attempted beheadings.

Human Rights Watch counted more than 6k violent incidents over the past three years. It said that more than 60 teachers and 10 students had been killed and 110 schools—the most visible signs of central government authority in many places—had been set ablaze.

A typical news report coming out of Thailand is:

Suspected Muslim militants beheaded a Buddhist man and shot dead two civilians in southern Thailand on Sunday as an uprising shows no signs of abating. The head of the 40-year-old farmer was found next to his body and that of his 35-year-old wife at the entrance of their rubber plantation in Yala province, police said. Both had been shot and a handwritten note next to the bodies said, ‘We shall kill all Thai Buddhists,’ they said. In the same province, a 74-year-old man was shot dead while riding his motorcycle, police said. Two teenagers, also on a motorcycle, had shot the man. On Saturday, suspected militants shot dead police Sergeant-Major Pak Petmalai, 47, as he headed for work at a station near his home.

Notice that the note said “Thai Buddhists,” indicating the different sides of the insurgency:  ethnic (Thai vs. Malay), national (Thailand vs. old sultanate) and religious (Buddhist vs. Muslim). A similar example was reported by the Times Online:

First, the attackers threw a grenade to stop the minibus. Then they shot dead the passengers, one by one. Only the driver survived. The executioners heard him gabbling to Allah for forgiveness, realized he was not a Buddhist and spared him.[259]

So the Muslim was spared while the Thai Buddhists were not. One wonders in these cases whether the bus was really disabled by the grenade, and whether a Thai bus driver would have kept driving.

The Thai government is giving arms training to Thais in the three provinces and is encouraging Thais there to arm themselves. In early 2007, 20k more Thai troops were sent south to secure the area.

In 2007, Thailand shut down all public schools in Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani provinces due to a string of arsons and shootings. In 2007 Thailand announced it was building a 75km fence along part of its border with Malaysia to keep Jihadists and Islamists out, but another report put the proposed fence as being 27km (16 miles) long. The long winding border between Malaysia and Thailand is 647km (402-miles).

The International Herald Tribune reported:

The insurgents [locally known as Juwae], according to the Thai military, number 3k to 5k with some 10k to 12k sympathizers out of a Muslim population of 3m in the southernmost provinces of Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani which border Malaysia. They are secretive, brutal, effective. ‘We don’t know when or where they will attack next,’ says Col. Wichai Thongdaeng, an army spokesman in the south.

If Thailand cannot end the insurgency by identifying and arresting the leaders and inciters in mosques, it might want to consider ceding some of the disputed land to Malaysia. It could do like Israel and place the fence so that as many Muslims are on one side, and non-Muslims on the other. Unfortunately, a look at a demographic map shows Malay-majority areas cover most of the three provinces, and the remainder is Malay-Thai mixed.

Before ceding any land, one would want to access what one would be losing. The three provinces are not very large and are not noted for their natural resources. They are also well south of all points proposed for a ship canal, including the proposed Kra crossing near Chumphon city on the east coast. The canal would span the isthmus of Thailand and would generate toll money for Thailand.

China and Japan have signaled an interest in the canal venture since it would shorten the shipping route to the Mideast by 700 nautical miles and about 5 days sailing days, a round-trip savings of 300k USD (in year 2000 dollars) in labor and fuel per supertanker. It would also avoid the pirate-laden Malacca Strait, thereby reducing insurance costs. Nevertheless, the canal has not been built due to politics and economics, and the fact that the peninsula is composed of hard-to-move granite.


The End.



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[7] Willing, Richard. “FBI warns of growing terrorist threat from American-based Islamic extremists,” USA TODAY, 13 May 2007.

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[9] Willing, Richard. “FBI warns of growing terrorist threat from American-based Islamic extremists,” USA TODAY, 13 May 2007.

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[21] Jenkins. Next, p. 180.

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[26] Zogby, James. “Glenn Beck:  A cause for concern,”, 5 Feb 2007.

[27] Pipes, Daniel. “American Muslims – Perpetual Swing Voters?”, 14 Nov 2006.

[28] Glassé , Cyril. The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam. HarperCollins Paperback Edition, 1991, p. 209, Jihad entry.

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[35] Jenkins, Philip. The Next Christendom:  The Coming of Global Christianity (Oxford, 2002), p. 5.

[36] Michaletos, Ioannis. “The Islamic population bomb,”, 17 Oct 2006.

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[190] Wagner, Matthew. “Rabbi annuls conversion after 15 years,”, 18 May 2007.

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[195] Windfuhr, Volkhard & Bernhard Zand. “Hezbollah Freed Our Country,”, 25 Jul 2006.

[196] Schlussel, D. “Sex & The Islamic Terrorist,”, 31 Jan 2005; confer Kahl, M. “Yasir Arafat’s Planned Christian Genocide,”, accessed 12 Apr 2005.

[197] Issues for the papal visit to Turkey,”, 26 Nov 2006.

[198] El Ahl, Amira et al. “A Christian Exodus from the Arab World,” Spiegel, 10 Jan 2007, graphic.

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[229] “Church wins hate case retrial,” Herald Sun, 14 Dec 2006

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[231] Zwartz, Barney. “Golden era ‘over’ for local Jews,” The Age, 7 Feb 2005.

[232] Goode, Virgil. “Opposing view:  Save Judeo-Christian values:  Immigration leaves USA vulnerable to Muslim extremists’ infiltration,” USA Today, 2 Jan 2007.

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[234] Kerbaj, Richard. “Hardline clerics urge tax cheating,”, 13 Mar 2007.

[235] McElroy, Damien. “Muslim conflict now hits China as 148 die in ethnic violence,’, 14 Nov 2004.

[236] Beech, Hannah. “Henan’s Ethnic Tensions,”, 4 Nov 2004.

[237] McElroy, Damien. “Muslim conflict now hits China as 148 die in ethnic violence,’, 14 Nov 2004.

[238] McElroy, Damien. “Muslim conflict now hits China as 148 die in ethnic violence,’, 14 Nov 2004.

[239] Beech, Hannah. “Henan’s Ethnic Tensions,”, 4 Nov 2004.

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[241] “51% of Women Are Now Living Without Spouse,” NY Times, 16 Jan 2007, “Living Arrangements” graphic.

[242] Kremb, Jürgen. “Sliding Toward Conservative Islam: Indonesia’s Secular State under Siege,”, 6 Apr 2007.

[243] Kremb, Jürgen. “Sliding Toward Conservative Islam: Indonesia’s Secular State under Siege,”, 6 Apr 2007.

[244] Kremb, Jürgen. “Sliding Toward Conservative Islam: Indonesia’s Secular State under Siege,”, 6 Apr 2007.

[245] Kremb, Jürgen. “Sliding Toward Conservative Islam: Indonesia’s Secular State under Siege,”, 6 Apr 2007.

[246] Duin, Julia. “Christians in Indonesia:  Allowing persecution to happen,” National Review Online, 2 Jan 2002.

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[248] Taylor, C. Holland. “Mobilizing Islam’s silent majority,”, 12 Feb 2007.

[249] Traub, Rainer. “The Spread of Faith:  Religion, Born Again,” Spiegel, 15 Jan 2007.

[250] Devraj, Ranjit. “Census snafu highlights Indian rift,” Asia Times, 15 Sep 2004, also see

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[253] Lloyd, Richard. “Fury at minister’s gaffe on ‘child-bearing machines,’”, 29 Jan 2007.

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[257] Huntington. Clash, p. 258.

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